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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

Derek Newman and Serena Gonzalez.

Derek continued to bash the hydra with the butt of his sword every time he got close, then he did something very, very stupid. "This is for my mother, ya bastard!" He jumped off of Nycanor and onto the neck of one of the hydra heads. Thanks to his lack of a good attention span, Derek hadn't heard Chiron when he explained everything about hydra monsters. Using Kervanos, Derek hacked off one of the heads. "Boom! Oh, yeah! One monster down!" From below, Jet the hellhound was barking frantically, Serena at his side. "Down?! You just made it worse!" The girl screamed as Nycanor went back and forth between the heads of the beast, trying to claw out the eyes. "Worse? What?" That's when he saw the previously decapitated hydra grow two more heads, bringing the grand total to four heads. "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" Serena stomped on the ground, producing a tree that erupted from the earth in front of her. The Sow she was fighting charged at her, but only succeeded in burying her tusks deep in the bark. "That's from the Underworld!"
Ai Ferri

Mood:Bloodthirsty| Location:Half-Blood Hill| With:Rais
@Starchan Arlo @Elision of Ecritures and others

Ai was once again impressed by Rais answer,but before he could respond he heard the horn. It meant the monster's were here and battle was about to begin. Ai licked his lips as a creepy smile crept onto his face. "Let's bash some faces in" he said hungrily.

Slowly the mystical entity that was known as "the mist" crept it's way onto the battlefield making the campers within Ai's vicinity undetectable to the monster's "If you're close to me,I've covered you in the mist. You're now undetectable by the monsters for 2 minutes," he announced to all those that could head him. Ai turned to his....wait what was Rais too him,boyfriend? Lover? Ai shook his head now wasn't the time for this.

Ai took off running down the hill. "Come here,Lux!" He yelled and as if on cue and eagle's cry could be heard piercing the ears of some of the campers. Ai grinned as his old friend Lux swooped in too pick him up. Ai hopped onto the majestic creatures back and they took off soaring into the air. Ai looked down to see Rais digit bravely and looking sexy on the battlefield as a group of Empousai had the nerve to touch his Rais. When this was all over he was going to teach him that nobody came before Ai..NOBODY. "Rais,knock me down and I'll finish them from up here!" He yelled barking orders at the violent young man
Samantha Rei

Mood: Excited|Location:Battle field|With: everyone really, mentions Vyseria @Clementine Derek and Serena @Yuuki Kuran

The young Zeus daughter was working her way at they giant hydra. It was proving to be a bit hard with other monsters trying to get in her way and Rei having no patience for them, just kicked them aside to let some other camper deal with them. Finally shaking the other pesky monsters free, Rei turned to the huge creature and saw Vyseria riding around and poking at it. She was about to charge over to it when Derek just had to chop off a head. Rolling her eyes, she said nothing as she made her way over to it, letting out Serena chew him out.

Charging head on, she dove at one of the heads, jumping on like Derek. However unlike him, she pulled out a small grande made by none other than Tav, and threw it down one of its head. Stabbing into the creature and jumping down, dragging her sword, she smiled cheerfully as the bomb went off taking a head with it. Once on the ground, blood poured from the wound she'd just inflicted. Whirling around, she swung her sword to block it from trying to bit her. Dancing around the heads, she called out to the other three.

"I'll keep it trained on me, you get something to burn it's head once someone cuts it off!" she called, racing around the giant thing. Diving in and striking only to pull back, she played a game with the monster that had no chance of winning. Occasionally she'd throw lightening down its mouth but it wasn't strong enough to burn away at the monster. She was starting to lose some of her energy but not enough to be out of the fight yet.

Somehow managing to keep it's attention solely on her, Rei made sure it gave the other three the freedom to quickly pull together another attack on it. Jumping and dodging, she repeated blocked and countered blows with the huge creature, making sure not to get bitten or something by the thing. She would've continued to dance around like the reckless child she was if a fury hadn't appeared.

Dive bombing Rei, it knocked her off her feet and suddenly Rei found herself trying to deal with a fury and 3 hydra heads after her life. Not sure whether to feel excited or terrified, Rei instinctively rolled over to just barely miss a diving head from the hydra looming over her. Raising her sword, she swung it in a wide arc, knocking the fury from the sky and into the hydra. Jumping to her feet, she felt rather out of breath now but rest would have to wait.

Shifting into a defensive position as the two monsters faced her with glares, her blue eyes glaring right back.
"I know I'm amazing but y'all can come join in anytime now!" she shouted sarcastically. Never would she outright say she needed help, usually phrasing it in some sarcastic way that also translated to 'get your ass here and help me already!'.
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Alexandria Moore

Location: Somewhere within Camp Half-Blood's Forest |With: Zeke | Mentions:

Sat quietly against a tree and continued sobbing until the exhaustion literally got the best of her and she fainted. While sleeping she was unable to answer her brother as he arrived from nowhere and seemed concerned with her.


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LOCATION : Attic, transition to Thalia's Pine

MENTIONS : Everyone, special mentions @9forgotten @Clementine @Yuuki Kuran

The two were right - it wasn't wise to stay in that secluded place while everyone was out there fighting monsters by the border. But judging from the time they've spent in the attic, they might have the situation under control... but Vincent knew he couldn't take any chances. Demigods like them that were unprotected now by the barrier were practically food on legs, and monsters were no joking matter. Well, unless your father is Ares, whose blood basically told you that this is just routine workout. But if he didn't go to Chiron now and report the prophecy, he might forget all about it.

Oh wait, who was he kidding. He had his phone in his pocket and that thing can store the prophecy for him for the time being.

" You should also probably get out of here. Or maybe not - it's safer in here after all. " Vincent tells Alissa, before nodding at her and Clarissa, then runninh downstairs. As he does so, he whips out his phone from his pocket, opened the Notes app, and quickly types what he remembers of the prophecy while running to the edge of the Camp. Honestly it's a wonder how he could dodge everyone running in the opposite direction, but he didn't have enough time to think about that.

Once he was done, he shoved the phone back in his pocket and clutched his wrist cuff. Tracing the line of the interconnection of the snowflakes as it encircled the metal accessory, the handle started to appear, and in no time at all, Vincent was wielding a bluish longsword with both hands. The sword emitted a soft and cold aura, with its hilt's snowflakes design glinting.

