Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

Uati never partook in drinking, though he was just as merry as any drunk person in the room. There were fights and music and dancing and laughter, truly a pirate party, and the recruits they had brought in seemed perfect for Kenway's new fleet.

At the sound of the queen's voice the quartermaster gave a laugh that nearly vibrated the table with how deep it was. "Oh, Miss Addy. I fear I am far to large to dance with someone so tiny." He gave a hearty smile and bowed to her in a playfully teasing manner. He would have suggested Christopher to dance with her, but the Captain was nowhere to be seen.
Adelaide exited her small circle and approached the man. Her face turned sour and sick, she'd had too much to drink and was desperate to lay down. Even though there were countless feather beds in the castle itself, she wanted to return to the hammock and sway in the new found comfort of the ship.

"If you won't dance, at least help me to the ship, or outside." She moaned. "I'm gonna be sick, Her Highness is done celebrating for the night and wishes to bed the, sleep and, yes." Adelaide nodded as if the last part had made some sense.
Uati took one look at her and gave a laugh, knowing exactly how she must feel by his experience with other crewmen. "If you are looking for the Captain, you won't find him on the ship. Being on water will make your sickness worse. Come, I can pick a room for you that does not sway side to side, hm?"

The large man offered his arm to the sickly queen.
"Where's Cap'n Christopher?" She managed to blurt out, as Uati trailed her down one of the many long stone walled hallways. Her footsteps echoed loudly in comparison to the large man's careful ones, mostly due to her drunken nature. A bed that didn't sway was probably a good idea.

Adelaide looked up to the tall ebony man, wanting an honest answer. Why hadn't the Captain joined them? He was the one who had taken over New Castle and he wasn't even celebrating with his crew. Even drunk, she still wanted to see him.

"Will you take me to Christopher?"
"No." His answer was firm and strict, as if he knew something she didn't. "The captain is not taking visitors of any kind tonight. Or, should I say...commodore? Is that your word for a captain of many ships?"
"Why not?" Adelaide pouted, she didn't understand what would bar her from him. They'd slept in the same room for so long, it was common for him to always be nearby, and she'd grown used to the company.

Still, Uati led her to an empty room and she accepted it gracefully, by clutching her stomach and hurling into the nearest potted plant she could find. She didn't regret the night, but her stomach punished her for having any fun at all. Sleep would do her good.

"Goodnight then. Tell Christopher I missed him at the party." Her words were sincere, a smile and blush on her face. Both were from the alcohol, at least she thought so.
"Do you want me to stay with you for a while in case you become more sick?" the quartermaster offered. "I'm sorry that the Captain can't come, but he gave me quite specific orders not to let anyone disturb him."

The pirate closed the door behind him and looked with disgust down to the potted plant, taking it to the balcony and dumping the contents over the edge. "You should eat something."
"Christopher always tells me that." Adelaide laughed. "Eat. He thinks I don't eat enough."

She didn't want him to stay, though. If she slept, she'd only scream, the nightmares were bound to come again. They'd never left in the first place, even with the aid of Nightshade. Her face fell, thinking about what she'd relived night after night, and she shivered.

"I'll eat, but please, I don't want you to have to stay here with me." She waved her hands dismissively. "I don't sleep well nowadays. Really, I don't want to bother you, Uati."

I do want to check on Christopher though. What's wrong?
He knew there was something wrong, Uati was no fool. But he would obey his Commodore's orders, and would suffer the consequences if he didn't. "There's some fruit in a bowl over there," he pointed with a large dark finger. "I'll leave you to sleep, then. Sorry for the intrusion." He gave her a bow and left without another word, sighing as he closed the door.

That girl was too curious for her own good.
As the door shut, she frowned. It really was no intrusion.

Even with the help of Nightshade, Adelaide woke up screaming and hysterical. She jumped out of bed and paced the room with her hands on her arms. There was no relief, no one to tell her it wasn't true. Images of the Lord of New Castle, his hands groped in the dark of her mind to reach inside her head, twist the images she knew to be true. The classic, again, as she held her neck in place as countless men cut it clean away. Christopher had stopped appearing as the enemy in her dreams, but Evan soon replaced him.

Then it dawned on her, she'd killed a man. He was her first. The thought sent her mind reeling into panic.

She stormed from the room, pushing back the pirates who tried to stop her. Adelaide needed to be somewhere more familiar. She needed some homely comfort, but there was none here. Only then did she realize there was nothing from home, not a single thing. The ring on her hand was a family crest, nothing significant.

From room to room, she opened doors, not sure what she would find. There were stairs behind some, exits to gardens behind others. Eventually she stumbled upon a library, unsure whether or not to enter. She skipped it and kept going.

She opened more doors in more places, stunned at how large New Castle was compared to Caister. Finally, she found what would calm her.

Adelaide threw open the final door, and there he was. Tall, broad, and the blonde head of hair she'd grown familiar with. From the entrance, she could see his slave brand.

"Christopher." Adelaide said softly. She tucked her hair behind her ears, it had grown long since she'd left, trailing past her shoulders now. It made her look older, more mature. "I found you."
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He was slow on the reply, slumped in a chair with his back facing the doors. Christopher had a bottle of well-aged spiced rum in one hand, a glass in the other, though it seemed not to have ever held liquid as the pirate captain took a long drink directly from the bottle. When the sound of her voice finally registered on his ears, he gave a long chuckle that sounded low and sad.

"Aye," he told her. "You found me."

Christopher took another long gulp of rum that seemed to last minutes. He clearly had a high tolerance for alcohol. "But why...why did ya find me? Who the f*ck wants to find me." A chuckle. "Heh. Everyone, it seems."
Now that she was here, she wasn't one hundred percent sure of herself. Her instincts told her to find him, so she did. Panic had gotten the best of her, but as soon as she'd seen his face, something in her calmed dramatically. It was unexplained.

