Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Katarina blinks at Shira's pitying look and continued zombie talk, completely mystified as to what she meant. When the girl called her what sounded like some garbled version of "giraffe," she was more confused than ever, because she was of very average height. For the first time she began to wonder sincerely if Shira were truly crazy, or at least very high.

The girl flashed around a big wad of cash then, which seemed to upset her supposed brother, though Katarina wasn't sure why. Unless he thought she was selling herself to get it, and from someone as out there as Shira, that seemed not very likely to Katarina, at least. If someone would want to sleep with someone like Shira over Katarina, that really would mean Katarina sucked.

She doesn't understand at first when Steven and Kyle start to tease Shira, stumbling around pretending to be zombies. When Kyle tugs her sleeve, she automatically grabs hold of its end, wanting to keep it securely down over her wrists. But after a few moments of watching Kyle and Steven, seeing what fun they seem to be having, she gives a small smile, then tentatively decides to try. What does she have to lose?

"Arrgh," she says somewhat uncertainly, then holds up her arms, giving a staggering step. She feels ridiculous, but tries it out again. "Grrr, brains."
Shira stepped back in caution. Oh God. It was happening. Okay, it was up to her now. She would have to bite this epidemic at the source. She was like Leon Kennedy* now. Wait. No. Leon's too fruity. She wanted to be Chris Redfield*. Yeah. Buff a** Chris. She'd like to be Ada* better but Ada was on the bad guy side, right? Well, it's kind of hard to figure exactly what side the woman was on . . . But this was no time for that. Shira grabbed the mop she had used earlier against Steven and pointed it at the incoming "zombies". "Get back you monsters." She then began swinging the mop around blindly.

Perhaps due to Shira's sense of danger and emergency, Cas noticed how the dirty water of the mop bucket seemed to be sloshing a bit despite the bucket being still. He started panicking internally about a potential appearance from "Lucy" and walked toward Shira, hoping to calm her down and convince that there were no zombies. But he never got to do it. Instead, he took a mop to the face and fell back onto the floor unconscious.

Hearing the thud, Shira turned back and saw Cas in a crumpled heap on the floor. Running over to him, she crouched by his body and poked his cheek. There was no response though. Oh God, she thought. He's dead. "Don't worry, Cas. I'll avenge you." Thinking about this as logically as she could, she figured the best course of action was to attack Steven first, then all the other zombies would become normal. Of course, it never occurred to her that that only worked with vampires and werewolves, and how it had they had to be killed by someone they sired for that to even remotely work.

So, she jumped onto Steven's back and tried to bite through to his zombie brains. But she wasn't that physically strong nor could she open her mouth very wide, so her feeble attempts to gnaw on the ex-marine's head would probably tickle at most.

(*They're all characters in the Resident Evil games.)
(Leon is not fruity. lol)

*Steven stops cold and stands there, a little confused at first and then only slightly annoyed at the girl on his back biting him on the head.* Ummm excuse me what are you doing? You know it doesn't work like that, you can't defeat a zombie by biting him and oh by the way...I'M NOT A ZOMBIE YOU NUTBAR! *Reaching for her he grabs her by her waistband and pulls her off his head and dangles her off the ground before gently letting her down.* See I let you down nice and easy..God knows it looks like you can't afford to be dropped on your head anymore..So lets settle this once and for all what makes a zombie a zombie? Go on test me and if I pass all your test you have to behave yourself.

*Kyle can't help but laugh at Shira attempt to take Steven out, it's the hardest he's laughed in awhile.* Come on Shira he's not a zombie really just look at him.
Katarina had expected Shira to get the joke that she, Kyle, and Steven were playing, that she would understand that they obviously weren't zombies at all. But then again, she was beginning to realize, Shira didn't seem all there. In fact, she realized not even a full thirty seconds into her zombie act, Shira seemed to be completely insane, or close to it.

The girl started swinging a mop around, still convinced they were all zombies, and seeming determined to knock them down. Castiel, walking towards her, soon slipped and appeared to go unconscious as a result, bringing forth a gasp from Katarina as she started towards him, then stopped, seeing that Shira was still more than convinced they would harm her. She stopped, watching with alarm as Shira jumped on Steven, trying to bite him. Yes, the girl was definitely insane.

"Shira! Stop it, he's not a zombie, we were just playing! None of us are zombies!" she yelled, and as she realized that Shira was not actually causing him harm, she drew closer, now looking the girl straight in the face as she repeated, "Why do you think we're zombies anyway? Are you high or something?"

She blinked, then looked at her searchingly, genuinely wondering. "Are you?"

It occurred to her as she waited for the girl's response that had Shira truly been harming Steven, then she, Katarina, would have been able to do nothing to help him. Kyle could set people on fire, Xander could shock them, even Chris could do was only she, Katarina, who knew nothing, who had no special talents or even ordinary skills that normal people could have. She was, compared to her siblings and most of their new companions, almost entirely useless, and she was among the oldest.

Normally, this realization would depress her and discourage her, but as she thinks it now, she is instead surprised by the anger she feels, even disgust. She is seventeen years old, and she can't do anything useful, anything to help herself. She has nothing at all that is special or even adequate about herself that can help them or anyone else. She can't shoot a gun, she can't fight with knives, she doesn't have a power, she's not a genius or particularly socially skilled or anything at all. Hell, she can't even do first aid.

But for the first time that she can remember since Alice died, it seems that it's possible that she can do something to change that. That she can at least try. So when she turns to Steven, her expression is thoughtful, considering.
Hailey cursed to herself, it seemed the time she had spent around the group had been too long as one of the boys called out to her. Her body turned to his but she didn’t move her head from her view of the ground, instead looking at his feet. It was a usual greeting but there was a female voice that had also noticed her there, and she was expecting that and not the male that greeted her.

"Is it okay if I ask what you're doing here?"

This is his next question and she peers up, finally noticing the boy and his attractive features, but he wasn’t one of the people she seen at the zoo. Hailey tries to remember it from the video and decides it was one of the blurry ones she paid no mind to. Realizing she had yet to answer, she stammers out “U-uhm… I-I’m on the way to the homeless shelter” she’s fidgeting in front of him.

“Just passing by… and….”
She hesitates, looking between the people there, only to note under her breath “andIrecognizedyouall”.
*Steven sees Kat looking at him strangely and faces her.* Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something you want to ask me. *Watching Shira out the corner of his eye in case she decides to jump on him again.*

*Kyle however hasn't stopped messing with Shira* I'm still a zombie and I want your brains..Or pancakes give me pancakes or I'll eat your brains.

*That breaks Steven concentration for just a second and he laughs.* Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything for 2 days, tell you what Kyle after we get your stuff from the motel I'll treat to pancakes.

*Kyle nods and smiles at Shira* I don't want your brains now. I'm gonna get some pancakes.

