Castouts (Accepting new characters)

( exactly did all these helicopters show up and who are they....when would Steven have contacted them? Or did he? And if Steven is on the run from the military, why would they listen to him rather than show up and arrest him or whatever?)

Outside of the zoo Katarina stares, horrified, as the frenetic activity within the zoo continues. The boy with the shadows, the blonde girl, Max, and STEVEN have all been left behind...they have to get them, they have to help them, don't they? Don't they? But how? Steven had said there were bombs, they couldn't run back just as a bomb was going off...why hadn't Max run? Who was the blonde girl and the boy, why were they there at all?

When the helicopters start circling and four SUVS pull into the parking lot nearby, Katarina's heart feels like it's going to jump out of her chest. No! Were those people Calico's men? Were they going in for backup? What if they came to them, what if they dragged them out and shot them all?

She locked her own car door hurriedly and then reached to lock everyone else's as well, almost pulling a muscle in her haste and strain to reach one of the back doors, and watched with growing alarm outside her window. Yes, Max and Steven and the others were still left behind, but if these people were coming for them...then they had to leave. They had to drive off, now....wasn't that the only choice?

What if these weren't Calico's guys...what if they were cops? They would want to talk to them...they would want to figure out what happened, and Katarina couldn't do that. She KNEW they couldn't afford to talk to the cops. The cops would figure out who she and her siblings were, that they were underaged and homeless, connect them back to their parents send them home, NO, NO, they couldn't let that happen....

She shook Xander's shoulder with great reluctance, crying again with her misery of what she thinks absolutely has to be done now, with the knowledge that all of the others will probably be killed if they leave them behind...but what else can they do?

"We have to go, those could be Calico's, or cops, or...Xander Calico knows where we live, what are we going to do?"

Because somehow she just can't quite believe Calico will die.


Did he want there to be us? Did Julian want to be Jillian's boyfriend?

No one had ever asked him that one had ever expressed an interest in such a thing, not even a girl. When it came down to it, Julian wasn't sure he even entirely knew what that would entail. To be Jillian's would be stretching outside his small comfort zone, but more than that, it would be admitting to himself that someone thought he was worth it... and that maybe they were right.

For several moments Julian struggled, and then slowly inclined his head in a nod. "Yes...I...I w-want to."
((Everyone’s ignoring Jessie’s range, so I suppose I’ll make him move to suffice Dx’))

Calico didn’t seem to be paying attention to the girls at this moment; it’s as if he knows Steven would come out of wherever he was hiding. Immediately, he starts shooting at the men surrounding Calico, and even the men who had recently just recovered from the shadows fell victim to the bullets. Jessie tried using his own gun, but when it failed against the approaching figure, he lowered it and backed away. The man was, after all holding a gun much more intimidating than his own but Calico seems to stand his ground, poking fun at his late arrival.

It was a showdown between the two men, and Jessie was very much weary in his place here, not wanting to be Hailey, who was stuck behind Calico. The man himself was yelling at Steven until the ex-marine pointed his gun straight at Calico, before aiming it at the men surrounding him, including him, explaining his plan. Apparently Jessie did something good when he had shot Steven because he now ‘owed’ him…unless that was a bad owing?

Jessie wouldn’t take the chance he backed up until he was more submerged in with Calico’s men, an easy get away for when the going got tough. Eventually, Calico did comply with Steven’s orders; it is him after all, that Calico really wants. Kyle is eventually let down, but Steven still wants him to dial a number on his cellphone, which the gang leader does, tossing the phone to Kyle. It is then that Jessie notices a man in the tiger pit with Kyle, and judging by their similarity in appearance, it’s either his father or his brother.

The man had just fired off something…Jessie had seen spark fly off his hand, but that didn’t seem possible, it must’ve been a gun. The man that had unluckily stepped in front of Calico and had taken the blow, and his figure was very prone on the ground. Only a gun could do that sort of damage to a man, Jessie shook his head, barely remembering the fact Hailey had been there a moment ago. Once Calico had noticed that the man behind him was dead, he yells at Steven.

The man is able to calm him, and everything seems to be happening so fast as Kyle and his relative escape. Calico is now beating up Steven, who is crumbling under his every attack, and he watches with mild amusement. Was this really the end? All the people who had showed up at the zoo were now readily running out, probably the mention of the explosives that tipped them to get out. Steven mentions that he’s sending cops in, and once it is clarified what type of cops he’s sending in, is when Jessie finally gets his message.

Like most of Calico’s men, he splits, blending with the mass as he escapes the scene quickly, out of there before the vans pull up.


Meanwhile, Hailey stands absolutely still. Exactly like the time Calico’s grip was released from her throat and she stood in a stupor behind him. Everything hurt as if she had just been injured and she was sure she would have a black eye and a huge bruise on her abdomen when she got out of this. She didn’t move to do that though, she stood absent minded behind the man, looking about as Steven appears. Kyle is being let down though, as Calico agrees to his plan after he waves his gun around, still Hailey stands there.

It is when a boy runs up to the fence, and one of Calico’s men moves with a knife, aiming for the boy that she does something. Hailey squeaks, but she doubts she is heard as he grabs the blade and sparks jump from the boy to the man. Blue eyes widen slightly, unsure of what she had just witness, but her feet lift and she is snapped out of it as she moves, heading towards Sebastian.

She sees a girl leaving from him and briefly meets her eyes, her own blues eyes meeting that of the girl that had brushed past Sebastian. The girl is scared, and latches on to Sebastian, worriedly looking around as Jessie seems to disappear. Everyone else in the park is leaving but it is him that she cares about, as she feels lost for the moment without him. Calico is beating the man up, but he notes that the cops are coming only for helicopters and vans to pull up to the zoo as well.

