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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)



LOCATION : Campfire

WITH : Probably everyone

MENTIONS : @Runakei

The night gave the Camp a lulling atmosphere that Vincent knew was only the calm before the storm. The Mist was gone, and they were exposed to everyone - mortals and monsters alike. It was a dangerous situation they were in, so why were they all sitting ducks around a bleary fire? He didn't know if this was such a good idea, but then again, Chiron must have something important to announce to everyone. Hopefully some good news, because Vincent needed anything right now to settle his anxiousness down.

The children of Hermes that he had wedged himself in ( at this point it was normal to everyone to see the son of Boreas with that crowd ) were a bit lackluster, but they continued to quip small jokes and teasing here and there. One of them took to pickpocketing Vincent for his phone ( a little fun that he was all too used to by now ) but was stopped by a light slap to his hand by his would-be victim. He grinned in supplication, and Vincent returned it with a small smile. After all, that fellow demigod was doing a good job of distracting Vincent from the fire that he so terribly hated. Fire was his natural enemy, like that Fury's whip from before.

That brought him back to the events from earlier. The attack on Elijah, the stealing of the Golden Fleece, the prophecy, the monsters, the chance to punish a Fury himself, Arlo...

"Those that were there come forward and tell us what you were told."

Wow, okay. Chiron seriously couldn't have gotten it from Alissa herself? Or have asked around for it, without getting the four of them ( him, Alexandria, Clarissa and Samantha ) in the spotlight?

With an exasperated sigh, Vincent stood up and began sauntering to the middle, wishing with every step that he didn't have to do this. The idea of announcing a prophecy that he stored in his phone wasn't the problem - going near the fire was. But did it look like he had a choice.

... and then some people just
HAD to create a scene. Two gods accompanying a girl, Rais, and everyone else in that mini-fiasco. Vincent cursed at the gods - can't they just have one ounce of proper rest in this hellish night?

He actually contemplated on freezing the bull completely, just to save everyone the trouble. They were injured and dead tired, and everyone else's cares seemed to have faded almost completely - there was no one even bothering with the bull. As he reached the middle, he gave an acknowledging nod to Alexandria.

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Ai Ferri

Mood:Tired/Comfused|Location:Campfire| With:Everyone |Mentions: @Starchan

Ai managed to escape with just a leg and arm wound. It didn't hurt much,the worst pain was simply removing the arrows. Other than that he was fine. Ai sat around the fire with his sibling's bare chested because it was simple to hot for shirts,and a pair shorts. He looked hot,but he already knew that and so did the camp. Chiron had just appeared and made an announcement for the campers who received the prophecy to come and reiterate what was said,however as soon as that happened something weird occurred. A girl who oddly looked like Rais appeared and soon after she was claimed but who she was claimed by was the problem. Not only did she receive his mother's blessing,but also Ares'; and too top it off she was claimed by the both of them. Confusion and a determination to get answers propelled Ai out of his seat in order to confront his mother about the going's on here. "What the fuck is going on?!" He demanded as he walked up to his mother,but before he could get his answer Ares called Rais up to announce that he girl was in fact his twin sister. Ai's face scrunched up because pure fuckery was being spouted right now,and of course Rais passes out and Aphrodite disappears before he could get his answer."Mom,this isn't over!" He yelled at the sky to no one in particular Ai shook his head picking up the much larger boy and dragging him over to the other campers in his cabin and placed his head in his lap. "You needed your rest anyway Rai" he said sweetly kissing the younger boy's forehead. Ai looked up at the girl preparing to face the bull. "Hey,aphrodites your mom right? Then you should have no problem with that thing,hurry up and finish it so we can hear the prophecy." He said in a bored monotone voice. Normally he would've jumped into action,and he still would if the girl actually couldn't handle things but right now he was just too tired.

Arlo Blumenthal ~ Campfire ~ With: Elsa

@Excelsis and Everyone Else

After the battle, and the shimmering destruction of the barrier and mist which seperated the Camp from the Outside world the son of Hypnos had his arm put into a small sling and he nibbled on a bit of Ambrosia so it healed fast. He looked as everything began to happen at once; the gods interrupting everything, Rais fainting and Chiron asking for the people who had heard the prophecy to come forward and tell what they had heard. He looked over at Vincent from afar and felt the Ambrosia burning a hole in his pocket as he wanted only for Vincent to have it. He legitimately was concerned for his health and that was a fact.