*Steven turns back to Kat.* How about you are you hungry?
Katarina has her back to Max and Hailey and doesn't notice them yet. She is looking at Steven, still thinking about what it is that she is thinking, what it is that she wants, exactly, piecing together possibilities in her own mind. She shifts her eyes to Kyle briefly as Steven addresses him, then, when he turns back to her, inviting her out, blinks, surprised. Wasn't he angry at her? Didn't he think she didn't like him, didn't love him? Didn't he want to just leave them all alone after letting them stay at his place?

She is confused, but doesn't say anything, somewhat hopeful that she's managed somehow to change his mind. She glances back at Shira, wary of her too, and then, turning back to Steven, says slowly, "We didn't really talk about it with Chris and Xander...moving, I mean...and if it's trouble for you, or gets you in trouble..."

But she lets this trail off, because honestly she truly does want to take him up on the offer, for their safety if nothing else, and their comfort. Not to mention if there was a chance she could better get Steven to like her through living nearer...

Steven had asked her if she wanted to ask him something, and she waits until Kyle isn't paying much attention to them before she moves in closer to him, hesitating, wondering how he'll take it, before lightly touching his arm. She keeps her voice low, embarrassed for herself to even ask, let alone for others to overhear and undoubtedly think her request ridiculous. She is sure it is ridiculous...but something has to change. Something needs to be done or at least tried for her to be able to keep up her part of protecting them all, or at least protecting herself...

"Steven...I was thinking...well, you were in the military and can fight and...know weapons and stuff...and I was wondering if you would...well...teach me. How to defend myself, or...fight, don't have to," she tightened her hand around his arm unconsciously, already reddening in the cheeks as she shakes her head, looking past him rather than at him with her embarrassment. "I mean...I would suck at it, and you didn't want to...with me...I mean...never mind. You don't have to."
*He looks at her and thinks about this, teaching..He has no idea when, where and how long he'll be gone when the NSA will send him on missions but he doesn't want to just lay around and be idle, without Calico's death driving him on, he really has no purpose anymore. Finally he answers her.* You know I bet my parents would want me to re-open the Dojo and start teaching..So yes..I think I could teach you and Kyle and anyone else that wants to learn. *Looks around at everyone* I have to warn you my father was a harsh teacher and everything I learned I learned from him. If you think you can put up with me then I'll teach you.

*Kyle's face lights up* Whoa, really Kat you're gonna learn how to be a bad ass, maybe you and Steven will get married and run the dojo together.

*Steven holds up his hands* Hey Kyle slow down I'm just gonna teach her how to defend herself, nothing else has changed, the less I'm involve with all of you personally the better off all of you will be.
A harsh teacher...what did that mean? Yelling, calling names, pointing how how stupid and incompetent she was? Hitting? Hurting? From Steven, this might be hard to take...but if she had to, Katarina told herself, taking in a slow breath as she nodded, she would do it. She knew she could. She had gotten exactly that sort of treatment and little else for years, from her own parents.

She could take it. Maybe Xander wouldn't like it, but then, he didn't need to watch, did he?

She gave Kyle a quick smile as he showed excitement for her, feeling affectionate towards him for his enthusiasm, but her own hope that Steven might have changed his mind about her fades when he tells Kyle himself that nothing has changed, that he still wants little to do with them. But then, maybe she can change that...maybe if he sees how hard she tries, and that she really does still like him...he's still letting her touch his arm, isn't he?

She doesn't let go as she nods, looking Steven in the eye fully this time. "Yeah. I can take it."

She finally looks out a window then, and seeing the blonde girl and the outline of another figure outside it, turns, frowning. "Who's that out there?"
Are you sure Kat, I'm talking about 3 to 4 hours of training every morning, I usually had to run about 2 or 3 miles before breakfast, my father made me do Kata over and over until I got it right. *She should be relieved he's not talking about harsh as in whipping and cussing at her, his father was more about putting the time in and not the whole abusive thing.* Gonna have to start eating healthy and taking care of your body. *looks down at her wrist* You get what I'm saying, training is harsh enough on the body in the beginning. Kyle that means you don't stay up all night and your training will be even more intense since you need to control your powers...Look you know I really don't think we should be talking about this in public.

*Kyle nods* I can take it I promise, I want to be stronger like you and Xander.
Three to four hours of training...well, it wasn't like she had anything better to do with her day or her time. It wasn't like all her efforts to make money had been very well invested in the long run, when she'd been wasn't like she had any talents or friends or anything at all to fill up her day with. And wasn't that was what important anyway right now, with everything that had been going on and all the danger they'd been exposed to, that she could defend herself and her siblings? That could make the difference between life or death.

Still, she was worried...did he not want to teach her? Did he already think she would be terrible? He was probably right, almost certainly, but still....and running that many miles? Katarina ran only when necessary right now, only for her own protection or safety. She supposed she was decently fast at it, with an okay endurance, but then, adrenaline and fear would do that for didn't mean she was in great shape. Kata, she didn't even know what that was....eating healthy? When was the last time she'd done that, or even known how? Taking care of herself...

Her eyes too fell to her wrist, and she covered it unconsciously with her hand, biting the inside of her cheeks before she realized and stopped herself quickly. This, she had a feeling, would be the hardest part, even more so than any training she might fail at.

Training sounded frightening to her to a degree, just as much so because if she failed, it would be Steven who would watch it all. If he trained Kyle too, even her little brother would see. But what other choice did she have but to say yes?

"I want to," she said quietly. "I'm at least going to try."

Katarina has had her back turned so that she is facing Kyle and Steven and the window leading inside the theater, and she hasn't seen Max and Hailey until now or paid attention to them speaking. When she half turns, she blinks, startled to see them standing near. The girl from the zoo...and was that Max? He was okay?

"Max?" she questioned, then repeated a little more loudly. "'re okay? Did you get out with Steven?"
Cas woke up to see Shira flailing about until Steven put her down. Watching the entire scene unfold, he scratched the back of his head, utterly speechless. What do you say when your little sister is trying to exterminate a bunch of strangers who she apparently thinks are all zombies? . . . Well, first he'd have to see how this whole thing panned out. Maybe what he saw with the mop bucket was part of his imagination. As he struggled to stand up, a sharp pain shot up his leg. He noticed bits of red on the makeshift bandages around his leg. It was probably time to change them but he wasn't sure what he was going to use to change them. Maybe rip up some of the old costumes and wash them.

When Steven had put her down, Steven turned to the three. She was confused. They weren't zombies? She pointed to Steven. "But you were dead. Then alive . . . Are you a lich? No, you don't have magic." The blonde girl grabbed her head as she was getting a headache. This was all so confusing. So . . . funny. Huh? Where did that thought come from? This wasn't funny at all. Stupid brain. When Kyle started poking fun at her for her zombie delusions, he punched him in the arm. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her cheeks puffed out. "That's not funny Remmington! I was ready to kill all of you." She stood tall, well, as tall as she could, with her hands on her waist. "It's my job now to protect Cas and everyone here! And what you did . . . you . . . You guys are mean! Santa's going to put coal in all your stockings this Christmas!" She then crossed her arms, eyes slightly teary. She didn't like being lied to.


