Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

-Haku trotted over to May and Kane- ''May don't worry. You can always help me catch the little rats that come around the den'' -she bounced around- ''even though I'm only 2 months I can still hunt!'' -she looked at Kane-
May smiled at Haku but turned when she heard something snap in the distnce. She git up and quietly walked over to the source of the noise when she saw little pup eating an insect.
Pepper swallows the bug and lays down searching for more, her little black nose searching between her paws for more food. Her red fur, tinted brown from dirt and filth, had not been washed for much too long, but the pup didn't mind the smell much. She didn't give off any hint that she noticed the big wolf behind her and continued intent on finding more crawlies to eat.
May walked up to the little pup, who seemed lost in it's own world, and gently nuzzled it's side to get it's attention. "Hey. What are you doing all alone?" She barked softly.
Pepper lifted her head from between her paws suddenly feeling something pushing on her side. She looks up hearing the noises of a big one, her ears flick toward it happily. She liked the noises and wanted to hear more. Stumbling to her paws she faces toward the big one with her big curious gray eyes. The noises didn't comprehend into a meaning for the little pup yet, but she knew they were important.
May tilted her head to the side. "She is pretty young... I guess she can't understand me yet." May mumbled to herself. She looked at the little pup some more before grabbing her by the scruff and carrying her back to the clearing.
Pepper felt her paws leaves the ground, her little eyes widened wondering how she was able to move without using her paws. She tensed trying to figure out what was happening. It took her a few moments before she relaxed and started to enjoy herself. She cooed making muffled noises spotting things she has never noticed before from this height. The curious pup wiggles in the big one's grasp looking around at everything.
Silver Moon stood, her pup having stabilized enough for her to go get a drink. She lapped up some water before collecting a large amount of leaves. She piled them into a small bed and placed her pup on it, laying down next to it in case he needed her. She looked up at May as she walked into the clearing, a female pup hanging from her mouth. Her ears perked up, curiosity filling her.
Pepper falls silent spotting another big one and then another. She cowers frightened not used to being around one big one, not too mention this many. She felt small for the first time and helpless. She decided she didn't like that feeling. Trying to curl up was useless when dangling in the air, but the pup tried too anyways.
May saw Silver's ears perk up and she chuckled slightly as she walked over to her. "I found her running around be herself eating some insects." May carefully places the pup next to the older wolf. "She's doesn't understand what we are saying." 
May nuzzled the little pup again when she noticed her frightened stance. "Shh. It's okay." She cooed gently.
-Haku came over to pepper- ''Hey your the same age as me! I'm Haku who are you.''
Pepper felt the ground beneath her paws and lifted them repedatively placing them back on the ground making sure the ground wasn't going to leave her again. She heard more of the noises and lifted her head toward the familiar voice listening and then felt the nuzzle against her side. Relaxing, she wagged her little tail deciding she liked the nuzzle.

Turning to face the new sound, she curiously looked at the stranger. She looked to be her own size. Tilting her head, she listened to the noises and stares in concentration trying to copy them. "I'm Haku!" she repeats proud of herself.
Silver Moon smiled at the young one. Her voice was soothing and quiet as she spoke, "Are you hungry, little one?"

She looked the young pup over, seeing the signs of a pup that had been left alone too early.
May chuckled at the little wolf. "Well we can't have two Haku's now can we?" May looked at the pup again before turning to Haku. "What about Pepper? I think that's a good name for her." 
May grabbed what was left of the two dead deer and brought it over to the two pups and Silver. "Here you guys, eat up."
Pepper looked at the big one who first spoke, she sensed something sad in her. She didn't understand why anyone could be sad, there were enough bugs to eat and it wasn't too cold or too warm. The dark hadn't come yet, the dark was always cold and scary...and lonely. The pup stumbles over toward her, she plops herself down on top of one of SilverMoon's paws, just letting her paws fall out from under her collapsing. She wraps her paws around the big one and teethes on the paw showing off her brand new puppy teeth.

She ignores the food not knowing that it was, well food. She had never thought of deer as food, they were much too big.
May watched Pepper interact with Silver and smiles. She grabs the portion of meat she didn't eat earlier and put it in front of Haku and Silver. "Eat this, it should fill you up."
Silver Moon smiled at the young pup, a laugh bubbling from between her lips when she felt small, sharp puppy teeth on her foot. She gently pulled her paw away, saying "Now, now, dear, I'm not food. Eat some of the meat, I'm sure you'll like it."

Silver took one of the larger portions that was untouched and ate it, just now realizing she was hungry.
May nodded, satisfied, as they started eating. "Good. I'll be near the pond again if you need me." May went over tot he pond and sat down again, her muscles and injuries aching some. She looked back down at her reflection, lapping up some more water in the process.
Pepper pawed at the ground trying to get the big paw back, but it was out of reach. Her eyes widen spotting the meat in front of her, she bares her teeth and pulls the meat away from the older wolf greedily not used to sharing. She curls her paws around the piece protectively.
Rian flicked his eyes from his den, wow, he just saved a life and he gets no thanks? He settled for a simple roll of his eyes before he stretched and growled lightly to himself about how small his nook was getting. He laid down, ignoring the pups with ease, god did they annoy him.
-Haku came over by Pepper- ''your name cant be Haku too!'' -then she sniffed the meat and looked at May. Haku had only been able to eat a couple of days ago when Luna and Kane found her. She wagged her furry tail at May hoping there would be some for her too.-
Luna's sense were overwhelmed with new smells and different wolves now invading the area. She slowly padded over towards all of the creatures, her head held high and her legs stiff. Her hackles were raised slightly, showing her dominance over the others. "More little ones," she commented, raising what would be an eyebrow if she had one (lol). She cocked her head and looked over at Silver. "How would you feel about being a pup sitter?" she yipped. "They seem to like you," she said, motioning towards the two abandoned pups.

It was pretty convenient that Silver had come along at the same time as the pups, she could be extremely useful. Being the only one able to nurse, the pups would put the whole pack at a disadvantage without someone to care for them.
Rian slid from the ledge, walking out of the cave with a huff, a light growl to it. He strayed from everyone and sat to himself, grooming himself in silence, he glared at them, he felt so insecure, people taking away his home, invading his space and not even treating him with respect for living on his turf. He ground his teeth together, his light eyes casting along the ground.
Kane glanced over at Rian, wanting to say something to him. But he knew Rian would just be an ass about it, saying something snarky in return. If he would just open up to the two things would go a hell of a lot easier for them all... He flicked his tail and turned away, deciding not to bother with the brute.

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