Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Julian is quiet as he walks with Jillian, the bag of his new clothing in his hand, nervously twisting its straps around and then releasing them without paying attention to the act. He looks around several times, making absolutely certain that no one is there, no one is paying attention, before stopping walking all together. He can barely think and talk at the same time, let alone walk too...if he's really going through with this. Is he? Can he?

His hand are shaking, clammy to the touch, and Julian can hear his heart thudding like a washing machine against his chest as he swallows repeatedly, trying to find the words, then to form them on his tongue. His start is awkward, very anxious, at first, and he has difficulty making himself understood, as well as speaking loudly enough for Jillian to hear.

"I-I...w-when I was l-little there, there was a girl c-called M-M-Madison...she...she was a y-year younger than me, b-but she...she..."

Just the fact that he had spoken Madison's name aloud for the first time in years, that he was about to for the first time tell another living soul what had occurred between them, was enough to bring Julian's anxiety to a very high level. He still remembered Madison's cold eyes, narrowed nearly to slits as she stepped closer to him, informing him that if he ever breathed a word, she would make certain he was very, very sorry.


Katarina nods very faintly in response to Rikarah's explanation, then, taking a deep breath, moves to stand closer to Max, as though to say that yes, she will go with him. She doesn't look at him, and is still hugging herself, her heart beating hard and fast with her continued strong emotions, but she does not protest. Setting her jaw, she waits to move with Max to her assigned point.
Jillian was patient with Julian. He had learned long ago how to be patient and helping out Lionel had also help him a lot. Jillian didn't want to force the boy into anything. If he didn't want to tell him, he didn't have to. But he also didn't want to prevent him from speaking if he wanted to as well. So he kept silent and let Julian figure out if he could do it or not. If he could talk about it.

Jillian found that he was anxious though. He was confused by Julian's earlier confession. Did he really want to know more? But as he looked at his friend, he felt that he would listen anyways. For Julian's sake.

"I'm assuming she's involved in why you murder someone," Jillian asked, speaking lowly so no one would over hear them. This was not really a conversation to be had in public, but he wasn't sure where else to go.


Liselle frowned a bit when Hailey hugged the guy. Well even if they weren't a couple, they certainly seemed close. She felt like even more of an intruder now, but something kept her there. Liselle wanted to leave, but she wasn't sure where to go. Back to the park all alone? She looked from Hailey to Sebastion and then to Raekel as well. She wondered how the redhead was taking it.

"So why would your...whatever be here? Seems like a funny time to go to the zoo."

Something felt off and she wondered if maybe Raekel was right after all. That Hailey was involved with some creep or something along those lines. It made her want to run even more, but she did not go. Maybe she was overreacting and it was nothing. This guy Jessie just liked animals a lot or something.
Max listened and nodded at the appropriate times when Rikarah began giving directions. He had been paired up with Kat. Yeah, this might get awkward. What with him having practically kidnapped her sister earlier. Hopefully they could be professional about this until they got Kyle out of there alive. As the girl walked over to Max, she was oddly quiet. Maybe she was always this way. He had only seen her a few times but each time, she was rather talkative.

He took a gun from one of his hip holsters and put it into her hand, followed by two spare magazines. "I figure you need something to protect yourself as well. Do you know how to fire one?"

Max climbed back up the wall of the zoo. "We probably want to stay away from the traditional entrances, seeing as the street lamps along the main paths will easily blow our cover." Steadying himself on the wall he extended his hand to Kat and anyone who might want a little boost up. "Need a hand?"
*Steven drives maybe half a block before his car slams to a stop, he starts punching his dashboard over and over until he finally calms himself, the guilt of leaving them all especially Kyle is eating him up, but there plan is suicide even with him there and after the way he's been treated, the constant judging him for what he's done to get revenge for his parents, the fact that he's been effectively doing critical blows to Calico's operations for weeks and then they have the nerve to question his tactics, Xander pretty much called him a coward, saying he was to scared to stay a marine, worst of all Kat didn't trust him. He should drive away and put all of them in his rear view. Instead he picks up his phone and makes a call.* Yeah it's me are you still looking for me? Well I'll come back but I have a condition. *After a few minutes of talking on the phone he's back out of his car and into his trunk and pulls out a grey dufflebag, he thinks to himself today there is a good chance he'll die but if he does he'll die a marine, opening up the bag he pulls out his uniform and puts it on and finally gears up. After he's done he moves back to the front seat of his car, taking time to write a note to Xander and leaves it on the dash and the keys under the seat. The note simply says "If I die take care of them...But if I make it I'm gonna kick your ass for stealing my car!"

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Sebastian was taken back by the hug, his first reaction was to push her away, but he fought it and after a moment's surprise he brought his arms around her tentatively. Another girl says hello, to which Hailey pulled away from him. “Hey” he responds with a nod, not knowing who she was but figured her for a maybe friend of Hailey's. Turning back to Hailey he gave her a smile, not knowing what to say or not to say to her after such a time apart.