Hailey’s hand tightens around Sebastian, and for once she takes in Raekel, the redhead who has been yelling at her since this started. The girl seemed worried about her in some fashion and she took it upon herself to return the favour, only now acknowledging what she was trying to do. Hailey had nothing to hide from the police but she knew very well that the boy standing next to her did, which meant that they had to get out of there. As she looked at the redhead she hesitantly informs her, “We have to go…we can talk later.”

As she drags Sebastian off at a quick pace, she yells back an afterthought, “I promise”, but still, she must hurry out of sight. If she is caught, Hailey will only do what she is best at, and that is to lie.
Hailey is hurt and Sebastian is frozen. The boy who always acted to save his own skin who always had a plan was now unsure, hesitant, and it consumed him, froze him from both thought and action. There was a touch at his shoulder and he turns to a familiar girl “Get her out of here” the words echo through his head before he can move, trying to get to her through all the chaos. There's guns and fleeing, it was honestly like a movie, and Sebastian didn't know what part to play. All he knew is that he wanted to save Hailey, and that he felt helpless.

What were those shadows that came about that helped him get near, why had they stopped as easily as they had started, and why did they feel somewhat familiar? Amidst the chaos the sound of helicopters above adds to the confusion and as Sebastian makes his way to Hailey as she herself comes to him and latches onto him, obviously hurt and afraid. He goes to ask her if she is okay only for her to speak up and say they had to get out of there. The injured girl actually goes to drag him off as vans approach as well.

“This way” Sebastian manages, trying to lead her off to a hole in the fensing that led to the park. Taking the lead and making sure she follows him now he worries about her injuries and tries to help support her movements while trying to get away before the cops or anyone else for that matter caught them. Once on the other side and away from the chaos he tries to stop her “Let me see your injuries” he doesn't have much for the means for first aid and would try to fix her up, though was more than ready to take her to the hospital if need be.

(He called them back on page 56 I think, and they're not taking orders from him they've captured him and Calico...Anyway if need be I'll be happy to re-write any post that are inaccurate or altered the story unintentionally on my part..Just let me know..Sometimes I write and even tho it flows and makes sense in my own head, it tends to get a bit off course when it's read back...I have no problems fixing this when I do it.)
Sebastian soon takes the lead in front of Hailey, directing her towards a hole in the fencing that they both pass through. The adrenaline in her system helps her ignore her pain, but she knows very well it’s still there. Sebastian is trying his best to help her along though, providing her with support; the boy had been out of her life for some time now, but here he was. Hailey honestly hadn’t had the time to think about it as she hugged his figure earlier, thinking more about Jessie. The Jessie who had left her there with Calico and the Steven figure he had been waiting for.

The black haired boy soon stops her and is worried about the injuries the man had caused, since her black eye is clearly visible, she lifts her shirt slowly. There is a black bruise that starts at her belly button and circles around it, the very edge of the discoloration reaching her third rib, which can be easily be seen. Only the bottom part is black, while the rest fades into purples and yellows, and back into normal pale skin. Hailey tenderly touches her rib, where the bruise is not, and is relieved when there is no pain.

“It’s just the bruise…he didn’t break anything” she tells him in a quiet voice, “and…My eye will heal” she again reasons. Still, the blonde looks at the floor, knowing she is stupid, and Sebastian will try to convince her that Jessie was no good for her. The same things that even a stranger, the redhead, seemed to know…Jessie loved her in place of her uncle…and in place of the boy in front of her, though… Remembering the first day she had submitted to the man, she also remembered Sebastian walking away. He loved her like nobody else would.
Xander, after releasing Max wasn't going to come and jump in the car, began to pull away as Katarina urges him to. He could hear her panicked voice and shook his head, a bit numb right now, they were all fine, Max would be fine, he had a car, but Steven. Xander was so sure Steven would be okay. "Kyle's fine, so's Rikarah." He sped along, dimly aware of the loud sirens behind them, at the zoo, and the helicopters.

Maybe Steven had been smart and called for back up.

Xander was broken out of his deadened senses by Kyle, he looked briefly to his brother and nodded softly at his words, looking back to the road as he finally realized he was gripping the wheel so tightly that his fingers and knuckles were snow white with the strain he was placing on them, and he loosened his press on the accelerator, finally slowing down to a normal driving pace. "It's fine Kyle, I'm sorry too, you were right, I was being a jerk. But I'm just glad you're okay." His voice quietened a bit, his tone a bit more emotional than the numbness that was slowly fading, "Just please, please don't run off like that again. Calico's not the only crazy psychopath out there." Sure, Calico may be gone now, or not, but Xander was sure this city was full of many people just like him.

He then remembered his twin had asked a question of him, about Calico knowing where they live, and he took a sharp turn as he headed to the Theatre. "Simple. If that bast*rd shows his ugly face I'll electrocute his eyeballs out of their sockets." His voice was filled with pure hatred. You don't mess with Xander's family. "I almost got him back there, but one of his stupid hench-monkeys stepped infront of him." He pulled up outside the Theatre now, stopping the car as he murmured, "That'll teach them to hurt my family." He seemed shaken out of his trance then as Natalia spoke up from the back.

"Thanks for the lift guys, but um, do you think you could help Xander? Rikarah may look small but she's wayy to heavy for me to carry." Xander then finally looked in the back of the car, and his eyes widened at Kyle and Rikarah. They looked sh*t. Especially Rikarah. "Um, maybe we should all go inside for a moment guys? Kyle needs a drink and Rikarah looks like she's about to die." He then got out the car and opened the back door, he easily took Rikarah from Natalia, picking up the pixie girl in a princess carry, as he nodded to Kyle, "We'll swap, I'll take her in, you help my brother." Natalia then nodded and helped Kyle out of the car, as she touched his arm however, a shot went through her and she jumped back a bit as small flames danced on her fingers, "Ah cr*p! I'm on fire." She whined lightly, then paused as she realised she was doing it. She frowned, looking up at Kyle, then realisation flooded her eyes, "Ooooh, you're Xander's brother with the fire, right?" She managed to put the flames out on her fingers, then resumed helping Kyle into the building, the others following behind. She grinned lightly to herself, these people sure did have some fun powers.

