Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Sebastian wasn't usually one slow on the uptake. He was street smart and thrived by seeing things before they happened, or in the very least as they were happening giving him just enough time to best react so that he could entail his survival. So when he did take notice of the flipping kid being dangled over the lion's den by some of the gang members he realized two things. One being around Hailey again and wanting to protect her was throwing him off his game and his edge was dulled, and two, it was hella dangerous in the zoo at night and neither them should be anywhere near the place.

But of course the grease ball from all those years back was there. His fave went sour when he once more heard the name Jessie. So this was the man... if the bastard wasn't waving around a gun as if he weren't obviously trying to compensate for lacking elsewhere. It was good news that the one girl had left, leaving Sebastian with just Hailey and the other to try to get out, the other thankfully wanting the same thing he did. Hell even the creep wanted her out of here... for the first time Sebastian wished that she would listen to him. But instead she actually went to shove at him and target a man verbally that not only held himself high, but the others watched in high regard, most likely the worst guy to piss off in the joint. As she went to shove at him again Sebastian pulled her back “Hailey! Calm down” he tried to hold her to him and stand in a defensive manner as the one verbally assaulted bit back at her.

Biting his tongue to not speak out or act out in a way that could only get Hailey hurt or in trouble he would only stand there and try to hold her, knowing it was practically a lost cause. “Please Hailey use your head and tell this guy you're sorry” He hated the words coming out of this mouth, this so called man deserved nothing but a beating himself, but he held all the cards, and combined they could do nothing against that. When the guy's eyes started to bug out he tried to create some distance between him and her, as if that would calm the beast, but putting himself between him and her did make Sebastian feel somewhat better, if only temporally.

The boy at least had the decency to pull Hailey back after she shoved him the second time. Jessie was mildly amused, after what he had put the blonde through the morning she had already crawled her way back to him. After she had yelled at him, Calico turned the tables and started back at her, breaking it down and calling Hailey a whore. Jessie feigned wiping his face to cover the smile that was forming, Calico was lucky to be able to say all that.

Hailey seemed to be in a state of rage though, as the boy behind her…he seemed familiar to Jessie…he told her to apologize. Then he stepped in front of her, but the girl was never one to back down really, there was probably some part of her that believed he would stop Calico. What the gang leader had said was true though, she was simply another girl to him, and she was already used up in his mind. She was tall, straggly and had a breast cup; she wasn’t as appealing as the bright-eyed, chubby faced young girl he had taken in all those years ago. Jessie needed his drugs more than he needed her…


Rage. Hailey couldn’t really describe her anger with better words as Calico was violently in her face and calling her a whore. That’s what everyone thought. Everyone thought she was a whore because she was by Jessie’s side, but he loved her! And he would pick her over drugs any day. It seemed everyone was against her too, as Sebastian held her back and told her to apologize to Calico.

Hailey wasn’t scared of Calico though, despite being such a young and frail girl there was something inside her that told her he was scum. There were too many people around for him to simply throw her to his men, and here was Sebastian standing in front of her. Jessie also held a gun, and she knew he would wait for the proper moment to use it. For that moment to come she needed to react, she needed to stand up to him. Hailey is shaking though, suddenly feeling the pressure now that he is so in her face, comparing her to a squirrel.

Squirrels often threw their nuts when they got angry. Hailey’s retaliation was something much less sanitary as saliva gathered in her mouth and she spat at Calico’s face. The glare she levelled at him almost seemed like a challenge.
*Calico snaps, shoving the boy in front of her to the side and gripping her by the throat, the sounds of multiple guns being cocked and pointed at her coming from all around, his eyes looked crazed, pure evil as he moves with her towards the tiger pit, his men close around him so that Jessie or the boy can get near him.* You really don't want to push me B#$cth! I'm not in the mood to mess with you! I'm waiting for a shark not a smelly tuna to challenge me. *In the tiger pit there's a small ledge over the pit, it's about a 2x3 foot ledge, big enough for someone to stand on and not fall in if they're careful. Calico looks at the ledge and smirks, then out of nowhere hauls back and lands a huge punch on jaw and another into her rib cage, but neither punch was even half speed so no internal damage to her, he just wanted to show how vicious he can be even to a woman.* The next time you get in my face the first thing I'm gonna do is take my knife and then I'm gonna make a cut. *grabbing her wrist and turning it over showing her the veins.* I'll cut right here on both your wrist, then I'll do the same thing right behind your knees, then I'm gonna put you on the ledge so we can take bets on which will happen first, you bleed out and die on that ledge or you pass out and fall into the pit..*Grins looking back at his men* Either way we're gonna have a good time! Anyway I'm not sure what is worst, slowly bleeding out or being ripped to pieces and eaten.

*Steven turns towards Max and Kat watching them more or less to make sure they don't blow his position, after Max's comments Steven rolls his eyes and turns away, slowly standing up leveling his rifle on 3 more gang members, but again instead of firing he keeps his eyes on them as he moves to closer position to Kyle. Back where Max and Kat are there's a small metal box on the ground beeping.*

(Things will happen with Kyle on my next post, it's a long one and I don't have time to do it right now.)
Raekel did not like this man, whoever the **** he was. She had seen plenty of him. Big and tough. Always showing off and making threats. Even if he would go through with them. He was far too overconfident and cocky though even if he could kill everyone here or not. Raekel knew that people like him would get their comeuppance someday and she hoped she was there. The way he treated Hailey.

An anger burned though her as she recalled some of the things she went through as a prostitute. Sure none of the guys would threaten to cut her and leave her in a tiger's pit, but she did remember a woman who had a lighter and tried to set Raekel on fire. She could feel the heat even now as her clothes and hair burned. She had recovered, but it left it's mark. It was why she kept her hair short as well.

