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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)


Vyseria Castwell

Mood: Kill this bitch!| Location: Outside the Big House| With: Derek,Serena and Sam @Yuuki Kuran @9forgotten

Vyseria watched in horror as Derek jumped down the throat of the beast. A plan!? How was that a plan!? She was getting more and more aggravated as she fought on the hydra's heads. One finally knocked her off of Vanora's back and on to the ground. "Okay, now I'm pissed." She grunted gathering herself back to her feet. She charged, now on the ground she slid under the hydra and chopped of one of its legs. The beast screeched, but it still must of not been enough to kill it.

She peered over to see her cousin Sam fighting off a fury. Carefully evading the hydra's flames while it cried out from its recent limb loss, Vyseria stabbed through the fury's back and it bursted into golden dust. "Help? But you were doing so well on your own!" Vyseria said in a sarcastic tone with a sly smile while extending a hand to help her up.

Now they still had to kill this damn thing. Vyseria readied her sword, and charged in again.


Derrick Emerson

Mood: Vengeful- Panic | Location: Docks- throughout the camp- Hecate Cabin | With: Elijah Emerson, Alex Black , Ember, Alexander and Zeke @Nico @Peaceswore @Starchan @Kingly @Federoff

Fighting beside his brothers was a rush. All he has trained for, to this very moment. Derrick has killed many monsters, but it really meant something this time. He was protecting his home, and his family.

This thing was done for. With a swift swing of his swords he beheaded the manticore sending golden dust flying into the air. "
Okay, this one down, let's go inward into the camp" he directed to his brothers.

As they ran towards the heart of the camp, he vaguely made out his best friend holding the collapsed body of his sister. "
No, no, no!!" Derrick said horrified. Another sibling he wasn't there to protect. He looked to his brothers, "Ember!!" He cried out running towards the Hecate cabin. Derrick sliced through a harpy and Phantom caught the second one in his teeth ripping it to shreds on his frantic way to the cabin.

Finally making it into the cabin, he busted through the door. The same glowing green eyed face of horror as earlier when he was in the infirmary looking over Elijah. Ember was obviously unconscious. He looked over to Alexander, he looked like a nervous wreak, he hugged his dearest friend tightly then straighten his arms to look at him. "
What happened?" He asked with intense concern written all over his face. He was so relieved to see them alive.

Ai Ferri

Mood:Triumphant| Location:In the sky| With: @Starchan

Ai's eyes flashed a bright pink. A secret known only to himself is how much of a huge nerd Ai actually was. Whenever he was in battle his concept of reality slightly warped,everything looked as if he was in an anime and the main character was him. Ai watched as Rais savagely tore he beast down its chest ripping it to shred's. Ai licked his lips deductively,violence was oh so sexy. As Ai was about to prepare to attack he felt a sharp pain in his left arm and right leg. Ai looked down to see blood gushing from opened wound caused by two arrows,in his peripheral vision Ai could see a group of telkhines wielding bow's and cheering with glee upon hitting the beautiful male.

Lux screeched in anger upon seeing his friend injured,but Ai just smiled. "It's okay Lux,it's all apart of the show" he said grimly. Ai staggered back to his feet and wriggled his nose,the ring becoming a twin set of razor sharp fans one engraved with the symbol of the Apollo the sun and the other with the symbol of the Artemis the moon. "Rais! Watch me!" He said cheerfully as the blood continued to gush from his wounds. Lux flipped and shot even higher in the air,and then rolled into a nose dive. Lux's incredible wing carried the two at incredible speeds towards the battlefield,about 25ft until impact Ai used his long leg's to jump off of the hippogriff's back. Ai being the only one in camp that used fans in battle,it was always a sight to see when Ai fought. Graceful and nimble,Ai opened the fan engraved with the sun it's razor sharp tip gleaming in the sun and threw them. "Fury of the sun god!" He thought to himself as he threw the fan. Yes Ai name's his attacks,so what?! The fan whirled faster and faster as it cut cleanly through the group of telkhines banishing them back to the depths of Tartarus. When he landed Ai was showered in golden monster dust and wild look in his eyes as he reveled in victory. "Did you see that Rais?! Never underestimate any of Aphrodite's children,got it?"
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Serena managed to gather her thoughts long enough to stab the strange centaur through the back and out through his chest. "Well, now my knife is covered in acid, but it'll still work. It should be fine, right?" She asked Chiron as their enemy crumpled to dust.

"I recommend having someone from Cabin Nine (Hephaestus) look at it, but to me, it looks just fine." Chiron placed a large hand on her head and smiled. "Now, I must help the others. Thank you, child." He heard someone say something about a plan and went to investigate.

Derek, from the inside of the hydra, nearly gagged due to how cramped he was and the foul stench of past demigods getting eaten like a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

"Okay, ya stupid lizard! Time ta end this!" He had Keravnos out by this time. "Father, give me strength. Prove to me that you're listening!" Suddenly, Kervanos reached maximum power and the inside of the hydra started to light up like fireworks.

The hydra stopped moving and looked down immediately, wondering what was going on with its body.

"ALRIGHT! THANK THE GODS! DEREK'S ALIVE!" Serena shouted over the roaring of other monsters. A gurgling sound came from the beast and Derek shot up out of the beast as it exploded, his insides flying everywhere.

Derek fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious. Kervanos landed a few feet from him.