Xander, as he followed Nat and Kyle with Rikarah in his arms, thought it was only polite to help the girls inside after they had just helped saved his little brother. Without their mind control him and Kyle would have been tiger chow by now.
Jillian nodded and had to stop himself from grinning to wide. Julian was too cute for his own good. He felt good about this. And he would take it as slow as the other boy needed as well. Jillian was not one to rush anyways, but he had always allowed himself to be lead by the other person in a relationship. He wanted him and Julian to agree about things though. Together they would figure out their relationship.

Jillian finished off his coffee and stood, putting money down onto the table as the check was left. He moved over to Julian's side and extended a hand at him, giving the boy a warm smile.

"Well then shall we get going? Lionel and Duck must be wondering where we are. Besides it'll be nice to see you try on your new clothes," Jillian told him.
Katarina is nearly silent now, gnawing on the inside of her cheeks until the salty taste of her own blood spreads over her tongue. As she follows the others out of the car, she is hugging herself tightly, nails digging harshly into her skin so that she can feel them tearing small holes in her sleeves. Looking back, she realizes that Chris has been left alone and after a hesitation, makes her way back to her, guiding her out of the car and into the theater. Because the doors have been boarded up, this requires that Xander will have to be extremely careful getting through the window while also holding Rikarah, and Chris and Kyle too will probably need help. Katarina takes Chris's hand and holds it, squeezing so tightly it might hurt the other girl as she leads her to the theater, then helps her inside. When Kyle is through she reaches to take his hand as well, her stomach still churning.

It is taking everything she has not to burst into tears all over again as she watches Xander with Rikarah, her thoughts still back with Steven in the zoo.

Rikarah felt the sensation of being held before she was entirely conscious. It was strange to her, almost threatening, for this never occurred- to allow herself to be so close to someone, almost intimate, in a situation that was not entirely within her own control. She tries to move as though to protest, but finds her limbs to be weak and do little more than twitch with her effort. She opens her eyes partway and is faintly surprised to see Xander's face above appeared she had fainted. The had it gone? What had happened?

"Mm?" was what she managed, her eyes still not entirely open as she blinked slowly, her voice hoarse.


Julian was still smiling slightly as he took Jillian's hand, holding his fingers very lightly and with uncertainty at first, then closing his hands more firmly around the other boy's. He nodded in response to his question and stood, following him outside the cafe. For several moments he could not bring any words to his mind; he could hardly seem to reconcile with himself that he had just changed his own life.

In the course of two days, he had found a bed and a place to live, made new friends, gotten needed items, and strangest of all, gained a partner...when would Julian have ever thought he could actually have a boyfriend? It was was too good to be true. But it was true, and as he walked with Jillian he could not stop himself from smiling.

"Thank you," he said softly, meaning not just for the clothes or for food, but for so much more. For giving him even the possibility of happiness, a state of being that had once seemed no more than a fairy tale, never meant for the likes of him.
When Shira was sure that Cas was asleep, she went under her bed and took her emergency fund jar. It was only about forty or so dollars but it would have to do. With her cash stuffed into her pockets, she had gone to the nearest pharmacy to get some stuff for Cas. All the names of the various drugs were too confusing to her at first. Eventually she just bought some gauze bandages, disinfectant and anything for "severe pain". She paid the man over the counter and still had enough money leftover, not much though. Ten dollars at most. By the time she reached the theatre with her little plastic bag in tow, she noticed a few shadows inside and they weren't the usual shadows. These shadows were taller and there were a lot of them.

Now holding the bag with her teeth, thank God it wasn't that heavy, she climbed through another boarded window and made her way up to the rafters of the old building. Traveling among the wooden beams, she soon found herself over the group though a few feet farther away. Oh. It was just Natalia and Rikarah and . . . Sandy? (Xander) . . . the desperate girl from the park and (Kat) . . . the brat who hates candy (Kyle). Rikarah did not seem so good. And Natalia was on fire? . . . Weird. Well you've got to make sure the clothes you wear aren't flammable.

Seeing no suspicious faces, Shira leaped down, landing on the balls of her feet and her hands. With the bag in her mouth and the position she landed in, she almost looked like a cat . . . maybe to someone who was nearsighted. She stood up and took the plastic bag from her mouth. "You're really late. It's . . . " Shira glanced over at a prop grandfather clock, though its hands were missing and its pendulum lay on the floor before it. " . . . broken." She turned back to the group, Rikarah in particular. "What happened? Did the cat (Calico) do that? You didn't get in trouble, did you? Cas doesn't like trouble."

She then remembered her injured brother back in their room, and how no one told her anything when she had gotten home. Shira stepped back. Her eyebrows were furrowed. "You weren't the ones who hurt Cas, were you?" She then thought for a bit. If Rikarah or Natalia or the others had hurt Cas, why would they come back to the theatre? There was nothing to steal and Cas was already super hurt. "No . . . I guess that wouldn't make sense." She pointed to the DeSantos. "Still, no unauthorized guests this late . . . or at all really. Cas doesn't like too many people here. But you need to come back after making an appointment."
Katarina blinks as she looks up at the girl who has just jumped down from seemingly the ceiling, with no warning, giving a slight gasp. The girl's appearance is enough to temporarily distract her from her thoughts of Steven as she stares at her, wondering why it is she looks familiar, before it dawns on her- the park. Shana? Sheila? The girl with the Asian boy...the one Katarina had...

She looks down, her pale cheeks flushing at the memory, and at first can't concentrate on what Shira is saying. The girl is asking what happened, if they had hurt Cas...Cas, the one Shira had said was her brother, despite their difference in races. Cas was hurt? How many people had been hurt today? Appointment...what?