Raekel moved to Hailey's side and looked at Calico, a neutral expression on her face. No reason to make him think she was challenging him. She then looked back at Hailey.

"Could I have not warned you any clearer before. You are a foolish girl and you don't deserve this kind of treatment." Her words seemed to not go together, somewhat insulting and trying to be nice.

Lionel was just going to go back and wait at the shelter. Maybe they had returned and Lionel could talk to Jillian. But he heard a voice call over to him. He looked to she a girl who looked to be a higher schooler. She had black hair but streaks of color were also presence. Although she had a friendly expression, Lionel tensed. He could recall his parents' lessons and even Jillian's words about strangers.

"Um....ah..." Lionel wasn't sure what to say. He was lost, but he wasn't sure if asking for some stranger's help was a good idea.

"I guess so."
Another boy is coming towards the girl, attempting to stop her rather suicidal behavior, but the blonde girl ignores his efforts, instead continuing to rather stupidly come towards him. Rikarah is trying hard not to be distracted by her or by Calico, and yet she cannot maintain the entirety of her effort on solely commanding Calico's men when Calico himself is posing a threat to another- though admittedly a very stupid other who, in Rikarah's opinion, might just be dumb enough to deserve whatever she gets.

When the girl spits in Calico's face, Rikarah turns her eyes away, now having given her up for definitely stupid enough to die. She renews her efforts on commanding the men near Kyle, even as she feels a faint throbbing begin along her temples.

As Steven continues to move towards Kyle, barely acknowledging them, Katarina stares at him, nervously digging her nails into her arm. He is moving towards Kyle, he has a he going to try to get him by himself? But what about Natalia and Rikarah?

As a blonde girl and a larger boy approach Calico, Katarina almost gasps, looking over at Max with wide eyes. Who were they and what in the world were they doing, why would they challenge Calico without weapons? Did they know him? They weren't part of the team trying to get Kyle, they weren't even really focused on Kyle...

When the blonde spat on Calico and he began to hurt her, yelling his threats, Katarina bit the inside of her cheeks until she tasted blood. She just knew this girl was going to die.

She didn't notice the ticking box, not at that time. Her attention was too focused on everything in front of her, and she was just beginning to realize she didn't know what to do at all.
Xander was entirely focused on Kyle as he and his younger sister waited for him to be let down, he found himself glancing in the general direction of the two girls, wondering what the heck was taking so long, Kyle was probably sh*tting himself up there!

Then he heard his little sister's voice as a small whisper, she was agreeing with him, then she seemed to say something else. He glanced back to her softly, hearing her words and as he looked at her he realised maybe this was the start. The start of them putting it all behind them and maybe trying to move on. Maybe Chris was right, and she wouldn't run away anymore - or at least not as often. Maybe Kat would learn how to deal with her emotions without hurting herself. Maybe Kyle would realise that Xander really did love him, that he wanted to help his little brother.

Or maybe it was just him being overly optimistic.

However, he did walk over to Chris, ignoring her reluctance to be comforted in any way, and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "It's fine Chris, we're get Kyle then go talk, okay?" He then let go after a few moments, looking back to Kyle to wait for his cue.


Natalia barely took in the mention of Rikarah's age, though she did mentally note it, and was focusing on breaking into the men's mind. It was proving a lot more difficult and time-consuming than she thought it would, and she was sending numerous, gentle commands into the men's brains, as Rikarah had said to do so. Whispering to them to let Kyle go safely.

When was she going to get to kick some hench-men butt?

(Sorry, not sure what else to do with them yet)
Chris let Xander hug her. She didn't like the physical contact and almost pushed him away, but she didn't. She hugged him back, wanting to believe that everyone was going to be okay. That they would be able to talk like a normal family and figure out where to go from there. She found she rather liked the hug. It was warm and Xander was bigger than her, almost envoloping her whole body. He smelled like sweat and something else kind of musky, but she didn't mind.

She pulled out of it, nodding at Xander. But she wasn't just going to sit by during this whole thing. She may be blind and unable to really fight or anything, but she had a power of her own.

She turned to face where Kyle was. She didn't have to, but it helped. She felt her echolocation go out and then bounce back to paint the weird black and white world. It was almost looking at an etch-e-sketch and like one, it faded after a while. She could "see" who she guessed with Calico and his men. She couldn't really tell the bodies apart. She did not know any of them at all, so unlike someone who's body she knew, she had no idea who was who over there, although she could give a guess. But as for the important part, she could not tell. What came back was the outside of the cage.

She moved a little forward and tried again, trying to focus on the cage. No again. She tried a third and forth time before, on the fifth, she could see inside.

What she got was something that looked sort of like a little ledge. And she got the picture of what might have been a tiger. Chris gumbled in aggravation. She had to do better than this. Once again she moved forward and let her power go. She started to feel a headache coming on and her eyes oddly hurt. But she got what she wanted. She could see Kyle. And oh did she see something.

"Xander," she said in a hush whisper. "They can't cut the rope. That bastard. If they cut it, Kyle will be decapitated."


Jillian watched over the coffee as Julian got fluster and searched for words. He didn't mean to make him so embarrass and he mentally chastised himself for sort of enjoying watching him get that way. He was so cute. It made Jillian smile wider.

"Well that's good. If you were going to protest to the idea I would going to throw my coffee at you and make you pay the bill." Jillian smiled and shook his head. "Sorry, that was a joke. I actually had a girl do that to me when I told her that I didn't like her like that."