Arlo didnt frown, and didn't let the so.ber atmosphere get to him. He stayed close and clutched the sides of his jacket to him as he felt a slight chill, easily cold as he was. He looked up as Vincent took
his place and walked over to join the others who were standing to speak about the prophecy. Arlo smiled a bit, and gave a small, quiet wave in Vincent's direction. He wondered what was going through Vincent's mind while he was messing with other Campers and wandering about. He wasn't going to allow anything to get to him, because he knew that the presence of a new prophecy meant there was to be a new Quest, which meant that a group of DemiGods were to fix all the problems which presented themselves. He had faith. And that was what mattered.
Ilabelle Amora Darren


Ilabelle sighs in relief. Good. She's not going to die. The monsters won't kill her. That's good. That's great! That comfort only lasts a moment because a minotaur picks her up.

Ilabelle hates monsters.

And it's because of that fact that the Minotaur that was carrying her has bite marks on his shoulders. She doesn't like being carried by monsters, so she thought to chew on him until he put her down. She was really too tired to care that would anger him. She just didn't want to be carried by a monster.

When she was put down, she realized she has broken into a cold sweat. She was shivering. Was is cold out? She couldn't tell. Ilabelle curled in her herself, closing her eyes. "Zeke, is Alex okay?" She asks, starting to gnaw on her own arm.
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Mood: Exhusated and Haunted| Location: Campfire| With: @Yuuki Kuran

Constance smiled at her brother, she admired how he was still so lighthearted after everything. Constance on the other hand was exhausted beyond belief. She walked over with her cat in her arms. The one thing that seemed to comfort her at this moment. "Trust me Derek your smell has never kept me away. And no you haven't done anything wrong. I was gone all day and I came back to a prophecy and war. I mean what is going to happen to us. We're setting ducks for monsters. It's all so frustrating to think about." She sighed and sat down next to her brother. "Almost got killed by a giant today. Then I had to help kids get to the infirmary. So what about you, why do you smell like hydra guts?" Hopefully nothing horrible happened to either of her siblings. Constance pet Stella as she purred happily in her lap.
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Clarissa Greene

Mood: Lost | Location: The Campfire | With: Everyone | Mentioned:
@Runakei Alexandria @Excelsis Vincent @9forgotten Rei

Loss is a weird emotion. Once the rage has passed and the despair has faded it often leaves one just feeling hollow. That's where Clarissa was left now. The last couple of hours had been rough, spent mostly recovering from her own wounds but since the sun was already set and the battle itself had drained her of most of her energy she had to rely on good old fashioned half-blood medicine to heal her wounds. Her ribs were wrapped tightly in a bandage to keep them in place, just until the morning. She wasn't a priority.

Though that wasn't what had caused the great melancholy that lay on Clarissa's heart. After helping Ilabelle to the Hecate cabin the sight of the poor girl reminded her of Jasmine, back in the Apollo cabin and whilst she knew the other campers would defend the cabin with thier lives she couldn't shake the feeling something was amiss. By the time she could leave the Hecate cabin the battle had largely died down and thankfully they were victorious. Though the costs had been heavy and as Clarissa limped her way back to the Apollo cabin she passed many half-bloods who had fallen in the conflict. She was only a dozen or so feet a way when she saw something that caused her blood to run cold. The front door of the cabin lay in splinters as a few of her half-siblings milled around trying to figure out the best way to repair the structure. Clarissa ran the last couple steps, wincing with each step. As she entered the cabin she was met by a few more of her siblings inside, playing instruments, chatting among themselves and clearing yet more debris from the cabin. "
What happened here?" She demanded, though she already feared the worse. Being one of the more senior Apollo kids as well as her naturally... friendly demeanour she was looked up to by most of her siblings. Though none of her seemed to answer her. "Where's Jasmine?" She continued, a touch of desperation entering her tone. Again she was met with silence, but it told her all she needed to hear.

Over the next couple hours Clarissa, with the aid of a few of her siblings, scoured the camp, checking each body to see if the small six year old girl was among them. She searched the woods and went beyond the borders of the camp, knowing that she would be incapable of defending herself in her current state yet determined regardless. She was no where to be found, disappeared as if into thin air. "
The monsters... One must have taken her." Clarissa reasoned as they returned to the camp.

They came to kill not to kidnap Clarissa... I'm sorry but she's gone, probably eate-" One of her siblings started before Clarissa brutally interrupted.

She's alive! I know it." She stated firmly, leaving her siblings behind as she marched towards the Campfire where the other half-bloods had gathered.