The minute he stepped foot near Thalia's Pine, he found himself immediately facing a hell of a battle. Hellhounds, a hydra, manticore, Chimera... this was a fiasco, alright.

Sam yelling at the others to come help her caught his attention. A hydra that already grew multiple heads and a Fury against four demigods?

He sent a blast of ice towards the Fury - not enough to do much damage but enough to irritate her. And that was what Vincent wanted - to get the Fury focused on him.

" The Fury is mine. " Vincent declared, his normally-calm face holding a confident yet angry expression. This was his chance to protect the Camp that was his only home now, and to deliver a solid payback for the death of his mother. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and the camp's Ice Prince is more than willing to deliver it absolutely frozen.

The Fury screeched and shook off the pathetic frost that covered her, lunging after him. Vincent only dodged, and swung his sword - clipping one of her leathery wings. The monster screeched in pain, reeling back, before going for Vincent again. She pulled out a whip and its resonating crack put forth flames.

Oh shi-

The monster flew at him with astonishing speed that the only thing Vincent was able to do was conjure up a shield of ice, with spikes jutting outward to harm the Fury. Despite the disadvantage of her being immensely faster, stronger, and possibly pyrotechnic due to her whip, Vincent stood his ground.

" Mom, give me strength. " he prayed in his thoughts, clutching the locket around his neck, then glared at the taunting Fury with an icy-blue stare. He sent another ice blast, this time stronger and not merely to annoy the creature, and followed its trail with his own sword, cutting off the monster's left arm clean, though she immediately retaliated with kicking him squarely to the stomach. Vincent rolled on the ground, in pain, but he still struggled and stood up.

" It's gonna take more than that to get me to stay down! "

Elijah Emerson

Mood: Battle Ready | Location: The Docks | With: His brothers @Clementine @Peaceswore

Elijah grinned and twisted his ring "Yeah, preferably a dead bitch." he said as his sword appeared his hand. He ran to Derrick's side and landed an upstrike against the Manticore's flank causing it to bleed and howl in pain. He felt better just by being in battle, he wasn't weak due to contrary belief. He had been training since he could walk, he was by no means a newbie. He dodged a strike by the manticore's tail and slashed his word upwards cutting the tail off. "I'm not getting tricked again, dog breath." he spat at the monster.

He noticed his brother Alex had joined them. He let out a hoarse laugh as he thought the attack was his fault. He dodged a paw and stabbed it "No, it's not your fault Alex. The fleece-" he broke off and stabbed the paw again as it tried to strike him again. "was stolen by Hecate and Nyx." he leaped up and landed on the manticore's back and burried his sword into the monster's neck and pulled it out. It roared in pain and he barely got away before it slammed what was left of it's tail into the spot he was just in.

"Now bro, finish him off!" he said to Derrick.
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@Clementine @9forgotten @Excelsis

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-mexican-girls-with-swag-tumblr-tgmqnfeh.jpg.f57817249faff06389870750d7b274f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-mexican-girls-with-swag-tumblr-tgmqnfeh.jpg.f57817249faff06389870750d7b274f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9ab17552_beaumirchoff32.jpg.040130781c051b661aeccd68eabc142a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9ab17552_beaumirchoff32.jpg.040130781c051b661aeccd68eabc142a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Gonzalez and Derek Newman

Currently: Surrounded by beautiful girls

Serena didn't understand how blowing up a head worked, but cutting it off didn't. Jabbing her dagger into the sow, Persephone's daughter watched as she was sprinkled with its essence. "Ew! This does not smell like ham, you guys!" Serena pointed out, hearing something gallop behind her. Spinning around, she thrust her dagger out at arm's length and nearly cut into her teacher. "Chiron!" She saw him trying to fend off a fellow centaur.

"So, if cutting off the head doesn't work..." Derek grinned, getting an idea, another very stupid idea that was likely to get him killed. "Hey! Over here, ya stupid lizard!" His sister was in trouble. That's all he could think of. With tears in his eyes as he relived the day he and his mom were attacked in her office, Derek charged.

Serena couldn't stand there and do nothing. The hydra was already covered by multiple demigods, so she decided to help Chiron. If he was sent to Tartarus, sure, he'd come back, but how long would that take? "Hang on! I'm coming!" She climbed onto the enemy centaur's back. The beast roared and bucked, trying to get her off. "I'll send you back to your dear mother in a box, daughter of Persephone!"

"Serena!" Chiron tried to refocus the other centaur's attention on him, but he couldn't. The enemy blindly thrust his spear over his shoulder, cutting the girl in the shoulder. She screamed in agony. Jet's hair stood on end and he bit into the centaur's rear leg.

Derek caught the attention of one of the hydra heads. "I have a plan! Don't worry!" The hydra picked him up in his jaws and flung him in the air. Nycanor panicked and flew around Sam, trying to get her attention as Derek was flung into the air by the tongue of the beast, then swallowed...

(Don't worry. I have a plan for my next post.)



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No response Zeke thought to himself after a few moments, Alexandria was unconscious. Great, that made things more difficult. He sighed to himself before standing straight up and opening one flap of his trench coat, a chained up skeleton dangled freely from it. The strange boy unlocked the lock and the skeleton unfolded completely before he used his necromancy to bring the skeleton to life, in a sense. My oh my, how it had been so long since he had last used this skeleton to help him, months easily Zeke thought to himself. Without uttering a command, the skeleton did his masters will and went to go get the coffin, Zeke on the other hand bend back down and picked up his sister carefully before starting the trek back to the camp. It was not safe here as monsters could be larking, he had his own protection but even it wouldn't last forever. "Better safe then sorry old boy" he muttered to himself as he began to walk, holding his sister in both her hands while the skeleton followed right behind him with the coffin.