The next word from her lips would make his blood run cold. Jessie. There could only be one so called man attached to that man. And somehow even though she had left her home, somehow he had found her again. Perhaps Sebastian had made a mistake in leaving her to her own devices, surely he hadn't been protecting her at all if this other one had wormed his way back in. His expression was anything but pleasant and he didn't even truly react until she started running off towards the zoo. He was there, so close and she was running off to him even now? Taking a deep breath Sebastian called out to Hailey. “Hailey! Wait up...” he ran to catch up to her, knowing it was futile to try to stop her, not after Jessie had who knew how much time to brainwash her once more. But he could come with her, he could protect her now. Killer or not he was better company than that sick ****, and if he hurt Hailey with Sebastian around, perhaps he could live with himself if he caused this death. Sebastian smiled, yeah he could sleep at night with one less creep out there.
Very slightly Julian nodded. For Jillian to speak those words aloud, saying them in a tone without judgment, as if maybe he could handle what he was about to hear, was somewhat encouraging,and he took a deep breath in, head down, shoulders hunched, hugging his elbows against himself as he took up the tale again, voice dropping lower still.

"Sh-she, she was p-pretty and s-smart, and she...everyone, the, the adults liked her. They...they thought s-she was really good. But...but she was....she..."

He took in another slow breath, then whispered the words it had taken him years to fully form in his thoughts, words he had never been able to say aloud. "I t-think she's evil."

His eyes moved to Jillian, taking in his reaction, and his words stuttered out more rapidly as he tried to explain. "Sh-she would, she had s-something about her where, where she would m-make you feel like you, like you had to be with her, l-like you had to do what s-she said. She....she m-made me do things. She made us all d-do things...bad things. Really bad things...she...she..."

He is shaking slightly now, and hugs himself tighter as his face pales. "Sh-she...we d-didn't want to. But we...we had to. She...n-no one would have believed us."


Katarina takes the gun, then looks at the magazines blankly that Max has presented her with. "What do I do with these?"

It occurs to her then that all of them strolling around the zoo, weapons in hand, will look more than a little strange. What if zoo patrons report them or attack them? What if they call the police? What if she and Max get stopped by security? All of this doesn't seem that much of a good idea, but then, they let Calico and his guys in without stopping them or calling police...and what else could she do? She had to get Kyle back.

She let Max help her up, then took her weapon from him, waiting for him to drop down beside her. Nervously she chews on her lower lip as she grips the gun. She has shot it only a couple of times, and it is heavy, unfamiliar in her hands. Could she really kill someone if she had to?


It appears that people are accepting her directions, and Rikarah moves beside Natalia, scaling her corner of the zoo fence and waiting for Natalia to drop beside her. Although Rikarah has a weapon, she has also thought ahead enough to have taken an oversized handbag as she left the theater, one of the props from her dressing room bedroom, and this is where her gun is stashed. If she and Natalia are to look inconspicuous, then it is necessary that it is not carried out in the open. Beginning to walk in the direction of the tiger's lair, Rikarah looks over at her, her face blank, making sure that the other girl is walking in the casual, unhurried manner of a zoo patron.

But despite her expression, Rikarah's heart is beating fast, and she is anticipant for the scene to come. She will watch Calico die with pleasure.
Raekel looked at the man who Hailey hugged. She tried to get a reading of him. If Hailey was being sold into prostitution anyone she came into contact with was under Raekel's suspicion. Hailey seemed to greet and act like he was an old friend, but that did nothing to change her mind. After all she seemed to be attached to the very man who was going to let scum touch her.

She sighed deeply and crumpled the unlit cigarette in her hand. A waste yes, but she could get more later. She wanted to smack Liselle who seemed to be both unaware of what was going on and somewhat annoying. Still she seemed to worry as well which could be useful. She had brought Liselle along for that reason. She felt that Hailey would be more inclined to listen to her and as long as Liselle helped her out, Raekel was okay with that.

"She's making a mistake," Raekel said to Sebastian as Hailey headed inside and before he followed. "But I think you already know that." She shrugged as if it did not matter to her and followed Hailey as well. This did not seem like a good idea and she thought that Hailey was being stupid.
(Hmm, was thinking maybe at the zoo, Xander might almost kill Calico - not in the way of injuring him - but he could get really pissed off (which won't be hard considering Calico did kidnap his brother and dangle him over a tiger pit) and shoot a bolt at Calico, but one of Calico's gang members could step out infront of him and get hit instead, being electrocuted to death from the bolt. Oh and sorry for the delay of postage, writer's block + life makes for slow posts, sorry D: Also, if you think about it, Natalia would be a pretty good domino to 'research' 'Cause her power allows her to absorb other people's powers, she's like the domino of all dominos :D Despite her cautious nature of course xD )

Xander watched as Rikarah effectively directed them all to their places, his hatred for Steven had grown to impeccable amounts, and he paid the guy no attention. Until he shoved him away from the car, he then spun around, as though he was going to electrocute the guy, but Steven had driven off and a spark flew from Xander, hitting the floor. He knew better than to chase after him.

