Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

Although Adelaide had originally intended to write a draft for the terms of New Castle's surrender, it had turned into a calligraphy lesson with her as the teacher. Mama and Ana were her students. She had learned how to properly write at a young age, and even her scribbles were neat and held shape to the weakest forms of writing. So long as it passed the time in the Sanctum, it satisfied everyone.

Besides. How can I even write a draft when I don't know what Christopher wants?

The Lord and Lady sat side by side as best they could, arms bound in their own chains from their own prisons. It was humiliating to say the least. They didn't know what the pirate wanted, not entirely, as his motives seemed unusually hidden.
Once Michael had opened the door, Christopher revealed himself with a smug grin that only pirates capable of conquering castle can wear. "Thank you, Michael. Go and round up the remaining guards and throw them in the dungeons to rot. Kill them if they resist."

"Aye, captain."

The gunner left the three alone at least, lord, lady and pirate. The captain pulled up a chair and straddled it facing the man and woman, still wearing his smile of pride and triumph.

"Remind me of your names?" he questioned as he pointed to both of them. Christopher knew their names, of course, but he didn't want them to think themselves worthy enough of remembrance.
Lord Tyndall spat on the floor in front of Christopher before his wife nudged him with a fearful look in her eyes. Under her breath she whispered to her husband, although it was no use, even the Captain could hear her. "Think about your children." The woman was shaking in her seat, trying to calm herself.

"Lord Frederick Tyndall, Captain." He sneered up at the pirate and left his mouth hanging open in disgust. "This is my wife. Lady Ester Tyndall. How ever can we be of service to you?"

Again, the Lady nudged him in the ribs, her fearful looked flitted to full on panic at the thought of her young children. One was just a babe, the other a child. They were so innocent, it was obvious they would be a part of the barter.
Kenway looked down at where the man's spit landed just near his feet. He chuckled.

"Now, now. That's no way for a lord to behave. Shall I teach you how to act properly?" He ran his fingers through blonde hair. "Aye, your wife is right. I have your children. It would be awfully terrible if something were to happen to them...especially that little girl, such a little thing, such a sweet thing."

What he suggested was utter depravity and the captain would rather jump from a tower than hurt a girl so, but these two needn't know that. His reputation had to be kept somehow.

"Are you going to cooperate, Freddy?"
While Frederick seethed in his seat, Lady Ester started to wail. Had her hands not been bound she would have lunged at the Captain, but alas, she could not. She screamed, much too loudly considering how close the three were. "Don't you touch her! She's a child."

"Ester, please." The Lord replied, his voice strained. He wanted to keep some sort of angle on his side. New Castle needed something to bargain with. All he had were titles, and the castle itself. Once the pirates knew how badly they wanted their children to survive, those things meant nothing. He wouldn't have his children if they didn't get everything.

Including their heads.

"What do you want?" Ester asked quickly, her eyes searched Christopher's face for any ray of hope she might find. "Gold? Women? Food? Ships? Anything, please." She shook her head without breaking the contact she had. "Just leave my children out of this, please."
"Well, we'll take as we like. We don't need your permission for most of those things." Christopher reached over and picked up an apple from the bowl, tossing it a few times in his hand before taking a large bite. "What I want, what I really want, is information. And I think you know exactly the kind of information I want from you, Freddy."

Christopher gave a long, low laugh, rising from his chair and beginning to pace in attempt to intimidate his captives.
"I haven't a clue what you're talking about." The Lord suddenly turned quiet, not making eye contact with Christopher. His wife only grew more irritable at the silence, nudging him again and again.

"Just tell them." She screeched at him, her voice cracked. "What about our children? Do they mean nothing to you?"

"Ester." He hissed under his breath, trying to get her to be quiet.

"It's Lunaris." The Lady shouted to Christopher, her husband babbled behind her to be quiet as she rambled on. "They wanted one of the men from our military academies. It was such a long time ago, really. I don't remember the boy's name."

