Captive, Kidnapped by a Pirate [Inactive]

The woman gave a knowing laugh.

"How old was he?" she repeated. "Hmm. When he came to me, I think he was fourteen. Thirteen years now, amazing how time passes. Why do you ask, Your Grace?"
"Fourteen..." Adelaide mumbled. If that were the case, she would have only been around eight years old, only a young girl. She thought of the book, it had always been her favorite.

When she was a child, of course.

"I saw his slave brand." Adelaide said quietly. A growing guilt ate at her, knowing she could have done something, maybe. At least if not for Christopher, for the countless others after him. "He lived in Caister. I just thought there was a chance I knew him, do you think that's possible? I'm too scared to ask him. But you, you've been with him for a long time."
"You saw his slave brand," Mrs. Newman repeated. "I see. Remind you of someone else you know, Majesty?"

The woman chuckled to herself and folded her hands in her lap. "Aye, I think it's possibly. Only slaves in certain places are branded, you know. Depends on where you work, for which lord or lady."
"How could it?" Adelaide asked as if Mrs. Newman hadn't a clue what she was talking about. "The only slave I knew was one boy, and he died when I was eight years old."

She wrung her hands in her lap and looked down at the floor. There were other questions she wanted to ask. Why he got so nervous about the book. His slave years, what he had to do, who hurt him, but she couldn't ask. Adelaide put her face in her hands and groaned.

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid question in the first place, I already knew the answer."
"You should get some sleep, Queen Everette. I believe we lay siege to New Castle on the morrow, and I would hate to see you with a migraine while the canons fire." The elderly woman flashed Adelaide a soft smile before nestling in her bed further.

"I have a floor, too, if you would rather not sleep in the captain's quarters."
"No, that's fine." Adelaide waved her hand dismissively towards Mrs. Newman, "I have a hard time sleeping anyways, I'll only keep you up with my pacing."

She was lying, and hoped it wasn't blatantly obvious. Adelaide quickly stood from the chair and headed for the door, bowing before she left as she'd become accustomed to doing instead of a proper curtsy.

"I'm sorry I interrupted on your sleep." She apologized and slipped out the door without another word, aimlessly walking the deck, not daring to go for the Nightshade, not daring to enter the cabin.
"Morning." Christopher prodded Uati's side from where he lay in his hammock. "Get your fat ass up, we have a city to siege."

"Damn you, Kenway." The large man rubbed his face and groaned. "I'm awake, I'm awake. Will Hunter be there?"

"Aye, the hawk came this morning. He says he has more than enough crew for another ship that we can take from New Castle." Christopher chuckled. "There's a lot of ambition in that man I never saw before. Glad he's captain of the

"Aye. This could make you a commodore, you know. Commodore Kenway. The most feared pirate lord in all the seas. Hah! Wouldn't that be great."

"Shut your bloody mouth and get up," the captain laughed. "I'll see you on deck. Rally the gunmen, we're not but two hours away from the docks."

"Of course, captain."
Adelaide had been wandering long enough in the night, when she found Mama in the early hours of the morning about to prepare a meal for the rowdy group of pirates. As she'd said, "no sieges on an empty stomach" which made sense, but was also a ridiculous thing to say.

"Addy dear, don't you think you should wear something a little more presentable?" Mama had asked. She didn't add the pompous titles or speak too politely anymore in front of the Queen, and she thanked her lucky stars for that. Adelaide felt more comfortable around Mama than most people on board.

"I don't have anything else to wear." Adelaide said plainly. The tattered green dress had faded some, and the edges were ripped and ragged. The corset, however, was still in it's original shade and shape, as well as the boots Mama had lent her. "Unless someone has cleaned up my party dress, which I doubt."

"Didn't he show you?" Mama huffed and escorted Adelaide to her room. There, sitting on a chair in the corner, was a pile of dresses as well as a mess of shoes on the floor beside them. "Christopher told me I could have some, you too. Take your pick."

Adelaide was thrilled to be able to step on the deck in something whole. Although it wasn't her taste entirely, she preferred a full length dress if anything else. She took a cautious step on deck in a new crimson dress. Made of a fine lace, the material fit snugly against her skin. She threw on a short black coat, only to cover her arms, which barely extended past the middle of her back. Mama was kind enough to lend her another new pair of boots. Long, sleek and black, Adelaide felt more like a pirate that day than a princess. Hints of layering under her skirt made her waist slim, and her legs all the longer. She'd braided the little bit of hair she'd had and tossed it over her shoulder.

Presentable she says. A gown would've been more appropriate.
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Christopher stood at the helm and looked down on his queen as she emerged from below. He gave a small smile at Mama's handiwork. He'd know those clothes from anywhere. But they looked good on Adelaide, flattering even, and it was ironic that he found such a beauty in her not when she was dressed as a princess, but as a pirate instead.

He wondered briefly if she was still giving him the cold shoulder. Perhaps it would be best not to push it.

"When you see New Castle in the spyglass, Mr. Holland, alert me so we can get all the women and children in the Sanctum."