"I'll kill you!" Serena threatened. "Not now." Chiron placed his staff in her path, stopping the girl. He too was covered in essence of fire breathing beast.

Arlo Blumenthal ~ Thalia's Pine ~ With: Vincent


Arlo looked at the other male and nodded at his accosting. He looked down to the ground, trying to keep his mind focused and steady while they were still in battle. Arlo looked up at him, the ravenette looking away as he winxed, looking at the spot where he was kicked by the stray Harpy. Arlo walked over, and after seeing him wince he tried not speaking, and not interfering with the cold and aloof ice Prince, but he simply couldn't. He looked over, and looked at Vincent with the most innocent and apologetic expression he could muster as his Sky Blues met his deep frozen ones, and he spoke up again. "All the best people are."

He took something out of his pocket, a small sliver of Ambrosia and held it up for Vincent go see. He then placed it in his hands, closing Vincents palms around the piece of healing food. "I pocketed it from a nasty encounter I had with a tree that landed me in the Infirmary. Take it, my shoulder is much less pressing than your Stomach."

Alexandria Moore

Location: Hecate Cabin | With: Zeke | Mentions: @Federoff

Eventually, most of her strength would return allowing her to push herself to her feet without her vision going fuzzy. Looking around she'd hear her brother and simply nod, "
I feel better... Thank you brother." leaning down she'd finish the rest of her water and motion over to him, "Is there anything I can help with? I am lacking my magical abilities... But anything physical?"

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Zeke smiled lightly underneath his mask at his sister quick ability to already want to be up and running, so much energy these people had. "Just get better is all I can ask for" he replied to his little sister before getting back up and patting her on the head, chuckling lightly as he did so. He walked over to the new boy that had just burst into his cabin, frantically talking and moving at a hyperactive speed. He placed a hand on Derricks shoulder, "First of all, Derrick, I would like you not to destroy our cabin, and secondly~" he paused before snapping, his skeleton moving towards the door to close it "~remember to close the door" Zeke removed his arm from his shoulder before continuing to speak, walking over to the unconscious bodies. "Your sister should be alright, nothing more serious then a mild case of road rash and exhaustion after using her powers. Ilabelle, on the other hand, will make it through as well, but I will require her to see me weekly to check on the stitching" Zeke brought Derrick up to speed, his hands now behind his back with fingers laced as he examined the unconscious girls, his gentleman cross plague doctor voice shinning through once more, to check to see if breathing was irregular. "You have your friends to thank for bringing them here as quickly as they did, they also made for excellent assistants" he remarked wholeheartedly without turning away from his patients, Ilabelle was truly lucky to be able to arrive so soon after injury.

Location: Hecate Cabin

Mood: Over doting -> irritated -> Neutral

With: Alexandria (@Runakei ), Alexander (@Kingly ), Ilabelle (@Quiet Is Violent ), Clarissa (@Allcure ), Derrick (@Clementine )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold

Rais Nyman

Mood:Fearless|Location:Fucking up monsters|With:
@Angel Evans

Between the hypnotic fighting of Ai, the shredding across his chest, and the few monsters left in the massacre, Rais couldn't contain himself. He began to rise up, his form instantly swelling, and swelling, until he was shrouded in an aura of ghostly red, his newly grown muscles pulsing with every breath. The monster he stood on top of suddenly rose with him, as if it was being controlled. It growled and snapped at him, making a lunge for the Ares child. Rais was prepared though, and when the beast charged, he gripped onto it's face.It was so angry, it tried to take the boy into it's mouth several times, but every time, Rais bucked into it. Now blinded, the creature ran straight forward, happily into one of it's allies. To avoid being squished, the Ares son back flipped from the crash, landing behind the beast he rode on. The two butted heads so hard, they both dropped instantly and quietly. A power hungry and bloodthirsty grin appeared on Rais's face, his eyes turning the same red as his aura. The aura pulsed, growing bigger, gaining power from the young boy's boy. As a son of Ares, the war god, Rais could sap the last living life from a creature, and take it for himself. As he finished, he began breathing heavily, looking over at Ai. He heard him as clear as day though the fight, which befuddled Rais slightly. "I wasn't planning on doubting you babe, you're pretty fucking vicious! Great job!" He yelled, standing atop of another tree stump. From his increased height, he had a better vantage point, and from where he was standing, he could see almost nothing but death. The attack was almost over, a few monsters still alive. "By gods, I hope Hades doesn't come around.." He growled, making his way back to the child of Aphrodite.

Ember Moreau

Mood:Nostalgic-Confused|Location:Infirmary-The Underworld|With: Hades
@Kingly @Clementine @Quiet Is Violent @Federoff @Runakei

Ember didn't wake up. But, she felt like something was pulling her away in the darkness. She felt a cold hand grip hers and pull her away, almost out of her body. When she turned back, she saw herself, lying on a table with all of her friends. Anger filled her eyes, no tears, fear, or curiosity. Anger. "What Tararus is the meaning of this?!" She yelled at the shadowy figure that gripped her hand tightly and was dragging her down what looked to be..home? Ember felt the familiar rock underneath her bare feet, smelt the same smell of sulfur and burnt flesh in her nostrils which always repulsed her, and felt the same heat she loved when she lived in the Underworld. There was no mistake, she was at home. But why? The figure let out a gurgling laugh at her realization, and it pulled her close. Ember smacked into it's cold form, it picking her up with ease. "Did you come to bring me back home?" She asked, wondering if her father had sent for her.It let out a laugh again, and suddenly, Ember was in the most important place in the Underworld for her. Her childhood bedroom. The same dark wooden bed was there, the dark purple sheets, posters on the walls, and the same father that always sat on her bed at night. From within the arms of the entity, she tried to wrench away, reaching her hand out to her father. He gripped her hand, instead of it being cold, it was boiling hot. "My little girl. So nice to see you, my burning Ember." He spoke in a soft tone, which wasn't normal for Hades, but she went with it. "Da- .. Father. Why did you bring me here?" The girl questioned, jumping out of the arms of the spirit and onto the floor.