She is too confused and flooded with thoughts to respond with anything other than a shake of her head as she continues to squeeze Kyle and Chris's hands, not moving. Rikarah, however, eyes still just barely open, attempts to lift her head to look at Shira. She can't sit up in Xander's arms and so stops trying, her voice slow, slurred.

"Out?" she asks, meaning is everyone okay, did everyone get out.
*Steven and Calico are both grabbed and pulled to their feet after being handcuffed, the entire time Calico is cussing at Steven and the soldiers who have him and everytime he struggles against them they zap him through the taser probes still in his skin, Steven however doesn't resist them and even smirks at Calico as they're both thrown into the back of a black prison van. The doors shut leaving them both in complete darkness for about 15 minutes again Calico continues to cuss at Steven. Suddenly the doors open up and a short fat man with a bad hair piece and the ugliest shirt gets in the van and sits next to Calico, he's smoking a big nasty cheap cigar which he has no issues about blowing into Steven's face, Standing outside the van is a much younger clean cut kid with red hair in a suit who passes the old man a file.*

My name (he says in a thick country accent) Agent Deacon and you are Gunnery Sgt Steven Aaron, 64th Recon Division, You've done 2 tours and 13 combat missions since joining the marines, confirm 11 kills on duty and about 26 since you've been awol.*closes the file* Kid in a perfect world you'd get a medal for killing scum like that but this ain't a perfect world and what you've done is commit murder with deserting your post son...that's at least 60 years in a undisclosed military prison if you're lucky they'd stick a needle in your arm and put you out of your misery..I mean the magnitude of your crimes is beyond anything I've ever seen and it disturbs me! It disturbs me so much I'm gonna offer you a job...See I know what you are and what you can do and putting someone like that in prison or killing well that's just a waste of good meat. So the way I see it you got two choices..continue to serve your country with honor or I send your ass off to the deepest darkest hole on the planet where you will wait till you are executed.

*Steven looks across at the man.*

Steven: Who do you work for again?

Deacon: I didn't say but lets just call the organization I work for is a offshoot of the NSA and for now that's all you need to know.

Steven: What about him? What happens to him?

Deacon: Mr. Calico is on his way to a meeting with the DOJ, DEA, and ATF where I'm sure he'll have a lovely conversation about his supply lines or he can be charged and locked away where some big chunky gentlemen will enjoy teabagging him for the next 30 years.


Deacon:Yeah I thought you might say something like that * Pulls his glock out of the holster and orders the redhead to uncuff Steven, then hands Steven his gun. Steven doesn't even pause he takes the gun, points it at Calico's head and pulls the trigger but the gun only clicks.* Damn kid you're hardcore but you didn't really think I'd give you a loaded gun and let you off a guy right in front of me did you? Look if you want your freedom this crap is over, you will not engage this scum ever again, you will only go after assigned targets and you will take them out with just as much extreme prejudice as you just exhibited.

Steven: Fine but I have a condition my military record is cleaned.

Deacon: Done anything else?

Steven: Yeah one other thing, I want to go home back to my parents Dojo and I want it free and clear.

Deacon: Is that it..damn I thought you were gonna ask for something drastic..Fine, you want to operate out of that dusty old dojo then fine but kid when we call you better be ready to go.

Calico: HEY SOLDIER BOY! Don't think this is over, this is just a pause you and me we'll finish our little chat sooner or later!

Steven: You're right about that! I don't care what anyone says, if I see you go near Kat and her family...If I hear one of your gang nudge one of them I will hunt you down!

*Deacon listen to them back and forth, pulling out a wad of tissues from his pocket and blows his nose in them, that gets Steven's attention but not Calico he keeps cussing, until Deacon takes the wad and forces it into his mouth to stop him from talking.

Deacon: Now you get out, we'll send everything you need to your dojo.

*Steven jumps out the van and starts to walk away, when the young redhead grabs him by the wrist and slams him against the van door then flips him onto his back, holding his arm in a bar, he slaps a black and silver wristband on Steven's left arm, and four little needles stick themselves into Steven's wrist.

Samuel: You didn't think we were just gonna let you walk away did you Mr. Aaron, no no you've just been injected with a very interesting poison that is now on it's way to your heart, for now on everytime before you go on a mission you will be injected with this poison. *Samuel types in a code on a small tablet and the four needles inject the anidote into Steven.* You will receive the anidote once confirmation of your mission being completed is received consider this first one a freebie, tampering or trying to remove the band will result in your death and I promise is will be long and painful as deaths go. Are we clear Mr. Aaron?

*Steven stand up rubbing his wrist*

Steven: Crystal! Can I go now?

Deacon: For now but don't make weekend plans, you're gonna be busy.

*Steven walks away wondering what the hell he just agreed to but he'll worry about that later for now he just wants to go home*
*Kyle nods to Xander* I promise I'll be better Xander. *Kyle turns to Kat and takes her by the hand, he knows she's worried about Steven but for once he's not gonna freak out over him or yeah at everyone for leaving him behind.* Don't worry Kat, he'll be ok he's really strong and smart so I'm not worried about him one bit so you shouldn't either, he'll get away and then come find us but if he doesn't get along with everyone then he'll have to go away..Even tho he helped save me we can't fight anymore and we all started fighting more when he showed up..I'm grateful to him but my family comes first cause..Cause I thought I'd never see any of you ever again and I was really scared of that, you're all I got you, Chris and Xander so we can't let anything or anyone ever split us up again. *He pulls his sister down and hugs her* But I know he'll be fine, don't tell Xander but Steven is the toughest guy in the world and nothing can stop him.
Shira looked at Rikarah as the fairy mumbled an "out". "Yes, out. Everybody needs to get out until they make an appointment." The dark haired girl didn't look so good though. She looked exhausted. "Rikarah? Is it past your bedtime? You look sleepy." She turned her eyes up to Xander who supported her. "Come on Sandy. Her room is this way."