She arrived and found a seat off by herself, unable to cope with the thoughts that invaded her brain. She remained in her trance, unsure of her surroundings, not even raising her head when the Gods themselves arrived. No she was too focused, It wasn't until someone nudged her and repeated Chiron's request that she returned to the land of the attentive and after a brief moment of hesitation, made her way over to where Vincent and Alexandria already stood, scanning the crowd for Rei, curious as to why she hadn't already joined the others. She quickly dismissed the thought, her face a picture of neutrality.


Derrick Emerson

Mood: Pumped/Concerned | Location: Canpfire | With: Pretty much everyone | Mentions : @Nico @Starchan

It had been a long day for Derrick. The camp was attacked, the only line of protection the camp had was stolen, and two of his siblings almost died all in one day. Saying Derrick was on edge was an understatement. He had gone back to his cabin to clean up after the fight and making sure Ember was okay and the rest of the camp, to clean up before the camp fire. He didn't exactly want to walk around smelling like 'Aroma de Manticore'. He wore a pare of black slim fit jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. He combed his hair and walked out the door heading for the camp fire with Phantom walking beside him.

He finally made his way to the camp fire finding his brother Elijah and taking a seat next to him, Phantom laying near them. "What a day, man." He spoke to his brother just making small talk. They were both obviously tired and this camp fire was only going to confirm the news they already knew. He saw out of the side of eye a girl and two godly figures. They immediately had Derricks attention. She had just been claimed by Ares and Aphrodite, how interesting. The girl, he had never seen her before. She was beautiful. Derrick heart beat sped up and his look turned into a stare. Next thing he knew a bull had appeared out of the two bickering gods frustration. It was charging for her. He acted without thinking, completely instinctually. He jumped from his seat and dodged through the crowd of campers and jumping in front of the girl. He met the bull, grabbing it by the horns and using all of his strength digging his heels into the dirt pushing back on the bulls force. His eyes blazing and muscles at their max capacity, he flung the bull backwards by about ten feet. Only for it to kick up some dust and charge again even angrier this time.

He looked back to the girl, dear gods she was even more gorgeous up close. His mind went blank and his eyes got big and puppy like. "Hi! Um, I'm Derrick." He said with a mesmerized look on his face. "I think you're really pretty. I was planning to come talk to you, this bull was kinda in my way. " He said and immediately was embarrassed by how stupid he probably sounded. Then he remembered there was a angry bull charging towards them again, but he was too late. The bull rammed into him sending Derrick into the air and smacking to the ground. He staggered back to his feet this time unsheathing his swords. Cracking his neck and moving his jaw to make sure nothing was broken, he got in position to take on the bull again. "That's all you got, huh?" He said taughting the beast.

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Viella Nyman

Mood:Frustrated. REALLY.|Location:The campfire.|With:The whole camp, a giant bull, and

As Viella ducked her head from the incoming charge, she pulled off the golden helmet, throwing it off to the side. She whipped her short brown hair around, pulling her sword charm off her bracelet. It began to grow, and as it finished growing, Vi looked up to see the bull's angry gaze, but it was held away form her by some strange boy. Why would he throw himself into danger like that? He looked back to her, and she almost melted. He had bright blue eyes and dark hair, and pale as snow skin. He wore a leather jacket, black jeans, and a white shirt, basically her outfit before her parents intervened. He introduced himself as Derrick, and he called her pretty! He looked like her wildest dream, and her biggest crush ever. But right now, he was her savior, and the girl knew she had to help him. She was about to push him out of her way before he was thrown back by the bull. Vi turned around to see where he landed, but he was already up and to his feet, cracking his neck. Damn, what a hunk. Taking a mental note to NOT fuck with this guy was done, before turning around to where the hot air on the side of her face was coming from. The bull snorted at her, its nose ring flapping against its nose with vigor. It stared at her, the red eyes like daggers. He kind of looked like her mother! Anyways, Viella raised her sword and smirked, uttering her taunt. "Well, big boy, looks like you've been unsuccessful. Don't you know not to fuck with children of the gods? What a shame you have to die." She said, gripping her sword tightly before bringing it into one of the bull's eyes. It let out a loud screech of pain, before lifting the girl off the ground and attempting to run away. Viella dangled five feet in the air, hanging from her sword with the brightest of smiles. Suddenly, the beast lurched forward as if to scare her, then ran off, towards the Ares cabin.