Hades looked different, more like a teenager himself, his features bright and yet still dark, his eyes a dark purple, his hair jet black. His skin was the colour of ivory, and his clothes were formal, like a tuxedo you would wear at prom. But if you looked close, it had moving faces on it, faces of the souls of the damned. He smiled, baring his glowing white teeth, and atop his head, he wore his famed helm. He looked at his daughter with pride, but his eyes carried more than death, more then regret. Though he looked like a teenager, Hades bore many years along his features, and had lived through much more than his siblings.
"Ember. My glowing daughter, I brought you here for two things." He sighed, running a hand in front of his child. She was pulled closer to the god, and could now see the faces more clearly. "My child, I regret to let you know that your mother resides with me now. She killed herself last night, along with several nurses. She cracked. I'm sorry." His hand held hers in it, his touch surprisingly warm. "I also want to thank you for using the power I bestowed upon you. It was never a curse, my child, and I am so proud of you." He said, his form beginning to shift."Say hello to your brothers for me, and stay burning!" He shouted, before he was only an echo in Ember's head.

She awoke to many familiar faces, but when she opened her eyes, they were jet black.

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Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.be9951e36fc32df918c15f1400716226.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.be9951e36fc32df918c15f1400716226.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Inside Hecate's cabin -> Outside Hecate's cabin | Mentions: @Clementine | With: @Quiet Is Violent @Starchan @Federoff @Allcure

Alex stood in the middle of both the unconscious Ila and Ember, peering over their bodies with worry across his face. It wasn't until Ila began to spasm that Alex's body instantly jumped into action, going to move towards her, though Zeke was quicker, strapping her down tight to the bed. "Not so tight!" Alex said in reference to the straps the otherwise let the doctor do his work.

He watched in slight awe at how well and quick the doctor worked, finding the wounds, figuring out what monster had dealt them and then patching it up in no time. Alex had to admit even if he trained in the medical field as hard as he trained in terms of combat, he still wouldn't be able to reach that skill. Alex brought the equipment for him, despite his hatred for being ordered around, this was to help Ila and he would do anything.

Once Ila's eyes opened Alex zoomed over on top of her quickly, wrapping her little body into a hug. Though he backed off remembering of the stitching that she had just gotten and how it would be unwise to hug the life out of her at this time. He turned to Zeke who was now working on Ember, about to word his thanks before he handed him a list. Alex grunted though snatched the list nodding to him.
"Got it." he said before quickly turning to leave only turning his head back to give Ila and Ember one last reassuring glance for if their eyes would see.

Just as he turned his head back around to exit, he was being wrapped in a hug by his rushing best friend, Derrick. The worry on Alex's face was matched by Derricks, though his face began to loosen up as he knew his best friend was also okay.
"Monsters happened.. But it's good, I think everyone's going to be alright." He said reassuringly tapping the side of his friends shoulder before turning back to all that was in the cabin. "Shit, don't know how you survived without me fighting by your side." Alex joked, knowing damn well his friend could have taken half of those monsters alone. Suddenly his face tightened up again as he remembered, he grabbed either side of Derrick's arms his eyes wide and frantic. "Vyseria! Is she okay? Did you see her out there?" Alex didn't even wait for a response before he turned off Derrick and sprinted back outside, dropping the list behind him.



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Ilabelle Amora Darren

Location: Hecate Cabin | Mentions:

@Kingly @Starchan @Federoff

Ilabelle felt Alex wrap his arms around her and she whimpered, afraid and concerned for her friend. "Alex?" The small girl whispered, shaking. "Alex, you're okay, right? Please tell me you're okay. Please..." The daughter of Lachesis felt strangely calmed by the straps that held her to the table. It felt like a hug. A leather hug. In any case, it's keeping her grounded to reality and that is all she needs.

Ilabelle looked around her, or at least tried to. She saw Ember. She was sleeping. Maybe. Or she was awake? Yeah, she was awake. "Ember..." Ilabelle whispered, hoping that maybe she would be responsive. Ilabelle was just a little bit terrified of Zeke. Never trust anyone in a mask. "Ember, are you okay?"
Ember Moreau

Mood:Confused|Location:Infirmary|With: @Federoff @Quiet Is Violent

"What? Ila, are you here too?" She groaned, lifting herself off the table. The shadows had already dissipated after she was picked up by Alex, but her eyes remained the same. Black. Her deep blue was underneath, but the traumatic use of her "power" had the one side effect. Dormant for now. She hoped she didn't scare the little girl as she looked over, so she covered her eyes with her hand. Most of her was unscathed, only slash marks on her back. Ember didn't feel sore or injured, thanks to Zeke, and her father. "I'm okay, are you okay honey?"
Mood: Scared, Frustrated, Sad, but Faking it.| Location: In between the boarders and the infirmary.| With: Random Campers