After an undetermined amount of time, what seemed like ages though as it was a lengthy walk from the forest back to the cabins, they arrived back at camp. Now if he was a "normal" camper here he would more then likely bring her to the infirmary, but his own skills vastly overshadowed the idiots down at the infirmary; so instead he decided to bring her back to the Hecate cabin as there were no serious injuries. Zeke walked up the stairs and into the darkness of the Hecate cabin, placing Alexandria in her own bed as the skeleton began to place all the supplies and coffin back in the correct position. After tucking her in and placing a damp cloth on her forehead to control any form of temperature rise that may occur, he wrote a

Do not be alarmed by the skeleton, it is one of my own that I have placed to keep watch over you. You are back at our cabin, and if you are reading this then you need to stay in bed and recover after that fight you had. Proud of you -Zeke

and placed it on the skeleton that he had watch over her. Not only did Zeke have the power of necromancy, his necromancy skills also allowed him to receive information that the body or skeleton did; so he could tell when she woke up or needed medical attention. And since it was just a human body, it did not take much effort. The plague doctor walked out of the cabin, closing the door on the way out, and began to make his journey to collect something for his sister to intake(eat) once she woke up.


Location: Forest -> Hecate cabin -> Around Camp

Mood: Concerned/Slightly Annoyed

With: Alexandria (@Runakei )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold


Clarissa Greene

Mood: Confused/determined | Location: Inside the Big House transitioning to outside | With: Everyone I guess | Mentions
@Quiet Is Violent @Kingly

The delivery of the prophecy was a strange moment for Clarissa. She was a rare breed among half-bloods in that she had never had any contact with her godly patron. She had hoped at some point he would reveal himself to her but she hadn't heard a word in her 17 years of life. She only hoped he was at least keeping an eye on her, though she wouldn't put it past him if he had forgotten about her completely. She had never really cared. That was until Alissa's eyes began to glow a brilliant green and those other-worldly words left her lips. Clarissa felt the air being sucked from her lungs and her head went light. She felt it, a strange, distant connection to her father. Like hearing a message that had been recorded from another message which had been left on the worlds shittiest answer machine. She recognised the voice. As the prophecy came to a close Clarissa remained where she stood, in a strange mixture of awe, shock and fear. Was there something within those divine words meant for her? Was her father reaching out to her after all? She wanted to spend the rest of the day pondering these questions, and was intent to do so, hardly noticing as the other demi gods flew from the room to aid in the battle outside. She remained in almost a trance, unsure of... Well anything, the prophecy repeating itself inside her head.

It wasn't until the battle drew nearer that she broke out of her daze. She looked up realising she was alone in the room with the oracle as the conflict raged outside. She moved to leave, pausing briefly before doing so to leave a few choice words with the oracle. "
I don't know if you can... But tell dad I said hi." She spoke turning her back on the girl before hesitating once more. "Oh yeah, and he's an asshole."

As opposed to the other demi-gods that had left before her, she literally flew down the stairs, her feet inches from the ground. In the absence of sunlight she could feel her powers weakening so she had to get outside. Emerging from the door of the big house she was relieved to see that the sun hadn't quite set just yet. Though not quite so relieved to see the monsters surrounding them. Pausing to take a deep breath and absorb it's rays, Clarissa leapt into the air, Lux forming in her hands as she did so. Using her abilities she held steady, levitating a solid 30 feet off the ground, one leg bent at the knee as she took in the battle field around her. Digging deeper still into her power reserves, several hard light arrows appeared around her. Plucking one from the air Clarissa drew back her bow and let fly, knocking a stray imp out of a nearby tree. Selecting another, Clarissa hit a hell hound just behind the ear as it chased down a helpless child.

She remained in this vantage point picking off and injuring monsters with swift efficiency before a harpy hit her from behind, sending both of them tumbling to the ground. As they fell Clarissa let out a cry as the claws of the beast dug into her stomach, followed swiftly by a scream as they hit the ground and several of Clarissa's ribs broke from the impact. Fighting the pain and the urge to pass out, a hard light dagger appeared into her palm which she sank into the base of the monster's skull. Using the weapon as a handle the girl rolled on top of the beast and continued to stab the monster again and again. Stumbling to her feet she clutched her side, feeling with the fingers of her free hand where the bones had snapped. A warm orange glow appeared beneath them as the bones moved back into position, clicking against one another. The bones were set in place but it would take more effort to heal than she could afford right now.

Before she could get too comfortable, an injuries cry pierced the already deafening calamity of battle. Her eyes locked on to a camper a couple dozen feet away, curled up on the ground. She turned towards the girl, intent to run toward her when an empousa set its sights on her. A foreign smile came across Clarissa's face, she had been wanting to try this move for a while. Using her powers, Clarissa leapt forwards, launching herself feet first into the beast, a moment before impact, hard light spikes sprang from her feet, piercing the creature's body. Clarissa leapt off of the beast and landed in a roll behind it, missing only the dark pair of sunglasses before she was an actual action hero.

A wave of self loathing hit her again as she remembered the injured goal who she had initially set her sights upon. Turning back to look for her she found a fellow camper trying to carry her to safety. Now that the girl was standing she vaguely recognised her and after a moment's hesitation remembered her name; Ilabelle. Her saviour was a familiar face too, Alexander, everyone knew the children of the big three. Rushing to their aid, Clarissa yelled in order to be heard over the roar of battle. "
Put her on the ground now!". With the boy's help she managed to lay her flat before continuing. "This may take a minute, watch my back." She half ordered, placing her hand's over the girls stomach, not even using her powers at first but simply to try and stop the gushing flow of blood. "You're going to be okay, you're going to be okay, you're going to be okay." Clarissa repeated, half to the poor girl and half to herself. She was almost fully drained but she had enough in her to help. Her fingers began to glow again as the flesh knitted itself back together beneath them. The process took just under the minute she had predicted and by the time she was done the bleeding had stopped and the wound looked as if it had occurred a week or so ago. in other words, not life threatening. "She'll live." She sighed, trying to coax Ilabelle into a sitting position.


Arlo Blumenthal ~ Thalia's Pine ~ With: Vincent


Arlo advanced through, explosions of Golden Dust flying about him as he walked through, smaller monsters and some Empousai getting groggy and hitting the ground as he clutched his shoulder after being hit in the shoulder. He picked up a sword from the many he had laid down at the border of the camp as he stabbed at passed out monsters while others avoided him purposefully, injured yet dangerous as his ability to severely incapacitate their forces wasn't a very popular detail the monster's enjoyed when choosing who to find and kill. He eventually however found him, another injured camper who was on the ground and struggling against a Harpie he was fending off. Arlo walked forward, and looked down at him after being pushed down and he supported Vincent up so he could stand again. As Arlo looked into Vincent's eyes he saw something, something that wasn't just blue, no, it was entirely different shade than his.