Max looked down at Hailey. Another homeless, huh? Was every domino poor? No. Such a fickle element as wealth couldn't possibly be a defining factor for supernatural abilities. Turning back to his conversation partner, he smiled again. "A homeless shelter huh? Too bad. A young girl like yourself having no other place to go. However for someone who was just passing by, you seemed to show interest in our little group. Do you have to talk to someone?"

His ears perked up when Steven mentioned training Kat and Kyle and . . . basically anyone at his family's dojo. Was that the address the guy had given Max the other day? Interesting. But there was absolutely no way, Max was going to let the dominoes train in an obsolete facility that most likely couldn't handle their abilities. It was a waste of their talents. But the idea of training was promising. If Max offered to help, he might be able to gather some research about their full combat abilities. Not to mention, it was a way he could build a reputation with them.

When Kat called out to him, he looked up. "Oh. Hi Kat. Yeah, it's me." The DeSantos eldest, one half of the eldest at least, began asking him about what had happened yesterday and his fist clenched a bit. "I'm fine. Didn't escape with Steven though. After you all left, I bolted as well." No need to tell them how he had witnessed Steven getting arrested by military police. Too many questions and not enough answers.

He then turned to Steven. "I heard you want to start training students. I myself am more of a brains over brawn person myself, but I wouldn't be opposed to help . . . upgrade the dojo a little. Nothing much. It's just, you might need a few things that can handle a lot more than the typical attack. Maybe something fire proof? Or something that can handle electrical or water damage? Hell, my family may even have an empty facility for something more hardcore than a few kids screaming 'hyaa!'."


Cas limped over and put a hand on Shira's shoulder. "It's okay Shira. You did a good job." She calmed down a bit after hearing that. She kept the scowl on her face but it seemed to light up anyway. Cas looked up when Steven mentioned training any of them in fighting. Looking at himself, it was obvious that he was no body builder or military material. He began doubting whether or not he could protect Shira at all. His sister even went out and said that it was her duty to defend the house, not his. Pushing all his weight onto the floor lamp, he raised his right hand slightly. "I think I might take you up on that offer. After my leg heals up, of course. It may take a while though."

Shira turned to Cas after he finished speaking. "Cas. Don't worry. I can fight fine. You can continue to be the princess." She then punched thetheatre wall. There was a slight shaking but ultimately no effect. Shira was trembling though. Her eyes grew teary again and she hopped around clutching her fist. "Owie. Owie. Owie." After the pain subsided, her cheeks were red with embarrassment, her cheeks puffed out again and her lips in a pout. In the blink of an eye, she was already on top of the roof, burying her face into her knees.

Cas sighed and called out to her. "Shira, come back down here." "No." "Why not?" "You all will make fun of me." "No. No one is going to make fun of you." Shira peeked up a bit and pointed to Steven, Kyle and Kat. "They'll make fun of me. They're mean people. They're mean and they probably work for Umbrella or something."
*Steven kneels down in front of Shira* I'm not a lich or a zombie, I'm just really strong and really lucky, I have no intention of hurting you or your brother, I just want to do right by some people that showed me some kindness when I needed it the most. *Steven, was actually starting to like Max but still not fully trusting little rich boy.* What's your stake in this Max, why would you do that? Cause if you think I'm gonna be your new Man-Servant you're highly mistaken. In other words what are the strings cause rich boys like you don't come slumming with our likes without wanting something. *The more Steven talks to Max the more he actually thinks about it, between Kyle and Xander he could lose his home to fire or something else, even the precautions his father took to train him when he was growing up they are no way in hell enough to handle what Kyle and Xander can do.* Tell you what I get to approve everything you put in my dojo, and don't try to be sneaky cause if I find anything out of place a camera in the bathroom or anything sleazy like that I will break you in two! *Steven extends his hand to Max to shake on this.*
(everyone, please look on the Castouts plotline threads and share thoughts about what you think about the Alice storyline and any possible villain ideas. If anyone wants to play a villain, let me know. I need to figure out how to bring both the parents and Alice in.)

Katarina didn't know what to think about Shira or how to respond to her. Clearly the girl wasn't right in the head, but she wasn't sure yet from her behavior if she was high, insane, or just plain dumb. She looked at her uncertainly, feeling somewhat guilty for messing with her with Kyle and Steven, before saying, "They're right...we're not zombies. We were just pretending..."

Max is saying that he got away too, and then he is fund their training? Maybe even give them a place to? Why would he do that, especially after they left him back there alone?

Still, Katarina is not naturally a very suspicious person when it comes to young men, and she smiles as she steps closer to him. "Wow, really? That would be...that would be neat, Max."

Steven is the suspicious one, and when he mentions hiding cameras, Katarina frowns, making her own personal connect the dots with that as she looks at him quickly. "You, for us...Steven, we won't be undressing though, right? Or...I mean-" she starts to say that she could if that was part of the deal, but then flushes, deciding that maybe she better not mention that in front of Kyle. "Never mind."

Looking over at the blonde quiet girl near Max, Katarina smiles at her slightly. "Hi. were at the zoo, right?"

Shira seems truly upset inside the window with Castiel, Katarina notices as her eyes shift back up towards them, and she calls to her again, now wishing she had simply left the girl alone. "Shira? I'm sorry...we weren't...we didn't mean to make fun of you..." She knows what it's like to feel like everyone thinks you're weird or stupid, so why had she made fun of this girl now?

"I should tell Chris and Xander," she said to Steven, already heading back to the window. "We need to get our stuff and move it before someone breaks in and steals it." She has a feeling Xander won't be happy about her training, and will probably tell her she'll get hurt or something. But she doesn't care. She has to do something...this is the first thing she's set her mind to that she's actually felt good about, sort of hopeful about, in a long time.
(you have to post a character sign up under the character sign up thread, you cannot just post and join. and as of now only new characters/players who have talked with me first are being accepted)
"You aren't hurt," Chris said, finally speaking. She wasn't sure what was going on with Shira. She liked the girl fine enough before, but she seemed to have a few screws loose. It kind of scared her in a way. Still she wasn't bothering her and Chris was more focused on Hailey and Max.

When Hailey spoke and then Kat spoke up, Chris took their word for it. She didn't recognize Hailey but she had trouble distinguishing most people from one another. Despite what people might think they tended to have similar structures. They were slight differences for people, but Chris only noticed if she actually cared. And she really only cared about her family up until now. She did know how to see if someone might conceal a weapon if it stood out enough from a body shape. But that was all really.

Still it worried her that they were recognized. "I don't think we actually meet there. How do you know us?" As she waited for her to reply, she turned back to Max and moved closer, almost touching him.

"I wanted to apologize. I am happy you are okay. I felt bad for leaving you behind."


Jillian was about to speak more when he heard a noise from the room. He turned to face the door as it was flung open. Soon enough Lionel was hugging him and he was hugging him back.

"Lionel! I thought you had left."

Lionel shook his head. As good as company as Liselle was, he had missed Jillian a lot. He hugged the older boy tightly. "I could never leave. I wouldn't be able to survive really. No I got...lost."