Constance pulled her sword out of the Argus' chest. She smiled as all one hundred of his eyes closed. The battle was now over but now she had to deal with the aftermath. She looked up and saw an actual battlefield. Her sister's tree was just a blimp amongst the dead monsters and injured campers. Or at least she was hoping they were injured and not dead. Constance stood still for second taking in everything that had happened. It all moved so fast she hadn't had the time to actually process it. However, processing it would only make her breakdown mentally right then. Constance sighed, there wasn't anytime to be scared. There were others that needed her help. Constance walked towards a random group of campers that looked confused and panicked. "What's happening you guys?" Constance asked no one in particular. A random camper replied, "We don't really know." It wasn't really an answer but it made sense to her. "Okay, then lets make something happen. Here is the plan. Gather as many uninjured campers as you can. Half of you take the injured to the infirmary, the other half start piling up the monsters' bodies. If the monsters aren't dead, kill them. It won't be fun but we have to take care of our fellow campers, and get rid of the monsters bodies. We have to act strong for the ones that aren't. Any questions come to me." The campers nodded in agreement and left to go to help the injured.

Perhaps it was because she is Zeus' daughter but she felt like she needed to lead. Especially now when no one else was stepping up. Many campers hated the children of Zeus, she honestly didn't know why. Did they hate her because of her father or because his children had very bossy personalities? Either why she always hated being outright hated without people getting to know her. She felt that at this moment, even at the end of a gruesome battle; campers were still giving her looks. She flashed it right back at them, so what if she took command no one else was doing anything. Constance shook the negative thoughts out of her head, she needed to be positive for others. She walked off to check on any injured people she saw. Hopefully others would come and help soon. She needed more people to help carry the injured. Its not like she can carry a two hundred pound man be herself.


"hmm?" Zeke wondered out loud as he heard sounds originating from one of the bodies, Ember being the specific one. He walked over to her to see that her eyes were open, and were jet black. "Intriguing..." he muttered to himself before pulling out a small flashlight and shinning it over each eye to test for the natural response. "Very intriguing indeed" Zeke continued with his muttering as he put away his flashlight, Ilabelle now seeming to wake up as well. "You have no need for whispering Ilabelle, daughter of Lachesis. We can hear you quite well" he replied to the girl for her, noticing in the corner of his eye that the list he had given Alexander was now on the floor as he was running off. No doubt trying to save one of his friends he thought to himself before snapping, his skeleton moving with quick motion to the barracks for his required ingredients. "As to answer your questions, I am Zeke. You were brought under my care by Alexander and Clarissa after both of you were wounded and drained in combat" Zeke paused for a moment in his explanation before moving over to Ilabelle and unhooking the leather straps, allowing her free movement. "Dreadfully sorry dear, you were spasming and so I had to restrict your movements. Go ahead and sit up at your own pace, my skeleton will arrive shortly with the items I require for you to intake" apologizing with a small bow of his head and a morbid smile hidden behind his mask. He looked back to check up on his sister, Alexandria, and for a few moments there was silence.

He turned back around to Ilabelle and handed her a small circular contained with anti itch ointment in it, "Your wounds will start to heal naturally overtime, if you ever see a rash start to form then come in see me. Do never scratch at it, if it becomes itchy use this. Do not wash with pure water. Instead you should take a damp towel and dab at the surface until cleaned, same for drying with a towel. In about two weeks time I shall have to check up and see if the stitches should be removed, if not then another two weeks shall suffice. Do you understand?" Zeke explained to the girl all the precautions that she must take, what was going on and what he had done to her in his typical voice, finishing it up with asking her if she understood. Before she could respond though he moved over to Ember, who had the minor wounds, and smiled lightly as she began to already move on her own accord. He handed her antibiotic ointment, in the same style of container he gave Ilabella, "You have a mild case of road rash on your back, hence why your back was skyward as I applied this ointment to your back. Apply once every 12 hours for a week straight, it will help prevent scarring and allow for healing overtime. Avoid itching at it as well" the strange boy advised her before his skeleton returned with the supplies he needed, it closing the door behind it (unlike a certain someone *Cough**Cough*). "Ah well met" he declared before he took the two trays from him, handing each girl one. Both had a serving of turkey sandwich with a bowl of Goji berries and some water. "This shall help you two fight your fatigue and help regain your strength, stick to light meal and water as your fluid of choice" was the last thing he told the two girls before taking a seat on a free chair in front of them both, crossing one leg an both of his arms. "Now, do you have any questions at all? I shall freely answer them" Zeke queered of them casually, assuming both the girls heads would be spinning with them at this moment.

Location: Hecate Cabin

Mood: Informative, Neutral

With: Ilabelle (@Quiet Is Violent ) Ember (@Starchan )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold

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LOCATION : Thalia's Pine

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

Vincent stared dumbly at Arlo as he finished his Alice in Wonderland quote, thinking to himself thay he probably should just stop being so taken aback by it. He figured that it wasn't the good time and place to think about such things, adding Arlo's hypnotizing icy blue eyes to that little note in his head. Arlo must get some kind of weird kick out of making people go through things they were embarassed about so many times, he thought.