Rais Nyman

Mood:Currently Unconscious.|Location:Aphrodite Cabin.|With:@Angel Evans

Ember Moreau

Mood:Angry.|Location:At the campfire.|With: @Federoff @Quiet Is Violent |Mentions: @Clementine

At the sight of the bull, Ember stood up, instantly shrouding herself in shadows. She was about really to go over to the beast and kill it immediately, not giving two shits about the fact that she might die this time around.Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a very familiar dark haired boy run out and stop the beast. It was Derrick. Not another one of her brothers! She only had three, two that she was close to, but still! What the fuck was with Hades kids? She cupped her hands around her mouth, calling for Derrick. That was when she saw him get thrown, the boy immediately getting back up.
"GO DERRICK! I MEAN- STOP PLAYING AROUND DERRICK! YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!" She yelled, hoping she would get her idiot brother's attention.
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Ilabelle Amora Darren

Location: Campfire l With:


Have you ever been in so much trouble that you don't care what you do anymore? That's Ilabelle at the moment. Instead, replace trouble with boredom.

The little, impulsive girl was bored. And she hated being bored. So, despite the fact that she knew she shouldn't, she stood up. She found a larger stick that could help her support her weight, and she set off in search of her shoes which she had thrown at people earlier in the day. Or really, any shoes that had been kicked off by anyone at all. She just wanted to throw a shoe at something.

In her search, the girl stumbles upon another demigod. SHe struggles to remember his name. A metal kid. Not like the emo, heavy metal, all-black-leather kids. A kid of metal. A kid of the god of metal. Hepatitis? Is that the name of the god? Ilabelle couldn't remember. She didn't particularly care, either. "Can I throw your shoes at people?" Ilabelle asked bluntly. She looked the boy straight in the eye as she said this, completely serious. Is his name... Octopus? Octo... Octogonal? Octogon?

Mood: surprised|Location: campfire|With: Ilabelle @Quiet Is Violent

As a bull came into play, Tav sat up straighter and watched keenly for a moment before seeing that people were going to take care of it. It seemed like a test for the girl who'd just been claimed by not one, but two gods. He wondered how that was going to work out in the end. Leaning back slightly, he shifted his gaze to the fire that blazed in the center of everything. Sitting quietly in thought, he just waited for things to calm down and proceed.

The green-eyed boy wasn't to worried about the huge bull that was currently threatening everything, trusting that the new girl would sort that out. And Derrick. A small smile crossed his features as he noted the other boys reaction to the new girl, finding it rather amusing. There seemed to be a few couples and soon to be couples going around, all quite adorable in his opinion.

He looked up when someone appeared near him, turning his head to find Ila next to him. Tav blinked as she bluntly asked if she could use his shoes to throw at people. Just giving a small smile, he shook his head slightly.
"Nope, I'm using them. Plus, wouldn't that hurt if they hit someone in the face? Not very nice yknow." he answered in faint amusement. His smile faded slightly as he took in the little girls appearance and tilted his head slightly in question. "Should you be up and moving? You seemed to have gotten quite injured."


Derrick Emerson

Mood: In love? | Location: Canpfire - Ares Cabin| With: Pretty much everyone - a deranged bull and a beautiful girl | Mentions : @Starchan

She spoke and his heart nearly melted, even her voice was beautiful. He had to shake himself out of it. Bull. Big mean bull. Focus Derrick. He heard his sister yelling at him from behind. "
Not now Ember! I've got this!" She shouted back reassuring her. Well he did have it until the bull carried his mystery girl off with her dangling by her sword.

Derrick whistled for Phantom and climbed on to his back holding on to his black fur. "
Come on boy, we're going on a hunt." He said and off Phantom went bounding after the bull. They were just on the rear of them, Derrick stood up jumping off of Phantoms back and onto the bulls. All in one swoop and grabbed on to the girl, wrapping her in his arms protecting her from the fall to the ground as Phantom sunk his teeth into the rear of the bull pulling it to the ground and sinking his teeth into the bulls neck until it had no life left in it.

Once Derrick relized he was still holding onto her he immediately was worried. "
Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked with an intense gaze still on the ground with her. He had taken the hit to the ground but he was still concerned. He finally was face to face with her. He was breathing heavy. His eyes traced out every freckle on her face burning it into his mind. He was melting into her dark eyes as they were burning right threw him. What on earth was this feeling? He had never been taken with someone like this. It felt like he couldn't breath and it wasn't because that bull just might of cracked a few of his ribs.

  • dr__cipherous___arcane_steampunk_plague_doctor_by_twohornsunited-d8xmv4x.jpg

    Zeke sat on his rocky perch hunched over, awaiting for what was to come. He looked off to his right side as another camper spoke up, Dianne, asking if she could sit with them. He simply did not care, it didn't affect him either way, and so he didn't respond and instead turned his head back to focus on the fire pit as the gods began to pour in for what they liked to call "The claiming" By this they meant simply, We the lazy gods have decided that you will go do shit for us. Truly accurate he thought to himself with a light chuckle before moving his head to a different girl that spoke up to him; Serena Gonzalez. He sighed mentally to himself as everyone always questioned the tactics of genius. "Well next time your not around to help transport three injured patients and you have a way to do so, speak up" he replied, although void of any hint of it, in a sarcastic manner in the normal accent he carried himself with. He had disarmed her, he thought to himself, and would not allow her any chance to talk to him again about the subject.