First he is paired with Kat, but then Rikarah changes her mind and he is instead with Chris. He doesn't mind, as long as his family is safe, he honestly doesn't care who goes with who. Having Chris with him will be good though; that way he can look after her more closely. Then Rikarah reveals she has a power of her own, to pierce people's thoughts and also have ability to influence their actions and thoughts. He finds himself watching her as she speaks, and he is smiling lightly. She dislikes Steven and has a power? This girl is amazing. Not to mention she's got that mystical, beautiful, queen-of-the-fairies look.

He did not just call her beautiful.

Xander looks away, gun still in one hand, as Rikarah speaks to Katarina. Then he feels a soft hand in his, and looks to see it is Chris. He smiles at her - even though she cannot see it - and for a moment, for that smallest moment he feels he is doing something right. For once, for once his siblings actually want to be comforted, they want him to look after them. But then Chris pulls away, seeming embarrassed, and Xander still is smiling. At least he knows she doesn't hate him as Kyle does. Then again, he has always been close to his little sister, more so than he ever has with Kyle.

"We all do Chris, I'll watch your back, okay?" Xander would do more than that. He'd protect his baby sister with his life. And his baby brother. Even his twin sister. He would die for any one of them, and today was the truest test of that. He then notices the others taking their places, and clambers over the wall like it's a simple small log, sitting atop it, he holds out his hand for his little sister to help her up. He smiles at her, "We can totally do this Chris. We'll get Kyle and get back to the motel, then...then we can get some chinese or something for dinner, we all like chinese right?" Sometimes it was hard to keep track of what his siblings liked. They had so much junk food nowadays that they went through different food phases quite easily.


Natalia simply stood and watched as everyone talked it out. She didn't care how they did it, or who got saved or sacrificed, she just wanted to kick some butt. She did however raise an eyebrow when Steven drove off, letting out a,
"Somebody's woke up on the wrong side of the streets today." She chuckled at her own joke, most of the people here were homeless, so she safely made the assumption Steven was too.

Then things finally got sorted, Natalia was going with the mind-prodding Pixie, so she shrugged and simply followed her over the wall. She dropped beside her, remembering the plan, and her own gun was slipped away. She had not thought to have taken a handbag as the prepared Rikarah had, but her gun was small and so was hidden easily out of sight on her person. She caught up to the brunette, walking beside her in the casual manner of a zoo-goer. She did however speak to her lightly, though it seemed as though they were having a causual, everyday conversation from their expressions and Natalia's fake smile.
"You do realize we'll still look odd, right? I'm sure people aren't going to be walking around the zoo casually when there's a gang with guns and a boy over a tiger pit not too far away. They've probably scared everyone away." You can tell Natalia is an expert at this, faking, as when she is speaking to Rikarah she gives her a smile, as though they are talking about something good, and touches her arm. This is of course just to double make sure she gains the girl's power, but it looks like a casual gesture.

(mystical beautiful queen of the fairies? hahaha oh Rikarah would be SO amused if she zoned in on his thoughts then)

Walking with Natalia, Rikarah keeps her expression friendly, vaguely interested, as though they are having a conversation as she continues to walk with Natalia, nearly at the zoo's center now. She is somewhat irritated to realize that Natalia is right, that they will look rather dim and oblivious indeed if they pretend not to notice what is going on about them, that they are simply having a nice day at the zoo. How could she not have thought of that?

"Well, we do not have to be pretending to be very bright," she says with ashrug, then adds, "It may be best if we sit on a park bench...perhaps they will think we are merely stupid gawkers, staring up at them and not acting to preserve ourselves. Many people would do that. We can pretend we are here for my birthday." Almost as an afterthought, she adds, "It is my birthday today. So it would not be an untruth."

They are drawing within view of the tiger's cage now, and Rikarah slows her steps, lightly touching Natalia's arm as she inclines her head towards it very slightly. She can see the outline of a body, hanging upside down in the cage, and though she does not recognize it, she knows it must be Kyle. As they draw a little closer and her eyes come to rest on Calico in the distance, Rikarah's eyes narrow.

"Remember to remain back," she tells Natalia, moving just close enough to sit on a park bench approximately thirty to forty feet away from the cage. "This will be difficult, I have never tried from such a distance. Think about breaking through their shields first, probe for weakness until it gives. Then, calmly, and that is very important, to sound calm and reasonable, speak into the minds of those closest to Kyle. Tell them to let him go."

Having instructed Natalia, she begins do as she has told her, concentrating hard.

(it actually is her birthday, lol)
*Steven made his way around to the east side of the zoo it's just a strange bit of fate that it's the same side Xander was suppose to enter but Steven had came over the wall further up then the rest. Dropping down to the ground he quickly moves out of the light and into the shadows, scanning to see if his entry was seen, it wasn't so he moves forward, weapon raised into a firing position scanning like he was trained, left to right, up to down then repeat, making his way around a corner he finds his first targets two men standing guard at an information booth, stacked in a stagger. (one man is slightly ahead of the other and in his blind spot) Steven slips his M-4 behind his back and moves up behind them silently, drawing his combat blade he slips up to the first putting his hand over his mouth so he can yell, then he slips his knife into the back of his skull and twist the knife instantly killing him. Again he was in the other's blind spot, gently laying the man down on the ground as he pulls his knife out and then repeats on the second guy, laying them both down out of sight. Now pulling his rifle back up he kneels down in the booth and starts to scan the area again before he proceeds, through his scope of his assault rifle he picks up the others moving, not able to believe how they walk as if the place wasn't over ran with thugs. Oh well he has a job to do and part of it is not getting caught just yet.