"You didn't want to be seen." She stated, making sure the door was shut behind her. Adelaide stepped forward and took the rum from his hands, not wanting him to drown in it. If he wanted it back, he'd have to step around her, her body placed between herself and the table behind her.

Adelaide cocked her head to the side, worried for him now. Something was clearly wrong. She didn't know what. Would he tell her if she asked?

Probably not.

"Christopher." She said sweetly. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong..." Christopher pushed out a long sigh. "That's such a fuckin' stupid question, Addy. There's always something wrong with everyone. No one is ever happy. Askin' someone what's wrong is like asking them why the sky is blue."

The captain rose from his chair and stumbled over to where she took the rum, snatching it back and pointing directly to her face.

"Don't take my bloody rum again."
She did it anyways. "You're drunk. It won't help." Adelaide's hands shook with the rum, he could hold his liquor well but she didn't want to make him mad.

Adelaide took a few steps back so he couldn't take it so easily this time. She herself took a short swig, somewhat disgusted by the strong taste. Then she hid it behind her back once more.

"I asked you what was wrong. Why won't you see anyone?" Again, the question was so innocent, but she was concerned for him now.
"Queen or no, I'll have your head." The pirate stormed behind the girl and harshly snapped it from her grip, not caring if he'd hurt her, and walked over to the feather bed to sit on it. Better to be across the room from Adelaide than to be near her.

"None of your damn business."
"Christopher, you're being a stubborn ass." She called to him, rubbing her wrist.

What the hell is wrong with him tonight?

Adelaide had come to him for some sort of comfort, at least her body had believed so. She was so used to waking up and seeing him first. He was always there, always.

"It is my damn business." She retorted lamely. "We take New Castle, and you're suddenly holed up in here. Why? What happened between the sea and now that did it?"
Christopher gave a deep laugh, one that almost mocked her. "Just because you're a queen doesn't make everything your damn f*cking business." He brought the bottle to his lips and laid back on the bed, taking a gulp, two gulps, three gulps, four, five, six, until all that remained in the bottle was gone and himself with it. He sighed deeply, a glazed look in his eyes.

"What the f*ck do you want, Addy."

Adelaide dropped her head and turned away. Coming to find him was a mistake. She realized now, they'd never been close, never were close. He was no more a comfort than the other items in the room. It must've been an illusion of some sort. Mere coincidence at best.

"I suppose it's of no concern to you anyways." She was defeated rather quickly. He was in no mood to talk. The Queen retreated to the door and apologized. "Get your act together in the morning, Kenway."

She hadn't called him by his last name since they'd first met. A shame, really, she considered it a sign of distance.
Rage. He had turned her away again. He would always turn her away, always scare her from his clutches, never able to grip the treasure that was stolen from him. In a wave of anger Christopher rose from the bed and pelted the glass cup against the wall, screaming, letting it shatter into hundreds of pieces.

When the seconds passed, he fell to his knees and wept.
The next morning, Adelaide busied herself by writing new orders for New Castle. The old family, Tyndall, was no longer in power. There were a few suggested families, and she chose one which was familiar among the pirates. Even if they were against the normal law, she trusted them more than the current powers.

Now she was the one who had requested to be alone. Ana would always come to find her, that she didn't mind. Mama's presence was welcome. But Christopher really seemed back and forth. He saves her, he hates her. There was no middle ground with him. It was confusing, frightening, she couldn't predict him and it bothered her.

What does he want?

The original question at hand. What did Kenway really want.

Adelaide sent various papers to the new family. She knew their name, Brindle, and that was it. The girl wanted to sleep, but that was impossible now.

Dammit Christopher.
There came a soft knock at her door, a nervous one, and the boy behind it stuttered something terrible. He had never been in the presence of royalty before, and after hearing rumors that the queen had been killed the child thought perhaps he was supposed to meet a zombie, like in the tales his friends told him, vicious creatures with rotting flesh who had a taste for little boys like him. He tried desperate to push such thoughts away, but his seven-year-old mind wouldn't seem to cooperate with him.

"Y-Your Grace?" he asked softly, scared. "Uhm...I, I have something...for Your Majesty....for the q...queen..."
Adelaide's head turned at the sound of the voice. She hadn't been expecting anyone, but the presence was welcome, only a child after all.

"Yes? What is it?" She rose from her chair and walked up to the child, less than half her height, she smiled politely and rustled his hair. People thought she was dead, kindness was appropriate in all situations.
The child was entranced, not expecting a beauty like herself to appear behind such cold stone doors. He stared up at her for a moment in adoration, inwardly marveling at how she was no zombie at all, and offered her a toothy smile.

"Hi," he stated, a bit less nervous. "I have a package for you, Your Grace. Your Majesty. Uhm. I'm supposed to deliver it directly to you, no one else." He offered the large, rectangular-shaped box up to her with an innocent smile. "I promise it's not a trick. But I can't tell you who gave it to me, so please don't ask. Truth be told, I don't even know."
She didn't doubt the child for a moment and took the package from his hands. With careful hands, she started to open the flaps on the box, unsure of what to expect.

Of course, what she should've done was make sure it wasn't dangerous. Now that she was Queen, such things were expected. One attempt had been made on her life already, two if she counted Evan chasing after her and the murderous party.

"Why can't you tell me?" She laughed as she asked, such a silly thing for a child to say. Maybe it was from him?
"Because he said he'd buy me food for an entire month to give it to you!" he said with a small chuckle. She was a nice woman, certainly. A queen he could trust. Not like that mean old man everybody hated.

Within the contents of the box was an old book, a children's book, covered with writing from two different hands making comments on all the pictures. Inside the cover read two distinct names.

Princess Adelaide


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