Jillian then got a sort of serious look on his face. "But I'd never force you to do anything Julian."
*By the pit two gang members stand guard where the rope holding Kyle up is tied off, at first it seems more like the weed they smoked earlier was just having a funny effect on them so they don't notice Rika slowly breaching their minds, but the weed has a double affect, it makes her virtually undected in their minds but their minds are so clouded that to actually push them takes considerable effort on her behalf but eventually they turn towards the rope and start to undo the knots, unaware to the precaution Calico has in place around Kyle's neck. But due to the over achieving knot tying job of what has the be the Popeye the Gangster the knot is taking some time to undo. Meanwhile Calico completely distracted by Hailey is unaware what's happening behind him, while Steven moves within a few yards of the tiger pit, who don't seem as restless as they were earlier most went back to laying down and sleeping, probably because Kyle stop struggling because his arms and legs are going numb. Steven also unaware of Calico's precaution around Kyle's neck positions himself on the opposite side of the pit Calico is on, being more interested in getting Kyle out before confronting Calico. But being aware the others are in the zoo also and not really sure what their plan is, he finds some cover and waits to see what their next move is.*
Rikarah feels some slight gratitude when the men move towards Kyle and begin to untie the ropes from his neck, but she does not slack off in her efforts to continue to speak to them. Now that it's finally starting to work, now that she is seeing some results at last, she will not stop, even though the aching in her temples is becoming a forceful throbbing and she is beginning to feel shaky and weak to the bone. She knows mentally that she will not be able to keep this up much longer, that she will collapse and need someone to help her out. She does not want the help. Rikarah very much wants to remain strong, to fight, to walk out on her own two feet and not show that even she has areas of weakness, even if they are only physical. But she also wants the results of her efforts to amount to something.

Eyes on Kyle now, Katarina nudges Max, excited now as she sees the men somewhat near where Steven is heading. They are untying Kyle, although they seem to be taking a very long time with it, and she whispers to him, her lips twitching into a hopeful smile. "They've got it, look, Rikarah and Natalia got them to start doing it...and Steven's coming to help...Max I think we can get him, I think we can pull this off after all!"

Still she isn't paying attention to the box nearby them, nor does she see or hear it.


Still looking down at his coffee, gathering himself and his emotions, Julian took several breaths, then, still looking down at his coffee, smiled slowly. Jillian sounded sincere, if playful, and he found himself thinking about this, envisioning it, wondering how it would be if it were to occur.

Jillian being there for him, Jillian talking with him, helping him when he had a problem, listening when he was upset. Jillian never calling him names or pushing him around, Jillian not thinking that he was a terrible person, a sinful person, an evil person. Jillian touching him, maybe even...

No, he wouldn't go there, not now. But though he was blushing, it was as much from pleasure as from embarrassment.

"Thank you."
Max watched the entire scene with the new arrivals at the zoo, including a blonde girl mouthing off to Calico and the gang leader then exploding in her face. Idiots. The zoo was a surprisingly popular place after hours, wasn't it? What made it so appealing? The animals all sleeping? Or maybe it was the prospect of possible falling into a carnivore's pen for a hug that attracted so many people. His eyes went back to Kyle though when Kat nudged him. It seemed the bloody fairy's plan was working.

Though a bit . . . happy? for the DeSantos, Max couldn't help but become suspicious with the whole thing. This was all too easy. It didn't make sense. Max pegged Calico as someone a lot smarter and more cunning than this. Yet it seemed like they were just going to walk away with Kyle. If this were Max' doing, he would've set up multiple precautions. A collar that would inject some sort of drug into Kyle if he were let down without Max' permission. And Max would be the only one with the antidote. He would've fixed the perimeter with surveillance. He would've hired smarter goons. He wouldn't have even let Kyle out in the open where people could easily see the boy. Perhaps a sealed off room in a remote area underground. But then again, Max knew that they were dealing with dominoes here. Calico might not even know about the existence of dominoes much less that they were currently planning on spoiling the Asian's petty revenge. Still, something was not quite right.

That's when he noticed it. A faint beeping. The blond boy looked around until he found the source, a blinking box in the ground. It was an explosive. Was it one of Calico's? Could the zoo be littered with bombs ready to go off at any moment? Did anyone even think about how to clean this sh*t up? Seriously, no amount of money could rebuild the god damn zoo overnight. The press was bound to have a field day should the explosives go off.

"Hey Stevie," Max whispered over to the ex-marine. "What's this for?"
He guessed so? The boy didn't seem so sure or at least he seemed wary of her. Liselle couldn't tell why. She wasn't exactly the more imposing person around. Sure she had dyed hair but so did a lot of people. But she was kind of small and skinny as well. Definitely not a threat. Still the boy did look kind of young and so maybe he saw a threat in any stranger. Still Liselle felt inclined to help him if only because he reminded her somewhat of Lys.

"Well then I guess I can help you out. I am Liselle. Just tell me where you need to go, okay?" She smiled at him friendly and what she hoped was in a non-threatening manner. No reason to scare him off after she offered to help him. She just wouldn't feel as good if she knew he had run off on his own. The streets was no place for a kid. For a minute she remember what she left behind. Maybe it wasn't the best place for herself as well.


"No thank you." Jillian meant it as well. He had dated a few guys. Went on a few dates with some and had a few relationships, but most of them didn't work out so well. He went on five dates with one guy before he yelled at him that he was not gay and thought he was a girl. He tried to start a rumor that Jillian molested him after lying about being a girl but it went no where. Still he had a few that might have worked. Of course he still had home drama and school drama which always intervened. But now he was free to date and Julian was the first okay guy he had met since he started staying at the shelter.

Jillian didn't realize it but he missed being with someone. It wasn't the same with Lionel. They were close but he was like a little brother. Now he had found someone he liked and while he would never push the relationship he was happy for at least having now.

