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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

[ you're fine don't worry @Quiet Is Violent ]


Location: near campfire|Mood:mild|With: Ila

Tav just smiled and shrugged slightly in amusement. "Just to protect my feet for when I'm walking or fighting." he explained plainly. He noticed her leaning heavily on the makeshift crutch that didn't look to comfortable at all, his gaze shifting back to the little girls face as she tried to figure out his name and godly parent. Just giving a soft, tiredish smile Octavian nodded a bit. "Close, sorta. Don't worry about it." he mused.

"I'm Octavian son of Hephaestus. Tav for Tavvy I guess for short. And you're Ilabelle, daughter of Lachesis if I recall correctly. I don't we've officially met but I do know of you." Tav answered scooting the side some. "Come sit down, you look like you're in a lot of pain. Or do you wanna go lay down?" he asked worriedly. Her leaned towards the younger girl, peering at her worriedly. He'd briefly seen on her the battle field and partly witnessed the events occurring around her injuries, something that wasn't to pretty.

Tav wondered briefly why she was even up and around, shouldn't she be resting? Then again, perhaps she'd been given medication. He also wondered where her other friend was, Alex was his name if Tav remembered correctly. The green eyed boy was feeling quite worn out from the days events. Shrugging the questions aside, he looked at Ila, worry still shadowing his face a bit.

Arlo Blumenthal ~ Campfire ~ With: Vincent


Arlo looked up and heard the prophecy come from the Ice Prince himself, look at him closely as he seemed to look away and avert his eyes from Arlo whenever the two sets of eyes would meet and at the notion of this direct miscommunication with their eyes, Arlo began to fluster. This was obviously because he was being too pushy and needy again, what with continuous knack for getting involved with people and becoming obsessed with them, it was obvious to him know that he was being WAY too pushy, unprofessional. He figured this out of course because they met in a Battlefield and while the world seemed to be ending for everyone else, he was making Romantic gestures and making Daisy Chains, no wonder so few people considered him or his cabin to be real warriors or soldiers, it was because of antics like this.

Of course, If Arlo were to pay attention to everyone else who seemed to be shacking up with each other (The Ships are sailing Hard), he
wouldn't have felt this foolish. But still, he felt all of a sudden very self-conscious around the Icy boy. He waited for Vincent to finish his speech and sit back down for him to force the Ambrosia into his hands, and then immediately leave, taking advantage of the utter chaos of all the things transpiring at once with everyone else's drama to slip away undetected. He walked away, sighing to himself as he buried his face in his hands and noted how stupid he was being again. He fell in love way to easily, and of course none of those crushes ever manifested into anything serious like with everyone else because he was a coward, and no one could ever love him in that way. He was just a worthless teddy bear.
Ilabelle Amora Darren

Mood: Tired l Location: Campfire l With: Tavvy


To protect his feet? Why would he need that? Ilabelle sighed and wiped at her eyes. Oh. Of course. Hephaestus. "Right, I knew that. Hefetitisus... Hefetitus... Hefafifititis. Whatever. Metal god." Ilabelle grins and giggles. "Hefty bags, haha. Like the trash bags? Haha... Tavvy. I like that. Tavvy. Savvy Tavvy. Savvy Tavvy with a Laffy Taffy. Haha..." Ilabelle sat down and leaned into Tavvy's side.

Ilabelle realized tiredly that Tavvy was taller than her. Funny, that everyone she knew was taller than her. She's not that vertically challenged, is she? And if she is, is there anything she can do about it other than complain?

"Hey... Do you think you could shrink a little? For fun. Like how in cartoons people can just shrink and grow for no apparent reason... or the huge red cones that grow out of the cartoon heads when they get hit? That would be funny... people walking around with red cones one their heads..." Ilabelle's voice was growing weaker. Her eyes started to close. "So... Tavvy... How are you doing? How are you feeling? What's life like?"

She's growing more and more feverish. Her temperature has reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit, or 39.4 degrees Celsius. The little girl was breaking into a cold sweat. "Gods, it's cold out." Ilabelle commented, almost snuggling into Tavvy's side.
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Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mkbtb7JN4s1s27sl5o1_500.gif.d95902deefc9d4d6777976004107e780.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mkbtb7JN4s1s27sl5o1_500.gif.d95902deefc9d4d6777976004107e780.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Nearing campfire | Mentions: @Clementine | Interactions: @Clementine @Starchan

Even though it went without saying, Alex always felt reassured knowing his sister had his back. One pissed of child of Poseidon was already a handful, two pissed off children of Poseidon was something you didn't want to get in the middle of. And these monsters had secured themselves a spot in the center. Alex shoved her off with his shoulder playfully as she punched his arm, laughing all the while and sticking his tongue out at how she reacted when he mentioned Ember. If there was one person he can up to about his feelings on anyone, it was Vyseria.

He was just about to say something else about Ember when the girl herself popped from the sky. He was still getting used to that thing. He let out a chuckle as she jumped up onto him in a hug, Alex on instinct lifting her off her feet, both of his arms underneath her legs as she wrapped around his body. They had just been in a battle and she still smelled like perfection. He couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, just by her being in his arms.
"Glad you have enough energy to yell." He teased as she began to shout about Derrick. Not too long ago she was unconscious and had Alex worrying sick. He was just glad her and Vyseria were both alright.

