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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

He looked at his arm s he bit into the ambrosia, as usual it tasted like gummy bears. He felt his arm start to heal movong imder his skin. "Thats always wierd."
Lia shrugs. "You get use to it when your here for most of your life." She said while standing up and pulling him up with her. "So should we check on your friends now or should we catch up..?"
Rory felt a slight twinge of disappointment rise within him, for an unspeakable reason he already felt slightly attached to the camp and to believe he'd have to leave at the start of fall saddened him a little. But he didn't show it as he nodded slowly in understanding,

"Okay, that's a little less brutal then I thought it was going to be." He lifted his hand from his book and tucked in a section of his shirt which had loosened.

"Is there a phone here? Could I call my aunt?"

@Soul OMU
Rory eyed the large house that she was referring to and examined it from a far.

"And I take it I can't call anyone then.."

@Soul OMU
Mel thinks for a moment. "You can probably email her too but you can call from the Big House. Remember this is the safest place you could be..." She said while rocking on her heels. (@SkyFilms)
Rory looked down at her feet as she swayed back and forth on her heels.

"Could I email her? She probably thinks I've been kidnapped or something..." He could imagine his aunt running around frantically, searching for anyone that would be willing to help her find him. He waited for an answer but his eyes were drawn to the Mels neck as he stood in silence.

"What're those beads from?"
Mel nods. "That's fine. The Big House has a computer too... And these?" She said lifting her necklace with 4 beads on it. "It just marks how many years I survived..."
Rory smiled gratefully and began in the direction of the big house, and readjusted his journal under his arm as he strolled forward. His eyes though continued to stare at the beads,

"Survived eh?" He repeated the word, "But four years that's a long time, you've probably experienced your share of fights then. What type of weapons do you have a choice of using?"

@Soul OMU
Mel walking with him. "Yeah I have had my share and there are a bunch of weapons but I have one that my father gave me. I haven't been here the longest... I think that title goes to Lia."
Rory scratched above his right eyebrow with the edge of his nail.

"What type of weapon?" He inspected her build out of the corner of his eye trying to find a trace of the weapon she spoke of. "Are you referring to Erebus when you say father?"

"Lia? How long has she been here?" He couldn't imagine anyone coming to camp for loner the five years, he could only imagine what her skill level could be by now.
Mel smiles a bit as she rubs her bracelet which glowed and changed into a lovely black short sword. "Mhm.. And Lia has been coming here for 9 years." She said while walking.
Rory took a quick step back from Mel when the sudden dark blade appeared in her grasp. His eyes wide in astonishment,

"Wow, that's much better then a journal. The harpy that chased me here at some point I hit it with this guy," he revealed the book, the suns rays catching the metallic surface in certain areas.

"Didn't work as well as a sword I imagine but it actually sent it backa bit. It was probably more surprised that I did anything then hurt. Also nine years? That's crazy. I imagine she's pretty close with the faculty like Chiron."
Mel sighs. "She's on talking terms... Many people try to avoid her because they keep mistaking who her father is. Her father is Chronus, the personification of time. They also avoided me because I was a daughter of Erebus." She said while putting her blade away as she looked at the journal.
Rorys eyebrows knitted together, for once confused.

"That's not a very good reason to not talk to someone, like okay maybe if Lia or you betrayed the camp or did something terrible it'd make sense. But neither of you did, so why should they avoid you. It's like not liking someone for something their brother did, or in this case who their parent is. At some point I'd like to meet Lia if that's okay." He tucked his journal back under his arm.
Mel shrugs. "Well... I think they are scared of her... Because she can control time and her eyes..." She said while walking towards the Big house. "And you'll get the chance since she's over there with that guy." She said while pointing to the two dark clothed figures, mostly the one with the half shaved head.
Rorys eyebrows rose upwards in interest,

"Control over time," he breathed out in astonishment, he definitely wished to meet this girl now. He wanted to experience the travel of time or simply witness her at work. Though his logical mind seemed to be crumbling at the seems, the world which was hidden within the Mist gradually taking some of its place.

"Who are the people she's talking to? They seem a bit serious.." Rory questioned as they reached the entry way of the big house.
Mel shrugs. "The guy she's talking to is I think one of her old friends. Also a lot of the other campers think me and my friends are Chiron's lap dogs because we seem to get around the camp and now everything that's going on and no she can't go back in time because that would be too dangerous." She said while looking at him.
Rory chuckled lightly, though it came out a bit dry and rough.

"I'm guessing she gets asked that a lot," he state referring to the time travel.

"Everything that's going on?" He repeated quizzically, "is something out of the ordinary happening?"
(Sorry! I had to leave and hadn't noticed you posted. I think you already left though. If so, ignore this post.)

Fletch glanced up for a moment and winked. After a returning wave and a smile, he turned back around. Fletcher loosed another arrow, this one landing an inch away from his first; still in the bullseye.

"What's up?" His bowstring twanged again, the male turning from the target to watch the female again. His third arrow formed a neat little triangle in the blue area of the target, which he didn't notice due to his own arrogance. His head cocked to the side, looking similar to a puppy, if you will. His curly brown hair was pulled back away from his eyes, revealing their brilliant, vibrant blue.
Mel smiles a bit absentmindedly. "I'm fine, anyways I think Chiron wanted to talk to you about something but I can't remember since I have to show the newbie around. Anyways later." She said as she left with Rory.

(It's okay, and I only leave when it's around 1 am at night where I'm at.)


SkyFilms said:
Rory chuckled lightly, though it came out a bit dry and rough.
"I'm guessing she gets asked that a lot," he state referring to the time travel.

"Everything that's going on?" He repeated quizzically, "is something out of the ordinary happening?"
Mel turned to him. "Not really but I did ask that once and she looked ready to kill me... And well... Things have been kinda hectic around her... With all the monster attacks and new demi gods showing up..."
Sömmer nods and walks after him. She catches up to him, matching his strides with her own. Although she wasn't as tall as he was she was able to catch up even at the distance.
Blue looks over at her. "So.... you may not have it now but it's still yours so what're you going to name the dragon?"
"I dont know...." She says with a shrug. She had a few ideas but none of them were any good for a dragon.

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