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Carry On My Wayward...Daughter?

Sitting up, she shrugged off the button up and kicked her shoes to the floor, settling to sleep in her jeans and t-shirt. She slid under the blankets and pulled the cover up to her shoulders. "I hope Bobby has gotten a good start..." She mused quietly.
Her eyes passed over Castiel for a split second before she scooted over a little ways in the bed and lightly patted the empty space next to her. "You look like a lost puppy standing there, Cas."
"Well I don't exactly know where to go." Castiel said softly, moving around to the opposite side of the bed and then kicking off his own shoes to stretch out beside her.

Deanna laughed quietly and turned to face him, her hair fanning out on the pillow behind her. A few seconds of silence slipped by before she smiled and said, "Tell me something, Cas. Anything." She laughed again, pulling the blankets closer. "Tell me a story."
"Well, there once was a time when I didn't know my purpose. When I didn't believe in myself, and I didn't see things as I do now. I saw human life as less than something to be protected." The angel smiled to himself and looked down, absentmindedly tracing circles on the blankets.

"Then a hunter came along and changed everything. My views on myself, on everyone." He looked up at Deanna again. "And now I see everything in a whole different light."

Castiel looked at her with a soft, shy smile.

Deanna felt a slight pink blush rise to her cheeks, something that hasn't happened in a long time. She didn't get nervous, didn't get scared, or at least she never let it through. "Is that so?" Her eyes flicked from his hand tracing shapes on the bed to his face.
She returned his smile with a slight one of her own. "You're talking about Sammy, right?" Deanna joked, her smile shifting into one of her smirks.
"Man, he's going to be so disappointed." She said, playfully shaking her head. Her light laughter slowly died off, however, and she let her emerald gaze meet Castiel's blue eyes once more.
Castiel smiled softly, and looked back at her, bright blue gaze meeting her vivid green. His fingers stopped tracing circles, and he slightly reached up to rest his fingertips on her cheek.

But Castiel stopped, assuming she wouldn't like it, hand hanging in the air between them for a long moment before he dropped it completely.

Deanna noticed the sense of hesitation that flashed through his eyes and smiled. Inching a little bit closer, she reached to carefully wrap her fingers around his wrist and raise his hand to her cheek. "It's okay.." She murmured softly.
Castiel gave a shy smile, and gently ran the tip of his thumb along her cheek. He rested his palm against the side of her face, fingers reaching her hairline. He studied her features with a soft, shy smile. His gaze slowly pulled along her cheeks, her eyes, her lips. He wanted to memorize her face. He wanted to memorize her; never forget.

Her smile didn't fade as she let her fingers fall from his wrist. She didn't pull away from his touch, nor did she feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Her eyes watched his travel her facial features, prompting her to subconsciously raise her fingertips to her lower lip where the swelling had been the night before. It felt as if it's gone down, evidence of the busted lip almost completely vanished.
Castiel gave a gentle smile, and as he looked at her, gaze traveling back up to hers, he felt himself shift closer in the slightest. He noticed, of course, but she'd done the same, so it would be alright; wouldn't it?

He didn't know; he wasn't certain, but took the chance away, even if only marginal. He'd shifted barely a few inches to her.

Deanna suppressed the urge to laugh at how absolutely careful Cas was being, obviously over think almost every movement. She simply scooted over the rest of the way, leaving a small amount of space between them, and silently reached up to smooth over his tousled hair.
Castiel smiled at her fingers in his hair. The Angel felt his heart pound against his chest at how close they were. It was so intimate, more than he'd known, actually, which wasn't much, honestly.

But even so, Castiel didn't know how to react, other than smile and shift his touch from her cheek to gently the underside of her jaw.

He didn't know why he'd done it, but it felt natural. In doing so, Castiel had tilted her head up toward his.

Deanna lightly bit down on her bottom lip past a smile. The distant sounds of the shower running as the occasional car driving past seemed so much further away than they had just a few minutes prior. This was their own moment in time, and to her, felt slower than the rest. She slowly withdrew her hand from his hair, letting it fall back to the blankets.
Without saying a word, Deanna simply pulled her arms back beneath the blankets and tucked her head beneath Castiel's chin. Her eyes were already closed, ready to catch what remaining time to rest that she had before all hell broke loose.
Castiel rested a hand between her shoulderblades and closed his eyes, shifting so his lips rested against her hair instead of his chin.

It was another night without nightmares for Deanna. At least, there were no nightmares in her mind. Somewhere around four o'clock, before the sun had even started to rise, a pounding sounded against the motel room door, jolting the hunter awake in an instant.
Castiel jumped and pulled away from Deanna, nearly falling off of the bed. He stood up and staggered to the door, glancing at Deanna through the dark. He didn't know if it was wise to open it.


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