"But you're welcome," he reached across the table and grazed Julian's hand before pulling his own back and setting it midway on the table in case Julian wanted to take it or something.
When Max whispers to Steven, Katarina blinks, confused, then turns to look in the direction of his gaze. The other boy is staring in the direction of a box...a box, she notices, which is blinking.

Her eyes widen as she begins to connect the dots and wonder just what it is, exactly, and why it is making that noise. Is it possible that this is a bomb...a bomb already there? But what about the explosives that she and Max were supposed to plant? Had Steven already brought some of his own? Or had Calico? Would Calico really blow himself up with the zoo? He was crazy...he might. He might do anything.

Well then didn't that mean they needed to leave, NOW?

Growing alarmed, she tugged at Max again, saying in a barely controlled whisper, "Max, we need to go if that's a bomb! How are we going to get Kyle, those men are moving so SLOW..."


When Jillian lightly touched his hand, Julian swore he could feel it throughout his whole body. He felt himself shiver all over, and yet it was not at all an unpleasant sensation. He wanted more. He wanted Jillian to keep touching him, keep smiling at him...he wanted him to stay close.

It was the first time he had truly wanted this from another person in years...and the first time he thought the other person might actually want it too, even knowing what he was.

Julian hesitated, but didn't take Jillian's offered hand, not just yet. Instead he gave him a small smile.

"We...I wonder if D-Duck and L-Lionel know?"

He has a feeling Duck won't be wanting to stick around the shelter for long. He will miss Duck if the other boy decides to head out on his own again, but he knows Duck has never been good at saying in one place. And now that he has Jillian and Lionel...Julian will be okay. Better than okay...hopefully.

(I'm thinking Reviour quit)
*Steven rolls his eyes again and uses his hand to made to indicate it's a bomb..then makes the sign to be quiet. Turning his attention back to the enemy, he looks through the scope of his rifle, two quiet little thuds come out of his rifle as he fires at two more snipers that drop in the distance. Steven goes prone waiting to see if his position has been compromised, he finally lets out a slow breath in relief when he realizes he's not exposed.*

*Calico getting bored with the intrusions of his little party decides to grab a random person and tosses them into the tiger pit and relishes as the poor guy is being torn to pieces by the tigers who have been restless with all the drama and yelling right above them not to mention the tasty little boy being dangled above them that they can't seem to reach.*
Sebastian had done what he could to defuse the situation, but knowing Hailey he should have expected her next course of action before she even decided it. Still he was shocked when she countered the offer of apologizing by spitting at the man. One of her less reasonable decisions to be sure. Before he could even react Sebastian was shoved and thrown aside by the man himself. There was some discomfort, but nothing was broken or bruised up too badly. The problem was now that Calico was gripping her by the throat and dragging her towards the tiger pit, both less than ideal situations. Sebastian moved to follow them but didn't get that far before the men moved to stop him. He tried to push past them, fear and anger his fuel but they were too many to his one, and they were armed to boot.

What happened next was both startling and confusing. Sebastian wouldn't believe it if he didn't see it with his own eyes. The men separating Sebastian from Hailey and her attacker... they were being thrown. At first Sebastian stared blankly, but after the second man was flung away he started heading towards them, and noticed the men in his path had some sort of dark shadow wrapping around their bodies, he just didn't notice that they were coming from him. Nearly as soon as this started it ended. He neared Hailey only for whatever oddity that allowed him to approach to stop and ran into some of the men, falling backwards, unsure of what to do or what was going on.

The challenge was accepted by Calico, as he shoved Sebastian out of the way, “Sebas-” is all Hailey manages to get out before being gripped around the throat. Immediately her hands close around his wrists, trying to fight him away as her breath is strangled from her. The blonde hardly notices the guns being cocked, as it seems more likely that she will die via strangulation.

Jessie doesn’t move, rather he backs up a step, looking rather bemused as Calico brings her to the tiger pit. The men close in on both him and Sebastian for reassurance, just in case he was crazy enough to do something.

Hailey barely hears his threats, as she is now able to breath, and that’s all she can focus on is breathing. Until suddenly she is struck in the face, a sharp pain searing through the area until another hit is landed in her gut, and the air is once again knocked out her. Her focus is on the pain for the moment, but he grabs her wrist with one of his hands and she is forced to pay attention. The way he touches her scares her, reminds her of the night before, but it only a simple line, before he explains that he will also cut her behind her knees.

Jessie was also barely paying mind to Calico’s threats instead his focus was on the man fighting behind the huge group of people. Hailey had been protected by him, and now he wanted to protect Hailey right back. It didn’t seem like he could do anything, but the girl that she had brought had managed her way past and was calling Hailey foolish. The girl was right Hailey was as easy to lead on as a dog to a bone and he liked it that way.

Then something happened that the both of them noticed, one of the men surrounding Sebastian was picked up and thrown. Not by the man himself, but rather, it looked like an unknown force was attacking him. It didn’t just happen to one man, but it seemed that Sebastian was making progress as these man were thrown away and Jessie was confused, stood awkwardly still for a moment. Then he glanced around, and saw the two girls that had been walking towards them previously.

“Calico” he notes, the man had been busy throwing two of his subordinates in the tiger pit, but he hoped her listened now. “Look over there” Jessie calls, motioning with his head to the two girls who were staring a little too intensely for his liking.
Feeling helpless, unsure of where to go or what to do, Katarina stands uncertainly, her stomach twisting and churning with her anxiety as she watches everything happening. How long can Kyle stay where he is, why isn't he free yet? The men are still untying him, seeming to be struggling, and her eyes shift anxiously towards where Rikarah and Natalia are standing, seeing that Rikarah's eyes are open wide and very bright, almost feverish, that she is standing rigidly, her small face pale and strained. Katarina is afraid as she looks at her that she won't be able to hold out much longer, and then that means that Natalia won't be able to either...