The ambrosia placed in his hand surprised him a bit. Honestly, he could try healing himself with ice again - not that it was hard - but he knew that bruises weren't solved by freezing cells, that it needed blood to flow. Counterproductive to his powers and the nature of his healing factor.

He opened his hand, his gaze fixated on the object placed in it, and contemplated Arlo's words. The other teen was injured as well, but he chose to give the ambrosia to Vincent, which gave him a little bit of guilt. But the ambrosia was too small to be split, he figured. With a purse of his lips, he shoved the ambrosia in his jacket pocket.

" I'll eat this later. We need to get your shoulder checked. " he declares, as if he would take no for an answer. After all, this was a good opportunity to get away from the borders - with the Hydra slain and Rais at the distance going Ares-crazy ( he'd rather not get himself tangled with any Ares child during combat... ) - and an even better way to get Arlo distracted from the quoting fiasco earlier.

Ilabelle Amora Darren


Location: Hecate Cabin l With: Ember and Zeke @Starchan @Federoff

Ilabelle sighed as she heard Ember's voice. She's okay. She's good. But where is Alex? Had she dreamt him? "Ember is Alex-" The little girl was cut off by Zeke telling her not to whisper. Ilabelle nods stiffly. Never trust a man in a mask. She repeated in her head. He unbuckled her, which didn't come as a relief since it really just felt like a hug, and gave her instructions that she decided to ignore. Who has time for instructions? If she fucks up, Alex will be there to save her. Right?

Ilabelle couldn't sit up. She tried, but she couldn't. Her ribs couldn't handle it, even with the pain meds. So she stayed lying down. "Yeah, one question." Ilabelle mutters, Turning her head to look at Zeke. "What's with the mask?" She couldn't help sounding a little bit crude. She was far too tired for being polite. "I mean, you don't have to tell me the truth, just give me an excuse or something so I can go back to trusting you."

Elijah Emerson

Location: Center of camp | With: Alex Black, Derrick Emerson |

Eli was breathing heavily and covered in monster dust, but he felt alive. The Manicore had been brought down by the three Hades brothers with ease. Something felt horribly wrong though, like the whole camp was being watched and that this monster attack was no coincidence. He narrowed his eyes and bit on his lip. He looked around and saw that a good portion of the monsters had been defeated and there was still some stragglers.

He noticed Derrick dash off and was confused. Though he decided to follow after him. Though something caught his eyes at the top of the hill. Two silhouettes of possibly demigods watching over the battle. Suspicion washed over him though he didn't try to confront them. He had done enough confronting today. He turned away and made note to inform the others about it.

Then it happened, the sick nausea and dreadful shocks washed over him. He heard a shattering sound and the world around him flickered like a candle. The mist was clearly shattered, this made Elijah's eyes dilate in pure fear and he knew everyone else was aware now. "No...this can't be." he whispered.

The mist was gone and now their world was exposed to mortals and even more monsters.

Chapter 1 End


Of course. He gave her the opportunity to ask any question in the world she may desire, where her precious "Alexander" was going, where she was, when the stitching could come out, and she asked him about his mask. He stared back at her in silence for a few minutes, only the darkness remained within the Hecate cabin. He had not been asked that question for a long time, and never was it up front to his face. It was always in whispers shared between fellow campers that actually took notice of him, as most people tried to either ignore him or not even notice him at all in the first place. "Under my skin lives the reason, under my armor I lost it all" he replied cryptically in a somber and melancholy fashion, the slight edge of morbid cheer that derived from the gentleman's accent completely vanished from his tone of voice. His mind wondered back to his childhood and how he grew up, alone outside his small circle of family members and trusted friends of his Dad. All his life he had spent in this suit, locked up form the vision of the world. To prevent others from labeling him a monster, to prevent him from dying, to prevent him from any more pain. All day he was stuck indoors and studying about all sorts of things in the medical fields and Greek mythos, simpler times they were, not needing to worrying about anyone or anything outside himself and his father.

Of course that all changed when he died from his heart attack, leaving Zeke an orphaned child. Until his mother visited him after his fathers death he was only ever in contact with his fathers friends, who he fell out of contact with after putting them in charge; even though still left in his fathers will and able to claim it at any time he deemed reasonable. From that moment his mother gave him purpose,
"Go to Camp Half-Blood" she told him, "You will be safe there and free from humanity, you also have a sister there who needs looking after"

And with that he had embarked over to Camp Half-Blood, staying here for the rest of his life, and practically hidden from this world as well. Not even the idiot and so called "Great Teacher" Chiron knew about his condition, and Zeke preferred it that way. It gave him a sense of freedom in his containment.

His eyes dilated behind the mask as he existed the catacombs of files of information that was his mind, returning to the present and remembering he was suppose to be answering her questions. "Any other Ilabelle?

Location: Hecate Cabin

Mood: Somber

With: ILabella (@Quiet Is Violent ), Ember (@Starchan ), Alexandria (@Runakei )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold

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Ilabelle Amora Darren

Ilabelle snorts. "Great. Cryptic. Now I definitely can't trust a word you say. See, I was looking for a simple answer that I could understand, and you're playing guessing games with my already tired mind. Go to Hades." Ilabelle touches her wound. It stings enough for her to wince. He saved her life. The least she can do is be decent.

"I'm sorry." She says after a pause. "I'm scared. I'm really scared. What if... Do you think the monsters are going to kill us? Do you think they'll hurt Alex?" Ilabelle felt tears in her eyes but she didn't move to wipe them away.

