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Carry On My Wayward...Daughter?

She nodded as she turned to back out of the parking spot. "I knew Bobby said urgent but..." Throwing the car into gear, Deanna guided the Impala out onto the highway.
"That's what I'm afraid of." Deanna said, running a hand over her ponytail. The shadow of a grin played at the corner of her lips. "How important usually equals how earth shaking, apocalypse bringing."
"Thank you, for, you know, coming to check in on me." She toyed with the amulet around her neck as she spoke, leaving her right hand relaxed on the wheel.
"I guess so." She returned his smile with a bright one of her own. Turning onto a smaller road, the sign marking Singer Salvage could be seen up ahead.
Parking the Impala a little ways from the house not too far inside the fencing around the salvage yard, Deanna killed the engine, causing its roar to slow to a low growl before dying out. Before she had the chance to say anything else, the towering form of her younger brother could be spotted peering through one of the front windows. Seconds later, the front door swung open and Sam stepped out onto the steps to meet them. "I guess they waited up." Deanna mumbled sarcastically, pushing the driver's door open and sliding out. "Sammy, this better be good." She called, twirling the keys around the index finger of her left hand. Her brother's lips were pressed in a firm line, obviously not amused.
"Oh sure, it's a good one alright." Sam muttered, holding the door open. "Demons, witches, and a string of deaths. Quite the combination, it would appear. Glad to see you both didn't want to miss it." He nodded a hello to Castiel, the corner of his mouth turning up just momentarily.

"Perfect. Just when I thought we were getting back to some relatively easy jobs." Deanna patted her brother on the arm as she walked past, moving through the kitchen and on into the living room.
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Deanna pushed a pile of dusty books over enough to give both her and Cas room to sit before collapsing onto the couch. "Tell me what you've got, little brother."

Sam shot her a good natured glare but moved to the desk near the center of the room. "Bobby left about a half hour ago for the suburbs of our town in question: Raymach, Illinois. He's going to see what he can uncover without getting too close before we all go barging in. What we know now, however, is that fourteen young men have died over the course of four years in sleepy little Raymach, a place that typically has about as big of crime rate as, well, nothing really. A few thefts here and there but, really nothing."

"No offense to those fourteen guys, but Sammy, we really need to work on your definition of big. This doesn't sound big." Deanna interjected, leaning back in her seat.
"Yeah, fourteen isn't a lot compared to what we're used to." Castiel said, then cleared his throat, looking down slightly.

"But get this,-" Sam continued, grabbing a filing folder off the desk and tossing it to Deanna. "-the first of those photos was taken last week, the second, last month."

Deanna caught the folder in her lap and flipped it open, already starting to lose interest, until she realized what Sam was referring to. On the left was a sheet showing fourteen photos from the Raymach coroner's office, each of a different, but similar looking, dead man. On the right were two pictures that looked to be printed off of a security camera feed, clearly showing the first two guys from the left...alive and walking three years after their deaths. "Sammy, what are we looking at here? Are you telling me we've got a zombie problem?"

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