Her eyes drift up to Kyle again, checking on his progress, and that it when she really understands and gasps out loud, horrified, her fingers instantly digging into Max's arm. There's something around Kyle's neck...and as she narrows her eyes, straining to see, she realizes what Chris had previously.

"Max," she whispers, growing lightheaded with shock, "he's going to die if they cut him. And Rikarah...Rikarah and Natalia, they're..."

Her eyes move to Rikarah and Natalia, and she knows she can't warn them. If she screams a warning, if she runs to them to tell them, then she will draw attention to them and herself, they'll all get attacked...

In her mind, despite Steven's presence, she has already started to give Kyle up as dead, and she doesn't have much hope for the rest of them either.

When Calico throws one of his own men into the tiger pit and the gore begins, Katarina gives a short scream, unable to help herself, before she stuffs her own knuckles into her mouth, biting down hard both to keep from screaming again and to give herself pain to focus on. She can feel tears threatening to escape....she can see the blonde girl she doesn't recognize being grabbed by Calico, and she is certain that this girl is dead too.

But no...there are shadows coming to cover some of the men, pulling them apart, and her fingers loosen slightly on Max as she stares, a slight stir of hope rising in her chest. But the steady ticking of the bomb behind them, the blonde girl's doomed fate, Kyle, the men still struggling with the ropes...


This plan is not working as it should.

The stupid blonde girl is about to get herself killed, Calico is beginning himself to kill, if only of his own men, and the men she and Natalia are commanding are moving entirely too slowly for her taste...and Rikarah herself knows she cannot possibly last longer than another five minutes before she will collapse, and even those five minutes will be pushing herself beyond the limits of anything she's ever tried. She can feel the shakiness spreading through her limbs and torso, her body is heated from head to toe, and already she aches, as though she has been pushed and stretched and twisted in all directions.

When the shadows begin to seemingly attack Calico's men she does not connect them to anything going on, or even pay much attention. Her focus is on Kyle...because, she, like Katarina and Chris, has just realized his true predicament. Gasping, breaking for a moment from her commands of the men, as the full situation begins to hit her, she abruptly grabs Natalia's arm, stopping her as well as her mind spins a new plan.

"He will be decapitated. Stop...tell the undo that contraption from him which will harm him if he is cut. You do that...focus on the men, as hard as you can. And I...have other plans."

Staring down now at the tigers, who have been mauling the man Calico threw down, she makes this her new target. Tigers, being much simpler and less guarded beings than humans, much more primal, are significantly more open to suggestion, and she curses herself for not making them her focus all along. Speaking into the tigers' minds, she commands each of them exactly as she wishes for them to behave.

You do not want the little boy. You have no interest in have no interest in the blonde, should she drop down to you. What you truly want is the men standing above you. Attack them. Kill them. Kill them all.

And the tigers appear to be responding. They are throwing themselves at the walls of the tiger pit, making every effort to climb up and to drag themselves up even with Calico and the others...and their frantic efforts appear to be yielding way to success. Every time they slide back down to the pit, they throw themselves up higher, getting closer to reaching the top.
*Steven uses this distraction to his advantage and steps out of cover popping the men around Calico as he steps towards him, he empties his first clip and pulls it out flipping it over and slides in the clip taped to it finally only a few feet from Calico, 3 of his inner circle, Jessie, Hailey and the other guy (sorry forgot his name) Staring down the sight he moves the barrel from side to side ready to shoot anyone that moves. Calico is calm and cool despite everything but his men are torn between the shadows, the tigers trying to get out and Steven holding his M-4 Carbine on them.*

Calico: Well well soldier boy finally shows up, I was starting to think you didn't care about this brat. So what you gonna do now shoot us you gonna do that before the rest of my gang gets here? Plus my boys here could just gun you down.

*Steven not at all showing any fear, he knows the others are out there but they need to get Kyle and leave.*

Steven: Shutup! This is what's going to happen here..You're gonna order them to remove whatever trap you have on the boy, then you're gonna let him and his family leave and then we all go our separate ways or...

*Calico cuts him off*


*Steven steps forward pointing his rifle at Calico's head.*

Steven: Or *points at the guy on Calico's left, a tall lanky guy* He's first from what I can tell he's the only shooter here, so I'll put two in him one in the chest one in the head. *Moves the barrel to a guy standing right behind Calico, big guy well toned like a football player.* You would think he be next but no, you're favoring your left leg you got little mobility so it would take you sometime to get some steam up..*Moves to a guy standing near Jessie* You'd be next, you got no real skill but from what I can tell but you look like you're enjoying all this to much so I figure you're the crazy one of the group so yeah I'll just put 3 rounds into your gut and let you bleed out and suffer..*Moves it back to he second guy.* By then you'll probably be moving towards me so first I'd shoot out your knees and then when you're crawling to me I'll double tap you to the back of the head..*Points his rifle at Jessie* I remember you and I believe I owe you..Once I shoot everyone around you Calico then I'll take my time blowing limb after limb off for what you did to my parents and even if you beg me I'll never kill you, I'll just leave you a worthless mass of scum on the ground. So I'll say it again LET THE BOY GO OR SUFFER!

*Calico stares at Steven's eyes and as crazy as Calico is he's staring down a trained Marine with an assault rifle, the odds are not good even for a crazy bastard. Slowly he raises his hands and directs his men to free Kyle.*

Calico: Let the brat go!

Steven: HEY! take that trap off him first!

*Calico grins and gives the order*

Calico: So this is unfair, you get what you want but what do I get out of this?

*Steven waits till they pull Kyle over and free him.*

Steven: You get what you asked for..Me! As soon as the kid is clear I'll surrender to you and we can settle this like men or you can just kill me flat out, but I have c4 all over this zoo if Kyle and his family are even slowed down I'll blow you and me straight to hell.

