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Carry On My Wayward...Daughter?

"Not zombies, not really." Sam took a seat on the corner of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest. "What we've got is a coven looking for revenge and a couple of nasty demons who go through bodies faster than tissues."

"Let me take a stab here; they're killing off, what? Ex-boyfriends? To supply demons with meat?" Deanna looked up from the file, suddenly seeming much more entranced with the case.

"That's what it looks like, yeah." Sam sighed. "But Bobby is convinced that we're dealing with some pretty heavy demons who are up to some pretty heavy who-knows-what. Demons don't just hang around the same town for four years because they like the scenery."

Deanna glanced from Sam to Castiel and raised an eyebrow. "Big isn't ever good." She repeated under her breath.
Castiel closed his eyes and a sigh escaped him. He hated demons; he really did. He ran a hand through his messy hair, shaking his head, eyes still closed. The angel said nothing.

Deanna gave the file one more quick look before asking, "So when do we head out?"

"Tonight. Bobby is expecting us tomorrow morning." Sam answered, his eyes flicking back and forth between the two on the couch. "It'll be about a night's drive. Less with you behind the wheel."

Giving her brother one of her signature smirks, the elder Winchester flipped the file closed and passed it back to her sibling. "You know it."

"Yeah, well get some rest. I don't want you asleep at the controls." Sam teased, standing and moving into the kitchen. The sun was just starting to come up through the window over the sink.

Deanna let her gaze fall back on the angel at her side.
Castiel opened his eyes. "Sam's right. You need sleep." He said softly, glancing sideways at Deanna. He had heard the entire exchange, and he knew the two so well that he didn't need to physically see them to know what they looked like.

"If only it were that easy.." She muttered, primarily to herself, as she leaned forward a bit to watch Sam move about the kitchen before leaning back against the worn couch to stare up at the ceiling.
Deanna glanced over to Cas, a slight smile pulling at her lips. "A guardian angel, eh?" The light from the dim floor lamp caught a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Yeah, actually... I would like that."
She laughed softly and bent over to pull her shoes off. "That's right, here to keep me from coloring outside the lines." Folding her legs up beside her on the couch, Deanna reached for a woven blanket that lay haphazardly over the furniture's arm.
Curling up against the back of the couch, Deanna pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and settled in to try and get some real rest. "Does it get boring?" She asked quietly, the remains of a small smile still on her features. "Watching one pesky human?"
"Not when that one human is you." Castiel said this almost immediately, and then he looked away as his face turned bright red.

Deanna's smile shifted into a bit of a grin. "Well then, glad to be of interest." Watching Castiel carefully, she scooted over a few inches, laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes just before casually saying, "Goodnight." despite the clock across the room displaying the time as 6:00 am.
Castiel smiled softly at Deanna, and let her rest against him. After a moment of thought the angel laced his arm around her waist, touch tentative in case she hated it, which was what the angel expected.

She didn't push his arm away; in fact, her reaction was rather the opposite. His touch gave her an odd feeling of safety and security. Without opening her eyes, she inched closer and pulled the blanket along with her, already able to feel the edges of sleep creeping in.
As Castiel felt her shift closer, he wrapped his arm tighter around her waist, resting his cheek against her hair, closing his eyes with a soft smile.

Within minutes her breathing had evened out into a slow, easy rhythm as she drifted off. Even when falling asleep, she was halfway aware of her own nearly nervous anticipation of one of the nightmarish and twisted memories that continued to haunt her dreams. But this time, it didn't come. She lay peaceful and perfectly still at Castiel's side.
Castiel noticed that Deanna wasn't twitching as she usually was by now, and that made him smile more. He'd helped her, he realized.

Deanna remained asleep for several hours, the exhaustion finally catching up to itself. She slept so soundly that even Sam's digging around in the kitchen to find something edible didn't wake her, nor did his various trips through the living room in search of books containing information on what exactly they might be up against. The first time, Sammy did a double take, raising a lone brow Cas and Deanna's direction, but he didn't say a word. He knew that sleep was hard for her to come by these days, and he wasn't about to take a chance at waking her.
Castiel kept close to Deanna, coming as close to sleep as the angel could, which mostly consisted of closing his eyes and getting lost in his thoughts.

Raising her head, she slipped one hand from beneath the blanket to brush away a few strands of hair that had started to come loose from her ponytail, before deciding to simply pull her hair down all together. She combed her fingers through it a few times before turning her head to meet Castiel's gaze. "Hey.."
She gave a small smile of her own as the realization slowly sank in that she hadn't had the nightmares yet again. "Guess what..?" She asked quietly, obviously still a little groggy.

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