"Aye, captain."
Adelaide spied her Captain at the helm with Gregory and gave a small wave, a small grin on her lips. Mama had wanted to paint them red, but that was where the girl had put a stop. She was nervous she'd look too sultry and not decent enough to step outside the room.

Soon, Gregory alerted Christopher that indeed New Castle was on the horizon in his sights. Adelaide's ears perked up at the news and groaned.

"The Sanctum, again." She mumbled to herself, all the while she trailed a finger along the railing at the edge of the ship. Her favorite standing spot.

She eyed up the Captain once more, wondering if he'd disposed of her Nightshade. The girl was desperate for rest.
"You look awfully tired."

Daniel wiped his wet hands with a small towel and leaned on the railing beside his queen. "Is the nightshade I provided you with not enough?"
"No, I just..." Adelaide pointed awkwardly between Christopher and his cabin as Uati came around to tuck the women and children beneath the deck.

"Why didn't you tell me it was addictive?" Then the habit came, Adelaide fumbled at a make believe object between her fingers, rubbing skin against skin to relieve the missing vial.
Daniel looked at her strangely, as if she'd said something that had offended him.

"Addictive?" he questioned. "Nightshade isn't addictive, your majesty. It never has been. I wouldn't have given you something that you might use as a crutch." The surgeon looked at her from an angle with furrowed brows. "Who told you it was addictive?"
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"Christopher..." Adelaide paused and glared up at the Captain. It should have been obvious by the look on her face and Daniel's close proximity that she was angry about something, Nightshade.

She wanted to storm up and ask Christopher why he'd lied to her, but she was ushered to the Sanctum without being able to.
"Ah, the captain." Daniel nodded. "That makes sense. I assume he didn't want you to try and poison yourself with it." The surgeon sighed. "That man has a strange way of asking for what he wants, certainly."
"Poison?" Adelaide yelped, but Daniel only continued to usher her to the Sanctum. "Forget the addictive part, why didn't you tell me it was poisonous?"

Still, she felt a little better knowing his lie (although a lie) was only to keep her alive once more. Everything he seemed to do was in Adelaide's best interest. To keep her safe, and to keep her breathing.
"Still..." Adelaide sighed, eventually joining up with Mama and Ana. Same as last time, there was food they could snack on while the pirates above them laid siege on New Castle.

She tried her best not to think of the coming slaughter of the city, threats to the Lord and Lady. Adelaide knew these people, but, they supported Lunaris. As she knew it, they wanted her dead, so could she truly feel that bad? If she didn't kill first, well, it would only be her head.
The docks of New Castle were many, well-kept and lined appropriately. Christopher watched them through the spyglass before giving the adjacent Despair a signal, both flying red flags as a strategy to bend the city to their will.

The two pirate ships closed in on their prey and fired round after round, watching stone walls break and splinter, people screaming and running for their lives. They knew who was attacking them, surely. Pirates. But not just any pirate.


"Let's give those scurvy dogs a kiss of steel, aye?!" Kenway shouted to the crew, who raised their swords in agreement as they dispersed within the city, pillaging, plundering and taking whatever they wanted. The road up to the castle itself was a long one, but Christopher was certain his men would enjoy the journey.

"Uati," he called to his quartermaster. "See that ship there, the Holy Triumph's
Peacemaker?" Christopher pointed to a grand ship across the bay, three rows of guns on each side, a blood red ship with golden accents. "Seems awfully lonely over there."

The ebony man gave a loud laugh. "Aye, but not for long."

As most of the crew went deeper into New Castle with Christopher at the lead, Uati took a team towards the
Peacemaker with greedy intentions.
To pass the time, Mama even recommended Adelaide sing again. She wasn't nervous, or scared, but it helped the Queen to learn some of the shanties sung on board.

"I want to go above deck." Adelaide moaned and threw herself onto the floor, even though she closed her eyes, sleep wasn't there. Her Nightshade was, however, unprotected in his cabin.

After the siege.

"Am I not keeping you company?" Mama pretended to be sad, but her eyes betrayed her, laughing on their own.

She put a hand on her belly and made a pained expression. It passed quickly, but alarmed Adelaide.

"Are you okay, Mama?" Strange to call a woman younger than herself by that name, but she'd long gotten over the fact.

"Yes, yes." Mama waved her hand at Adelaide and started to take deep breaths. After what seemed like an eternity, she calmed down, and returned to normal, much to Adelaide's relief. She hoped it would stay that way. 
At the docks, there was another force at work, led by one very young man. His force was larger than Kenway's, but didn't sail a ship, no. Nathan Fletcher was his name, and he'd been part of a resistance against Lunaris ever since his father had taken him in.

His moment had arisen as soon as those red flags were raised. He laughed to himself and called his men to arms, who in turn took brothers, wives, whoever they could find to cause panic throughout the city. Only when he ran into Kenway himself did he worry for his life. Guns pointed at his chest, a sword at his neck, he held his hands in the air and pleaded with the men.