    Zeke kept to himself, not talking to the other campers unless spoken to first, as he kept close vision on the patients. Ilabelle and Ember he cared not for but they were still under his supervision as his patients, he would not be the type of doctor that ignored them. He partially zoned out as his head faced towards the fire, not listening to the droning around him of gods and demi's in their silly little ceremonies, if one could call them that. Later on, Ilabelle spoke to him again, asking him of her Alex. He sighed once more, this time audibly, before straightening up and closing his concealed eyes behind his mask. He sensed through the bodies on the battlefield for any information that could be of use for his answer to Ilabelle, and after a few minutes he opened his eyes again before turning to speak to her. "He is not dead, and there has been no more fighting. He is fine, I assure you" Zeke explained to the infatuated little girl as he once again went back to being hunched over.

    Location: Campfire

    Mood: Neutral/ Not caring -> Annoyed -> Informative

    With: Ilabelle (@Quiet Is Violent ), Dianne (@Garnet ), Serena (@Yuuki Kuran )

    Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold


Viella Nyman

Mood:Thankful/Energetic|Location: Campfire - Ares Cabin|With:Pretty much everyone - a dead bull and a random boy|Mentions :

As the bull ran, Viella shook with every movement of the sword. Her hands gripped tightly around it, blood dropping down onto the armour. She screamed in pain as the bull ran, and all of a sudden, she felt light. The small girl was wrapped into someone's arms, the person clutching tightly as they galloped away on a.. hellhound? Viella looked down at the large black mass they were riding on, letting out a meek smile. They fell off of the beast when it went to attack the bull, it killing the larger beast with one more hit. Viella made a whooping noise in the boys arms, letting out a glorious victory cry. As she stopped, she looked up at him, baring a pearly white smile. Her arms wrapped around him, covered in cold armour and blood. She didn't care.
"Thank you, Derrick. Thank you." She breathed heavily into his shoulder, hoping she wasn't too dirty. While in his grasp, her form began to shift again, reverting back to her original clothes; a leather jacket, a white shirt, and black high-waisted shorts. What was left was her short curly hair, which probably looked nice, and her knee length sandals. Thanks mom! Her makeup was gone, allowing for all of her freckles to be seen against her pale skin. Vi hoped it wasn't too weird for the boy, but she let him to go look in his eyes again. "I'm alright. Are you?" She asked, pressing a hand to his face. "We should get you some medical attention, okay?" She said putting her sword charm back on the chain and zipping up her backpack with her other hand.

Ember Moreau

Mood:Confused|Location:At the campfire|With:Herself now

After her brother's stupid attempt at heroism, Ember decided to sit away from the chaos, awaiting for the camp to calm down and for the prophecy to be told.
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Derrick Emerson

Mood: In love? | Location: Outside Ares Cabin| With: a dead bull and a beautiful girl | Mentions : @Starchan

They were alive, and the bull was dead. He watched in awe as her formed change in front of him and in his arms. He couldn't even believe she was real. Was any of this real? Out of all the craziness today, this was what made him question his sanity. She said his name and he snapped out of his daze, realizing that indeed, his ribs where most likely injured. Gods, Ember is never letting this one go.

He smiled when relized that she was concerned for him. He didn't want to get up just yet. "Wait,please, tell me your name." He pleaded with her, his eyes big and taking it everything. He was just in awe of her. He probably looked like a fool, but he didn't care in the slightest. He slightly moved, and groaned a bit. The adrenaline was wearing off and the ribs were starting to bother him.

Phantom after his burger, came up next to them with blood still dripping from his muzzle. He sat down beside them tilting his head, letting out a whine. "I'm alright, buddy. I'm just a bit bruised. You got him back for me." He said reaching out ruffling the fur on the dire wolfs head. Phantom wasn't use to seeing Derrick down, he was always like a spring. Knock him, down he gets right back up. But he had a beautiful girl right here and he was relishing the moment.