"Ester." The Lord rocked on his chair, pulled at his restraints.

"We trained him. He was supposed to be her guard, an assassin he was. She was supposed to be killed so the Everette line would run dry."


"What else do you want?" Ester asked, she'd lost her will to fight the pirates the moment she'd seen the red flag. Her children needed her, no matter where they ended up.
"Why do they want to end the Everette line?" Christopher asked, keeping eye contact with the woman as he removed a knife from his belt. "What could Lunaris gain from murdering the queen?"

To shut up the older man, the pirate grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and yanked back his head, pressing the blade against his adam's apple.

"Don't worry. Keep talking, dear."
The woman cried. She had everything to lose, and she wouldn't lose it. Not like this. Lady Ester shook her head, tears and snot rolling down her face in a disgusting smear. Husband's eyes wide, she continued to speak of what she knew.

"Lunaris wants the crown." She admitted. "It's all very disturbing, I don't even know their true intentions, but they're after the crown. The Everette line has a long history with Lunaris, even I don't know all of it. Only one of the two family's would have access to records dating that far back."

The Lady racked her mind for any more information. What was she forgetting. There was something. Her eyes darted from Christopher, to his knife, to her husband. She had to keep going. Had to keep speaking.

"Something about a war. The two families, Everette did something, knew something, Lunaris, the God - I don't know if it's the family or God, they just want the end of the line. There are only two branches left. The King, and his sister. I swear, that's it."
Christopher couldn't resist an annoyed roll of his eyes. He hated it when women cried like this. She had no idea how lucky she truly was, to have fallen into Kenway's captivity and not any other, lesser pirate's. Her children would be safe. Her husband would be safe, if she cooperated. The city would be under pirate control, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing given Christopher's previous leadership of Wolfwater.

"Shit, woman. Clean up your act, you're a damn mess. You're making me want to kill him all the more."

The pirate listened to her words and considered them carefully. She couldn't be lying to him. He was always good at spotting liars when they crossed his path, and she certainly was not one.

"The king's sister?" he inquired. "Is Lunaris going to kill her next? What did Everette do to Lunaris? And please, sweet lady, don't play stupid. Or Freddy here's going to pay for it."
"I don't know their plans." The Lady sniffled, trying to do what the Captain demanded of her. "But it makes sense they would go after the sister. She's got three children, I think, too. The King's family was more important."

With the knife still on her husband's neck, she needed to spill more information, but as she searched through the knowledge she held, she found she came up short.

"It's just an old story, nobody really believes it anyways." She stuttered. "The Everette family, one of the earliest ones, they took something from Lunaris, something, I don't know what. A book, a relic, something Lunaris needed safe. That's all I know! It's an old legend, even I only know bits and pieces, I swear, please!"

Back on the ship, sat one of the last of the Everette line. She'd heard the story plenty of times as a child.

Old Everette, took that which was not his. A book from Capital Lunaris. The Gods of the world were worried the God Lunaris had grown too powerful and had him contained by having the King take the book, but the plan backfired. Although they had succeeded in keeping Lunaris bound to a single human form, every other God was also bound in human chains. Addy had heard the story so many times, she could recite the details clear as crystal. It was a part of her history, a part of where she came from.

It was said that Old Everette gave the book to one of these Gods to hide away, so no one may unleash the power of Lunaris. It was better that way.

"Even I don't know." The Lord swallowed hard, the knife pressed firm against his throat. "We don't learn what we don't need to know, please, just let me go."
The tale was familiar, so familiar to him that it nearly sparked a memory Christopher didn't know was there. The tale was so powerful it made him stumble just for a second, flashes of a tall red-haired man with a blonde woman at his side invading him as a memory he didn't have. The pirate looked to the Lord and Lady and studied them even closer with his eyes, begging to dig up a lie but coming up empty.