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jillian pulled back and looked at Lionel. He seemed okay to him. Not hurt or bruised or anything. Maybe a little nervous, but he always looked like that. He looked up at Julian with a small smile. First he had Julian say yes to dating him and now Lionel was back. Things seemed to be going well. As he looked back he seemed to notice that they were not alone. Standing in the doorway was a girl. She seemed to be near to his age, although she had a sort of bony figure. Her black hair had stripes of other colors. She seemed to be playing with the ends of her hair.

Lionel pulled back and pointed to Liselle. "She found me walking around last night. She was nice enough to stay with me. She'll be staying here now." It sounded liked Lionel was quite firm in that announcement, but Jillian didn't want to force anyone to stay here.

'Thanks for looking after him."

"No, no problem. Happy to help. I couldn't just let him wander around on his own." She nodded at the two. "I am Liselle by the way."

Max raised an eyebrow when Steven insinuated that he was going to put hidden cameras in the bathrooms. He felt a bit insulted to be compared to the common pervert. "As if I'd stoop to common peeking. I mean come on. Look at me. It's not like I can't get any." Max had a few friends with benefits at his beck and call, although lately he didn't feel the need for any of those gold digging skanks. Perhaps because this domino thing was enough amusement for him. "As for why I'm offering to do this. You guys have @#$%ing superpowers. How can you even wonder why I'm interested in seeing you guys in action? It's like a comic book come to life."

"And as cool as this all is, there's a big chance that accidents can happen. Accidents that could result in lives being lost. I'm willing to provide some equipment and such to help prevent this. The only thing I ask in return is to be able to watch over some of your practices. I may not look like it but I am pretty smart. I major in biochemistry and molecular physics at Columbia University. Maybe I can discover an easier way to help them control their powers if I can see them in action." There was some truth in that. A lot actually. He did want to research them although helping them was not his first priority. Max decided it was best to include some truth in his explanation. In case anyone there had the will to look into his claims, what they'd find would only confirm what he had told. Of course, he knew that no one here actually had the means or skills to fully check up on his story. He took Steven's hand after the ex-marine listed his own conditions. "So we have a deal?"

Max turned to Chris when he heard her pipe up. His fist clenched slightly as she reminded him how the group had left him behind last night but quickly calmed down again. Placing a hand on her head, he said, "It's okay Chris. Your brother just wanted his family safe. I mean what does the safety of a stranger matter, right?" The last few words were spat out with an ounce of resentment but not much.


Shira looked down at Kat from the roof. It didn't seem like she was lying, but Shira didn't like being made fun of. She was serious about the whole thing. And they just poked fun at her. These people were meanies. Big meanies. She didn't want to talk to them so she got up in an attempt to run off. But as she stood, her foot slipped on the roof tile and she fell off.

Cas' eyes widened. He tried to go forward to catch her but his leg prevented him from doing so. Luckily, Max was close enough that he was able to catch her before she hit the ground. Cas looked at the ground, his fist clamping onto the lamp stand tighter than ever. He had never felt so useless in his entire life. Not since his mom had died of pneumonia years ago. Still, this was no time to be moping. He was still Shira's big brother and he should act as much. Dragging himself over, he went to see if she was alright.

Shira looked up at Max while in his arms. Her cheeks began to flush and she pushed him away. Landing on her feet, she turned away from Max and covered her reddened face with her hands. This was the first time she had been in the princess position. To be caught like some damsel in distress. It was so embarrassing.
Katarina looks away from Max with some guilt and embarrassment as Chris goes to him and apologizes. She hasn’t been able to concentrate on it too intently, with everything that’s going on, but she does feel badly for having left Max behind. It wouldn’t have been her choice, but at the time she had been too shocked to protest much against Xander, and had instead numbly obeyed as he directed. She knew more clearly than ever now that she had been very wrong, however, to leave him behind, even if she hadn’t intended to do so.

“We…still shouldn’t have left you,” she said awkwardly, one hand straying to begin poking at the near-infected cuticles of her other hand. But then, realizing what she was doing, that this was in fact a mild form of hurting herself, she made herself flatten her hands against her sides as she stole a glance at Steven. She hoped he hadn’t seen that and already decided not to teach her.

“I guess…we weren’t really thinking. But we shouldn’t have left you.”

She looks at Steven again, wondering what he’ll think about Max’s offer. Steven seems to like to be in control, the one making the plans and providing all the safeguards, but to her it seems like Max has thought everything through and has a solution for problems she hadn’t even considered. If Max will really do all of this, then they can’t afford not to take him up on the offer, could they?

“That sounds great,” she answers before Steven can, and gives Max a genuine smile. “We’d….that would be really great, Max. Thank you. Is there…well, if you want us to do anything, or…we don’t really have money or anything, but I guess if Steven taught you, and the rest of us…I guess let us know how we can help repay.”

It enters her thoughts that if Max is doing this simply to watch a bunch of “superheroes” at work, then he’s going to be sadly disappointed and lacking entertainment when he watches her. And though she tries not to think this way, it also crosses her mind that if Steven is going to be working with EVERYONE, not just her, then she’s really going to look terrible in comparison. How will she ever be able to keep up with any of the rest of them when she doesn’t have any sort of superpowers at all? How will she even keep Steven’s interest or attention on her when she’s just learning to punch or kick or whatever, while everyone else is blowing things up and avoiding an obstacle course blind and everything else?

She didn’t have time to think about it very long, however, because about this point in time Shira slipped off the roof. Katarina barely had time to start to scream, both to warn other people and out of her own shock, before Max has managed to insert his body in between Shira and the ground, catching her seemingly effortlessly. Katarina stares, blinking several times. It seems incredible to her that Max could have made that catch…maybe he had some super powers of his own and just hasn’t gotten around to telling them yet.

Chris was lucky…Max was really an awesome guy.

“Wow,” she said aloud, slightly breathless, smiling at Max. “That was awesome. You just saved her.”

There is no question at all in her mind now that they should take Max up on his offer. And in fact, after giving him another smile, she announces, “I’m going to go get Xander and tell him we should go get our things. The longer we leave them at the motel, the better chance someone will break in and steal them. Steven, Max, I guess you guys will have to come show us where the..dojo? Is that what you called it? Where that is, and Max, if you want to come and see what it looks like so you can get an idea of what we you can do to it…”

Without waiting for an answer, she heads back towards the room where she and her siblings had slept the night before, Rikarah’s room, and throws open the door, barely noticing how close Rikarah and her twin are standing to each other. She smiles at Xander, saying almost breathlessly, excitement obvious in her eyes, “Xander, we have a new place to stay! Steven says we can stay at his…I think he called it a dojo. I guess it’s like a little house. There’s only three bedrooms so I guess Chris and I can share, since she needs help sometimes. Or else you and Kyle can, or even you and me if you wanted. I don’t mind. Anyway he says we can stay there…and he says he’ll teach me martial arts and self-defense stuff. I think that’s a good idea…actually it was my idea, because I really need to…well, just to be different. You know. Able to…sort of keep up with you, a little…anyway, we’re going to get our stuff and move in, so come on.”