As Steven scans he spots a couple of sentries high up top of some buildings all around the zoo then a few patrols..these are not just a bunch of gang bangers, at least not all of them, some of these guys are organized may had some of the same training Steven has. That's when it hits him if they did then chances are..Suddenly he ducks as a shot hits the booth..there was no record so it has to be a sniper with a suppressed weapon...He grabs one of the guys he killed and with some effort props him up enough that his head peeks out enough the sniper takes a shot, Steven rolls out and levels his rifle where he thinks the shot came from exposing himself, he gets lucky and spots the guy and fires his own suppressed rifle catching the guy in the throat. It was a lucky shot, chances are he will not get lucky like that again.*
Jessie’s lips tightened as he heard the bustle of the gang members yelling at somebody in the park, it was about to start soon. Standing close to Calico, his eyes stayed open as he remained on the lookout for anyone that looked familiar.

Meanwhile, a little ways away, Hailey stood in the middle of Calico’s men, who after presumptuously aiming at her had lowered their guns. The blonde was not who they were looking for, and much like anybody else who dare brave the park today she was classified as a citizen. Liselle asked something from behind her and she idly turned, the girl probably wasn’t going to follow her past armed men. “He just likes hanging out here” she notes, shrugging a shoulder. It was lucky that Liselle was probably leaving; Hailey could no longer keep up the charade if Jessie was standing next to Calico.

Sebastian was calling to her, running after her, and she paused, waiting as them men turned to the new arrival. They all seemed armed and ready for someone to come into the zoo, but it wasn’t the two of them. Sebastian. Hailey couldn’t really describe how happy she was to see him, but it was just like their younger days when they used to play together. The things that happened between them were still there though, but she was trying her best to lie to herself for once. Pretend as if he hadn’t abandoned her…

Raekel also followed the two of them after sharing a few choice words with Sebastian that the girl didn’t hear. It didn’t matter now, now they were in the chaos, and Hailey started walking towards the tiger pit, making sure to keep her hands slightly up and not meet eyes with the gang members that served as Calico’s gunmen.
Liselle stopped following Hailey as she saw that they were no longer alone. She paused looking at the armed men and then to Hailey who walked though them. She could not believe this.

"He just likes hanging out
with a bunch of guys with gun?" Liselle blinked and shook her head. No she did not sign up for this. She was happy to follow and help Hailey out before, but now. No she wasn't going to be stupid and risk her life. Hailey and her father figure or whoever he was, was involved in something. Liselle did not want to get involved. She hated it though. That the redhead might have been right. This guy was not good news. She looked at Raekel for a moment wondering how she knew and then she shook her head.

"I go." Liselle turned and left. This was not her business. She had to go. But she thought she might seek out Hailey again if she could. The curioisty of what was going on was strong, but she refused to stay and get hurt or killed by accident.


Chris nodded. She would not go wandering off. This was one of the rare times that despite all her instincts screaming at her to run, flee, get the ever loving hell out of there, she would not go. For Kyle, yes, but also because she didn't think her luck would be as good this time. She just hoped that Xander was right and that they would save Kyle. No more losing family members.

"That sounds nice," Chris said to the chinese food part. "I'm sure I'll eat anything. Not that picky." And she wasn't. Even if she wasn't really in the mood now, she'd eat later with her family. It's be nice as well. They needed it.

"Are we ready?"


Jillian listened silently as Julian tried to describe to him what this girl - Madison he thought he heard Julian say - did to him and other kids as well. It sounded horrible. Jillian couldn't imagine what it must of been like for him, for the other kids involved as well. What kind of messed up person would do those kind of things, be so manipulative. He thought he knew what it was like to know someone controlling, but he just learned that he didn't.

Julian must have been traumatized by it as well and this gave clarity to some of the events that had happened. But did it excuse Julian for what he did? He listened to him describe what it was like. Jillian knew that his decision in the matter probably wouldn't be the same as someone else's, surely not the authority. But Jillian thought about it and while he was still not comfortable with the idea of what Julian had done, he would not hate him or push him away because of it after hearing this.

"Thank you," Jillian said, looking at Julian, serious. "For telling me this. It can't be easy for you. I am glad that we are close enough for you to share. But you're free from her now Julian." Jillian smiled a little. "Besides you got me now. I won't let someone do something like that to you again. I promise."
As Rikarah’s eyes notice a movement in her periphery, even in her concentrated state, she shifts them to the side just briefly, noticing that a blonde teenager is walking past them…straight towards the tiger pit. Her attention is averted in the moment, and she wonders what in the world the stupid girl is doing. Can she not see the men with guns? Can she not see the kidnapped child? Does she truly think she alone can do something to save him?