"...a book," he stated, not knowing why he did so. "They want the book. But if they wanted it, why not keep the queen for interrogation instead of killing her?"
"To keep it hidden. Adelaide herself probably doesn't know where the book is anyways." The Lord explained. This answer gave shock to the Lady, as if she hadn't known the answer herself. He shrugged his neck back as best he could, to get further away from the knife. "An Everette hid it, only an Everette can find it again. Doesn't matter if they're dead or alive. At least, that's how the story goes. That's the only reason they need an Everette, doesn't even need to be a talking one. Don't know why. Of course, she still needs a proper map and key to use."

"Who told you that?" The Lady asked in surprise.

"It's not important." He hissed. The Lord changed his tone when he spoke to Christopher. "Lunaris wanted to make sure the line was cut first, so no one could oppose them, little Lady Adelaide wouldn't be able to try to stop them if she was dead. Only would've needed her head anyways."

The Lord actually started to laugh. His wife looked shock to hear her husband speak about the death of the King's daughter.

"I saw her once, sweet little lass. Sixteen I think she was." A lustful look filled the man's eyes. "Almost would've married her, if not for the King. Thought she wasn't ready." He scoffed, and at this point the Lady was beyond done with the conversation. She closed her eyes and did her best not to listen to her husbands vulgarities. "The dark, dark hair so symbolic of an Everette. She'd finally grown into a woman's body, not a child oh no."
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"A man facing a knife should be more careful about what he says," whispered Christopher in the darkest tone he could muster. "Funny thing, your little story. If all they needed was Adelaide's head, why are they sailing to her aunt? Perhaps they lost the head, which I doubt. Perhaps they burned her without meaning to, which I also strongly doubt. However..." Kenway leaned down and pressed the knife harder to Lord Frederick's exposed throat. "However, what if the queen escaped? What if I had her with me, and when I tell her of your sickening thoughts Her Royal Highness will want to pass your sentence in person?" Christopher gently glided the blade up and down the man's neck, as if giving him a close shave, though the pirate purposefully nicked the skin once or twice in small cuts. "Would you lust for her then?
"I would love to be able to see the lovely little miss one more time." The Lord chuckled darkly. "Besides, she's far too innocent to kill a fellow noble. She wouldn't dare."

The Lord figured he was safe. For all he knew, Adelaide was their prisoner, being treated just as poorly under the care of a pirate as she would've been in a dank Lunaris cell. If anything, it was better for her. At least she was alive.

"For all I know, you might be bluffing, Kenway." The Lord guessed. Little did he know he was wrong, and that Adelaide was safely tucked away on board the Siren.
"Maybe your cockiness will help her decide which part to rid you of first, aye?" Kenway gave a deep chuckle before turning to the door and shouting, "Michael, in here!"

The gunner opened the door and smiled at the two captives, noticing one at the end of knifepoint. "Aye, Captain?"

"Go and fetch our queen," he said with a smirk. "I think it's time for her big debut. And bring the lady to her children, make sure they're under heavy guard."

Michael gave a respectful nod before moving behind the crying woman, cutting her bonds and offering a crooked smile. "Come on now, milady. If you're a good girl I'll let you see your children. If you try to escape, promises."
Adelaide had just finished showing Ana how to write in a cursive script, everyone was a bored being stuck in the Sanctum, when Michael came stepping down the stairs. The girl knew him as somewhat cocky, and an every day drunkard. Today was an exception. He appeared well groomed, and his face had a little less of a rosy glow than it usually did.

"My lady." He grinned awkwardly, a toothy smile Adelaide found uncomfortable. "Captain has requested I bring you to the Lord and Lady. Come along now-where'd you get those?" Michael pointed at the paper and ink, as well as the swords laying on the floor near Adelaide.

"Christopher's cabin." She responded. "I didn't feel safe, and we were bored."