Calico: So I let him go and I get you? Ok that works for me.

*Steven lowers his rifle but pulls out a deadman's button from his pocket*

Steven: Give the kid your cell phone and dial this number*He calls out his own cell phone number and Calico dials it in before tossing it at Kyle's feet...Kyle barely has his eyes open and falls against the fence trying to hold himself up.* Come on kid pull yourself together and get out of here!
When Steven begins his orders and negotiations, Katarina's heart is pounding, and she feels hope for him again, along with pride. Steven can do this...he can get them out after all. he has it covered, he knows what he's doing...he's getting Kyle out. Maybe it will be okay...maybe...

But then she hears the rest of his plan, and she bites down on her knuckle again, just to keep from screaming. No...he can't do this. He can't give himself up...not like this, Calico will hurt him, Calico will kill him! NO...

"He's going to kill him," she says from around her knuckles, vaguely nauseous, her breathing growing shallow and rapid. "He's...he can't do this, he can't DO this..."

She watches as Kyle is released into the pit, and almost screams again, but to her amazement the tigers ignore him, per Rikarah's command, simply continuing to try to claw their way up to Calico. She can see Xander and Chris in the distance and hearing Steven's words about the bombs, abruptly releases Max, running to them and grabbing both at once.

"We have to get out, we have to get Kyle out...but Steven, we can't let him do this, we can't just LEAVE him, he's going to die!"

Rikarah is fast losing strength, her legs weakening, but she persists until she is sure the tigers have been entirely taken over with her voiced command, that they no longer recognize it as outside their own thought even if she were to withdraw. She can see only a red blinding light blinking before her, can hear only loud pounding within her skull, and as she starts to buckle her last thought is a mixture of satisfaction for the tigers and rage at Steven...figures he would swoop in and try to take credit, try to play the hero, try to guide things to his own way.
Max crouched down, watching everything that had just happened. He couldn't help but smirk as Calico threw one of his own men into the tiger pit. The blond liked this man's style, but that didn't change the fact that this man was a gangster. Max didn't so much like gangsters or any riffraff actually. Kyle was getting down. That was good he guessed. But Steven was giving himself up to Calico.

Max was a bit puzzled by this. No matter what skills Steven had, he was still surrounded by gangsters. How could he just go and then demand his own terms? It looked more to Max like a cornered rat biting back. Like Steven wanted to seem like a hero because he was out of options or something. Out of options . . . Wait. Steven wasn't actually planning on dying, was he? No way. Max wasn't going to let a domino escape his grasp like this. But what could he do? Obviously, just walking out there was not an option. Or at least, not his first choice. He supposed he would have to wait a little to see who Kyle was calling.

He watched Kat rush to her siblings, frantic about what they should do to be able to save both Kyle and Steven. From what he could tell, the first thing they had to do was get Kyle out of harm's way. Even if Steven seemed to be calling the shots, he still had to be careful of what he was doing as long as Kyle was still in the line of fire. If Kyle was out of the way, then Mr. Triggerhappy could go ballistic on this place. And with his power, it wasn't like he was going to get too hurt although Max did not know the extent of Steven's ability.

Max crept over to the three DeSantos, not taking his eyes off of Calico. "You guys, our first priority has to be getting Kyle out of there. If Calico kidnapped your brother to lure Steven out, the man must have a bone to pick with him. So he won't want it to end with a quick shot. Plus Steven's power helps protect him from attacks, right? Well Kyle doesn't." He waited a bit to see if the rest agreed. "Now the problem is how do we get Kyle out of there? Calico might be more preoccupied with Steven but Kyle is still in the light. Not to mention, Senor Big Guns dragged Kyle even closer to Calico by making him call someone."

(How far from Jesse is Steven exactly?)
(Sorry for the lack of postage, wasn't sure what to post until now)

Xander frowned, then his eyes widened. Oh sh*t, Chris was right. How could they have not thought of this before? As he glanced between the tigers, Kyle, and Calico, he then realised something. Couldn't Nat and Rikarah just tell the tigers not to harm Kyle? If they could make humans do something, then why not animals? Weren't animals much simpler creatures anyway?

Then, then he realises something much more frightening. Bomb. There's a bomb around Kyle's neck. "Oh god Chris, there's a bomb around his neck." He whispered numbly. Even if the tigers ignored him, even if the men let him down. Calico was a smart fu*ker. That was for sure. Which just made Xander even more inclined to shoot the man through the head. Infact, he was about to do that, as stupid as it was, about to shoot the man or even damn electrocute him to death. But then Steven stepped out.

Steven spoke to Calico, threatened and shouted. But then he had got Calico to agree, he had removed the bomb, and Kyle was dropped. The tigers ignored him, and glancing over to the weak looking Natalia and Rikarah he held back a thankful smile, they were smart enough to know to stop the tigers without him suggesting it anyway. Kat ran over then, pratically screaming about Steven and Kyle. He turned to her, he couldn't deal with this right now. Any minute now the tigers could suddenly snap out of their trance and eat his little brother. "Kat, look after Chris. I'll grab Kyle." He gave her no time to argue as he sped away.

Running over to the pit, Xander didn't even flinch at the tigers leaping up. One of the men there - either thinking Calico's orders were wrong, confused about what his boss wanted or just rebelling because Calico had just chucked his friend into the pit with the tigers - stepped up to Xander, about to stab him or something. But Xander, who was already annoyed enough to be sparking, grabbed the knife and sent a jolt through the metal up into the man's veins. He barely gasped, dropping to the floor in twitches before his body stilled completely. Xander didn't care if the man was just knocked out or dead.