Scathing, she refocuses her attention on the men. If that child is so stupid, an indicator of the average zoo goer today, then she and Natalia will not stand out at all.

Rikarah renews her concentration, scrabbling at the barrier of the men’s thoughts as she silently speaks to them. “Let him out. Let Kyle go. Let him down…”

When she hears the gunshots, she only focuses more intensely, determined to do what must be done.


Julian looked up at Jillian quickly, hardly daring to believe that he had just spoken those words. He had heard, he knew at least a little of what had happened…he knew a little about Madison. And still he smiled at him…even thanked him for telling him. He wasn’t running, he wasn’t pushing him away.

But Jillian was wrong. He didn’t understand…he didn’t know Madison. And Julian knew he could never be free. He wasn’t now, and he wouldn’t be, for the rest of his life, and the rest of Madison’s. She was still a part of him, taking up his thoughts, his memories, his dreams…it was partly because of she that he lived here now, that he felt such fear, such hatred towards his own self.

Madison would never let him be free of her. She would never forget, and some day, she would make him pay for leaving her.

“Sh-she…I’m not,” he whispered, shaking his head slightly. “Sh-she’s still…she’s out there, and she…she won’t let me go. I can’t…Jillian, she knows wh-what we did, and she…she won’t let us go.”
Natalia stills grin, friendly expression as Rikarah is also showing, but her low voice represents an expression of a raised brow and questioning look, "It's your birthday? How old are you anyway?" Then Rikarah, the birthday girl, is touching her arm lightly, and Natalia discreetly glances over to where she is inclining, she sees the figure, and as she focuses she indeed recognizes Kyle from when he was in the car with her - even if he was snoring 98% of the time she was there. She only lightly whispers, still acting as though they are chatting, as she follows Rikarah to the bench, "Yup, that's Kyle. Hard to recognize him when he's not snoring like an elephant though." Just then she hears the 'trrumpphh' of an Elephant from the zoo and grins at the coincidence.

She listens to Rikarah instruct, and nods, leaning back a bit on the bench so she doesn't look so suspicious and even sweeping up a brochure from beside her. Of course she doesn't care what exhibits are where, or approximately how much stupid meat the tigers eat - though it is ironic that fact is in there since Kyle DeSanto might just overtip that estimation if he ends up dropping. But with the brochure she looks a lot less questionable.

She knows to be calm, to speak even in a gentle voice, as she had managed to coax Terabithia to forget her dream and sleep the other night, using Rikarah's power. And it was almost like a sixth-sense to her, like her mind knew she had to speak softly when using the power on the girl. So as they sat, Natalia glanced up and locked onto the guy closet to Kyle on the left. She at him from the corner of her eye, but her vision seemed to be on the brochure. Shields first...weaknesses...

She tries it carefully, wondering how the hell she was supposed to convince the men to do something without even speaking aloud, as though she's some kind of stupid sparkling Twilight vampire wannabe or something, but then her brain reminds her of exactly what she HAS done so far. She's seen Rikarah's past, some of it anyway, she's shot electricity at a man, and walls, and those shadows that day when Rikarah fell, she's pretty sure now that those shadows were a power she must have absorbed from that emo guy.

So, slowly, softly, she focused on the man she had chosen and began trying to send coaxing thoughts into his head, imagining herself breaking through some wall, into his brain. She does not notice the blonde, as she is so focused.


Once he and Chris were over the wall, and she asked if they were ready, Xander glanced over to see Kyle, his little brother, still tied up. He ducked back, hidden from sight with Chris at his side as he shook his head. "No..not yet. Once Kyle is let go, then we can go." He is finding it very hard to contain his anger right now.

Calico had his baby brother over a fu*king TIGER PIT. Kyle was 14!! You don't do that to a kid like him! It's so wrong. And Xander so wants to blow Calico's brains out of his ears right now. But no. Rikarah said to wait. As hard as it was.

Still, he's not entirely sure what Chris can do in this fight, but leaving her behind was not an option. He looks around, checking they are not in sight of any snipers and that they are covered from all directions, before simply waiting.

(Sorry, not sure what else to do with Xander yet)

(P.S Do we ever get to meet Madison? She sounds like fun :D In the twisted, murderer sort of way of course xD )
Sebastian nodded to the girl that spoke up and said what he wasn't able to say out loud. He knew this, but also knew he didn't exactly have authority over her now considering their recent history of him not even being around. Still he ran off after her to try to protect her from her own mistakes regardless.

Sebastian hadn't been one to visit the zoo, his contacts had told him to stay clear and now he saw why, it was someone's turf. Eying the guns and how Hailey responded he realized that she was in deeper shit than he thought and questioned just how much he could protect her. Obviously this trash was integrated into the streets and he was dragging her down with him. Once more questioning why he left he approached her side and reached out for her hand “You even know what you're digging yourself into?” he whispered into her ear, giving the men an illusion of attempted intimacy instead the reality of him wanting to drag her the eff out of this place when she herself could be tied up with one of the higher ups. The last thing he needed was a situation. Sure he could hold his own one on one, and had even been jumped by a group on occasions and got through, but trained men with guns, Sebastian was out classed and he knew it.