As he looked at Vincent he memorized the color of his eyes, blue, like a royal dark one, but not quite navy with streaks of Olive flickering in appearance with the light of fire from small dragons and burning flames of war. He gasped, opening his mouth and letting out a small stutter before he finally spoke. "Need some help?" He asked, breaking away only to see the Harpy Advancing towards him as he held up his recently adopted sword, retiring the Hammer for now as he could only fight with one hand, supporting Vincent in the other. He slashed at the air, the Harpie hissing as he fended it off from the two.

Alex Black


@Clementine (Derick) @Nico (Elijah)/fighting Manticore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.cc5780203c58f83a12745eb0e5cac31e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/33694de57a183b70c03683008bedf333-d88fjsy.png.cc5780203c58f83a12745eb0e5cac31e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Alex kept a safe distance form the beast as he watched his half brothers fight while he dealt with ignoring the pain in his waist. "The fleece was stolen??" He repeated rather astonished by this discovery. He had a million questions to ask, but before he could ask even one he and his brothers needed to deal with the current threat which was this damn manticore. He watched carefully and taking a few deep breaths he held out his hand while he concentrated the best he could on the fight and nothing else (something very hard for him to do). As he did this three diamond started to form next to him. He had to close his eyes to concentrate more something which would have been foolish on any other occasion. However he trusted his brothers more than enough to keep that beast occupied. Hearing that Derick was about to end it Alex kept up forming the diamonds figuring he could give his brother a bit more before he slayed the beast.

It took a moment but soon there were three diamonds were soon formed by his side each very sharp and six inches long. After doing this he opened his eyes and taking one more calming breath shot his hand forward, mentally commanding the brilliant gems to attack. Two of the gems shot forward and embedded themselves into the creatures beautiful eyes while the third one missed it's target and got lodged into a tree. After doing this Alex lowered his hands and was panting a bit as he still felt his wound dripping. "Finish the beast!" He shouted to his brother as he moved back a bit as the manticore rampaged about in pain.



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Kaden Rune

The young demigod knelt down, his breath laboured and blood dripping from a cut on his forehead, running over his eyelid. His a shallow cut in his side from a blade had ripped his black camp shirt a bit of blood stained the shirt. The other side of his body sported a bruise from being slammed into the walls and he had ditched his shoes some time ago. All in all, Kaden was pretty beat up but that didn't stop the joy that lit his face. This fight was so much fun.

He glared at the two Minotuars and T

Four hellhounds that were in front if him through his one open eye. Behind them a few furies and a second Minotaur could be seen returning to Tartarus. The Minotaur stared at the boy. His twin axes at his side ready to be used. The hounds also had their deadly gazes locked on Kaden. They would pounce at any moment and Kaden was all alone.

The boy had been out walking the grounds near the stables when monsters started crossing the boarder. Something that wouldn't have been possible if the fleece was in place. Now Kaden had to deal with this threat, and the he was sure more monsters would be on their way. What a basic strategy the beasts had choosen. While the camp was busy protecting the front, the side was completely exposed. The demigod knew he had to hurry up and end this or else exhaustion would take him and with the possibility of reinforcements on the way, Kaden couldn't afford to hold anything back. He needed to end this and warn the others.

The boy got to his feet, as the hellhounds began to creep forward. They werent attacking. They were waiting him out. Waiting for him to make a mistake or waiting for their back up. Kaden gripped War Ender and closed his eyes and focused.

He suddenly heard a yelping sound and opened his eyes to see a hellhound suspended in the air, a replica of War Ended empaled through its body. The beast burst into dust and the replica took its place at Kaden's back with the other War Ender replicas that had formed in an arc with the points facing outward at his back. This was his favorite technique, War Dance.

Holding the original War Ender in a reverse grip, the boy dashed at the Minotaur, taking advantage of it being surprised by Kaden's ability. The hellhounds bounded back to keep away from the floating blades at his back. The surprise on the bull monster didn't last long thought as the monster swung the ax in its right hand for Kaden's face. The demigod kept moving forward, letting the blade at the right side of his back react and deflect the attack. The Minotaur was wide open and the look of shock painted its face as Kaden jumped up and spun, slicing the monster's head clean off with the motion.

The monster exploded into golden dust and covered Kaden as he landed, his legs buckling slightly. Two of thhe hellhounds charged at him, thinking he was off guard but that was a mistake. Kaden felt his five blades impale the dog like monsters. The boy wiped the blood that had dripped over his eyelid and saw his blades pulling themselves out of their victims, the hounds exploding into dust afterwards. The third hellound had bounded off into the woods. Probably going for reinforcements like he'd predicted.

The replicas took their place at Kaden's back. He was having trouble staying on his feet. Normally after a fight, his stamina would start to return at a rapid pace, but not while using War Dance which consumed stamina all too rapidly. He knew he should stop using the technique but he also knew his job wasn't done. He had to warn the others.

The boy room off for the front gates. His bare feet hitting the dirt as he moved. The first thing he saw was a Hydra with multiple heads. A grin stretch across his face as he got closer. Oh what a day this was turning into.



LOCATION : Thalia's Pine

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

The ravenette winced as someone hoisted him up - his stomach still hurts like a bitch but he was thankful to whoever helped him stand. Clutching the area where the pain was concentrated in the most, he let the coldness of his ice-based abilities pass through his fingers to the spot that he knew would bruise anyway despite his makeshift cold compress. But he really had no choice in the matter, not when they were in the middle of an all-our predator versus prey war.

" T-Thanks -- " Vincent started, glancing at his savior, but the face that greeted him abruptly stopped his train of thought. The male was candidly staring at him, and somehow, even if their lives were in danger and there was a dulling pain that settled in his gut, Vincent forgot to breathe and just focused his attention at the other teen. Even in the growing darkness, his blonde hair shone brighter than the Golden Fleece ( if it was any normal situation, Vincent would have said something across the lines of this teen's hair being the perfect replacement for the missing Fleece ), and the sapphires that stared at him held as much shock, but Vincent oddly thought that it didn't suit him, because the shock from the other teen dulled what he guessed would be a bright glint that he could compare any day to the bluest of the breath-taking icicles from the glacier caves on winter days.