"Wait! Wait, I'm on your side." He shouted, some of the crew near Kenway raised eyebrows at his statement, but he asserted it once more. "Honestly, I swear it, swear it on the last Queen - Miss Adelaide, rest her in piece." Nathan didn't know the last Everette was still alive, but he blabbered on. "I'm part of a resistance you see, opposing Lunaris, they a'int fair to us people here, common folks."

Nathan pointed to several screaming men around him, commoners they all were, but dangerous with a weapon in hand. "That one there, blacksmith, killed three guards this morning. He can get you into the castle quick."

He hoped they would take his bargain, or at least his help.
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Christopher considered the man a moment, looking deep into his eyes, making sure the boy feared him. Under such fear from the most feared pirate in all of Valhalla he hoped the boy would tell the truth, or at least a sliver of it.

It seemed, under all intents and purposes, he was indeed telling the truth.

"...You will lead us to the blacksmith," Kenway stated as he took a few steps closer, inches from the young man's face. "You will take him with us to the castle. Should anything happen to us, should you lead us into a trap, I will not hesitate to show you the meaning of 'no quarter'. Is that perfectly clear?"
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"Yessir, Captain, sir." Nathan stumbled, doing all he could just to keep eye contact with the man. He was just a boy compared to Kenway, green in the eyes of an aged Captain.

He took a few steps back to get away from the massive Captain before him, the way he towered over the boy made him uncomfortable. Nathan waved him on to follow, and motioned for them to keep quiet, as he led them to the back door of a stone building just off the port. He knocked in a particular pattern. Three quick, and one large pound of his fist. Then they waited.

A large hulk of a man stepped out of the door. Even larger than Christopher, possibly Uati, the man stood tall with thick cords of muscles gleaming through his sweat soaked shirt, a thick black apron covered the front of his body, and his hands were scarred with burns. The blacksmith.

"Nathan." He nodded his head, then turned to Kenway and gave another nod. "Whaddya want, kiddo?" He said much more merrily.

"Smith, show them to the castle." Nathan begged, the hulk of a man crossed his arms but again nodded, showing he would. A man of few words, it appeared. Nathan then turned to Christopher and held his hands up in defense. "Look, he'll show you, I've gotta get back to the docks. Make sure my siblings are okay, check on the family boat. Alright? See? My name is Nathan Fletcher, fisherman's son, if you ever come lookin' I won't run."
"No," Uati growled, grabbing the collar of Nathan's shirt and sneering down at him. "You won't."

With a single swipe of his blade, Uati slit the boy's throat to the bone and pushed his body into the dirt. Kenway ran both his swords through the guts of the blacksmith once the passageway was open to them, and the pack of pirates dashed up the stairs and into the heart of New Castle.

"Find Lord and Lady Tyndall. Leave the children in their beds. When the city is fully taken and our colors flown high, call Shiva here and have her help the girl and the baby."

"Aye, sir." Michael gave a wide, sideways smile and ran with his group of men to the main hall, while Uati took his group to the north wing.
Tired of waiting, tired of hiding, Adelaide stood up from her spot in the Sanctum and stormed upstairs. Mama was close behind, her slender hands wrapped around the young Queen's wrist.

"Addy, no, we're supposed to stay hidden." Mama scolded her with a stern look in her eyes. Adelaide didn't even turn to consider the dangers of going on deck.

There were still crew aboard as she huffed into Christopher's cabin. Mama didn't come up, not wanting to risk herself or her baby. The Queen took the knife from the kitchen table, and sword from it's place resting next to the bookshelf. Why there were so many weapons, she didn't care. In all the chaos around her, she was tired of being undefended. She knew how to use a sword, and she would if she needed.

She wouldn't fight, gods no, she knew better than to step onto a battlefield so inexperienced. Christopher would murder her for having the thought in the first place. Adelaide did the only thing she could, and sat at the table, parchment laid down flat, ink and pen in hand. As quickly as she could, she wrote terms for surrender, giving up the title of Lord and Lady, for betraying the Queen. It was much more sophisticated than that, much more wordy, but she did what she could. As a Queen, she had the power to banish them if she wanted, and she would if she needed to. Now, a proofread was all she needed. She'd write as many as she could. Adelaide snatched up her writing materials ans scurried back below deck. Before she left, she filched the Nightshade from the table and tucked it into her boot.

At the castle, Lord and Lady Tyndall paced anxiously in their room. Guards stood posted outside, yes, but it was Kenway at their doorstep, wanting to be let in.

"Bloody pirates. Pirates of all things." The Lady hissed at her husband, irritated and tired. He was about to retort when screams came from outside their door, and slowly, it clicked open.

"Lord, Lady." A pirate grinned at them, Michael had found his marks.
After receiving word of Michael's success, Christopher followed the deliverer to the room where the Tyndalls remained hidden.

"Good work," he said to Wainwright's men as he clapped them on the back. "Tell Michael that it's time for me to talk to the Tyndalls. In private."

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