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Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

Current Location: Twinleaf Town

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.1fb8780da4eaec519943eea109a32a38.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.1fb8780da4eaec519943eea109a32a38.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Djinn put his stuff down and him and Sandile jumped into the water Sandile sat on his head basking in the sun since he hadn't been out in the sun for a long time and boy did it feel nice. Then he started seeing all of the Pokemon swimming in the crystal clear water some jumped up and some just kept swimming.


@Wild Imagination



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Current location: Twinleaf Town

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tyrunt.gif.36cc4e9a49dc16e2e2abcebaf23f2946.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tyrunt.gif.36cc4e9a49dc16e2e2abcebaf23f2946.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crimson decide to fish, hopefully their was some good Pokemon in the lake. He quickly change in to some very baggy shorts, he got out the fishing rod that his uncle and cousin's got him. It was a very good quality rod, tough line and a sturdy hook, he heard his dad say his uncle was a very wealthy fisher man that insanely powerful water Pokemon like Gyarados and a Swampert. He had a good rod which he knew how to use and some thing about fishing. He hoped their was a big Pokemon in this lake, King saw his Master and walked with him to the side of the lake with him hoping to find something interesting. He began to fish and felt a powerful tug on the line.

@Wild Imagination @Zy That Guy @Sunstone



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Current Location: Twinleaf Town

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Djinn swam to the bottom of the water seeing a wooden figure at the bottom. He grabbed at the figure but all he felt was his… Sandile. He picked up his Sandile and lifted him in the air like the scene from tiger King ((yes I made that reference)) it had an old rod in its mouth. Djinn threw it at Crimson saying he could use it when a duck-like figure popped up it was yellow and it held its head. Djinn used his pokedex to identify it he found it was a psyduck he threw one of his pokeballs at it and the psyduck was in his Pokeball shaking around.


@Wild Imagination
Sunstone said:
as prometheus is hovering above the water he notices crimson swimming in the water, so he awkwardly asks him, "hey you with the dinosaur pokemon, are you swimming? can you teach me how to swim?"
"Sure come down bro." Crimson caught the old rod but didn't need it. So he put it on the ground and waited for the boy to come down, so he could teach himchow to swim so he could fish for Pokemon.

@Wild Imagination @Zy That Guy @Sunstone
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Sunstone said:
Prometheus lay just a few inches above the water when he felt the psyduck trying to communicate with him, he stopped focusing on levitating and instead tried to communicate with the psyduck, he fell into the water but before sinking he cried for help... He sunk beneath the water
Crimson dove into the water very fast and grabbed the kid before he drowned and brought him up to surface and laid down on the ground. Tyrunt was surprised by his master's action and waited for him to surface. Crimson felt a Pokemon following him but he needed to save this kid, he called Tyrunt to get ready to fight once he surfed from the water.

@Wild Imagination @Zy That Guy @Sunstone
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Current Location: Lake Verity

"PSY.......PSY! " The Psyduck yelled, angered from attempting to be caught. He burst out of the pokeball and started using water gun on everyone. Melanie shielded Luna from the water, fearing her flame might go out. There was so much going on, Prometheus was drowning, Psyduck was attacking and she herself couldn't swim good enough to save him.


@Zy That Guy



Lake Verity Pokemon

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tyrunt.gif.a32c58bab6dbeccd5c85aa6940b36880.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tyrunt.gif.a32c58bab6dbeccd5c85aa6940b36880.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crimson manage to pull Prometheus out of the water, he saw the Psyduck and yelled at King "King bite that duck as Hard as you can!!!" King jumped at the Psyduck and took a massive bite, Psyduck screamed at how hard King was biting it but King didn't let go for a second. Psyduck manage to throw King off but King charged it again though King got knocked back from the water gun. Crimson said "get ready to fight!" And King got in a battle.stance.