" Holy gods, Vince. You really have time for this? " A voice in his head told him, and he wasn't quite sure if it was his. Somehow, it almost seemed like his berating, grumpy icicle of a half-sister, but then again, her voice always seems to be the one he mentally projects whenever he's judging himself, like he is now. He was sure that Khione didn't want to enter his mind, anyway. Or chastise him for anything stupid he ever did ( joke's on her - he didn't do much idiocy ).

The shock from seeing the lad made Vincent only focus on the barest of thoughts.
" You could say that. " he mutters, glancing his eyes away as he feels his cheeks grow a little warm. He couldn't believe that (1) he got one-upped by a Fury ( then again they were really powerful and he did get a few points from his attacks before ), and (2) he had the audacity to spout out some weird poetic... things in his mind just from a single glance.

The Fury swooped in again after being thrown back a bit by Arlo's defense. The pain started to fade to a mere annoyance, and that was all that Vincent needed. He deftly pulled back from the disadvantage of being helped ( staggering a bit, but he could care less ) and blew freezing winds at the Fury's direction. She was getting even more annoyed at being blown back again and again, that much he could tell.
" Well, thanks and all, but lil' Miss Batface is waiting for dinner time. " he oddly states with a calm tone, though his stance hardly reflected his words. The Fury in the air, after all, began whipping her weapon again, sending sparks flying ( Vincent didn't even realize how... ironic that was ).

Great. Just great. Fire really was the last thing he wanted right now.
" Oh great, more fire. Just so you know, I'm not Olaf. " Vincent sarcastically complains as he narrowly avoids the tongue of fire from the whip's end being flicked in front of him. Honestly, if that... creature in front of him didn't have her fire whip, he'd probably fare much better.

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Rais Nyman

Mood:FUCK YEAH|Location:Thalia's Pine|With:
@Angel Evans

After hearing Ai's command, Rais grinned and licked his lips before making a full tilt headlong sprint into the monster before him. It was large, but not large enough to resist the Ares child. Rais growled at it, it responding with a confused face before it toppeled over, a sword in it's belly.
"Loverboy!" He yelled to Ai. "He's ours now baby!" He said, grinning from ear to ear. He dragged the sword down its stomach, and the beast swung at him, getting a good rip out of his chest. The injury only seemed to make Rais stronger, like he was sapping energy from it. His brown eyes began to glow a dull, pulsing red, and as he looked up, he saw victory.

Alexander James Fuller


Location: The battle -> Sprinting down hill | Interacts: @Quiet Is Violent @Starchan @Allcure

Alex crouched down slightly so the little girl can climb on to his back, though he never took his eyes off the Chimera. He kept his shield out in front and his trident pointed at it, all the way in a defensive stance making sure nothing would hurt the girl. He knew how much strength it must have taken with severe injuries like that to climb on to his back, and it pained his heart that he couldn't just carry her out at that moment. But he had to deal with the Chimera first before he would be able to leave.

He felt the girls head bury into his neck, a small whimper coming from her body as she whispered to herself to ignore the pain. She was just about the strongest little girl he had ever met, and he felt another wave of protectiveness over her. The trident spurred another burst of rage in him as Alex himself gritted his teeth and bore his shield and trident, preparing for the now charging Chimera.

Alex pulled his elbow back, ready to stab this Chimera with the force of the gods when all of a sudden it came to a stop. Buckling in frustration, trying to get something off of it's head. It didn't take long for Alex to figure out what was going on as the Chimera's skin cracked and fell apart like ash. The life had literally been sapped from the Chimera, nothing left of it's monstrous body but ashes. Alex had adrenaline pumping through him, angry that he wasn't going to finish the Chimera off himself. He let out a battle cry, a human roar at the death of the chimera, though as he remembered the little girls legs wrapped around his stomach to keep her held up, he felt some of the blood-thirsty rage go away.

He turned his head slight to hers,
"Hang in there Ila, hang in there." He whispered as gently as he could. His eyes began to scan the battlefield, it was truly chaos. He watched monsters and Demi-gods locked in battle for their very lives, some demi-gods reigning victorious over the monsters, and others not so fortunate. It wasn't until he looked to his left, holding Ila's legs up with both arms now his weapons out in front of her that he noticed a body sliding before it smashed into a tree. It was Ember, unconscious in a field of monsters. "EMBER!" He shouted out, noting how she had used her powers to drain the Chimera, and how much it would have drained her in the process.

Another camper sprinted up to them, a girl who's face he took a moment to match with a name. It was Clarissa and she was here to help Ila. Though Alex was torn, he had to defend Clarissa's back while she healed Ila, though Ember was unconscious across from him. Alex kept his eyes locked on Ember, making sure no monster was coming near her while at the same time he stayed tight to Clarissa and Ila's body. It wasn't until he got the okay from Clarissa that in a split second he was in a full dash for Ember's body.
"WATCH HER!" Alex shouted out to Clarissa, he made note to thank her later.

Another hound bounded towards them both as Alex neared the tree, though Alex was in full defensive mode and he wasn't going to let anything touch his girls. The massive Hound jumped at Alex dumbly. A lesser hellhound wasn't as intelligent as a Chimera. All Alex had to do was jump back from the Hellhounds charge before running up to it, recovering from it's missed leap. He smashed the side of his shield into the Hellhounds large head, causing it a stun before Alex angrily jabbed his trident into it's neck three times in rapid succession. He then spun back around in front of the Hellhound angling the pointed back of the trident towards it's neck, the momentum of the spin carrying the trident deep into the other side of the Hellhounds neck, and sending it's massive body back to Tartarus in dust.

Alex panted over Ember's body after taking out the next hellhound, though constant training had conditioned his body to push through it's boundaries in battle. He sent his shield back to it's regular form as well as his trident so he would be able to carry her body. He quickly bent down and scooped her up into his arms, checking behind him and making sure no more creatures were charging at him. Once it was clear, he planted a kiss on her forehead, in thanks for killing the Chimera and in his own reassurance that he was there for her. He then turned and sprinted back to Clarissa and Ila, a frenzy in his eyes as he shouted.
"COME ON, TO THE INFIRMARY!" Nodding for her to take Ila, before turning and sprinting down the hill.
Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-7_14-44-52.png.ba147b713c03a1972bdca95421cb2cf2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-7_14-44-52.png.ba147b713c03a1972bdca95421cb2cf2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Outside of camp l Mentions: @Kingly @Allcure

Ilabelle felt someone touch her and she moaned. Almost everything hurt. Why? She couldn't remember. All she knows is that she is being moved. To where? No idea. By whom? No idea. Each movement was met with a sob of agony, the little girl being weak and badly injured.

