Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

Rian snorted and leaped calmly from the ledge, "Well, if you plan to make this spot your pack, I believe that I should have a high ranking, because, it is my territory." He said in a rather snotty tone, his ears flicking lightly.
A raspy chuckle parted Silver Moon's lips before she spoke, "Just a wise old fae who can't resist the curiosity of new wolves in the territory. What are a bunch of young ones like you doing out here alone?"

She stepped out of the bushes, the sunlight glinting off her shiny coat. Despite being female, Silver Moon was a rather large wolf, her fur making up for what she lacked in weight.
"Ha! Think again," Luna snorted, ears and tail flicking in annoyance. "Not after today, who even said you were accepted?" she growled, spitting at his direction and rolling her eyes.
Rian just laughed, "Well, I'm not leaving. So, either you have a random wolf around that makes everything harder, or a valuable, high ranked brute." He rose an eyebrow before yawning lazily
Kane instantly relaxed at the fae's calm demeanor. "We're all loners... and we're all stuck together whether we like it or not," he said, glancing in Rian's direction. "Kane," he yipped, introducing himself with a tail wag. "And yourself?"

Luna glared at Rian. "Well there's no way in hell you're being alpha alongside me..." she trailed off. "But I'll think about it." And with that she turned her attention away from the annoying brute and towards the graceful silvery female.
May watched everyone at the same time. She cast a wary look at the two wolfs arguing before she stood up shakily and walked over to Kane. "I'm May." she whispered quietly, not really liking any attention at the moment.
Kane winced as he watched May try to stand and walk. "Please, May. Rest," he advised her, scooting closer to her to be somewhat of a support to her weak body.
Silver Moon let her eyes wander all over the small group of loners, taking in the injured faes and the stand-offish brute. "Silver Moon, but those who meet me tend to call me Silver. If we meet again, that's what you can call me. I'll be off now. Pups to take care of," she said, her face kind the whole time.

Without another word, she turned, her tail brushing along the ground. She broke into an easy run, the path to her den easily followed. She slowed to a walk as she reached the place she had lived in for awhile. It was a fallen tree with a rather spacey den dug out underneath it. At the yipping of her pups, Silver Moon entered and lay down, letting them feed.
May smiled reassuringly at Kane but still went back over to the pond and sat herself down, looking at her reflection in the water and softly swishing her tail back and forth.
Kane wagged his tail at Silver, but she was quickly gone. "Interesting," he said to himself and May, turning to her once more. May was soon up and gone as well, so he headed back towards the one wolf he actually knew-- Luna. He padded his was over to her and licked her ear, a cute greeting they had for each other. They were almost like brother and sister, bonding quickly over the short amount of time they had spent together.

Luna pressed her small black body into Kane's, relaxing into him for comfort.
Rian stretched and stood, walking over to the pond, he sat down, tilting his head to the side, pawing at some frogs before grinning and backing up, he jogged forward and pushed off of his hind legs, jumping into the pond, which was a good 6 feet. He rose his head from the water and smirked to himself, he climbed out of the water, on the far side of the lake, he shook off the water before walking back over and sitting down, eying the others awkwardly, it was something he did when he got hot.
May wondered what it would be like here. She still doesn't trust anyone, well that much at least, but that is something she will have to learn to do over time. She lapped up some water, calming down her burning and dry throat, and went back to being lost in her mind and the calming sound of peace that she so rarely has.
Luna rolled her eyes at Rian's silliness, pulling away from Kane to speak up. "Alright, I know we aren't exactly anything official yet, but we need to do something about food," she paused and flattened her ears just a tiny bit before speaking again, resenting it already. "Rian, you know the place as well as any of us. I assume you know what lives around here and where the best spots are." She tried to soften her gaze at him but struggled as she waited for a reply.
Rian looked amused. "Me? You want my help? Well, you know, until I'm certain that I'll get a good rank..I don't think I'll help..Not too interested.."
May really wanted to attack Rian but she stopped herself from doing so. I mean come on though! He was being such an ass. May sat there fuming for a few seconds before sighing and looking back at the water.
Luna snarled at Rian. "You can lead the hunters," she spit. "Does that not satisfy you?" she growled, her teeth baring on occasion. This brute was driving her insane, she could barely contain her anger. She just shot him icy glares and let out low growls, waiting for a snarky response she knew she'd get from him. 
She wished May was healed so she didn't have to depend on him so much. She might as well take Kane and do what they used to do, just the two of them. They'd feed May and Haku and be done with it.
"Ah, That doesn't really..satisfy me." He stretched and gave her a grin before standing and calmly walking into the cave, "I prefer Beta or higher." He gave her a cocky wink before jumping up onto his ledge and disappearing into his smaller cave.
"You know, you have to at least actually prove something to me. I don't just hand this stuff out!" she barked, her icy orbs following Rian. Kane was getting annoyed just listening to the two, his tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. He padded over to May.

"By the time they're done we'll have starved to death. Are you well enough to hunt?" he asked, tilting his head. Kane waited for a response as Luna continued her glares of irritation, getting nowhere with the thick headed brute.
Rian rose his eyebrow, walking out, "Its either that, or I wont tell you where the packs start. And trust me, you don't want to run into them."
May looked over at the two and nodded. "Yeah I'm alright. Iv'e had much worse..." She chuckled darkly as she mumbled the last one to herself and got up.
"You think I can't smell or see? Prove yourself to me and I'll think about it. Or you'll be pushed out there with them. And trust me, you don't want to run into them," she mocked, scoffing at him. "Haven't you ever had to work for anything in your life? Or was it all just handed to you?" she growled.

Kane stood up alongside May. "I'm ready to eat. Let's leave these two to go at it. I have a feeling it's not ending anytime soon..." he laughed at the bickering wolves and rolled his eyes, trotting along May and following scents of animals inside the territory.
Rian's face fell and he stared at Luna, his ears flicking slightly. He sat down, growling lowly "Do you really wanna know, Luna?" He said in a dangerous, pained tone, his green eyes flicking up to Luna's, his pelt bristling.
May cast one last glance at them before trudging alongside Kane. She sniffed around before she caught scent of a herd of deer nearby. "Hey Kane," she whispered lowly, "There's a herd of deer nearby. Stay crouched and keep quiet." May got closer to the ground and continued on.

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