@Sunstone @Wild Imagination @Zy That Guy



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Kingg looked at the items the professor had given him and smiled deeply as the fire inside him ignited. He watched as the other kids took off and he started to follow, not keeping up with them but keeping them in site. He grasped the pokeball that held mudkip and stared at it for a few seconds. '' Mudkip why dont we have you outside with me?'' he tossed the pokeball into the air and as it dropped the little mudkip jumped out onto his shoulder. The little mudkip sat on his shoulder and watched as they continued on there path.


Current Location: Route 201

"Lets go guys he's not worth it." Melanie screamed. She picked up Luna. "Cover you mouths and run." She said before telling Luna to use Smog. The little Pokemon let our a thick dark billow of poisonous smoke. Melanie lost visual of the Psyduck, but once she felt that it had fled, she too ran for the trees. "Good job Luna." Melanie praised. She looked around see of the boys had taken her warning and ran as well.


@Zy That Guy



Lake Verity Pokemon

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Current Location: Twinleaf Town

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Djinn followed after Melanie as they got out of the water Sandile jumped back on Djinn's head as he claimed it as his resting grounds when he didn't feel like walking. Djinn bounced trying to get the water off of him and after a few minutes he was somewhat dry.


@Wild Imagination

Crimson ran to Melaine and called King back. He grabbed his stuff before he forgot it there, he meet up with Melaine and Dijin and said "Woah that was a Different fishing experience, then i thought it would be." he looked around and saw King coming, Crimson told King to stop and Walk to him as he didn't want to get tackled. King walked up to Crimson and stayed beside him.

@Wild Imagination

@Zy That Guy
Sunstone said:
(So you like control the Pokemon encounters right? I'm not posting because I waiting to catch something xD I must be the first!)
((Oh my bad. Haha))

A wild Starly appeared! The trainer stumbled too close to it's nest and ita upset.
Sunstone said:
Prometheus sighs a sigh of despair, he takes off his hat and commands evee to use tail whip and then falls on his knees anticipating the bird to attack back.
Starly dove down attempting to tackle the little eevee!
Current Place: Twinleaf Town

Crash walks into Birch's lab. He looks around, and sees a pokeball on the table. "Hmm, guess there is one left." He opens the pokeball and out pops a swinub! "That's yours." from out of nowhere Professor Birch comes. "Really? Awesome! Well, off I go! Thanks Birch!" Crash exclaims. He walks far, all the way to route 201, where he sees a few people. "Hello? Who's there?"
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Crimson after Dying himself off with a towel and putting all of his swim wear which were Swimming Trunks in back pack. He Called over Tyrunt and said to the group "hey guys, let's stay here for a bi-" he was cut of by a Tall Bush shaking Violently for a Sudden second, then out of nowhere a Pokemon came out, Crimson said to King to Get Ready to battle.

@Wild Imagination
Sunstone said:
prometheus makes a split second descision and instead of letting his eevee get hurt he throws the pokeball while the starly is in midair, the pokeball drops to the ground and begins shaking around
((I'm tired of doing this and since you don't want to attack it.....))

Wild Starly Was Caught!

Current Location: Twinleaf Town

Melanie caught the pokeball and released the Pokemon. It was dazed and confused, but docile. "Hmm. You mean a Starly?" She giggled. She took an oran berry from her bag and put it in front of the bird. "There ya go." She said. " Suddenly there was screaming and a seemingly wild swinub appeared. "Swinub aren't native in this area..." She thought confused.


@Zy That Guy



Lake Verity Pokemon


King looked as the Swinub came out of the Bush, He Jump at the Swinub and opened his Mouth and was ready to bite. Crimson heard the a trainer call for his Pokemon and Grab King by his Tail before he Bite the Swinub and instead Bite the Air.

@Underswap Papyrus

@Wild Imagination
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Crimson looks at the smaller boy and says "yep." King was Thrasing Crimson's arms trying to get at the Swinub.