Almost as an afterthought, she adds over her shoulder, “Oh, and Max says he’ll buy us stuff we need to really get good and train better. Isn’t that cool? He isn’t even mad we left him behind…Xander, you really shouldn’t have left him behind.”

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She grabs his arm and tugs at it, then lets go, having gotten her message across as she leaves the room, taking Chris by the arm to guide her too. Rikarah raises an eyebrow, taking in all of this information. She had not thought Katarina, whom she has only observed being morose, frightened, flirtacious, or self-conscious, to be capable of speaking so often and with such optimism. But then, the girl had not seemed interesting enough for her to bother invading her thoughts.

“It appears the decision has been made for you,” she informs Xander. “Better go along, or your family may stage a rebellion against you.” She pauses, then tells him with some truthfulness, “if you were to stray in my path again, I would not be opposed to it. Perhaps one day soon, we could arrange for that to occur.”

If this is her way of asking for a date of some sort, she will not spell it out for him. Let him come to the conclusion.

She was not quite sure why she found the boy interesting, or why it was that she would ask for such a thing. Rikarah had learned that it was better to remain unattached to others, both for her protection and for theirs. She could never let another know who she truly was and what she stood for, not if they would not understand and approve. She did not know if Xander was such a person, but she doubted it. After all, he had three younger siblings to think about, what would make him understand a person such as her? And yet she was intrigued, though she did not know why.

It was fortunate she did not have to work today, or she would have been quite late. Then what would she do with her day? Taking down Calico single-handedly was clearly beyond her abilities, and it would be foolish to attempt to do so again, or even to research him so soon. Was he alive, or had Steven, that irritating, infuriating Steven, taken him down?

Rikarah toys with the idea of asking Steven to teach her, along with Katarina, how to fight. It would be unnecessary, because as small as she is, she is rather skilled with weaponry, and she knows how to use her slight strength to its best advantage. She is sure he would have little to teach her she has not figured out on her own, and she is also sure she would have a difficult time keeping her distaste for him concealed.

But it is true that she would like to observe the others, and to have access to what methods Max likely has to be able to research others of this city. Rikarah does not have a library card, for this would involve having a permanent address to be able to put down, an ID of some kind. She supposes she could pay for a fake one, but those seem more trouble than they are worth. Having computer access would be ideal.

She follows Katarina out into the lobby, observing the others present before saying casually, “So you are to start up some sort of ninja academy or something of the like, then?”

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(Just because Kat has no confidence in herself currently doesn’t mean that she won’t be competent, just as an fyi. Also, the earlier post with Alicia and Anthony DeSanto. Ignore it. It doesn’t exist. I’ll delete it soon as I feel like it.)


Alicia DeSanto had thought she had it bad when she was living in her rundown sixty-year-old house whose heat had never worked quite as well as she liked, a house that always needed repairs that no one ever actually got around to taking care of. She had thought she was irritated and frustrated by living with five annoying, smart-mouthed children and one equally infuriating alcoholic man. She had thought that the drudgery of her job and her duties were barely within her ability to tolerate.

This had been before. She had not anticipated that moving from cheap motel to cheap motel would make her miss the day of leaky faucets and creaking boards. She would not have thought that she would rue the day that the children she called her own were not with her any longer. But then, as much as she had already lost, she was on the verge of losing even more, and as of now Alicia had not seen her circumstances even begin to make improvements.

It was their fault, those stupid, reckless kids she had never liked or wanted in the first place. One of them or all of them, whether accidentally or not, had set the fire, destroying not just her home, but her space of employment as well. Very important documents had perished in that fire, documents Alicia could not recover, and in the process she had lost all the kids as well. The four older ones were who knows where, and the youngest, Alice, the one they had had the least chance to study, was dead. It wasn’t that she cared about them or what had happened to them, so much as she knew that when her employers found out, it would be her own ass on the line. There was no telling what consequences could come about as a result of what they would undoubtedly see as her and Anthony’s failure of duty, their loss of control of the subjects. How could they trust her or her work when she managed to lose not one, but five children- one of them permanently?

And now she was stuck alone with only Anthony to help her find them again, drag them back into their care. There was no telling how much she would have to screw with their memories before they would be worth fooling with again, no telling how much time and effort this would take. And Anthony, of course, was more of a liability than a help for much of the time.

Damn it, why had she been given THIS man to work with, why did it have to be THIS group of kids?

For the children, of course, were not hers and Anthony’s at all, not that that they would ever know it. She and Anthony had been assigned by their employers as guardians for the five siblings, as husband and wife to each other, not because they were intended to love each other or the children, because this would in fact likely hinder them in their duties, but rather to observe and yield influence over them and their powers. The company for which she and Anthony worked commonly did this- seeking out a family or set of siblings of children who appeared to be gifted with supernatural abilities, or else who had the traits or genetic links which would often mean that the child would develop such abilities around the time of puberty. Employees would then be assigned as guardians and parental figures to several such children, reporting back observations in a longitudinal research study of a kind. It was their hope to discover the source of and full extent of capabilities of children with such powers, to perhaps learn to harvest it in people who were not gifted. If they could uncover the source of powers and perhaps learn to extract and transmit them at will, they could control the course of the world, and get rather rich as well.

It had been easy enough to make sure arrangements, for Alicia’s own ability gave her the power to alter, implant, and extract memories into other’s minds. It had been a simple task for her, some five years ago, to take the preteen twins Katarina and Xander and their three young siblings, and to make it seem to them all as though Anthony and Alicia had been their natural parents all along. At this time Xander had been beginning to show signs of supernatural ability, and it had been the hope of her employers that his twin and his younger siblings would too.

It had been sorely disappointing for her to discover that both Katarina and Christina appeared to have no powers of their own right up until the date of the fire, and that Xander’s and Kyle’s were rather uncontrolled. Although she and Anthony were paid well for their services, neither were good with budgeting, and with five children and Anthony’s alcoholism to deal with, they always seemed to be just squeaking by with what they needed. And the children themselves were so very aggravating. Xander and his smart mouth, Katarina and her irritating victim’s complex, Kyle and his immaturity, Chris and her cowardice…even the youngest, Alice, had had a way of walking around staring at everyone as if she could see right through them, angering Alicia all the more because it had occurred to her that given a few years, Alice just might. They had not yet known if she had any powers of her own. Now, they never would.

If they didn’t find those stupid children, and soon…well, she and Anthony wouldn’t be able to dodge their employers forever. Alicia didn’t want to think about the possibilities if they were ever to discover the depth of their screw-up.

As she brushed her teeth with harsh, impatient strokes, pacing about the small confines of the motel room, she was irritated by Anthony’s very presence, by the sound of his breathing. He didn’t have to say anything at all to arouse her anger much of the time; she resented his even existing, being present in the room with her. With one hand she turned on the TV, needing its mindless noise to block him out of her thoughts. But the image on the screen soon attracted her attention for its own merits.

