Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

"Haku, eh?" Luna said softly. "Are you alone?" she asked, wincing as Kane tended to her wounds. She rolled to her back to expose her stomach, Kane licking away the pain and blood. She cocked her head at her odd red eye color before turning her attention back to the brute.
May trudge slowly through the dense forest, pausing every now and then so she didn't pass out from blood loss or fatigue. She smelled some other wolfs in the distance but didn't really care. They would of smelled her blood by now and if they wanted to kill her they would of come. She went a few more steps before tumbling and falling on the ground in a bloody and exhausted pile. A little rest wouldn't kill her would it?
-Haku lifted her head- ''uh hum'' -she moved closer to Luna- ''the forest I lived in with my parents burned.'' -she looked down solemnly- ''and my parents died. I've been wondering around alone for weeks now''
The smell of blood was now overwhelming them, so after Kane was finished both wolves stood. The padded slowly through the woods, following their noses to find where the scent was coming from. It was a few yards in their territory-- another trespasser. And that's where they saw the fae, vulnerably laying in an open space. Kane's heart pounded, he was always so protective over everything. He cautiously made his way over to the female, his ears back and his tail tucked low.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to do much in the state she was in, he just examined her weak body before running his tongue softly over her wounds and fur to try and clean her up. She didn't even seem to be awake, so he continued, licking up blood and clearing her dirty and matted fur from debris. Although Luna really didn't care as much, she still had a heart. She joined Kane in cleaning up the exhausted fae, hoping this encounter would go much better than the first. 
Luna looked back at Haku with her blue orbs, flicking her head towards the female on the ground. "Come, Haku," she said, urging the little one to also help.
May slowly woke up to find the wolfs she smelled from earlier licking her wounds. She didn't try to get up or even growl because they would of killed her by now if they wanted to. It actually felt good to have the wounds she couldn't get herself cleaned off some. She tried to move but whimpered when pain shot through her entire body.
Rian just sighed and sat down, silently tending to his wounds. His territory was taken from him, now he had no family, no mate, no pups home. His ears folded back and he sighed, licking the blood off of his maw and silently straying away from the place he once called home.
"Here," Kane barked softly. "We need to take her back to the den. It's safer than the border of the territory..." he said, trailing off. He nudged his nose underneath her back as Luna helped lift and fit her onto the strong back of Kane. Once she was fit properly, his strong legs carried them both back to the meadow, Luna and Haku not too far behind.

He decided to place her next to the pond instead, using the water to help clean her even further.
Rian traveled back and sat behind a tree, watching Kane and Luna trespass his home, it made his jaw clench and his pelt bristle but he remained silent.
May locked her jaw in place to keep her from making another sound. "Thanks." May whispered softly when they placed her on the ground near a smooth and calming pond. This was a nice change from the way things usually run for her. She was happy that they weren't trying to kill her or use her for their own... 'needs'. She shivered involuntarily at past memories and just pushed them right back down as she always did.
-Haku carefully aided in cleaning the young fae. Her eyes blended with the spilling blood. She came over to her face and looked into her eyes.- ''are you ok? Whats you name? Mines Haku!'' -she slightly wagged her tail-
Luna sniffed Rian in the distance but decided to ignore it for now, helping to clean off the fae. When she was finally free of blood Luna backed away to sit and tend to herself.

Kane smiled slightly and nodded at her thanks, licking her one last time before looking over her whole body again. When she shivered he just assumed she was cold, shaking his head and mumbling for her to stay still. He lay his large body against hers, his fur sure to keep her warm. 
"Not now," Luna warned, Haku's excitedness a little much for the injured wolf. She motioned for Haku to come over to her to give the fae time to rest.
-Haku moved and Lay by Luna. She laid her head in her paws. When she noticed what Kane was doing she looked at Luna then went over and to lay against the fae as well-
May smiled slightly at the other wolfs and decided to answer the younger pups questions just to do something. "Yes I'm alright, My name is May, and it's nice to meet you Haku." May answered softly.
Rian just huffed and walked out of the trees, this was his god damn territory and he didn't have to sleep in the bushes like some Omega. He was considered handsome for a male wolf, with his stunning pelt and all, so he figured he could at least join the thing. He huffed as he walked by the pond, walking calmly into the cave he had spent 2 years in. He leaped up to his usual spot, a ledge at the back of the cave that led into a smaller one. He walked into the smaller cave that was imbedded with his scent and pelt. He laid down and folded back his ears, on edge for any attackers.
-Haku cuddled close to May- ''May is a nice name...'' -she trailed of as she fell to sleep against May-
Kane instantly lept to his feet, following Rian and snarling at him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Luna was soon at his side, growling and biting at the air, staring Rian down. They both inched closer, cocking their heads and waiting for a reaction out of him. He just kept causing trouble, and it was time to figure out what he wanted. This was just getting old.
Rian turned to glare at them "Well, this has been my home for 2 years, I think I have the right to sleep in it." He glared at Kane and Luna, standing up in the smaller cave and walking out to the ledge, his gaze irritated.
May wanted to help them but couldn't under her conditions so she watched the thing play out. I mean the least she could do was help them after they helped her but if anything got out of hand she would ignore her injuries and go to them.
"Yeah, until we kicked you out," Luna barked, a low growl emitting from her after she spoke. Kane straightened himself up, at an advantage since the brute before him was obviously injured from Luna and his little fight today. "You just keep looking for trouble, don't you?" he growled, ears erect and stare penetrating.
Rian smiled faintly "And what makes you two in charge of my home? Kill me if you must. But I'm not leaving."
"Not yours anymore, damn," Luna muttered. "You have a think skull!" she snarled, shaking her head. This was simply ridiculous.

"It's not worth it, Luna," Kane mumbled. "He's an idiot. Let's go." Kane snarled at Rian before turning his attention back to May, curling his large frame around hers. He licked her ears, soothing her from thinking about the pain. "What happened, anyway?" he whimpered.
Rian sighed and laid down boredly, his paws in front of him, his head resting ontop of them "So, what exactly are you guys doing here?"
May looked over at the larger wolf and sighed. "I was running away from another pack that captured me a week back... they hurt me in many ways so I got away from them last night and was running away from the members chasing me when I fell off a cliff and got these injuries. I walked for a while before passing out and that's when you guys found me." May placed her head back down on top of her sore paws gently.
Silver Moon, a large fae with a silvery coat, watched the small group of younger wolves, her interest peaked. She had smelled the blood and come looking for an explanation, leaving her small litter of three back at her den. She purposely stepped forward onto a branch, alerting the young wolves to her presence.
Really? He's trying to talk to us after all that's happened? Luna just shut her eyes and growled to herself. "We're all floaters," she said softly, pissed at herself for even answering. "That's about as interesting as it gets."

Kane rolled his eyes at Rian and listened intently to May. "I'm sorry that's happened. I'm just glad you're here now, and you're safe." Kane raised his head, ears perked at the sound of a branch cracking. He was instantly up, already afraid of others coming with two injured females, a pup and a brute that was injured and still a stranger. He seemed to be the only one capable of anything at the moment. "Who's there?" he growled, head tilted in curiosity.

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