Current Location: Twinleaf Town

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Djinn moved Sandile's tail out of his face because Sandile wanted to lie down on his head, he would've put him back in his ball but because of the note he left it on his head. Djinn moved along as the Swinub popped up. Djinn would've stepped on it if it wasn't for his Sandile hitting him in the face with his tail. Since Sandile was probably bigger than the others givin how he was hanging down to the middle of Djinn's back. He cleared his backpack and moved somethings out of the way and let him stay in there. Half of Sandile's body hung out the backpack as he faced away from where Djinn was looking.


Current Location: Route 201

Melanie looked up an noticed that it was starting to get dark. The sun was setting and the sky was paved in beautiful hues of orange and red. Her Litwick yawned, which made her sleepy as well. Melanie wasn't comfortable with how many people were around her. She loved being around people, but too many was a bother. She wanted to travel with the first boys that she had mets. The knew them better and she felt most comfortable around them. She went over to where Crimson and were standing, Luna had fallen asleep but Melanie didn't like camping outside and she wanted to get to the nearest Pokemon center. "Hey guys, so I wanted to know if you guys wanted to accompany me to the Pokemon center. It's getting pretty dark." She added. "I wanna get there before dark."


@Zy That Guy
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Current Location: Route 201

Djinn looked around and she wasn't lying it was getting dark. I guess they spent a long time in the route. His Sandile wasn't getting tired and was still comfortable in his backpack. "Yeah, I'll go with you." Djinn wanted to get to the town or city closest so he could buy a bigger more comfortable backpack because Sandile didn't look like he liked being in his Pokeball much. Luna looked like she fell asleep and Djinn already got it in his pokedex. Crimson was around he just didn't feel like looking next to him.

((So sorry it's a bit long ^-^; If it's too much, let me know))

A small female standing about 4'3" bounced up and down with joy as she looked at her grandparents with joy. Since she had moved in with them at Twinleaf Town, it had given her the opportunity to be able to get her very first Pokémon which had excited her greatly. "Grandpa. Grandma. Thank you for everything! I am so excited to set off on my own journey. I will visit soon! Take care, alright?" Her long brown locks bounced with her movements as if she couldn't contain her composure any longer. The two elderly couple before her gave her a soft smile and rubbed her head as if to give her permission to leave. With that she exited out of the small house and towards the professor's laboratory.

Once she got to the lab, she paused for a moment with her hand on the door. She closed her eyes with her head down and took a deep breath. 'This is it.' She thought. 'This is where it all begins.' Her head rose and here eyes shot open with excitement as she opened the doors. "Professor Birch? Hello?" It had seemed she was very late. So late in fact that there was only two Pokeballs left. 'Which one?' Julian thought as her hand hovered over each one full of thought. After some time, Julian grabbed a Pokeball and threw it up in the air. "I choose you!" The Pokeball opened and appeared a Cyndaquil before her with a wave of its small arms in excitement. "Quil! Quil!" It responded. Julian kneeled down and reached in her pack to grab a green and white striped bandanna. "I'll call you Cynder." She smiled as she put the bandanna around the now Cynder's neck. Once their greeting was done the duo left the lab to start their journey.

After what seemed like forever, Julian and Cynder stopped walking on Route 201 to catch a breath. Cynder, being on Julian's shoulder, hopped off and sat down once Julian sat. She heard a lot of commotion coming from a distance which she figured were other people, but decided to procrastinate on meeting them. With a slight smile, Julian reached in her pack and pulled out two rice balls and two Poke Puffs. "Here." She smiled while placing the Poke Puffs in front of Cynder. "Good thing my grandparents packed me some food! Eat up." With that, the two began eating as the day began to turn into night.
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Current Location: Route 201


Crimson saw the Weird kid named Sunstone start taking pictures of him, he wanted to smack that guy across the face right now but he was hold back his tempter, he saw that Melaine and heard what she asked, he said "i don't mind go with to a Pokemon Center with you two." King open his Large Mouth and yawn loudly as he felt exhaustion from the day kick in. he fell asleep but Crimson picked him Up before he hit the Ground, He began to walk with his new comrades

@Wild Imagination

@Zy That Guy

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