She feels herself against the ground and moans quietly. "Alex... what..." There's hands on her wounds and she practically screams, her back arching off the ground in pain. The pain only grew worse. As the person started to heal her, Ilabelle felt tears streaming down her face as she screamed and pleaded for them to stop. The minute was agonizingly long, and felt more like an hour to the thirteen-year-old. When it stopped, it didn't really. The sharp pain left behind a dulled ache in her ribs. It was only slightly better than before.

The small girl felt herself being propped into a sitting position, but each movement felt like fire. She sobbed in pain, her face almost the color of her deep red hair. "Please..." She whispered, one hand finding her savior's shirt and gripping it loosely. "Please don't let them hurt Alex... Please..." Ilabelle looked up to find a vaguely familiar face. Clare? Clara? Something like that. An Apollo kid. "Please, I can't let them hurt him..." The little girl was slowly giving in to the urge to pass out. The pain was too much. "Clare... I... I can't let him get hurt, please don't let him get hurt!"



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Arlo Blumenthal ~ Thalia's Pin ~ With: Elsa


Arlo looked at the Harpy as it flew forward, whipping its whip of fire at the two boys. Arlo retaliated, raising his sword as the whip winded its way around the metal blade. The whip tightened as Arlo raveled it further, smiling at the Harpie as he pulled it forward. Before the Harpie could react it was sent flying forward towards him as he pierced the Blade straight through it's chest cavity, and then the Harpie exploded into another pile of golden dust laying at Arlo's feet. The boy turned to Vincent, letting out a small sigh before he smiled a much more soft, innocent and well-meaning smile at the other boy, unlike the malicious one he gave the harpie. "Yeah, I figured you weren't an Olaf....I pegged you as more of an Elsa."


Zeke had acquired the foods he needed to feed his sister, he did not know if she would like them but they would help fight the fatigue and exhaustion when she woke up. Turkey sandwich, Goji berries, and water as the fluid. Simple and light was the perfect remedy for what aled her. After existing the eating barracks he began his slow walk back to the Hecate cabin when something caught his eyes in the every growing darkness, his eyes drawn to something coming down the hills. He focused his vision, thankfully his eyes in the suit gave him night vision, and saw multiple campers inbound, one carrying an extremely hurt individual. After a few mere moments, he judged it to be Illabele of Lachesis being carried by Alexander of Poseidon. Illabelle was obviously hurt to the point of not being able to walk, that was quite serious. He debated within his own mind for a few minutes before finally acting.

"ALEXANDER!" He yelled loudly to get his attention, his voice carrying itself at a surprising rate. "BRING ILABELLE TO THE HECATE CABIN! TREATMENT IS FASTER AND HIGHER QUALITY! HURRY! ANYONE ELSE WOUNDED AS WELL!" Zeke finish, doing his best to get their attention. The fools down at the infirmary would only try to use their useless mundane magic to treat her outside wounds, but not cleaning would be done with them. No internal examination. They would help now, but risk further pain and suffering in the future. Zeke, although he did take longer to treat then magic, made sure his treatment was complete and without flaw. Hopefully Alexander would get the message. And with that, Zeke hurried over to his cabin to continue looking after his sister; along with preparing for potential additional patients.

Location: Barracks -> Outside -> Hecate Cabin

Mood: Neutral/Concerned -> Helpful(?)

With: Alexander (
@Kingly ), Illabelle (@Quiet Is Violent ) &Anyoen else running with them.

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold





LOCATION : Thalia's Pine

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures ( #oHMYGODS )

At Arlo's little quip following his slip of the tongue, Vincent grew so shocked that his jaw actually dropped, as well as his sword, leaving him defenseless and a gaping fish. He didn't know if it was due to him spouting another needless Disney reference again that he didn't catch this time, or the fact that Arlo not only replied to it with a Disney reference of his own, but even compared him to
Elsa, of all people.

Well, he figured that he was due to be compared to her, anyway.

After the shock came the outright blushing, though, again, he wasn't sure of the reason why. Was it because of embarassment, or because Arlo was smiling at him and he looks
so damn handsome? Okay okay, back the fuck up Vincent - you're in the middle of a battle, why the hell are you thinking of how the Hypnos kid is so charming? What the hell is wrong with your head today?

" N-No kidding. What gave it away, the ice coming out from my fingers or me not being bothered by the cold? " he answers, his sardonic tongue biting again, though he's lost the lost of the composure he usually has when he normally speaks. Why the hell was he making the Disney situation worse ( he referenced it again, no surprise there ), and why was he so flustered, anyway? By the gods, he's going mental. This is the effect of that Oracle's prophecy, he was sure of it ( not really ).

Hellhounds surrounded the two, but they were mere distractions for him. Compared to a Fury or maybe a Chimera or a Hydra, they were just small fry.
" 'Scuse me for a moment. " he mentions, before pointing at the hellhounds. A moment later, their feet were absolutely frozen, rendering them unable to move. His sword, Frostbite, was lifted by a cool gust of air ( his doing, of course, because of his aerokinesis ), lifting it up from the ground that had started to freeze due to the sword's characteristics. The weapon flew sideways to the hellhounds, essentially skewering them and turning them to dust as Frostbite went through them like hot knife through butter.

The sword flew back to his hands, and by then, Vincent was sure he'd calmed down as he felt the familoar iciness of the sword. He has an Ice Prince street cred, damnit, and no cute guy with an equally cute smile and a Disney reference should destroy that.
" That's thanks for helping me. " he simply says, though he left the part about the Fury out. That was supposed to be his revenge, but then again, maybe he wasn't strong enough yet to face those creatures on his own. But that time will come, he's sure of it.

Vincent surveyed the battlefield - the only annoyance left in their side of the battle was the Hydra, which ingested Derek. He could honestly help, but they were gonna deal with fire, and that wasn't something he'd enjoy much. Still, it was a duty, so he really should.

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Alexandria Moore

Location: Hecate Cabin | With: Zeke | Mentions: @Federoff

Having been dragged to her home cabin from the woods, Quietly she'd peek her eyes open only find her brother at her bed-rest helping those she could not. A pained smirk came from her before she attempted to push herself up so she was propped up against the headboard of her bed, though, that would be about as far as she got as the room had already begun spinning once more.