Xander wasted no more time and jumped into the pit, "Kyle!" He quickly hugged Kyle, for a few seconds only as that was all they had, and swept up the phone at his feet. He pulled his brother out from the pit, glancing over to Steven and Calico with barely contained anger, and it was clear in his eyes that he wanted to shoot Calico through the skull five times - the bast*rd could probably see this though Xander's death glare though. He nodded at Steven, almost as if to say 'Thanks, and I'm sorry' But then Calico smirked, he actually damn SMIRKED, and Xander couldn't do it. The assh*le had just strung his little brother up over a pit full of hungry insane tigers, probably scarred him for life, and was about to kill a guy Xander's sister might be in love with - which would probabl scar her for life too. And he had the nerve to SMIRK at him!

No. Xander growled lightly then, and the hand not holding Kyle shot out involuntarily, a blue bolt left his palm and headed straight for Calico. But then one of Calico's stupid henchmen stepped out like the idiot he was - protecting his boss or whatever - and the dangerous electricity hit the mob-member, making him drop infront of Calico. Sh*t. Xander pulled Kyle behind a display then, back to the hiding place where Kat and Chris were. "Uh, we need to get out of here, before they open fire on us."

Xander was pretty sure he had just killed that gang member. Right at Calico's feet. Yeah....that might not go down well. But he had Kyle, and now they just needed to get out. He glanced at his little brother, whom he was supporting. Kyle looked as pale as a a sheet of paper. It scared Xander.


Natalia had been focusing the entire time. The strain was so much that she had no time to think of the interfering blonde, the re-appearance of the shadow guy, or the bomb spotted on Kyle's neck. She could feel her closed fists shaking, her legs wavering and her head began to throb lightly with the effort she was forcing upon the guards. Then Rikarah uttered her to stop, and Natalia held back her sigh of relief.

She didn't feel well, at all, and she was SO tired. Is that what using Rikarah's power did to you?

Then Rikarah told her to use the power again, this time telling the men to remove the bomb, and she barely nodded, starting up the whispers again. Now that Rikarah was focused on something else, it became even harder. Natalia's vision clouded over, darkening a bit, and she couldn't do it. She couldn't. She let out a gasp then, and dropped her head, trying to breathe evenly. Was she just kicked out?

She looked up, head still close to her legs, and saw the men were infact removing the bomb. But that was because Steven had shown up, negotiated, demanded and somehow convinced Calico. Her head was throbbing painfully, chest constricted, and breathing uneven. But as she looked to Rikarah she noticed the older girl had infact passed out. Oh sh*t. That meant she had to get better, now, and get them out. She glanced around, her only thought was to maybe grab a power that could help them. She smiles lightly as she sees 'Shadow boy' as she has dubbed him. And with a bout of strength, she pushes herself up and makes her way over to him. Surprisingly the men part for her, probably because Steven has offered himself up, and she grabs Sebastian's arm, hoping her words and the contact will be enough for her to gain his power, "Get her out of here." As she speaks, she can already feel her vision brightening, and with a lighter heart she realises that maybe once she drops Rikarah's power she also drops the consequences of it.

She hopes.

She goes back to Rikarah, because as much as she wants to leave her there on that bench - Abi would kill her. She pulls Rikarah's arm around her shoulders, and loops her own arm around Rikarah's back, pulling the girl up. Somehow, just somehow she manages to make it to Xander's car with the exhausted girl and pushes her into the back. She clambers in beside her and waits for Xander and his siblings to come and get in the car themselves. They did their part. They can only hope it was enough.

Natalia is just peeved she didn't get to kick any hench men butt.
*Steven can't believe how stupid Xander is being, he has his little brother back that should be all he cares about but to attack Calico after Steven just made a deal for them to all walk away is damn foolish..Calico looks down at the dead guy and realizes that shot was meant for him, his eyes turn to Xander full of rage as he takes a step towards him but Steven moves in his path and stops him from moving forward.*


Steven: HEY! FORGET THE KID..You and me have a deal, just calm the hell down! You don't want the kid...You want me remember? Come on beating him won't be any fun for you one or two punches and he's done...But me I could last for hours maybe even days..Come on doesn't that sound like more fun for you...Let the kid go and I swear I'll make it worth your while.

*Calico suddenly burst into laughter.*

Calico: Yeah yeah sure...I'll let it go for now but you better last like you said or I'll get bored and come for them all!
Katarina tries to take in what Max is reasoning out about Steven's chance of survival in Calico's care, tries to believe and accept his words to be true. It does make sense that Calico won't want to kill him right away...but he'll hurt him, of course he will. And what about the bombs? Steven could survive a lot, but could he survive bombs? How fast were they going to blow up?

Before she can even try to think of what to do, Xander is running, telling her over his shoulder to look after Chris. Katarina steps towards her numbly, taking Chris's hand and squeezing it until she feels her bones. She watches Steven with Calico, Xander with Kyle, with wide eyes, praying without words or coherent thought.

Xander is using his power on one of the men, and Katarina is almost numb to it, unable to even feel relief when he manages to extract Kyle and drag him back to her and Chris. Calico is threatening them, Steven holding them back, and she her whole body thrums with her anxiety and distress as she reluctantly follows Xander, holding up Kyle, out to the his car, slipping into the passenger seat beside him as she waits for the others to emerge. She turns to face the zoo again, straining to see Steven, and doesn't realize as she stutters aloud that tears are now streaking down her cheeks.

"The others...and Steven. We...we can't just leave him. We CAN'T."

But even as she says it she knows that's exactly what they'll have to do, that there is no other real option.

Natalia and Rikarah are already in the backseat, and Katarina notices but doesn't really register that Rikarah appears to be unconcious as Chris and Kyle are directed towards joining them. When she finally glances back at them, she sees Kyle's weak figure, Rikarah's limp form and closed eyes, and panics again, voice rising.