@Federoff (I'm on my phone, sorry for lack of formatting)
Chapter 2 Begin

Elijah Emerson

Location: Campfire | Mood: Tired | With: A lot of people

The campfire was dull and poorly colored. Demigods were exhausted, scared and on alert. Eli felt sick to his stomach as he stared at the blue small fire. His expression was haunted as he looked around at the seats hoping to find his brother and friends. He thought back at how he saw two strange figures on the hill, he wondered if they were somehow connected to everything. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a hoof slammed against the stone floor.

"Attention Demigods!" Chiron called and it echoed around the area. "A prophecy has been given in our time of need." he said clearly. He put out his hand "Those that were there come forward and tell us what you were told." he spoke in a way that shouldn't be questioned.

Eli's eyes widened, a prophecy too? He hated the fact that he couldn't figure out what was going on. He was normally on top of things regarding the situation of the camp, but apparently not this time around.


Zeke chuckled at that comment, oh how ironic wasn't it? "I do not need to go to Hades as Hades has come to me" he replied with amusement in his voice, despite the negative connotations that came with the memories, as he continued to be cryptic with the girl. He hated to admit it, but it was quite funny to watch he struggle with herself in terms of his cryptic words. Before long though the tough act was drop as she felt her wounds, quickly becoming as helpless as a baby duck swimming by itself in the lake without his mom. "You have nothing to fear child, you have your friends that will help you out in any situation, which you should really count yourself lucky" he replied in the same tone of voice he was using earlier with his sister, except less present as the gentleman cross plague doctor accent returned to his voice once more. He paused to consider her next question, but ultimately shook his head. "No they will not kill us, I suspect we will be leaving soon to go fight them" was his delayed reply. He then turned to face the wall, one of the skulls that he placed throughout the camp was communicating with him, Chiron and the rest were gathering for a campfire. He stood upwards, "A campfire is starting, we should go with them" Zeke declared suddenly and without hesitation he snapped his fingers, the two Coffins swinging open with great force as a decayed arm pushed them open. Light thudding was heard from each step and within a few seconds, the bodies of the two Minotaur his mother gave to him were in view for him, surrounded by darkness for those that could not see through the darkness well.

"Do not be alarmed, these two will be carrying you, Ilabelle and Ember, to the campfire" Zeke explained to the two calmly as they moved closer to each one of them, picking them up as beginning their march to the campfire. He, himself, went over to his sister, Alexandria, and picked her up before leading his Minotaur over to the campfire. Once they made their way to the campfire, him and the Minotaur set each one down, and they walked back to their coffins with a snap of his fingers. Zeke sat on a small rock next to them so he can continue to observe them for any additional problem that may arise.

Location: Hecate Cabin -> Campfire

Mood: Amused -> Neutral

With: Ilabella (@Quiet Is Violent ), Ember (@Starchan ), Alexandria (@Runakei )

Theme: Lost it All- Avenged Sevenfold

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Serena Gonzalez


Serena, with Jet at her side, watched the fire intently, both exhausted from their little workout earlier. She barely heard what Chiron had to say. Something about a prophecy? With her luck, she wouldn't be going on this quest. What could she do? Scare monsters off with a bunch of plants? Yeah. That was really scary. Not! But what really was scary was the Minotaur carrying a girl...and the creepiest kid at camp apparently controlling him. "Why would you bring that around here when we had to kill one of those things today?" She asked Zeke, ignoring the other campers.

Derek Newman


"Constance..." he called to his sister, smiling at her from his spot by the fire, head on his griffon's fur as he laid down. "I realize you probably wanna stay away because I smell like hydra guts, but you haven't talked to me all day. Did I do something wrong?" He didn't care about the prophecy. After almost losing a mother, the thought of losing a sister in combat was horrifying to the young man. "C'mere. Grab some fur." He grinned, still pulling stuff from his hair. "This is crazy. Can you believe this? Another prophecy?" He sat up just long enough to take his shirt off.
Viella Nyman

Mood:Calm-WHAT THE FUCK|Location:Leaving the showers;later at the campfire|With:Aphrodite, Ares, Rais, and everyone at camp. (
outfit 1) (outfit 2)

After leaving the showers clean, Viella felt comfortable, and she felt renewed. It was like she took a dip in the fountain of youth, rejuvenating after so long of being dirty.She had thrown away the tattered clothes and shoes she'd came to camp in, and summoned a whole new outfit from her backpack, hanging it up over the clothing rack beside the mirror. She had previously summoned a set of travel size shower products and razor, as well as deodorant and perfume. Mainly the essentials. Her teeth were pearly white, and her breath smelled like icy mint. After the shower, Viella quickly got dressed in a plain white shirt, a pair of high-waisted black shorts, a leather jacket, and a pair of red flip flops. Her hair was in a messy bun, and her face was bare, showing off her glorious constellations of freckles. She smiled in the mirror at herself before she realized that the campfire was supposed to start, and with her backpack attached, she ran out into the dark, for her first sweltering summer night at Camp Half-Blood. Viella made her way to the glow within the night, instantly regretting it as she got there. There was a horse man talking, she assumed he was the camp director of sorts. She snuck past him, only to be discovered later.

