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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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He's actually a Titan God to be exact be even so I made my character thinking he was the minor god of the sun. Plus it would really matter as he's not overpowered like a Olympian's child.

  1. Helios was described as a handsome titan crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night.

He was the titan of the Sun but because no one worshiped him, he faded

When Gods/Titans fade it's because basically people stopped believing in them. They lost their power
I don't think Helios has a place in the PJO series; Apollo is the one who drives the sun chariot in the book. @IronDragon Your character's powers are similar to those of the children of Apollo, so you could probably just change the parent without making any major changes.
Yeah I thought he faded awhile back but then I searched him up in the wiki and it said nothing of him fading. I guess I skimmed over the point of him being a Titan God.

Fading means that it's a way that a god/titan dies. If you don't like my character anymore I can change him to where he's a child of Apollo since he already lives in that cabin.
Titans only came towards the end of the original series I believe but then they were destroyed/cast out/sent to Tartaros whatever it was.

I don't think Helios could have been the father, especially since GMs wanted no Titans.

It'd probably just be easier to put Apollo
Okay, that's what I thought.

Regardless, I'm not going to make you change anything, not right now.

We have our share of fuck ups regarding some characters we accepted.
From what I can make out, he and his siblings were allowed to keep their jobs after the overthrow of the Titans, and even to sire and bear demigods of their own -- Helios fathered Phaethon (the kid who tried to drive his chariot for a day), Eos was the mother of Memnon (a hero who fought at Troy) and Selene allegedly bore fifty (!) daughters to a mortal consort. Eventually, though, everyone just assumed Apollo was the god of the sun (he isn't in the Iliad!) and started calling him Apollo Helios. I guess poor Helios just got sort of...overwritten.
To be exact, there's no such thing as a "titan god", If by god you mean Olympian. He was purely a titan, who was worshipped like a god, and it wasn't until relatively modern times that Apollo "took over" (as is the case in the PJO series). In actual mythology, there are a few accounts of the two individuals overlapping in more ways than one, primarily Latin poetry, but by most accounts, they are distinct.

I remember playing God of War 3 and watching Helios fight the Titans in the opening scene. And I was thinking... wait... Titans fighting Titans? What is this, I don't even...
Well, Prometheus and Epimetheus sided with the gods too (because Prometheus wanted to be on the winning side). They might not have been the only ones. Cronus wasn't a very nice guy, after all.
Arynne said:
Well, Prometheus and Epimetheus sided with the gods too (because Prometheus wanted to be on the winning side). They might not have been the only ones. Cronus wasn't a very nice guy, after all.
I wonder if the giant bird consuming his entrails everyday made Prometheus regret joining Zeus...
lol right?

But alright fellas LISTEN UP.

I got people that are somehow related to me coming tomorrow and they're going to be staying for ~a week.

Between work and being forced to socialize with them, I don't know how much I'll be able to concentrate on writing, at least to my desired quality.

My posts will probably be delayed even more and I apologize in advance, but I'll still be around for you guys to yell at me for being an irresponsible role player. *w*

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