Jillian could see that this conversation was not going well and a part of him told him to either get Julian to drop the topic or do something to make him go. A part of him wanted nothing to do with this. That he shouldn't feel sympathy or anything towards him except hate and pity and maybe even disgust. But, although there was pity, Jillian couldn't hate nor be disgusted by his new friend.

He wanted to reach out to Julian again, but he wasn't sure if he could. He wanted to make this okay, but it appeared that Julian was far too scarred by his past for it to go away for him that easy. He directed them to a nearby cafe and Jillian seated himself outside it. After ordering coffee for the pair, he looked back at Julian.

"You... Listen I don't know what to say to you Julian, but I meant my words. If she comes, then I'll be here with you. You shouldn't have to face something like this alone. I know we don't know each other well and I don't know how well I will be able to deal with the whole thing," Jillian said, his words maybe a little harsh but honest. He wanted to be honest with him. "But I promise I won't abandoned you."

"I am eighteen," Rikarah says simply, her eyes not moving towards Natalia as she answers her. It is her birthday, true, but this is not a day with meaning to her in any sense of the word.

She may be legally an adult now, but Rikarah has felt as such since she was very young. Becoming an adult in age as well as in feeling is nothing more to her than a technicality. There is no reason to either dread or celebrate, and it is not until this moment that she has thought about it more than in passing.

She is still concentrating, still whispering over and over, the same few words of command, into the outside recesses of the men guarding Kyle's minds, when her eyes take in and just barely register the significance of a young man coming up alongside the dumb blonde girl, taking her arm. Rikarah does not recognize him and vaguely hopes that he will lead her away, to safety. They do not need a stupid girl like this one to in any way threaten their plan. If this girl somehow spoils her ability to best Calico...well, she may have to look into her.


(not planning on meeting Madison...but who knows, she isn't dead so it's possible)

Holding his coffee in slightly shaking hands, Julian cups it but does not yet drink, letting its warmth soothe his nerves. Raising his eyes to Jillian's as the other boy talks to him, firmly but kindly, he presses his lips together, feeling strangely torn between a smile and tears.

He does not deserve this boy. And can he succeed in pushing him away, like Jillian deserves, when nothing Julian has done has worked so far?

"Thank you," he said softly, and swiped at his eyes, just in case tears did come. "Thank you."
(Whoops, I should've explained. A magazine is a clip of bullets, basically Max gave Kat back up ammo. Also, zoos are generally closed at night, aren't they? I mean, they don't have lights in the actual habitats so how would you even see the animals. Plus isn't it at least 9pm?)

Max took Kat's hand, the one with the gun, into his own. "Okay, when you run out of bullets, just press this button here and the old magazine will drop right out. Then you just put a new one it. Once you hear the click, you're good to go."

The blond boy landed on the other side of the wall with a solid thud. Probably could've handled that with a little more grace but whatever. There weren't any judges around. He turned to Kat briefly before bringing his eyes back to the tiger pit's general location. "If you have anything loose or dangly, I'd leave it here. Now stay close and try not to panic." He noticed how she seemed a bit uneasy with the gun in her hand. She was just a teenage girl. Of course she wouldn't be comfortable with a gun or the thought of maybe killing someone, even if it was for her brother. "If worse comes to worse, aim for the leg or shoulder. You don't need to kill them if they're immobilized. Always shoot with two hands unless you want to dislocate a shoulder. Keep the gun an arm's length away from your face and aim slightly lower than you want so that the recoil doesn't do you in. And remember, as long as they don't know we're here, shooting is a last resort."

He led the way, creeping around the dark sides of the exhibits. What he was worried about were the monkeys and birds since those were the ones that would most likely give their position away. Soon, he could see Kyle, or at least he thought it was Kyle. Max had never met the kid himself but he had old school photos to go by. That plus he was the only kid dangling over the tiger pit surrounded by armed Asians and . . . a white guy? What the hell was a white guy doing there? He stuck out like a sore thumb. Max had no idea what that random man was doing there but it only took a glance for Max to figure it out. This man . . . was a pervert.

"Kat. I can see Kyle. That is Kyle, right?"
Raekel watched as Liselle took off. She seemed to be afraid, but of course she couldn't really be surprised. If Raekel had been like the girl, she would have taken off as well. But Raekel was not Liselle and she was not smart enough to go. She followed Hailey and Sebastian though the crowd of guys. She raised her hands to make sure they knew she had no intentions of doing anything. Not that she would. She may be reckless, but she wasn't stupid. Although that man from last night was here.

Raekel moved closer to the pair and leaned close to Hailey's ear opposite of where Sebastian was. "Such a nice family outing is this? Should a girl like you really be playing with this kind of fire?"