Looking to her brother she'd say faintly, "
What happened to the Minotaur?" her words were dry much like her throat as she looked around in hopes to find something to drink and luckily found a whole meal added along. Not one who was picky to eat she chowed down like a someone who had been neglected any food or water for several days. That alone was a sign as to how much of her mana she had drained during a fight, even with just two advanced level spells. She was left drained and dehydrated and probably would have ended up dead had her brother not found her.

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Arlo Blumenthal ~ Thalia's Pine ~ With: Vincent


Arlo nodded, walking forward with him as he saw Vincent slay the various monsters which appeared before the two of them. He pulled out his lucerne hammer, getting a second wind as he still looked, a bit amazed by how Vincent could so easily kill all of those monsters by himself using his demi-god abilities. He also chuckled at how his original expression gave so much away, and how he appeared so flustered by Arlo's original comment. After the ruckus of Vincet fending off the Hellhounds around the two of them, Arlo approached him, and stayed a bit close under the pretense of 'being safe', but really he was still just captivated by Vincent, and how easily he was one of the most interesting people Arlo had met so far at Camp Half blood, at least, one of the funniest. As he approached him, he tried to keep talking, desperate even though they were in a battle zone, and it wasn't appropriate, he simply had to. "Do you ever stop to think, and then forget to start again?" he aske,d quoting Winnie the Pooh.

Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_o1j1hwSNn71v6pp7io1_500.gif.55fa1475203b7be357c7049a4ea81c54.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_o1j1hwSNn71v6pp7io1_500.gif.55fa1475203b7be357c7049a4ea81c54.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Battlefield -> Hecate cabin | Interactions: @Allcure @Starchan @Quiet Is Violent @Federoff

Alexander hurried down the hill with Ember in his arms, looking down to her unconscious body in hope she would awake soon. He heard the cries of agony and roars of the battle behind him, and almost felt a pang of guilt for leaving his fellow campers to fight without him. But saving the lives that still could be saved were just as much a part of the fight as anything else.

Alex heard someone shouting his name as he whipped his head around to see the son of Hecate. He raised a brow at him, his name being well known for his treatments after quests or capture the flag days. Alex bit down on the inside of his lip, the boy Zeke was odd, though his treatments were undoubtedly good. Alex didn't know a damn thing when it came to healing others except that his wounds healed a hell of a lot faster when he was swimming through water. Alex yelled out for Clarrisa's attention from across him, who was holding Ila in her arms. He saw Ila thrashing, she was pleading with Clarissa for something but Alex couldn't hear from there. He wished he had four arms so he could carry both of them at once.

Instead he motioned for Clarissa to go to the Hecate cabin, just as Zeke had recommended and they were off. It didn't take long for them to reach the cabin, they stepped in with a rush, Alex was panting at how quickly he was moving to get them help. Alex didn't even wait for any instructions, he quickly set Ember down on the nearest bed, planting another kiss on her forehead before he turned to Ila, stepping over to the Clarissa holding her and nodding in thanks. Alex wasn't one who had a way with words when it came to thanking people, though the gratitude for her he showed in his eyes was undeniable.

He took Ila from Clarissa's own arms, not caring if Ila felt okay to walk or not yet for he wanted her to be in bed resting as well. He smiled softly to her, laying her down on the next closest bed, not caring which child of Hecate slept in it.
"What a day huh?" Alex said trying to keep his same fearless face on. But his heart was filled with worry, for the both of them. It didn't matter what kind of doctor or healer he was with, he was still worried sick. He looked over to both of his girls, before turning his head to Zeke. "Let's see what you got then doc." He joked, though there was no humor in his tone. He glanced longingly at the entryway, wanting to be back in battle among his fellow campers. Though he did not want to leave either of the two alone, nor was he going to. Until, he remembered his own sister Vyseria who may be on that field fighting.



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Ilabelle Amora Darren


Location: Hecate Cabin l With: Alex @Kingly , Zeke @Federoff , Ember @Starchan , and Clarissa @Allcure

Ilabelle started to spasm. She couldn't help what her muscles were doing. It occurred to her that she had hit her head pretty hard when the hellhound tossed her earlier. She was thrashing against Clarissa, pleading at her to help Alex, help her, do anything but sit there. Ilabelle felt herself leave the ground and every muscle froze. Did she just die? No, she didn't. She's being carried. Where? Why? What is happening? The world spins, darkness starts to slowly creep in from Ilabelle's peripheral. What is happening? What is...

After treatment

Voices reached Ilabelle's ears softly, much like the tweeting of birds reaches ears as the sun rises in the morning. Her eyes opened lethargically. She must have passed out. Or maybe she was dreaming. All she could tell was that Alex was above her, and seeing his face was enough to make Ilabelle break down. She started to sob, relieved but still afraid. Alex was okay. He was alive. But was he? What if this is what happens after she dies? Her soul stays in her body until Hermes comes, and until then she has to watch all that happens around her? It didn't matter. Ilabelle was too tired and weak to make sense of her surroundings.All she knew was Alex was there, and he was safe, and as long as Alex was there everything was going to be okay. No matter how much pain she was in, Alex would make things okay. Right?
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Zeke entered the darkness of the Hecate cabin and back into comfort, what a great feeling the darkness gave. He had no time to bask in it's glory though, sadly, as he would soon have injured guests and would have to treat them fast. Firstly though, as it was his top priority, was to check up on his little sister. She had come to and it was obvious she was still in great pain from the fight she had just participated in. He sat down next to her on the bed before helping her sit up before offering the food, which she began to chow down upon. "It's good to see your awake and doing well Alexandria, this food will naturally help fight your fatigue" the plague doctor gentleman assured her with a small smile of relief hidden behind his mask, followed up by a chuckle after her question. "You did some nasty work with him" Zeke chuckled before reaching for the horn and holding it up to her, "All that's left of the head, doesn't get no deader then that" he reassured his little sister before looking over to his skeleton for a few moments and then back to Alexandria. "We will be having guests soon that I must treat, you need to stay in bed and rest for a while. If you need anything just ask it of my skeleton and it will obey" the boy explained to his little sister before standing up, getting ready for the visitors. As he walked away to his table he looked back, "Oh yes, you two have never officially met. Alexandria, meet my dad. Your step grandfather." he chuckled lightheartedly.