BYSTANDER CELL PHONE CAMERA CATCHES TERRORISM AT LOCAL ZOO, blazed the headline, and Alicia stepped closer to the TV, squinting as she attempted to make out what was going on in the blurry home video being shown on the screen. She could make out the figures of two girls on the screen, girls with dark hair and slender builds…and after a few moments she was certain. The way they walked, the size and figures were about right, and though the faces were shadowed, she could see the eyebrow ring on one of the girls. Katarina and Christina…but what the hell were they doing HERE? At the zoo? During a terrorist attack? Without any powers?

Or did they have powers now…what if they had recently been awakened?

“Anthony,” she barks, dribbling toothpaste before she remembers to spit, returning quickly to the TV. “Anthony, look. It’s the girls. They’re right here in town.”

She is already getting out her cell phone, dialing not their employers, but a more recent contact and ally. This particular female was a rather unlikely addition to their sad little team, but if she was as competent as it seemed, then it was no matter about her age or current status. Madison Porter was already helping them gain the trust of what she assured them was a promising possible new domino, and she had been helpful with previous dominoes in the past. So what did it matter if she was only fourteen years old?

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Julian blinked, startled, when Lionel flung himself into the room, and he smiled at him, happy to see him return. He had been worried for him. Surely the fact that Lionel was back meant that Duck was okay too.

He started to ask about Duck, realizing that the other boy was not arriving on Lionel’s heels, but the appearance of Liselle both surprised and intimidated Julian, though he tried not to show it. He cleared his throat and waved at them both, his stammer returning more fully in Liselle’s presence.

“Oh, uh, h-hi. I’m J-Julian…I g-guess Duck isn’t c-coming back? Hi L-Lionel. Hi L-Liselle…long time no see.”

He didn’t wait for Lionel to respond, instead picking up his guitar from where he had hidden it the night before and giving Jillian a shy hug goodbye before heading out the door. “I g-guess I’ll see you s-soon, then.”

He felt more relaxed as soon as he was out of Liselle’s presence, though he knew it was ridiculous. He couldn’t be afraid of every female, surely they weren’t all out to get him. Violet hadn’t been, and Liselle had always been friendly to him. She was as close to a friend as he’d had for a while, before Duck and Lionel and Jillian.

Taking a turn towards the park, he sung to himself softly under his breath, adjusting his guitar over his shoulder. He was walking at a fairly fast clip, hands in his pockets, when he saw her, sitting on a bench only a few feet away.

He had not seen her in months now, had not closely associated with her in years. But he saw her face often enough in memory, and more so in nightmares, to recognize her regardless of place or context. It was Madison sitting across from him, Madison close enough to hear the faint murmur of her voice as she bent close to the child beside her, a brunette, blue-eyed little girl somewhere between five and seven years old, and whispered in her ear.

A child…Madison was with a child, alone…even now, it seemed, she was still up to her old seductions of a kind. And she was right here, right now…had she come for him? Had she seen him? What if she went home and told about his whereabouts, what if someone tracked him down?

And then Madison lifted her eyes and briefly met his, her lips curving into a smile just before she slowly bent her head closer to the little girl’s, kissing its crown. As her lips met the child’s hair, she was still looking Julian straight in the eyes.

She recognized him. She saw him. And Julian’s heart knocked so hard in his chest that as he began to run, his guitar slamming heavily against his shoulder, he was barely able to draw in each gasping breath.

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Alice DeSanto was glad she had finally made a friend. The world was a scary place even before the fire, even before she lost her whole entire family and was all alone. Alice guessed they were all dead now, because why else wouldn’t they have come for her? Why wouldn’t they have found her and saved her unless they were dead?

She had thought she was going to die too, that night. Everything had been dark and scary and people had been shouting, and the smoke smelled so bad she coughed and had a sore throat. She had been too scared to try to move, so she had hid under her bed, praying that one of her big brothers or sisters, or even her mom or dad, would come get her. They never did, but something else had happened, something Alice still didn’t understand. She had been very scared and thinking how she was going to die and then all of a sudden, it was like there was a big bubble around her, a bubble she could see and touch but couldn’t push her hand through, and nothing else seemed able to get through it either. Not even fire.

Alice knew about superheroes, knew that her brothers both were and that she couldn’t ever tell anyone or they might get in trouble. But she hadn’t known that she was a superhero too. She had thought that was just for boys. But her new superpower had helped her feel brave enough to get up and go out the bathroom window, but when she got outside, her brothers and sisters and her mama and daddy weren’t there. Alice had been afraid she would get in trouble or else go to foster care. She had heard about foster care from her brothers and sisters, how they would be mean and never let her see any of them again, and so she had just started to walk, not knowing what else to do or where to go.

The first two days had been scary. Alice hadn’t known how to get food or where to hide where no one would see, so she spent a lot of time behind a trash can at a restaurant and ate out of it after some people had come back there and thrown stuff away. It was gross and smelled bad but she was hungry, and so she ate it anyway. She had to sleep back there too, but most of the time, she spent trying not to cry. It was hard when she was cold and scared and all alone, and she missed her brothers and sisters and even her mom and dad so much.

By the third day she was so bored she just couldn’t stand to stay behind the dumpster anymore, and so she started to walk again, hoping no one would notice her or ask any questions. She knew she was too little to be out alone, so she decided to go to Central Park. Her brothers and sisters had taken her there to play sometimes, and she thought she sort of remembered how to get there. She could play and pretend that she had a mommy there watching her, and no one would even know.

That was the day she met her friend, the best friend Alice had ever had. Madison was a big girl, a teenager probably, but she was so nice to Alice and never, ever asked her any questions. The first day she saw Alice she just smiled at her and told her it was a nice day, and Alice was pretty, and didn’t she want to play? And she’d been nice to her ever since, meeting her there every single day to talk and play.

Alice’s brothers and sisters had always told her don’t talk to strangers, don’t trust anyone but them, but Alice is sure if they had met Madison they would know that she was okay. Madison wasn’t a grown up for one thing, and anyway she seemed to know Alice didn’t have a home or a mom or dad, and she didn’t even seem to mind. Every time she came she gave Alice food and drinks and brought her clothes and jackets and mittens and even shoes, and she would fix Alice’s hair and hug her and hold her on her lap and tell her how smart she was and how cool. Madison was a big kid and Alice wasn’t even her sister and she was still so nice to her when she didn’t even have to be. Madison said that one day Alice would be big and smart enough to be her helper as well as her friend, and Alice couldn’t wait.

Every time before Madison left she would tell Alice about somewhere she knew that was safe and warm and sometimes even show Alice, and she wouldn’t even say to her she was telling her so Alice could sleep there that night. She was the best friend in the whole world.

The only thing Alice felt bad about was that when she first met Madison, she didn’t tell her what her real name was. She said her name was Leslie, because Bridge To Terabithia was her favorite movie ever. But now if she told Madison that she’d lied and her name was really Alice, Madison might get mad and think she was a liar, and she might not want to be her friend anymore. So Alice guessed she’d have to just keep lying even though she didn’t like it.