Raekel was now aware that this was more than she had first thought, but it was too late to drop out of it now. She had chosen to help Hailey. Unless her life got threaten, she saw no reason why not to continue. She looked at the boy and thought maybe she had another ally as well, but she could not be sure yet. Something felt off about him but if he wanted to bring Hailey out of this life as well, then she'd surely take his help. Anything to mess with that man and his sick desires.
Liselle left them like Hailey thought she would and that had her slightly relaxed, more so when she could finally see Jessie. Just as she was moving towards him, Sebastian’s hand caught her own, and a heated whisper was sounded n her ear. Digging herself into? She knew exactly what she was getting into, she was in the middle of a gun fight and she didn’t even have a knife. There was Jessie, who finally seemed to notice her, looking panicked and confused at her appearance.

Rather than the love she used to feel, she had rather mixed feelings about him, and finally took the moment to spot what was behind him. Raekel’s comment seemed to add to the fact that this was all wrong and that there was a little boy dangling over the tiger pit. Hailey shook her head, slowly at first, finally understanding that this boy was bait for whoever they were waiting for.

Jessie was approaching her, and she pulled her hand out of Sebastian’s warm grip, anger slowly boiling to the surface. “…What’re you doing Jessie?” she asks him, to which a crooked smile forms on his face and he opens him arms, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that…why don’t you go back home?” he requests. Hailey’s moving now, and she shoves weakly at Jessie, who seemed to be brandishing his gun much like money. “Stop it! You said…you’d stop it… Stop hanging out with people like him” she notes, a hard glare sent at Calico. Jessie also sends a look back at his boss, but it’s a sheepish smile rather than anything else.

Hailey shoves him again “Stop it! You don’t need Calico, he’s just…a good-for nothing dirt bag anyways!” The blonde seemed to be ignoring the fact that Calico’s men were around her, as Jessie waved them off from doing anything. Not to mention, Calico was standing a mere lengths away from her, and she was hoping he heard her. Hailey knew Jessie wouldn’t let her get hurt.
(um. Fair point, Dreams. Lol...we can say the zoo is in the process of closing, perhaps?)

Max touches her hand, explaining and showing her what he meant by his "magazine" comment, and Katarina looks down at the gun, nervously gnawing on her lower lip. She doesn't want to think about using it, not really. It had been one thing to stand tall and insist on her ability while she was standing with a group of others, especially her brother and Steven, and felt that her pride had been insulted. But now, holding the gun in her hand, knowing she may actually have to use it to shoot someone...maybe even kill was different. It was terrifying.

The zoo is closing now, and Katarina is thinking of this too as she is helped over the fence. She is breaking the law on multiple accounts. What if the police came before they could get Kyle back, or even after they did? What if they caught them? They would split them up, make them go to foster homes...or worse, make them go back to their parents. There was so much that could go wrong even if they did get Kyle back.

But they would. They would, they had to. There was no other option.

She nods wordlessly in response to Max's continued instructions on how to use the gun, hoping it won't come down to having to do so. Maybe she wouldn't have to be involved at all. She and Max didn't have powers, maybe everyone else could hold down the fort.

As they approach the tiger's pit, and Katarina sees the men standing guard over Kyle, sees Kyle dangling above the creatures' lair, her breath catches, and she grips the gun until her knuckles whiten, swallowing hard. He must be so terrified...Katarina herself is terrified, so how must her poor brother feel? In response to Max's question, she nods slowly.

"Yes, that's him...oh shit, Max, look what they're doing to him....where's Rikarah and Natalia?"

She thinks of Steven, and pain twists itself in her heart as she continues to stare up at Kyle. He had left them...he didn't care about any of them anymore, even Kyle. Even her. What if she lost Kyle too...what if their plan wouldn't work? What could she do, down here with nothing but a gun?
*The girls comments reached Calico's ears and since he's bored he decides to play with her for a bit. Stumping down towards her with his bodyguards close behind* Excuse me I couldn't help but over hear you. Did you just call me a dirtbag? *He looks to his men in disbelief* What makes you soooooo much better then me? You're a whore! He's your pimp and you both work for me! So how about I give you 3 seconds to take back what you say or I will pass your ass around my entire gang to do what they want with you like you're a cheap bag of chips! So I dare you to not apologize..DARE YOU! I will eat your F#CKING FACE! And you know what Jessie no matter what I do, has to stand there and watch cause you know why because he's a junkie and cares more about getting his fix then you and you know why cause I'm the one that gives him that fix..I CONTROL ALL THE SHIT AROUND HER! *His eyes seriously crazy now* You exist cause I allow you don't EVER FORGET THAT! MY WORLD YOU LITTLE ***** AND YOU'RE JUST A SQUIRREL trying to get a nut!