Michael pushed his hand against his had, was it worth telling the Captain? Probably not. They were all fine. Adelaide carefully stood, more comfortable in the pirate like clothes Mama had lent her, and followed Michael out towards the castle. Just as Uati said, it was all made of stone, and the very top spires stood fresh out against the blue sky. There was no time to admire it, as Michael was ushering the girl along as quickly as he could.

They entered the room where Christopher held a knife to the Lord and the man let out a long laugh. "I thought she was dead, my god, there she is."

Adelaide returned his excitement with a cold gaze, this man had something to do with her attempted assassination, right? She had to think so.

"Captain, why've you been hiding such a beauty?" He asked, now that his wife was out of the room he had no problem being the lecher he was. His eyes looked Adelaide up and down a few times with a lustful hue.
"Your Grace," he said to Adelaide, completely ignoring the would-be rapist who's throat was against his dagger. "This man wants to forsake his holy virtues and bed you against your will. I figured I'd let you choose his punishment." Kenway gave a cocky smile. "I suggest a nice, painful death, hm? Maybe I'll take his balls first. Oh! Or, I hang him outside the castle gates. It was his men who convinced Lunaris to kill your dear daddy, after all."

Christopher kept his eyes locked on hers.
The mention of her father struck a nerve in Adelaide. She loved him and she didn't. However, it wasn't just her father they wanted dead, it was her as well. Christopher was watching her carefully, and it helped her to keep her actions somewhat calmer. She wasn't sure why though, something about knowing he'd keep her from completely losing her head reassured her.

"Majesty, I'm so relieved to see you alive and well." The Lord said in mock surprise, but it was too late for that. She held Christopher's word higher than this man's. They'd met once, many years ago, even then he seemed off. His eyes were still filled with lust. The things she wanted to say though, and Gods she might have screamed it if she hadn't been tired, every word she wanted to say screamed to cut off his head, even his balls as Christopher suggested.

"Silence." She ordered him, a sense of regal authority about her now that she was back in the presence of nobles. "You'd break your holy vows, that I've never cared for. Lunaris and Everette have never gotten along, but to rape your Queen and order her father's death?" Adelaide took a few steps forward, feeling more confident with a knife against the Lord's throat, until her face was inches from his. Quietly she whispered, "Maybe I should let him cut off your c*ck."

The Lord bent his neck forward as if to whisper a response, and instead laid a gentle kiss on the girl's cheek. Adelaide instantly took her head back and slapped him across the face.

"Kill him." Adelaide ordered, her chest quickly rising and falling with her anger. She looked to Christopher with her silver eyes and made the declaration. "Christopher Kenway, I sentence this man, Lord Frederick Tyndall, to death. Now kill him."

He was ordered to kill me, and he tried. He was ordered to kill my father, and Evan brought me his head. Kill him, Christopher.
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There were no words to project the pride, the adoration, the attraction or the protection he felt towards her multiplied exponentially as she used her royal rights for the first time. In that moment he would do anything to please her, anything at all. Anything to serve his Queen.

The look in her eyes answered the question he was just about to ask--Shall I make it a painful death or a quick one? Christopher smiled and nodded his head in newfound respect for Adelaide, and he moved around to face the man who was sentenced to die.

"I think I
will take your c*ck, though. Just to teach you a little lesson before you die." He turned to Addy looked her up and down before meeting her eyes. "Would you like to watch, Your Grace, or would you prefer to leave?"
Adelaide had been pacing the room, her hands ran along the clean surfaces of fine wooden furniture. She stopped at a small cabinet and opened the doors, inside was what she had been looking for, craving since she'd left. Christopher had wine, yes, but there was a particular brand she'd desired since she left Caister.

Christopher spoke to her, and she didn't respond right away, taking a second to grab the bottle of Divino to check the age. It was older than New Castle itself and she chuckled to think of how long the Lord had been saving it, only to have it taken by the girl he'd tried to have killed. She took three glasses, filling each as she needed.