MOOD : Apprehensive

LOCATION : Campfire

WITH : Everyone left

MENTIONS : @Runakei @Elision of Ecritures

The craziness involving the bull and the newcomer took to another place, and the area immediately surrounding the campfire was calmer. Vincent sort-of jumped when he finally saw Arlo from the spectators, though his reaction remained mostly discreet. It wasn't like him to falter in front of so many people, and so he held in the subconscious action of waving back. He was sure, on the other hand, that his eye contact with Hypnos' son was greeting enough, however short it was due to the child of ice looking away again. He still wasn't sure what to think of the fleeting moments of... whatever this is, and it wasn't like him at all. He didn't even know Arlo that well - well, apart from him being the son of Hypnos, him being named Arlo ( he keeps forgetting what his last name is, however... ), and him having an apparent like of teasing people. But then again, there weren't a lot to their first official meeting since it had only been in the battlefield, so maybe he was just...

That wasn't what was important here. Licking his lips in furtive efforts to keep his head in the game, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and turned to Chiron.
" I wrote the prophecy in my phone just in case. Or, I hope I wrote it all correctly. " In times like this, Vincent was kind of apprehensive. He just didn't like a whole lot of attention and authority, maybe, and the fact that he was taking initiative with revealing the prophecy was kind of... unsettling. He dare not let others see this small amount of hesitance, however, so his natural capacity to hide himself beneath an ice shell ( metaphorically speaking in this instance ) comes handy at this point.

Quickly typing in his password, he searched for the note about the prophecy.

" When Magic steals the golden gift, the fog will lift, and powers shift. Sides will be taken and war will rage. Children of gods choose whether to end an age - to snuff the life of those made of clay, or join with Darkness, so life will stay. " he read, and then glanced at Alexandria, looking for confirmation of what he said, though he was also in the process of thinking about it again. A person affiliated with magic who took the Golden Fleece, then the Mist has lifted. War that will rage, he was sure that it meant a real war, but wars often involved the handiwork of Ares, who was the god of war. And their choice will either save mankind or destroy it, but at a cost to either side. But was that really it? And what did the "powers shift" mean? The thought of their powers being literally shifted around with each other wasn't an impossible scenario, that was just a tad too weird, and Vincent wasn't sure if it was what it really meant.

" ... that's it. "


Alexandria Moore

Location: Campfire to The Mess Hall | With: No One in Specific | Mentions:

Stepping from the campfire after the prophecy was stated and Chiron let them loose. Though, now she had nowhere to be. All her magick was mostly depleted so that ruled out the infirmary, besides, her brother had already healed most of the people that were injured. Lost in her thoughts of what to do it was then her stomach made her mind up for her by growling a low a deep groan. Realizing all she had to eat today was a small sammich and some berries, she was starved. Especially since what she did eat didn't go to her stomach so to say and rather just was absorbed and turned to magick. Yeah, her body was weird like that.

Quickly she'd run to the mess hall only to see anyone had decided to catch dinner before the magic cleaning harpies of doom and despair came out in hopes to find dinner themselves. Grabbing a plate she'd chow down on a medium rare stake, mashed-taters, fresh grapes, and a buttered roll. Gradually, Alex would eat with one hand and write ingredients for new spells in her small spell book that usually was magically bound to her hip. A quill made from a phoenix's feather hid inside.

Ilabelle Amora Darren

((I'm sorry for shortness, on my phone @9forgotten ))

Ilabelle sighed. She can't use his shoes. "What're you using them for anyways?" She muttered, obviously annoyed. She put more and more weight on her stick, because what ever pain killer Zeke had given her was wearing off.

The red head chose to sit, wiping sweat off her forehead. She was getting feverish. "Have we met? I'm Ilabelle. You're... Octopus, right?" The daughter of Lachesis smiled apologetically. "Son of Hep... Hepatitis? Hefty?" She blushed. "I suck at names. Sorry."


Vyseria Castwell

Mood: Concerned/ Tired| Location: Outside the Big House| With: Herself, then Alex @Kingly

The hydra was dead, the battle was over. Unfortunately it was just the beginning of a long war to come. The others had ran off after the hydra had exploded, while Vyseria stayed behind to find Vanora after she ran off after she was knocked off. Once finally finding her, she was relieved. Only for a moment, as a thought crept into her mind. Her beloved brother, Alex. Where was he? She felt a pang of panic corse threw her veins.

She mounted her horse so she could look for him. Riding back onto what a battlefield about an hour ago. She smiled and the burden on her heart was lifted as she saw in the distance her brother running across the field. He was alive. Thank the gods. She started riding towards him, and flinging herself off of her horses back once in closer range. "ALEX!" she shouted running towards him.