*Further away Steven moving through the zoo, comes across another patrol, he could easily take out but before he could drop them all they'd alert the entire zoo of his presence, so as much as he wants to drop them all he decides to go prone and wait till they pass.*

(sorry not ready for Steven to do much more yet. I haven't made anyone lower Kyle yet cause without some kind of distraction Calico would stop whoever tries it plus Kyle has been boobytrapped, I was thinking Xander or Max would cross paths with Steven before then and they figure that out.)
Liselle hurried down the street. She felt bad about abandoning them there, but what else could she do? Besides being homeless, Liselle was just a normal, typical girl. She didn't want to get involved in that. Though the thought of seeking out maybe Hailey again to see if she is okay, was present. She said she lived in that house, so maybe. But for now, she thought it was best just head back to the park.

Today had been weird and sort of unpleasant. Not just the zoo, but all of it. What was up with that redheaded girl too? She seemed to know something, but what, she couldn't put her finger on it. She seemed interested in it all and maybe Hailey too? Oh maybe she was just some lesbian and was trying to hit on Hailey? But no. That didn't seem like it was that. Not that it would be wrong.

Liselle sighed. It was none of her business. She headed down the sidewalk and paused. Ahead of her seemed to be a young boy. For a moment she thought she saw a flash of red hair and a face covered in freckles, but no. This one had gray hair oddly enough and stormy gray eyes. She frowned. What was he doing out here alone?

"Are you lost?"


Chris didn't use her power. She wouldn't unless she was told to. She felt pretty useless then and scared as well. But she trusted her older brother to protect her. In some ways that made her feel worse. She didn't want Xander to get hurt because of her, but then again, everyone was risking their lives in order to save Kyle, even some people she didn't know.

"Okay," she said in a small whisper, not sure what else to say or do. Then, "I'm sorry. About earlier. I promise I won't run off again."


"You're welcome," Jillian said. He was glad that he had meet Julian. Even with Julian's past, he felt that they were getting along together well. He felt that they also worked well together. He then smiled, trying to find a way to get past the conversation. Something to lighten the mood.

He cupped his coffee and took a long sip. "Sorry that our first date isn't going so well," Jillian said, looking at Julian over his coffee trying to gauge his reaction to Jillian's words. He didn't mean to say it like that, but saying it, he didn't want to change his words.
As Max kept an eye on Kyle and the surrounding gang members, he couldn't help but think that this was a little too easy. So far, none of the group had been spotted and although they had no idea how to get Kyle down, he got a clear view of the situation. It didn't make sense. Calico was able to operate in New York for a while now without getting caught by the authorities. This meant he was shifty, clever. But this set up was typical. There had to be something more to this than they were aware of.

Suddenly, he spotted a figure ahead. One that was moving outside the patterns of the rest of the gang or the group. An assassin? A secret patrol to take care of uninvited guests? Oh, it was just Steven. Steven?! Max thought the man had already driven off. What was he doing back? Max moved quietly toward the figure, beckoning Kat to follow. "Steven? What are you doing here? I thought you ditched us because you needed tampons." (Max is comparing Steven's emotional outburst to pms.)
Looking down at the coffee in his own hands after Jillian has started to drink, Julian blinks, remember then that he is holding it. He too sips the coffee, then takes a longer swallow, grimacing slightly when he burns his tongue. He sips it more carefully, and that is when Jillian makes the comment about them being on a date.

Julian chokes, spitting out his coffee and dribbling some from his mouth with his shock at this statement. Coughing, a vivid shade of red from his mortification, he reaches for a napkin and mops himself off, stuttering his apology. "S-S-Sorry..."

Date...a DATE? Was this a DATE? Could Jillian really want to DATE him, even now?

The idea was somewhat, it was outright terrifying. But as embarrassed and amazed as he was...Julian was also flattered.

Jillian wanted to date him. Jillian still liked him enough to want to DATE him.

"I...I guess," he said softly, steeling himself to finally look up into the other boy's eyes. "I...yeah. I guess. We're...we're on a date."

It was the first date he'd ever been on in his life.


(hellloooooo Macal, are you gonna make the guys Rika and Natalia are trying to control do anything at all? lol)

Rikarah is still intently focusing on speaking into the minds of the men who are closest to Kyle, instructing them to remove him from his trapped position over and over. It is taking longer than it should for them to begin to react to her, and she is beginning to suspect that either their minds have thicker shields than she would have guessed, or else her distance from them is making it more difficult for her to be able to effectively influence them. She is beginning to feel some strain but holds her ground, no less determined.

Even so, the sound of Calico's screams enter her ears, and her eyes shift ever so slightly to see the same very stupid blonde, now seemingly threatened by him...what had the girl expected? She almost deserved whatever Calico might do to her.

Still, Rikarah knew if he truly started to hurt her...she would not be able to let it by. It might be her job now to try to free Kyle, but if Calico began to kill others...


Katarina is still squinting up worriedly at Kyle, her hands forming fists, when Max motions for her to follow him. Reluctantly she stays close to him, unsure of what he is doing. Is he breaking the plan? But Kyle hasn't been released yet...

And then she sees Steven, and it takes all restraint she has not to yell out his name in surprise and delight. Steven didn't leave them, Steven came back...Steven does care. Steven didn't leave them.

A grin breaks out over her formerly sober expression, and she whispers his name, meeting his eyes. Steven would help.

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