Shira glanced over the others as well. The candy hating boy was hurt as well. And the girl from the park, named after an animal right? What was it? Dog? Cuckoo? Nursing shark? Ah Kat! Yeah, well Kat seemed a bit shakey. What did this cat do to them? Anyway, it'd be in bad taste to just kick them out like that, right? "If the rest of you need anything, I just bought some stuff from the CVS down the road. Not sure what everything does exactly but you can help yourself. I can't just kick you out after you've been mauled by cats. Afterall, Jesus says to treat everyone . . . by throwing stones? . . . If you don't . . . something about an apple . . . Well whatever. This isn't a church."

She lead the group to the dressing room Rikarah used as her own. Opening the door, Shira pointed to the bed so that Xander could place the girl down. She then dumped the contents of her bag onto a nearby table. She took the gauze though and one of the painkiller bottles. "Now, don't steal anything because . . . actually we'd never know, would we? And there really isn't anything worth taking. Nevermind. But no funny business. These walls aren't soundproof and we have kids here who don't need to be hearing ghosts or indoor dodgeball matches."
Chris allowed herself to be dragged along. She was getting pretty good at that. It was either being dragged along by her siblings or running off. Chris almost smiled at that thought, but she didn't. After what had happened tonight, Chris was still shaken and afraid. She wanted to know if Max was okay as well. She didn't say that though. It was best to save it for tomorrow. After they all got a good night's rest. Or any kind of rest. Chris didn't realize how tired she was.

She wasn't sure exactly where they were now. She used her powers to get an idea of the place she was now in. It was different from the hotel. More opened and Chris licked her lips nervously as she pulled her hand out of Kat's grasp. She was grateful for Kat leading her here, but she had to be able to do things on her own. And it wasn't like she was moving.

Someone was speaking and Chris identified the talker as Shira. She listened as she first wanted to kick them out, then seemed to have allowed them to stay. "I don't think anyone would steal anything Shira," she said. Not that she was sure of that at all. "But thank you."


Jillian wondered how long it had been since he held someone's hand walking down the street. He was pleased though that Julian seemed to have no problems with it. He was worried that he'd get self-conscious holding hands with another guy out in public. Then Jillian realized that he looked like a girl and it made more sense. Jillian smiled to himself. It seemed that things were finally looking up.

Still there was a lot Jillian wanted to do. Even more know. The need of getting out of the shelter which at first was just Jillian and then him and Lionel, now extended to Julian as well. The boy was younger and he deserved a better place to live than the shelter. But Jillian needed a better job. He needed an education and a college degree, all things that seemed out of his reach. Especially considering the fact that he wasn't exactly someone people wanted to hire.

They reached the shelter though and Jillian just nodded at the worker who at first stared and raised an eyebrow in question. Then smiled. "Is Lionel here?"

"Nope he left earlier and hasn't been back yet." Well that was worrying. But Jillian was going to have to begin trusting the young boy to take care of himself right?

Katarina wasn't surprised when Kyle took her hand, but the words that came out of his mouth were enough to make her look over at him with some faint astonishment. Kyle, reassuring HER? Kyle, not yelling about Steven, who they had left behind, Steven, who he hero worshipped? Kyle saying that if Steven came back, he might not be able to stay? Kyle saying he was grateful for all of them, even Xander?

If she didn't know better she would think that this Kyle was a robot clone of her brother, not her true brother himself...obviously what had happened to him now, traumatic as it had been, had at least temporarily upped his maturity level. And if Kyle could do that, if Kyle could be calm and not freaking out or yelling at people or blaming himself or anyone else after having been hung upside down by his ankles in a tiger pit while everyone fought all around him...then didn't that mean Katarina, who was three years older, who was supposed to be the responsible one of the family with Xander, needed to be at least as calm and mature about all of this as her little brother? Didn't that mean she needed to stop blaming herself, stop worrying, stop wanting to do things to punish herself...didn't that mean she needed to be changing too?

It was hard for her to think this way, but she took several deep breaths, then hugged Kyle back, forcing herself to concentrate on the positives, though it seemed to her there were few. She had her family. They would be okay, at least physically. They would be okay.

She followed Shira into what looked like a dressing room, her gaze turning to Rikarah in Xander's arms as he went to set her down as Shira had directed. The other girl was closing her eyes again, not responding to anyone, and she turned to Shira and Natalia, saying with some worry, "Does that a lot? Does she...recover from that, or what?"

(she pretty much just needs to sleep a little)


As they entered the shelter once again, Julian was very much aware that they were returning with joined hands, an obvious statement about the changed status of their relationship. He blushed, looking down when the worker Jillian spoke to raised an eyebrow, and wondered with some discomfort if they were being judged, what the person was thinking. But this was a homeless shelter, and Julian had read somewhere, before he himself joined the statistics, that something like 40 percent of all homeless people were gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered. Wouldn't that mean the workers would have seen plenty of people like him and Jillian?

It had been easier to walk with Jillian down the streets than it might have for another boy, because he looked at a glance like a girl. Still, Julian was somewhat ashamed to know that it was still a little awkward for him to be so public with even slight showings of affection, even if he very much wanted to be.

As the worker informed them Lionel had left, Julian looked up, making himself ask, "W-What about the boy who w-was with him...D-Duck?"

When the worker said that Duck had left too, Julian frowned, looking at Jillian without saying directly his own worry as they walked into the lobby of the shelter. Had the boys gotten tired of waiting for them and moved on?

The TV was playing in the lobby as they entered, and Julian's eyes automatically shifted towards it, taking in the news headline on the screen.

"WITNESS'S CELL PHONE VIDEO THE ONLY EVIDENCE OF GANG-RELATED CRIME AT LOCAL ZOO" it reads, and Julian steps closer, curious. The scene showing itself on the screen is grainy and difficult to make out for the most part, a scene appearing to be focusing on an animal cage of some kind, but he cannot make out but a couple of faces in glimpses- those of what appears to be a handful of teenagers. Some of them girls. He frowns to himself, pointing this out to Jillian.