Luckily for Zeke his medical supplies that he took out when venturing onto the battlefield were placed in close proximity to him by his skeleton, which proved to be a smart decision now as company came bursting through the door. One person was put on his bed and the other on the operating table, as those were the only beds in the cabin outside of his sisters. "Let us begin old chap" he muttered to himself, starting with the one who looked to have the major wounds.

"Slash marks to the rib-cage, marks suggest hell hound" he spoke in an analytical tone, his process already beginning as his eyes scanned for every little detail he could fine. Before he could begin anything, she began to spasm violently. "Crap" was the first thing out of his mouth, and like a ninja his two hands went to the edge of the other side and pulled out two leather straps; securing them to his side within a matter or mere moments. Zeke then quickly reached to his belt and pulled out a syringe, dipping it into a vial that contained his pain medicine that would quickly usher in healing warmth to her body. He pierced her shoulder and delivered 1/10 of the total syringe, that being a sufficient amount for a girl of her statue. "Good, that will keep her from spasm and release her of pain" the man narrated himself, keeping Alexander and the others notified of the status. Zeke quickly switched over to the tap, gathering water and quickly returning to Ilabelle and took off her medical wrap, then began to pour it over her wounds with one hand while picking at the debris stuck in the wounds along with dead tissue. After this was complete, he took a towel and began to dry it and blot it before snapping his fingers and pointing at the cabinet to the right of the right Coffin standing straight up next to the door. "Bring me my stitching equipment, including the thread, stitches, scissors, and tweezers" Zeke commanded the boy and girl, having no time to care who he was talking to. If he wanted his treatment, he would just have to suck it up.

After receiving the equipment Zeke waster no time and put the thread into the skin and began to pull the edges of the wound together and for each stitch, loop thread through either side of the cut and tie a knot to hold the wound closed. He repeated the process until each wound was completely closed shut. He sighed, good that was one down. He placed his equipment down before getting and damping it with cold water before placing the towel over Ilabelle's forehead, "Keep an eye on her for the next couple of weeks, if she has a temperature of over 100 or red streaks around her wounds then come seek me immediately" Zeke advised Alexander before moving onward to his next patient; Ember. Child of Hades.

He walked towards the girl, examining her for any signs of wounds. No major ones on the front, so he flipped her onto her back and lifted up her shirt, skid marks. "Child's play" he commented to himself in a muttered voice before bringing over another wet towel and wash her wounds, applying an antibiotic ointment afterwards and ending it all with medical bandaging on her back. "Done" Zeke stated before moving back to Illabelle and throwing away the old medical wrap, returning once more to Ember. She was exhausted, just like sister, and so searched his mind for a solution. He went stiff and silent for a few minutes before returning back to reality. He turned back over to Alexander, "I need you to go over to the barracks, procure these ingredients for them to consume upon awakening" he stated before handing him a piece of paper with different items on it. He then turned to Clarrisa, daughter of Apollo, "Clarissa, Daughter of Apollo, I need you to look through my Cabinet on the left side next to the Left Coffin and bring me my container with a Minotaur heart in i, ambrosia, and Coelacanth scales" the gentleman asked of her in a more light tone then what he had addressed Alexander with.

Finally, after obtaining the items from Clarissa, he moved them to the small table that had nothing on it and placed them down, bringing with him one more key ingredient. He took the heart slightly out of the contained and cut off a small patch of it, quickly tightening and sealing the container once more to keep the heart intact and usable for later on, then crushed up the scales and ambrosia. He then mixed it all into a fine powder, the poured some of the blood into another vial before adding the powder into the new vial, jotting down the recipe before moving onward; hoping for the best. Under normal circumstances, in these situations, he would not try anything like this but since the blood belonged to a sibling, perhaps it would help. Zeke reached for another syringe and drew some of the concoction, then walked over to the unconscious Ember and injected her in the shoulder with the substance. Here goes nothing he thought to himself.

"I have done all I can do at this moment, for now we wait" Zeke stated before placing the syringe down and walking back over to his sisters bed, sitting down next to her and placing his metallic yet soft hands on her forehead to check for any fever. "And how are you feeling dear sister? he queered of her, it seemed that the whole situation no longer existed to the boy when he spoke to her. All his attention was on his sister for the moment.

  • Goji Berries
  • Oates
  • Salmon or Turkey


Location: Hecate Cabin

Mood: Relieved -> Work mode -> Questioning

With: Alexandria (@Runakei ), Alexander (@Kingly ), Ilabelle (@Quiet Is Violent ), Clarissa (@Allcure )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold


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LOCATION : Thalia's Pine

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

" D-Did he just... quote Pooh? " Vincent thinks, incredulous, as he chokes at the sentence thrown at him. His face turned fifty shades of red with shame, and if it wasn't for his quick save, his sword probably was dropped to the ground by his clumsy hands. Again. Oh gods, this is NOT a good time for this... whatever it is! Vincent knew he had to focus, because there was still the imminent danger of them being outside without the barrier protecting them, but Zeus forbid he had to get distracted by Arlo. Not just his little injections of Disney quotes - everything about him was distracting the camp's resident Jack Frost!

He cradled his face with his free hand, masking his attempt to hide his face with a facepalm.
" You really have time to quote movies in this situation? You're mad. Bonkers. Absolutely off your head. " he admonishes, realizing the complete irony of his words only a second later... but the gods be damned if he admit it. A sigh followed the statement, though he knew it was more to calm himself rather than to express his supposed opinion. He knew he had to clear his mind while they were still in danger of being eaten or maimed or dying ( hopefully nothing of those three happens... ), but someone was messing him up. If he was a Child of Aphrodite, it would've been okay and perfectly understandable, but he didn't have that excuse this time. It was annoying... and somewhat reassuring. Wait, reassuring?

The pain from before started returning from his stomach - obviously a cold compress for a few minutes wasn't going to cut it. That Fury from before
did kick hard, and with the monster's strength, it was a miracle that he didn't break a few bones or got his guts crushed or something. Vincent was sure, however, that later on he'll find a nice, purply splotch that's gonna make things like laughing a tad difficult. He winced from the pain, though tried his best to not let it show.

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