Once close enough she flung herself onto him hugging him incredibly tight. "Oh my gods, are you okay?" She said looking him over. She loved her brother with all of her heart. The had a very close bond and they evened each other out perfectly.
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Mood: Frustrated as well as relieved

Location: Campfire

With: Constance @Clairvoyant

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9bee12c5_beaumirchoff32.jpg.fdc852a1181a31885bbd72c2cd1c5903.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9bee12c5_beaumirchoff32.jpg.fdc852a1181a31885bbd72c2cd1c5903.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Derek didn't know what was going to happen to them as far as this war went, but he did know what was going to happen on his part. Derek pulled his sister into himself holding her securely in his muscular arms. "Nothing will happen to us, because I won't let anything happen to you." He'd never let another female that he genuinely loved and cared about to get hurt. "I love you too much to let that happen." Pulling back, Derek smelled himself again. "Damn it. I knew that would backfire on me. Constance, I uh...well, there was this hydra and...well, you know hydras. The whole head slicing thing didn't work, so..." he paused again. "I got swallowed and Zeus helped me explode the thing from the inside."

Mood: Frustrated and on edge

Location: Campfire

With: @Federoff Zeke

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-mexican-girls-with-swag-tumblr-tgmqnfeh.jpg.b175c8ff271bd9f28e3e6e41fa2777db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-mexican-girls-with-swag-tumblr-tgmqnfeh.jpg.b175c8ff271bd9f28e3e6e41fa2777db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Don't you find it a bit odd that we had to kill a Minotaur today and you're summoning them on the grounds without a thought for anyone's safety? That's ridiculous, Zeke." She couldn't believe he would be that stupid. "Don't do that. It's creepy. You could really get hurt." Jet began growling at Zeke, daring him to do something else like that. "I honestly can't believe you haven't been warned about this before."



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Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_o1j1hwSNn71v6pp7io1_500.gif.7ac31bf0a2a57d29961e5fade769e5fe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_o1j1hwSNn71v6pp7io1_500.gif.7ac31bf0a2a57d29961e5fade769e5fe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Battlefield -> Towards the campfire | Interactions: @Clementine | Mentions: @Starchan

Alex continued his mad dash on the field, in a frantic search for his sister or the white mane of her horse Vanora that he could talk to in order to aid in the search. He was just about to open his mouth to shout her name once more, when he heard the sound of the horses hooves galloping along the dirt and the shout of his name. Alex stopped his running, letting out a breathe of relief as he closed his eyes, a smile creeping across his face. She was alright, or at least sounded the part.

Alex turned around to see his sister in a dash towards him, before the distance was closed and the two were locked in a hug. He couldn't help but laugh from inside the hug, of course the two were on the same wave link searching for each other as they always were. Alex finally felt the cloud of worry lift over him as he was now content with knowing everyone was safe, for now at least.

"I'm fine." He said pulling back from the hug of his sister, both as protective for the other in every sense. "You look well, though smell like you just had a dinner date with a Hydra." He joked putting an arm around his sister and leading her down the hill, despite Vanora's calls in the back. "A camp fire is starting, and judging by what just happened it's not going to be a cheery one." He looked over to his sister with his arm around her shoulder, for the first time allowing a twinkle of fear to show in his brave green eyes. "We are on the brink of something big Vy, and I don't know if I like what it is." He said, his tone filled with regret for something that has yet to happen. "On a lighter note, my prophecy says me and Ember are going to spend a lot of the night with our lips locked." He said with a smirk before quickly adding "Not that I care or anything!"[/FONT]



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Viella Nyman

M:Concered/Curious|L:In Derrick's arms outside the Ares cabin|W: @Clementine

Viella blushed as the boy asked her name, his beautifully dark eyes scanning over her bare face. Did you look bad or something? He asked her what her name was; making her blush even harder. COME ON VI, SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'RE AND ARES CHILD! Or a child of Aphrodite. She didn't know which, but she knew what she would do.
"My name's Viella. Nice to meet you Derrick. Though it was through dire circumstances." Her smile was blinding, and she gave the boy one more quick hug before pulling him up after her. "We should get you some medical attention, alright?" The girl suggested, then looked at Phantom. "And your friend some moist towelettes. Does that sound okay?" Vi laughed at her own joke, before looking curiously at the hellhound next to them. "Before we go, I want to know his name." She said, gripping Derrick's hand slightly.

Rais Nyman

M:Dazed and Confused|L:In the Aphrodite cabin|W:
@Angel Evans (I think)

After his close to dirt nap, Rais awoke, his eyes their normal shade. His skin was red and flushed, his hands clammy. He couldn't see every well, but the boy managed to sit up with haste. His large hands rubbed his eyes, making him see stars. He pulled his hands away to the the beautiful and extravagant decor of the...
"Aphrodite cabin..?" He questioned.