"A gang h-held up a zoo...or something?"


Twenty miles away, Alicia DeSanto, mother to Xander, Katarina, Christina, and Kyle, stared with narrowed eyes and glinched jaw at the TV screen, having rewound the newscast on Tivo six times already, just to be sure of what she was seeing. She had barely paid attention to the news story at all- what did she care about the zoo or gangs or anything else, there was always some story about things like that. That is, until she happened to catch a glimpse of a grainy face on the screen that too closely resembled her own daughter's.

She was sure of it. That was her kid, possibly even her kids on the screen, because why in the world would Chris be there without her siblings, what with being blind and everything now? Alicia had suspected her kids were still out there, somewhere, but she hadn't had the energy or concern to go after them. Sure, she was pissed off at them- they'd burned down the whole HOUSE, they had ruined all her and Anthony's things and they had no insurance to cover it, they were living in this dinky apartment while the kids went around free as jaybirds. Not to mention they'd killed Alice, and Alice had been the best of the bunch, not that this was saying much.

But if they were still around, right there in the area of that stupid zoo, then it was time she and Anthony found them. It was time they got what was coming to them, what had been for a long time now.

As she picked up the phone, dialing her husband, she kept her eyes glued to the TV screen.

*Kyle follows behind Kat, his eyes barely open the day finally catching up with him and he's ready to get some sleep but he doesn't know this place or these other people, he steps over to Chris and pulls on her sleeve.* Where are we gonna live now? Is this our new home? Cause I don't like it here, it doesn't feel right..It's like being at school at night it feels creepy..But I know we can't live at the motel anymore right? *His eyes wander around looking for someplace he could even sleep if he had to but everything is dusty and dark, he walks towards an old chest that is some really dark shadows but as he steps closer to it the darkness fades away and the corner is brightly lit up. Without even realizing he's doing it Kyle is projecting fire around his shoulders and head, but unlike his usual fire, this was well under control it wasn't even burning his clothes or anything around him. When he opens the chest it's full of fairly clothes probably old costumes and stuff, he pulls them all out and makes himself a small bed and lays down, shortly after the flames around him fade and go out.* Can I sleep here?

(Never said what kind of Theaters this was so I'm going with old playhouse kind if that's ok?)
Katarina glances back at Chris and Xander as Kyle bombards her with questions, rather weary herself and unsure of how to answer them. She had not expected to stay here tonight, and in fact, Shira had seemed rather opposed to it. Natalia so far had not objected, but she doubted that the girl would be open to it either, and what about Cas? How embarrassing would it be for her to sleep anywhere near the same guy who rejected her? And what about Steven, could she really sleep tonight knowing that she had left Steven behind?

But wasn't Kyle right? They couldn't stay at the motel, not if Calico knew they were there...could they even stay in the same town? But where would they go? They couldn't stay in the theater, not with so many people, could they?

But Kyle was already trying to make a bed for himself, and as Katarina looked back at Xander, wanting him to give her the answers, she stuttered slightly. "Uh...Kyle...I don't know, we, this isn't our place,'s..."

When the fire bursts out from his head and shoulders, Katarina screams, grabbing hold of a moldy curtain nearby and intending to throw it over him to put out the fire, but to her astonishment, it simply goes out on his own, without any obvious signs of having burned Kyle. She stares, catching her breath, and then reaches out to touch his face with a shaking hand.

"You...aren't burned? You...controlled it?"
*Kyle looks up at her confused, still not realizing that his powers were active.* What are you talking about? Controlled what? Are you ok Kat? You need to sleep too, you look tired. *His eyelids are getting even more heavy as he pulls some clothes over himself as a blanket. I think I'm gonna try to sleep now ok?

*Calico handcuffed and guarded in the back of the van is on his way to a private airstrip in Albany, he sits calmly and grins at one of the 3 men guarding them him, the man looks back at him pissed off and raises his rifle butt to strike Calico.*

Guard: What the hell are you looking at!

Calico: I was looking at you and thinking about how good it's gonna feel when I kill all of you.

*They all start laughing at him, then of them leans forward and punches him across the jaw, but Calico laughs and then spits on the floor of the van and hits one of the soldiers boots, he stand up and starts pounding Calico.*

Guard: You got anymore jokes you want to tell us!

*Calico laughs again after the man stops hitting him.*

Calico: Yeah I got a joke for you, what has two thumbs and just freed himself from his handcuffs and is now gonna snap your neck? *Pulls his now free hands from behind his back and points to himself, all 3 men panic and lunge at him but Calico fights them off slamming them back into their seats, Calico grabs the first guard by the throat and rips it out. second guard reaches for his sidearm but Calico kicks him in the knee and shatters it just as his gun is out Calico grabs his hand and forces the barrel into his partner's chest then pulls the trigger shooting him in the heart, then in one swift shift he snaps the last guards neck. When the gun goes off the driver and guard up front with him slam the breaks and stop, jumping out of the van they come around the back and open the doors, they see 3 bodies all piled up on each other but no Calico. The driver gets in to examine the bodies to see if anyone was alive he cringes at the carnage, he turns to inform the other guard what he sees when a hand comes up out from under the bodies with a gun and fires 3 times into the Driver's back, using the element of surprise Calico sits up and fires at the last guard, single shot to the head..Calico comes of the van and smirks at his work, tucking the gun into his belt and casually walks away from the scene.*

Calico: Time for them all to pay!
By the time Kyle's flames went out, Shira already had the broom above her head ready to put them out. After all, in the immortal words of Randy Quench volunteer fireman, when on fire "Stop, Drop, and Beat with a Broom." Luckily, the flames were already out. But the candy hating boy was sleeping in old costumes? That wasn't very hygenic. Those things were dusty and who knows what sort of bugs were in them. To each their own she guessed. She had to make note not to touch him tomorrow in case he got fleas or dust mites or whatever. She then realized that she didn't know the kid's name, did she? She couldn't just refer to him as "you" or "he" all the time. There were a lot of "he"s and "you"s in New York. Maybe "it". After a second of thinking, she pointed to the sleeping boy. "You shall be Remmington," she whispered.