Viella's eyes widened at the gathering at the campfire, instantly intrigued by the enticing melody of the Apollo cabin's songs, among others who'd joined in along with them, and she couldn't help but smile at the amount of people interacting among themselves. The girl weaved through the crowd, and to the center of it all, the roaring campfire, golden and mighty above the crowd. It burned with passion. Suddenly, Viella felt a chill surging through her body. She shuddered, which was hot since she was near a fire. Suddenly, the fire dimmed, and Viella's body felt like it was burning up. As the warmth descended down her figure, her outfit began to change. Her hair was curled, and cut into a wavy bob, her comfy clothes were gone and replaced with a snug red dress that spilled out around her ankles, long Grecian sandals donning her feet. Her face was different too, it was covered in makeup that looked professionally done, a light dusting of rouge on her cheeks, along with a red lip and pale pink shadow. Her lashes were long and curled, her eyebrows coiffed. It didn't even look like her! And to make it even worse, the transformation wasn't complete.

As her beauty queen transformation completed, another one began to commence. A red light washed over her, leaving her holding a shield in her right hand and a chest of military grade Grecian Hoplite armour. To make matters worse, she donned a Corinthian helmet with a blistering red plume. The crowd around her was silent, but gasped when the symbols appeared. The first, was a golden dove, and the second was a shield, and they both appeared above her head. Viella began to get dizzy, her eyes were glazing, and her head was pounding. It was all too much for her, only her first day at Camp and already a claiming? Viella's legs began to drop from under her, but instead of falling to the ground, she fell into someone's arms. The person was muscular beyond compare, smelled fantastic, and began to lift her back to her feet. Once roused to her senses, Viella was staring at a man, muscular, and extremely handsome. He was 8 feet tall, young looking, and dark. He had dark coiffed hair, aviators on, and chiselled features. He wore a short sleeve button up, patterned with swords and what looked like vultures, a leather jacket, dark black jeans, and biker boots. He smiled down at her, baring his blinding white teeth. He laughed when Viella used her shield to protect her eyes, and bellowed;
"You're a natural kiddo! It's like you were never gone!" The girl looked up at him in confusion, and he began to elaborate when a tornado of rose petals cut him off. A blonde woman, with long and curly hair, a long pink dress and high heels on stepped out, and stood in front of Ares, glaring like her eyes were daggers that could pierce him on the spot.

"Mom?" Viella asked, but she was pushed back in the dirt by the mother's once gentle hand. She landed with a thud, her helmet turned to the side. She spun it back around, and waited to see what her mother would do. The man scoffed at her, smirking down at the small woman in front of him. " So, you can't bear to tell her that she's mine, huh? That that's my little girl, my youngest child. Aphrodite, you really sunk low." The man hissed, crossing his arms. "Well, Ares, if you didn't go and ruin our relationship by shacking up with some HEATHEN, I wouldn't have had to take her! But she was so cute, and you were so dumb!" Viella's mother sent back, still glaring at Ares, who seemed to be protective over her. She doubted that he was her father, but would he lie to a child he just met, and a camp of demigods? Viella propped herself up, and pushed her way between the two gods. She pulled her helmet off, and dropped it with a clang onto her sword.

"HEY!" She bellowed, looking up toward her mother and father. "What the hell is going on here?" She questioned, prodding deeper into her history. "Hey! Kiddo, calm down there, you'll pop a vessel doing that! Let me explain, but before that, I'll bring a special birthday present. RAIS! MY BOY, COME DOWN HERE AND MEET YOUR TWIN!" Ares yelled, calling a young man over. The girl's heart began to beat with the utmost prowess, her eyes glazing over at the current events. She had a brother, her dad claimed her, and argued with her mom! What the fuck? From within the shadows and trees around,there was a loud snarl, and what sounded like an animal gearing up to charge. There, from behind the gathering, a huge bull rose in front of Viella. It glared at her with piercing red eyes, snarling again. It huffed before preparing to charge. When the girl looked around, her parents were no longer around. Was this a test?

Rais Nyman

Mood:Shocked beyond all belief|Location: At the campfire|With:All of the Camp

Rais was shocked. He couldn't believe that his dad, of all people, would show up to camp on his birthday and announce that he had a sister. "Happy birthday son!" His dad bellowed from the center, making a motion that Rais understood as come here fuckface, before I crack your skull. It wasn't meant to scare him, but it felt that way. And now, he was embarrassed beyond compare, and in front of the camp? REALLY DAD? He thought to himself, shakily making his way to them.He looked at Aphrodite, who seemed to be paying more attention to the girl than his dad, then to the girl, his sister. He smiled weakly before he fell forward and blacked out from confusion.

Ember Moreau

Mood: Shocked?|Location:Campfire|With:The whole camp

As Ember was transported to the campfire by Zeke and his undead, she phased in and out through the dream realm, trying to avoid the visit with her father. He shouldn't have told her. She would have had something to look forward to! Her mother was a loon, but she meant a lot to the girl, and to have that shattered, was terrible. Anyways, Ember kept a straight face on they way, smiling slightly at Zeke as she was let down. She sat beside him, thankful for his care and helpfulness. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of an argument, and when she leaned over to see Ares and a blonde woman, whom she could only assume was Aphrodite. They were arguing over some kid in armor, then they called over Rais. That was all she saw before the bull charged through the fire, Ember's body immediately shrouded in shadows.