Ember Moreau

M:Livid|L:At the campfire- next to Alex|W:
@Kingly and @Clementine

Ember, now covered in shadows, began to think really hard. She concentrated on where she wanted to go, and before she knew it, blinked out of existence and onto Alex's proverbial doorstep. She looked at the boy who she landed in front of, along with a beautiful daughter of Poseidon, whom she didn't really know. Her eyes flashed into a dark blue again, passing over the boys face. Her cheeks flushed, and she jumped at him for a hug.
"Where were you..? I'M SO MAD AT DERRICK, LIKE WHAT THE HELL DERRICK? DON'T KILL YOURSELF!" She murmured into his shoulder, hugging the boy tightly.

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Ai Deus Ferri

Mood:Worried Location:Aphrodite Cabin (In his bed) With: @Starchan

Ai had been laying on his bed with Rais' head perched on his lap,just like in the anime. When Rais stirred and sat up questioning if he was in the aphrodite cabin Ai tackled him onto the bed,straddling his hips. "Of course you're in the aphrodite cabin you dope,whenever you get hurt I'll be there" he said sincerely as he stole a swift kiss on Rais' soft lips. "What happened to you out there?" he asked wantin to know so that he could prevent it from happening next time.
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Mood: Loved then pissed| Location: Campfire| With: @Yuuki Kuran | Mentions: @9forgotten

Constance enjoyed her brother's affection, she never took any moment with her family for granted. Even if they were arguing, because it meant they cared enough to yell. Constance let her brother hold onto her as long as he needed. She patiently held her breath so she didn't pass out from his stench. "I love you too Derek. We'll always have family at the end of the day, no matter what." Constance could sense something was off though when he tried explaining what stupidity he had done earlier. Constance allowed him to explain how and why he choose to get swallowed. However when he finished she slapped him upside the head. "Do you lack brain cells because people punch you in the head to often or are you actual stupid? What if it would've killed you and your plan went to the Underworld. Huh?" She paused before continuing on. She was acting like the eldest even if she was the youngest. "Did you think the plan through or did you just run with the first idea that popped in your head. What if you died? You talk about not letting anything happen to us, but you can keep us safe from the grave. I mean you can't leave me alone to take care of Rei by myself. I'd have to constantly make sure nobody punches her for saying the wrong thing. What happens to me, whose going to be my alibi when Chiron thinks I snuck out of the camp. Somedays I feel like I'm the mother of this trio." And with that she ended her speech of course not without a nasty look first.
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    Derrick Emerson

    Mood: In love? | Location: Outside Ares Cabin| With: Viella | Mentions : @Starchan

    Derrick was absolutely loving every minute he was sitting here with her. His injury didn't matter, the bull didn't matter, or even the battle earlier. Nothing mattered except her in this moment. She spoke her name and he smiled griping tightly onto her hand. "The pleasure is all mine, I'd jump in front of a hundred bulls for the chance to meet you." He spoke tenderly, gazing into her chocolate eyes as if he was melting into them.

    This would be Phantom, my dearest companion and friend. I found him when he was just a pup abandoned in the Underworld. I never knew he would grow to be so big, but it just means I have more to love." He said petting Phantoms head. Derrick didn't want to get up, but she was persistent about getting him help.

    I really will be alright, but if you insist. " He said getting up while helping her up as well. He eyes got wide as he grimaced in pain radiating from his ribs. He gritted his teeth and picked up Viella in his arms, placing her on Phantoms back. He jumped on in front of her, placing her hands around his waist. "Hold on." He said and Phantom darted toward the infirmary.

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Alexandria Moore

Location: Mess Hall to Hecate Cabin | With: Whoever | Mentions:

After finishing her meal the grumbles in her belly quickly subsided as her hunger was relieved along with her thirst as she had a goblet of grape juice since it was the closest thing that came to wine around here. Though, throughout her meal a little squeak could be heard as the head of her familiar kept popping out of her coat pocket and stealing a grape from the vine as she held it up and picked it until the entire thing was picked clean.

Getting up she'd throw whatever was left of her meal into the hearth's fire for her mother and quickly walked back to her Cabin only to be greeted by whatever siblings resided there. Walking over to the shrine rather large statue of her Hecate she had sat in the center of the back wall as a shrine for anyone to pray to. Kneeling down she'd give a silent prayer for her mother before crawling into bed.

Upon turning on her back the little weasel in her pocket escape and with a single finger she'd run her digit along the long back of the familiar giving a quiet sigh before she'd call it a night.


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