She then turned to the others. "We have a couch or two in the prop room. They're covered in plastic so I think they're cleaver than what Remmington is sleeping on. I'm not carrying them though. That sh*t's heavy." She tilted her head in thought. What else did she need to tell them? "There's food in the room down the hall. It's mostly cold but it's still good. Bathroom is over there with some bottled water since we don't get running water here . . . Um . . . Oh, yeah. Rent is five dollars a night. I don't run a charity here. Jesus says I have to help you but New York says I need money." She was surprisingly serious about this. With Cas out of the way, she needed a way to raise money. She'd most definitely forget all about this come morning though. (So yeah not serious about the rent.)

"I'm sleepy now so you can decide how this is going to work. Just don't sleep in the bathroom. That's awkward. Good night everyone." She then went off to her own room and went to bed.
Katarina blinks, continuing to stare at her younger brother even though the flames are completely gone now, numbly watching him almost instantly fall asleep. She can understand him being tired after all he's been through, and can't at this point imagine Xander having to haul him back to the car, then back to...where, exactly? Where were they going to go now?

Shira was saying about staying here, rent...currently Katarina didn't have a dollar to her name, at least on her person. But Shira was leaving the room before making them hand it over, so maybe she was joking? It was hard to tell with the girl.

"We can't go back to the motel," she said softly to Xander again, turning her head to include Chris as well even as she chews on her lower lip unconsciously. "Maybe...we should stay here. For tonight, anyway...Calico won't know where we are...and...Steven knows where this is, right? He can find us...when he gets out. Right?"

She doesn't wait for them to reply, instead turning and beginning to pull out costumes to make beds for herself and her siblings. There may not be much room in what seems to be Rikarah's bedroom, but she's not about to separate from any of her siblings right now. Besides, someone should probably stay near Rikarah in case she needs something.

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*Steven begins his hike back to his parents place but he stops and turns back in the other direction he needs to make things right with Kat and Kyle but first he needed to find them, he's about 8 blocks from one of his stashes in a local storage depot, he kept a locker in one of the abandoned buildings, the place was still empty just like he left it, he opened the locker and pulled down the hidden panel to reveal the compartment behind it. Inside there is a few rolls of cash a couple of hand guns and a modified MP5 sub-machine gun, but most important what he came for was a burn phone which he takes as well as a roll of cash and shoves them both in his pocket and recovers the compartment and closes the locker. That fed said that he would clean up Steven's record so he wouldn't have to run anymore from the MPs but he wasn't sure how fast that man would do his magic trick, so as Steven leaves he sticks to the shadows and keeps his head down. He pulls out his phone and taps an app installed that will track his car's security system, showing him exactly where his car is parked at the moment, an abandoned threater near by he could be there in about 20 mins if he doesn't get stopped.*
(Ah, sorry guys :( College is a lot more work than I thought, not to mention I got my first job and they just chucked a whole bunchhh of shifts on me! I'll try to post more!)

Xander glanced down to Rikarah as she mumbled something, frowning as he couldn't quite understand her, and felt his heart throb a bit. She was like this because of him and his siblings, she didn't have to help, but she was kind enough to. He would have to make it up to her somehow. He of course wasn't just thinking that because she was gorgeous. He lay her on the sofa as requested, throwing the nearby blanket over her as well, before turning back to his siblings, Natalia and Shira.

Xander idly watches Kyle, all of his questions bugging him because he himself honestly hasn't the slightest idea. He was right though, they couldn't go back to the motel. For all they knew, Calico could still be out there, he could come for them, he could come for Xander, he was pissed off enough that he almost killed him, so he was sure he would want to do some damage. But of course, all of his distracted thoughts vanished when a bright light hit his eyes. He smelt smoke and his eyes widened, "Kyle!" He looked over, about to sprint and do something, when he saw Kyle was controlling it. He was actually not burning anything. Katarina seemed to come to this realization as well, but when she spoke to Kyle about it he brushed her off as being sleepy and then proceeded to fall asleep himself.

Xander blinked, looking to Kat, Chris and Natalia, "Uh, um, I guess we're staying here tonight?" He glanced to Natalia, as Shira had gone, and he seriously hoped the girl was joking about rent. They had no money. With an annoyed sigh he realized everything they owned - which wasn't much - was still at the hotel, all the stored money, and that they would have to get it back sooner or later.


Natalia was feeling a bit light headed, probably just tired, and therefore missed most of what happened between the others. Basically, Rikarah needed to sleep, Kyle could control his fire, Shira was weird, and the siblings were apparently staying here tonight. She shrugged, "I'm cool with you guys staying here as long as he doesn't burn down anything." She nodded at Kyle before carrying on, "And as long as you don't shock anyone while they're sleeping or to wake them up." She looked to all of them, "Okay? Good. I need to sleep, I've got a killer headache, you guys can sleep wherever." She turned to leave and Xander spoke, "Thanks Nat." She shrugged a hand, not turning to look back as she called, "Yeah yeah, just don't break anything."

After leaving the DeSanto's to work out their sleeping arrangements, Natalia headed back to hers and Terabithia's assigned room. She sighed lightly as she walked into the room and saw both Lei and Terabithia curled up together in their make shift bed. It was sorta sweet, she admitted reluctantly, especially since Abi had a smile on her little face, so she opened up the props chest and pulled out the cleanest looking blanket there was. Shivering slightly from the cold, she silently lay herself down seperate from the two younger girls and tried her best to fall asleep.