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Mood:Somber|Location:Campfire| With:everyone

By the time it was time for the campfire, Tav was exhausted and a bit battered. He'd been fairly lucky and gotten away with mostly minor injuries. Sitting on a log off to the side, his chin rested in the palm of his hand as he watched the campers gather quietly. A low murmur ripped through the crowd as people chatted lowly about the fight earlier and the mist being taken away. The fight outcome didn't surprise him really, he knew his fellow cousins and whatnot could handle them quite well but the mist disappearing was a whole new thing. He hoped someone would explain that as well as what was to happen next.

When Chiron called for everyones attention, he perked up a bit and gazed up at the old centaur. An eyebrow lifted as a prophecy was mentioned and noticed Rei near the tree line. Her arm was wrapped but nothing else seemed to be wrong with her which he was glad for. He wondered if that was where she'd disappeared to after slinking out of the infirmary earlier in the afternoon.

She however slunk away a few moments later, as Chiron called up the people who'd herd the prophecy. Tav was surprised to note that his sister had been one of the ones to hear it but wasn't to surprised when she slipped further away. Being in front of others to talk about things and lead them wasn't really her thing which was a bit ironic seeing her father was a
very leading type of guy. Turning his gaze away from her, he looked up to listen to what the others had to say about this prophecy.

Before that was even announced, there was a commotion near the fire. Looking over, he blinked as he saw Ares standing there, bellowing something before he disappeared. In front of him and Rias was a girl who apparently was his twin sister. Raising an eyebrow, he just sat quietly and watched curiously.

Samantha Rei

Mood: low key anxious|Location: near campfire|With: herself|sorta mentions Viella @Starchan

As the fighting came to an end, her high also came to an end. She was hit with exhaustion and literally just dropped to the ground with a sigh. Sitting there, chin in her palm, she surveyed the battle ground as the sun seated, disappearing behind the trees. When she finally got up, most everyone else was bandaged up and just sorta milling around and recovering. Getting her own wounds patched up, she made her way to her cabin.

From the time the battle ended to the campfire, she just rested in the seclusion of bunk in the Zeus cabin. Changing clothes and washing up a bit, she hung around, wondering what was to happen now. When the mist disappeared, she physically felt it leave and shot up from her bed. Peering out her window, she knew everyone had felt the change. Frowning slightly, she wondered what was going to happen now.

When it was time for the campfire, she grudgingly got out from her bed and made her way down. Shoving her hands into her jean pockets, she slunk down and leaned against a tree far off to the side. When Chiron announced that the ones in the attic were to pass on the message, she snorted lowly. Shifting back, she hid in the shadows, not at all interested in going up there to speak to everyone about it.

Before that even happened though, Ares appeared in front of some girl. Raising an eyebrow, she leaned forward curiously to watch what was going on. Next thing Rei knows, theres snarling next to her. Jumping slightly rather startled, her gaze snapped over towards the source and spotted a huge bull. Freezing in place, she watched it and noted it's gaze locked in on the girl who'd just been claimed. Raising an eyebrow, she just stood and watched with a curious expression, a faint smirk crossing her features.

Alexandria Moore

Location: Hecate Cabin to Campfire | With: Everyone | Mentions: @Federoff

She'd help around with her brother as much as possible by grinding herbs for remedies to help with his practice in medicine... They made a wonderful team combining science and magick as though they were one in the same. However, her work would be interrupted as the skeleton announced the campfire meeting. Looking towards her brother and not wanting to step into his past that she of very, very few and hand selected people knew about why he truly hid behind a mask. Though, that didn't stop it from creeping her the hell out. "We should g- Ahh! H-Hey!" being picked up she kicked and flailed a bit while giggling.

Once she was carried to the campfire she sat down next to her brother and to keep the mood calm after all that had happened she reached into her literally endless pouch and pulled out a violin and it's bow only to begin playing a gentle song before she was called up to Chiron.




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Dianne Percival

Location: Campfire / Mentions: Zeke Kyle
@Federoff , Alexandria Moore @Runakei

Dianne was one of the last people to get medical treatment. She had let the medically trained demigods treat the more seriously injured first. Her shoulder still stung faintly but she didn't let it bother her as she sat in her workshop, tinkering with her crossbow. It gets her mind off things like the certain doom the whole camp was facing with the fleece stolen. One of her step-sisters popped her head through the door and told her Chiron wanted everyone at the campfire. Dianne shouted a word of thanks and added she would be joining them soon. She put her tools away and got up, heading towards the meeting.


As she reached the campfire, she noticed a good few people had already arrived. A blissful violin played quietly over the nervous chattering of the demigods. Dianne traced the gentle sound to Alexandria, daughter of Hecate. She then glanced at her siblings who were spreading out to sit with demigods of all kinds of godly parentage and decided it was probably time to make more friends. She walked over to Alexandria and Zeke.

"Any chance I could squeeze in?" She asked them, giving a bright smile.
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Alexandria Moore

Location: Campfire | With: Everyone | Mentions:
@Federoff @Garnet @Allcure @Excelsis

Would smile as her song came to an end as she was called up to stand with the other Demigods that were present for the Prophecy, though, as Dianna came over and asked to join them she simply smiled and nodded scooting over a bit so she herself would be sitting between Dianna and her older brother.

Once she was standing she'd wait patiently as the other Demigods stood to join her. Looking around she'd try to spot out Vincent and Clarissa

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