"What of my wife?" The Lord suddenly asked.

"Do you really care?" Adelaide asked, one eyebrow arched with her query. "Christopher told me you wanted to rape me, so, I can't believe your last thought is really going to be about her now."

Adelaide took a glass and held it up, finally addressing Christopher. A smirk on her lips, she declared, "I think I'll stay."

Christopher chuckled and gave Addy a wink before moving around to the front of the man. "Let's see. Cutting off his balls then?" He chuckled. "This sounds like something more cut out for Uati, pun intended. He's a large man, you see. Strong. Relentless. Merciless. Do you know what the men of Lunaris did to his family, Lord Frederick? No? Well, perhaps he'll tell you as he's mutilating you."

After ordering his men to fetch Uati, the captain approached the Queen and her wine, taking a glass and downing it all in one go. "F*ck, that's good." He promptly poured himself another glass and drank it just as quickly as the first.

"You don't mind if I have some of this, do you Freddy?"
The Lord didn't say anything, his eyes were locked on Adelaide's figure, leaned back against his cabinet, sipping at his wine. His obsession with the Queen was greater than he let on, and the grudge he held was higher since the King never let the pair marry.

"What happened to waiting for your little servant Addy?" The Lord hummed, his eyes continued to trail over her body. "Pirates are more your taste now, is he pleasing your greatness? Twenty four or something? Obsess-"

Adelaide set her glass down and responded quickly. "Twenty three. You talk too much." She didn't want to hear what the Lord had to say about him. She cared too much about preserving the memories to have them destroyed by his lies.

"And you got him killed, tragic really, how a fake snake spooked your hor-" Again, Adelaide was quick to shut him up.

"How would you know that?" She asked him, her arms uncrossed, Uati and Christopher's men returned in time to watch the two fight. Royal stubbornness going head to head.

The Lord smiled coyly, and Adelaide reached to grab Christopher's knife. She paced up to the Lord and pressed it to his neck, this was the kind of information she was interested, but she didn't want to let it show.

"How would you know?" She whispered, her eyes fierce with a rekindled fire that had been lost since her kidnapping. "Tell me."

After a moment of silence, the Lord merely smiled again, and whispered with the same fierce tone Adelaide had. "Because, I was ordered to do it, Addy." It was a joke to him. She didn't appreciate it. Adelaide plucked the knife from his throat and plunged it straight into his chest, twisting it once and watching his face as the life slowly drained from him.
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Christopher didn't move, not even a twitch. He supposed he had to thank the gods that the man was an arrogant liar, and he crossed his arms uncomfortably while he eyed the bottles of aged wine and rum with great interested.

"Take all of those," he ordered his men. "Put them on table down at the floor below. Tonight we feast in the Great Hall, and anyone who wants to join our fleet is welcome."

Every pirate began to cheer, engulfing the castle in joyous shouts of criminals and good men alike. Christopher thought it would be nice to sleep in feather bed, though his thoughts were too occupied with Frederick's tales. He stood straight, and without a look to Adelaide he left the room entirely, but not before offering her a single "Good job."
Adelaide pulled the knife from the Lord and left him, dead in his chair. What happened to him didn't matter now, but, she thought about sending his head in a bag to Lunaris. Just as Evan had done with her father, but the message and meaning was lost. Lunaris probably hadn't even realized what Evan had done with the head, she couldn't understand why they'd order it so directly.

She joined the party to get away from it all, and soon she was drunk on fine aged wine, something she'd rarely done to begin with. Adelaide danced between pirates and supporters from New Castle. Her laugh was infectious, and wherever she went, others were soon smiling along with her.

At some point she found herself even dancing with Michael, the drunkard he was. She couldn't deny how happy the pirates had made her at this point in her life. With her hair in a mess around her shoulders, the Queen was merry over their victory and happy to live in luxury.

"Uati!" She called, curtsying from her spot in the center of a ring. "Dance with me!"

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