This particular morning they were sitting on the bench together. It was a Sunday so Madison could be there earlier than she could on school days. Madison had just given Alice a banana and some cookies and juice and was telling her about some games they could play, when Alice saw a skinny brown-haired boy start to run away past them. He looked scared, and as Alice watched him curiously, she looked up at Madison, seeing Madison’s small smile.

“Is he doing that for fun?” she asked Madison, and Madison nodded, her eyes trained on the disappearing boy’s form.

“Looks like it to me…so what do you want to do today, Leslie?”

Alice bit her lip before responding. Maybe she should tell Madison her name soon...wasn't that the nice thing to do?

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(4,821 freaking words. That has to be a record...has to be! lol)
(gonna take sometime to read all of that.)

*Steven is resenting the fact that no one apologized even once for leaving him behind twice and stole his car leaving him surrounded by gangbangers shooting at him. He's surprise noone else called Max on what he said so Steven brings it up again.* Nice job there Max, talking about all the random women at your beck and call, so are you planning on adding Chris to that list?

*Kyle does catch that that* Who is this guy, Chris? Is he your boyfriend cause I don't like the way he's talking. *In truth Kyle has no clue who Max is but he kind of understands that Chris may like him so why is he talking about all the other women that would do things for him if he just calls them.* Hey you who are you? Why did you kidnap my sister before?

*Anthony grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to hear the tv, even in his slightly drunken state, he could see clearly that it was the girls. His grip around the remote tightens and it cracks then crumbles into tiny pieces.* THOSE LITTLE BASTARDS! I'M GONNA BREAK THEIR NECKS! *He turns to Alica, his eyes full of rage.* We're gonna find them and then I'm gonna put all of them in the ground..All this time on the run from our employer and still hunting them..Living like rats! Maybe we'll drag them back and stick them into some horrible experiment! Maybe they'll cut them into little pieces!
After Shira had pushed him away, Max turned to Steven. Who cared if he had a bit of fun every now and then. It was his personal business. "Look. There's only about three girls and it's not like there's any feelings involved. They're only using me for money or connections, so why shouldn't I use them while I'm at it. Anyway, you don't have to worry about Chris becoming one of them. I'm not a pedophile." She didn't know why but Shira felt her heart fall a bit after hearing that last bit. So he wasn't interested in kids . . . She'd just have to work hard at growing up. She was sure to become pretty. Afterall, she was was plenty adorable now. (This is more of her own ego. She may or may not be cute.)

Max then turned to Kyle, and got on his knees so that Kyle would be the taller of the two. "Ah. You're looking out for your big sis, aren't you? That's very noble of someone so young. But I'm just Chris' friend, so you don't have to worry too much. My name is Max. As for why I kidnapped her last time, she felt very uncomfortable in that situation. I don't know what happened exactly but she didn't seem to want to talk to you guys at the time. She deserves some fun every now and then, don't you think?"

At that time, Shira pulled on Kyle's sleeve. Max looked up to the girl whose face was as red as a tomato. Her eyes were downcast. Her entire expression was completely different than what he knew hers to be. She looked rather . . . meek. "Don't bully Max," she said in a quiet voice. Shira had no idea what was wrong with her. Usually, she'd be willing to fight people who she felt were bullying or insulting others. Fights Cas had always seemed to pull her back from. And she was a bit angry at Kyle and Steven who seemed to be doubting Max's intentions, but she couldn't bring herself to jump them like she had just done before. For the first time in her life, she was embarrassed. She had been ever since Max had caught her a bit ago.

Shira looked up for a second but looked back down again when her eyes met Max's. "Um . . . I help take care of Cas. Am I a good girl?" It was that final sentence that alerted Max as to what was going on. He smiled and patted the girl's head. "Yes. You are a very good girl." He was rather happy at this development. At least, it seemed it would be easy to get Shira on his side. Now if he could only figure out her mood swings.

Max returned his attention to Kyle. "To convince you that I'm not a bad guy, how about I get you guys some videogames for that dojo of yours? Every kid's got to know the feeling of a controller in their hands. Which would you like? A 360? A PS3?"

Cas wasn't too keen on how Max seemed to be stealing Shira away. A bit jealous, he turned around abruptly to try to go into the theatre, but his leg acted up and he fell. Damn it. Max looked over at Cas, noticing the Asian for the first time. His eyes immediately fell to the bloody and dirty "bandages" around his leg. "What happened to you?" He went over to the wounded one. "This looks bad. Shouldn't you go to a hospital? I can give you a ride if you want."

"NO!" Cas pushed the blond boy away. "No hospitals! I-I mean. We don't have any insurance." Max was a bit startled. Was he that adverse to getting treatment? Why didn't he want to go to the hospital? But he decided it was best to abide by his wishes. Remembering Shira's earlier actions, this man was apparently . . . her brother? Anyway, if he was to get her full cooperation, he shouldn't anger her brother. "Okay. No hospitals. Just let me treat you then. This can get infected and if you don't take care of it properly, it might need to be amputated."

Cas was suspicious. He tried to find an ulterior motive in Max's face, but if there was one, he hid it well. And he didn't want to amputate. The very thought was horrifying. "I . . . suppose it can't hurt . . . "

(Shira's little crush is a very minor one. Most likely, she'll forget in about a week or move on by falling in love with Batman or something. Just giving her a reason to start leaning toward Max's side.)
*Steven smirks at Max* Hey don't have to try to convince me last time I tried helping Chris out, I got my car stolen and shot plus I'm pretty sure she hates my guts in fact I can feel the daggers from her eyes stabbing me in the back as we speak. Truth be told I don't really care what you do Max but if you want to be in my dojo you better be prepared to work, just like my father didn't allow bystanders in the dojo neither will I. That dojo is his legacy and I plan on doing right by it.

*Kyle really wants an Xbox but he's been on the streets long enough to know better to take a bribe and when someone is trying to distract him, if Kyle had been questioning Max about anything other then who he was to his sister he would have let this go but just like Xander is over protective of Kat, Kyle feels the same about Chris after all she can't see, and sleazy guys would try to take advantage of her if they think they can get away with it.* I don't want an Xbox..or anything like that I don't know you and I'm not convince you're a good guy..cause no matter how Chris felt you had no right taking her away from us..We don't know you...We didn't know you weren't taking Chris somewhere and try to wear her skin...I didn't know Chris liked you! *He turns his back on Max and crosses his arms across his chest.* You're probably some kind of pervert.
Katarina being, well, Katarina, had not really heard or thought significantly of Max's claim to be able to have whatever woman he wanted at his beck and call. To her, who would very likely be one of those women if it wasn't for her hope that Max would be interested in her sister, such a statement was a typical and reasonable one for any attractive guy to make. But his statement about not being a pedophile, and Kyle's subsequent one about him being a "perve," does catch her attention, and she looks between Chris and Max with a frown.

"What are you talking about? Max isn't old. How could be be a pedophile? Kyle, you're not being very nice to him, look at all he's offering. Him and Steven both. Come on, who else has given us anything like that? Who else even could? If he wanted to do something bad with Chris he would have when he took her in his car."