"KYLE! Is he she...she's not..." she can't bring herself to say "dead."
*Kyle is weak and can barely talk because the entire time he was tied up he had no water but he manages to reach up for his brother* I knew you'd come for me Xander, I'm sorry for being so mean to you.

*Back in the zoo Calico is grinning at Steven*

Calico: See I kept my word they are free no harm no foul..Now it's your turn.

*Steven wanted to wait for Kat or someone to call him so he'd know they're safe but now he just wants this over with, he puts the safety back on the Deadman Switch he's holding and throws it to the ground, them drops his rifle and side arm. slowly he sinks to his knees and puts his hands on top of his head.*

Steven: Fine a deal is a deal I'm all yours.

*Calico steps towards Steven and lands a huge punch to the head..Even tho Steven is just outside of Jessie's range and his power is protecting him the punch is still doing huge damage and knocks Steven on to his back.*

Calico: Oh I'm just getting started with you..HOLD HIM UP CAUSE I'M GONNA ENJOY EVERY BIT OF THIS!

*Two of his men grab Steven and holds him up while Calico lays into him again even with his power he can feel the damage being done.*

Steven: See I told you I'd be more fun then that kid.

*Steven coughs up blood, feeling a rib crack..How is this guy able to bypass his powers like this.*

Calico: Damn right you are, normally I have to hold back but not with you..You can take it can't you soldier boy! This is what you get when you screw with my business!

*Calico is just going to town on Steven now and with one last punch he sends him flying against the fence...Steven struggles to get to his feet, barely able to see or breath now.*

Steven: By the way I should warn you..I called the cops

*Calico starts laughing again*

Calico: COPS! YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT THE COPS? I owe the cops around here..Trust me they ain't coming to help you.

Steven: Not those kind of cops you moron! My kind of cops.

*Back in the parking lot before the group can pull out 4 big black SUVs drive pass them and stop in front of the zoo as well as 2 black helicopters fly over them and and hover over the area where the tiger pit is and groups of armed men repel out of them surrounding Calico and Steven holding guns on them.*


*Calico moves towards Steven intent on a killing blow when he suddenly stops and sinks to his knees shaking violently after being hit by multiple taser darts..Steven didn't get off the hook he also gets nailed several times by darts and falls over shaking..But still he can't help but smile seeing Calico fall over and pisses himself.*

(Figure Jessie and the others had enough sense to run when the copters showed up and slipped out of the roundup.)
Max watched as Xander and the rest just left. His eye twitched a bit but he just sighed and continued watching the whole mess with Steven and Calico. It's not that he was surprised. Humans were naturally horrible people. Selfish. Conniving. Distrustful. It was inevitable that they would just leave him there. He sat down in the grass, covered in shadow, witnessing the whole scene as a multitude of specialized officers came and took down Calico. Whoever this Steven was, he had military connections. Max thought about the whole mess he had found himself a part of. Sure there were plenty of dominoes but was it really worth getting involved with them. They had just ditched him amid a war zone after all.

Eventually, he hopped over the zoo wall and went to his hummer. He sat at the wheel motionless for a while before starting the car and driving home. It's happened to him before. Lots of time actually. He'd been ditched by "friends", family and girls countless times. No one ever bothered to stay with him. No one cared. But it's okay. Because Max didn't care about them. He only wanted research. And with his research of dominoes he'd make a scientific breakthrough. His name would be on par with that of Newton and Einstein. And when that happens, they'll be sorry. Oh, everyone who's ever mistreated him will be sorry. Because he'll crush them. He will annihilate them and they'll see. Max was better than all of them. He didn't need to hang around people lower than him.

When Max got home, he sluggishly made his way to his computer. With Steven's address and the knowledge that he was connected to the military, Max would be able to narrow down the results. He typed in the information and allowed his computer to sort everything out as he crawled into bed.
Chris was overwhelmed by the events that unfolded. She could hear the yelling. Hear it all and almost feel it. She felt like she might start crying again. She heard Xander say he was going to go and get Kyle. For Kat to watch over here. Oddly enough if felt like she couldn't really hear the people around her. She tried to keep calm, reassure herself that everything was going to be okay. That Xander would get Kyle and then they could all go.

She felt the presence of other people and for a moment she thought to use her power to see who might be near and try and steady herself. But as she did it, she thought she didn't want to incase she saw more and as she tried to stop the process she found herself almost screaming out in pain. She choked out a sob and gripped her head. Well she was never going to do that again. She could not tell what came back as her head throbbed in pain from what she tried to do.

"Oh God..."

She then came back a little to reality as she felt someone's hand gripping her own. She squeezed back and smiled a little. Kat. She knew it was her sister. She let her power go again, this time trying not to do anything. Max also seemed to be near and she got a sense of the others. She thought she could see where Xander was but her power wasn't working as well. Her head still hurt and she hissed through her teeth.

The madness kept on going.

Xander returned and they had to leave fast. Chris wasn't even aware that not everyone had come with them in their attempt to flee. She only realized later that Max had not been with them. She frowned, angry at herself. She would try and apologize to him for it all. Somehow.


Jillian smiled back at him.

"About us? Or about our preference? I do not know if Lionel knows about me, but I think he would not mind. As for Duck, I cannot tell." Jillian looked at Julian and smiled a little more. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be pretentious with the whole "us" thing. Unless you want there to be an us."

Jillian realized he might be going at this the wrong way. "What I mean is...I guess I am asking you to be my boyfriend. It's okay to say no." Jillian took another sip, glancing at the clock to see what time it was. They should head back soon. He then moved his eyes back to Julian, waiting for his response.

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