Xander turned to his sister, he sighed, feeling the effects of today also; he was beat. When Katarina started taking charge, trying to make beds out of costumes, he opened his mouth to protest, saying that the girls should go sleep on the sofas', not in here on the dirty floor, then closed it again, giving up with a reluctant sigh. "Okay." He went over, beginning to help. He didn't want to argue with her, not now, not about something so silly. Not after what had just happened. He made a bed for Chris first, "Here Chris, you sleep here next to Kat.."
Working with Xander, Katarina finished making the beds for herself, Xander, and Chris, then pulled Chris down to her spot, lying down beside her and curling herself into a fetal position. The dresses she had used to make her bedding were somewhat scratchy and strange to sleep on, and they smell funny, almost musty, as though they've been stored away for some time. She shifts herself uneasily, trying to get comfortable, and an urge to pick, poke at, or scratch her own skin comes over her. She knows that this will be enough to settle her, to chase away however temporarily the thoughts and worries clogging her brain...but no, she won't do it. She can't do it. Not with all her siblings right there, not, not ever. She can't do this again.

This was probably the thousandth time she had made herself such a vow, but this time she is almost sure she actually means it as she instead scoots closer to Chris, then after hesitation, wraps an arm around her shoulders, shifting closer to her so their heads are almost touching. She and Chris are rarely affectionate, and certainly don't normally sleep in such a manner, but it's been a long, very bad day, Katarina is tired and discouraged, and she needs something to do with her hands to keep herself from being tempted. Human contact is something she hopes will be enough to help her get through the rest of this night.


When the morning dawns, Katarina awakens feeling stiff and sore, and somewhat cold as well, for the unheated theater's chill had not been well kept out by the costumes, or even by Chris's proximity. She sits up slowly, stretching, and looks around, making sure her siblings are still present.

She had slept lightly, her dreams troubled by nightmares of snarling tigers and gunshots, mutilated bodies all around her, as flames licked the feet of each of her siblings. She had seen Alice, mouthing words that Katarina could not understand, one hand raised as though in a wave, and when Katarina touches her face she feels that her cheeks are slightly damp.

It's going to be a long day.


Rikarah has been awake for almost twenty minutes before Katarina opened her eyes, allowing herself to become accustomed to consciousness without rushing actually getting up. Other than a faint lingering headache, she feels considerably better than she had the day before. What is on her mind, however, as she lies back, eyes open, and reconsiders the events of the day, is the quiet yet strong undercurrent of anger within her.

It was exactly like that Steven boy to come in with guns blazing and take away from everything they had been trying to accomplish. Granted, by giving himself up, the others were able to exit without anyone being hurt, but who was to say they couldn't have accomplished that without him? Not to mention that Calico was still very much at large, and with Steven now his captive, exactly as he had wanted, what would stop him from fleeing town? How was Rikarah ever to exact justice against him now with Steven interfering, with Steven most likely getting in between her and whatever she tried against Calico, actually trying to "protect" her?

If it wasn't for her unfortunate tendency to black out after prolonged usage of her power, she was sure she could have had the man exactly where she wanted him. What could she do to strengthen herself? If there were others like her, which there clearly were, then surely one of them must be like her. Surely one of them would have the knowledge or ability she is still developing.

When Katarina begins to move around, Rikarah too sits up, then stands, calmly going to her costume closet and selecting an outfit for the day. She undresses without modesty in front of the other girl, unconcerned with whether Kyle or Xander might happen to wake up and watch, and gives her a brief smile as she addresses her.

"Katarina. Good morning. Will you be staying here now with us, you and your siblings, or was this only for tonight?"

Glancing at Xander, Katarina shrugs, averting her eyes from watching Rikarah. She's no prude, but something about the girl's apparent total confidence in herself is unsettling to her, a girl who has almost none.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to figure that out."


In the morning at the shelter, Julian awakens refreshed, well-rested, and for the first time, almost excited to begin his day. Duck and Lionel, as he had been somewhat concerned to discover, had not been there when he and Jillian returned, but he still had hope that they would be back. It would be funny, wouldn't it, if it turned out that they too had turned out to be attracted to each other. Julian smiled at the thought, even as he stood and dressed himself in the new clothes Jillian had bought for him, then made his way to the bathroom to wash up.

Looking in the mirror, for the first time since he could remember he didn't cringe away from the reflection, hating what he saw. In fact, he was still smiling, feeling very lucky just to be.
Shira had woken up super early that morning or at least she assumed so. It was really inconvenient not having a working clock in the theatre. And going by the sun's position was not only inaccurate but it hurt her eyes to stare at it for too long. It was another dreamless night. She had a lot of those lately. Come to think of it, when was the last time she had a dream or even a nightmare . . . Well no time for that. Today was Shira's first day on the job. That is if she could find a job first.

After cleaning her face in the bathroom and making note that they needed more water, Shira decided that to get the job, she must dress for the job. Digging through the costumes in her room, she found a businessman costume. After nearly an hour of beating the dust out of it, she tried it on. The pants were too long and loose but she still put on the shirt and jacket. Both were also too big but at least they didn't just fall off like with the pants. Still, the sleeves went down to her fingertips and the shoulders drooped down her arms. She looked like a little girl trying on her father's suit. "God, how fat was the guy who wore this?" Of course, she didn't even consider the extra room in the suit was because of her being too young and small. Searching some more, she eventually found a skirt her size that matched the dark gray color of the suit jaket. The red tie was tied messily around her neck like a bow and the black heels she put on were too loose and made Shira wobble as she walked.

Now apparently ready for money making, she shuffled across the floor and into the hall. She decided that she should check on the cat victims first before job hunting. She was doing fairly well until she reached Rikarah's door and managed to trip over her own feet and faceplant on the floor with a loud thud. She was still for a minute with only a slight twitching in her foot.

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