She bit her lower lip briefly as she addressed Steven, one hand reaching out to lightly touch his chest. "Steven...I'm sorry we left you behind. We shouldn't have, even though you said you wanted us to. You could have got hurt...we should have made you come with us. Or asked you to, at least. I didn't like leaving you behind."

Her eyes linger on him briefly before, turning to Xander, still holding Chris by the wrist, she tugged at his sleeve. "Come on Xander, lets go get our stuff. It's day out, and if we aren't around and someone found our place, we might lose it all. Come on!"

Rikarah is watching all this silently, having not yet been answered by anyone, and she crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow as she too kneels beside Castiel. "What happened?" She does not truly expect an answer, but instead looks him over herself, frowning slightly. It crosses her mind that if his foot is amputated, it would be a most interesting addition to her collection, which, with her now homeless state, has unfortunately had to be abandoned.

Her face is neutral, however, as she states, "Max is correct, you must have someone care for this foot. I can help if needed. As for his age," she looks Max over carefully, then guesses, "I would say he is most likely older than eighteen. It is for you to judge whether or not that is too old for any of you girls, as you are all underage for both a status of legal adulthood and for sexual consent in our state, but as you are all of a pubescent status, it does not make him a pedophile by definition if he were to be attracted to any of you."

This is all said mildly and rather matter-of-factly as she pauses, now looking up at Steven even as she remains crouched over Cas. She repeats herself, "You are opening a school to train others to fight?"


Alicia rolled her eyes, breathing out with exasperation as she shook her head at Anthony. That was her dear, beloved "husband"- always ready to jump into an action without planning or forethought, always ready to get them both screwed over because he couldn't think first or control his temper or his drinking for one second. Snatching the beer from his hand and throwing it against the wall with one impulsive move, she stood over him, glaring down at him as she said vehemently, "No! No, we are not just rushing out there and snatching them up, did you watch that film for one second? If the girls are together, the boys are too, you know that's how that goes. That's four of them, and if they've gotten along this long then they're actually thinking somewhat, unlike you. We need to have a plan. We need to have a way to reel them in and make it easy for us. They're already on the news, and from what it looks like they've taken up with a group of other kids. Half of them could be dominoes, maybe even all, for all we know. We could turn this around for us, Anthony. We could get make up for all the screw ups by bringing in a slew of dominoes, not just the ones we lost. We have to think this through."

She held up one hand as Madison picked up on the other line, speaking only briefly, the few carefully chosen words that alerted Alicia to the fact that she must be with the potential domino child now. She briefly informed Madison of the looks of the DeSanto children she should be on the look out for, before hanging up, turning back to Anthony.

"If you screw this up, I swear the first mind that's getting altered around here will be yours, and you might not survive the results."
*Anthony's hand reels back to smack Alicia but pauses remembering that if she wanted she could wipe his mind clean and make him think he was a homeless ballet dancer with a fetish for being spanked with old noodles if she wanted but still he doesn't like being talked down to, quickly standing up and grabbing another beer.* I have a plan I'm gonna grab them all by the neck and shake them till candy falls out of their stupid heads! If I had my way I'd just shoot them all in the back of the head, especially that Xander brat, walking around all high and mighty at least until I knocked his head around..Yeah I know it was all for the test but I really enjoyed pounding that one. *Despite Alicia being very attractive, she really did disgust him, he may be an abusive drunk but she was twisted and loved playing mind games and undoing a persons entire world..Maybe if they weren't forced to live like they do and they just met she'd be doable. But as it stand she's the most unattractive beautiful woman on the planet to him and god willing someday he'll have the pleasure of snapping her neck and feeding her to some stray dogs.*

*Steven looked at Rika* Yeah I will take in students I think are worthy of learning my family's style of fighting so they can defend themselves..Control ones body and mind and then one can control the world around them..That's what my father tried to teach. So yeah I will accept most that come to me and wish to learn.

*To Kyle neither what Kat or Max is saying has convinced him he's a good guy but given his history of bad decisions lately, he will based his final decision to Xander and Steven, he hopes that they will somehow agree on Max's status, at the moment he'll just keep his eye on him.*
Chris was blushing a deep red color. This was not happening. Sure she liked Max but not like that right? Chris wasn't so sure. She wasn't use to getting crushes but maybe she did have one. Still listening others talk about it made her feel embarrassed and nervous. When she heard Max say he didn't like her like that, she turned her head in his direction. Did it hurt to hear him say that? Chris wasn't so sure.

"Max isn't my boyfriend," she reassured her younger brother. "I mean...he's a good person and he's my friend." Chris wanted to say more, but she didn't think she could bring herself to. Maybe she did like Max, but listening to him, she had a feeling that he wasn't going to reciprocate. "I trust him," Chris continued, although to who she was saying that to, she wasn't so sure. But she felt that the words were true. She did trust Max. Maybe not as much as her family, but she did. Chris nodded at her sister's insistent to go and get their things.

One thing was bugging Chris though and it was that her family - and Steven - seemed to insist that they knew what was best for her. Maybe they weren't saying it, but their talk of Max taking advantage of her made her feel like they didn't believe she could handle herself. She was fifteen and although she was blind, Chris felt that she had a right to make her own choices. Still she didn't think she could convince Kyle not to worry about her. He was her brother and she knew he cared about her.


Jillian watched his boyfriend go before turning back to Liselle. She gave him a weak smile. She was surprised to see Julian here and with some...girl. He had seemed hesitate around girls and so it was a bit weird to see him give Jillian a hug.

"You know Julian?"

Liselle nodded slowly. "We both lived in the park together. Well not together together. We just happen to both reside there along with a few others." Liselle looked down at the floor. She didn't like to admit that she lived in a park, but she was talking to someone who was living in a shelter. She didn't think she would judge her. She looked up to see Jillian nodding. She moved past her into the room. Lionel smiled at Liselle.

"Jillian's getting ready for work. But don't worry. You guys don't have to sleep in trees or anything now. You can stay here with us."

Liselle nodded. Living in a shelter. The thought was weird. She felt a bit...restricted she guessed. The park was a bit freer in terms of what you could do. But she had more safety here and food and she didn't have to worry about being arrested for sleeping here. It was nice and so far the people she had met seemed okay. She knew Julain already, Lionel was turning out to be a sweetie and Jillian. Something about her seemed trustworthy. She turned to see Jillian looking at Lionel.

"I am going to work. You'll still be here when I return little man?" Lionel nodded.

"No more disappearing for me. I promise."

Jillian ruffled his hair. He looked at Liselle. She seemed tense but he could understand that, She was basically living among strangers now. He gave her a warm look before heading. He couldn't be late this time. He needed the work now more than ever if he wanted a future with Julian. If he wanted to help take Julian away from this life as well as Lionel.


Liselle and Lionel exchanged looks and Lionel nodded. "I have school work to do," Lionel said moving into the main room. Liselle did not follow. She sat down on one of the beds. She thought about what happened at the zoo. She was partly happy she had bailed but also kind of guilty as well. She wondered if it would be worth it to try and see if Hailey and the others were okay.

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