"And what's this about Derrick killing himself? What's he up to now?"
Alex said with laughter at his best friend probably in the middle of some antics. There was almost a hint of jealousy in his tone as part of him wished he was causing mischief with his friend as well. Whenever the two linked up it was always good times, maybe not for the people who had to control them from going crazy but sure as hell good times for them. Though right now he was happy with the girl he was holding up on his way to the campfire giving her legs a little squeeze. He almost forgot his sister walking beside him, giving her a wink that basically said the fake prophecy he was speaking on earlier about Ember and his' lips being locked was about to come true. "I just hope whatever Derrick got into isn't too bad, because I'm more worried about getting you alone then I am about him."



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Viella Nyman

M: Excited/Drowsy|L:Riding on a hellhound with a cute boy|W:

As Viella was helped up by Derrick, she glanced up and down his body, blushing as she caught his gaze again.
"We're basically wearing the same outfit. One of us has to change." The girl giggled, before she was swept up off her feet again and placed back on the huge hellhound. "Nice limo, do you always take ladies out for a ride?" There was a quick wink from the girl before her arms were wrapped around Derrick's midsection and the hound took off. He was so fast that Viella had to try very hard to keep her backpack from falling off. That was a gift! Her smile widened as they passed through the camp, the warm, yet damp mid-summer air blowing through her freshly chopped hair. Her smile was big and her hopes were high, but something in her felt wrong. Like she was missing something, something she hadn't had for a while.

Rais Nyman

M:Loving/Flirty|L:Aphrodite Cabin|W:
@Angel Evans

"Well, I don't remember the Aphrodite cabin having angels that wake you up from near death, now;do you remember?" He smirked, his hands slipping onto the sides of Ai's beautiful face.As Rais sat up, Ai kissed him, bringing back the familiar fireworks that he loved. Rais kissed the boy again, his hands dropping to his midsection. "Thank you for bringing me here. And I'm not a dope. I think." The boy groaned, holding his head. "It was shock. I felt the presence of my father, I just didn't know from where. And I was told that I had a twin. WHAT THE FUCK DAD? WHY NOW?" He snapped, instantly calming down under Ai's touch. "I felt like I was missing a piece of my family my whole life, like I was only one half. I lost that feeling when I saw her. She's my little sister. I know it." He pressed a hand on Ai's chest, feeling for his heartbeat. The boy's swollen eyes looked up at the son of Aphrodite, full of clarity, where there wasn't any previously.

Ember Moreau

M:Flirty/Thankful|L: Talking to Vysteria and Alex|W:
@Kingly @Clementine

Ember giggled as Alex pulled her up into his muscular arms, wrapping her legs around him. She waved to Vysteria after her rant with Seaweed head's shoulder, placing her head back down to rest on him.
"I'm glad you two are all right. Ila was asking about you Lex, she's pretty concerned." The girl sighed ,running a hand through his hair. He smelt like the ocean still, despite the fights the whole camp had previously partaken in. Was that a child of Poseidon thing? You could always smell like salt and seaweed? Nonetheless, Ember dug her face into the crook of his shoulder, speaking from there. "I'm okay now. I have quite a bit of energy still. I pro-" She was cut off by a yawn. "Derrick went off after the girl who got claimed by both Ares and Aphrodite after she got attacked by a bull. What a savior. He ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF! Girl or no girl, he's stupid, but brave." Her cheeks began to heat up at his next comment, the girl burrowing deeper into his neck. "Alone, huh? Seaweed head, you have a deal." She paused. "Maybe." Her giggle was slightly muffled by his skin, but he could feel the warmth of her face.
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    Derrick Emerson

    Mood: In love? | Location: Outside Ares Cabin - Riding to the Infirmary| With: Viella | Mentions : @Starchan

    She was just so cute, just couldn't help help but smile despite his throbbing ribs. "Hey, this is my signature look." He said with a coy grin. As he gripped Phantoms dark black hair inbetween his fingers and felt Viella pressed up against him as they rode. He put one of his hands over hers that were wrapped around him. "Just the ones I'll fight a bull over." He joked looking over his shoulder.

    The three of them finally made it to the infirmary. "
    I guess it's my turn." He said to himself, he was the third Hades child of the day to end up needing medical attention. Suppose it was the near death experiences that made them feel closer to their father. This thought made him grin. Phantom payed down and Derrick slid off of the wolves back and helped Viella down. He walked threw the infirmary doors and peered in. It was, empty? "No ones here." He said with a strange look on his face looking back to Viella. His ribs really starting to bother him, not that he would let his face show it.

    He probably just needed rest. The Hades kids always seemed to bounce back quickly. He looked back to Viella after inspecting the infirmary, and it was indeed empty of people. "
    I.. I'm sure rest will help me all the same." He said noticing that it was getting dark and he didn't want Viella out in the dark. With the wall down, he didn't want to take any chances. "Perhaps we could head to my cabin." He said to her hoping he wasn't coming off as bossy. She could do what ever she pleased but he was enjoying his time with her and still felt protective over her and didn't want to let her out of his sight.

    You never know when there may be another bull around the corner." He said trying to lighten the mood. He was sure now the she was concerned for him, and that delighted him that she actually cared. "It's also getting pretty dark." He said still trying to convince her that he was well enough to go back to his cabin.

Ai Ferri

M:Loving| Location:In Bed| W:

Ai loved kissing Rais,he really and truly did. When Rais kissed him back and dropped his gigantic hands down to his mid-section it set him on fire. All at a once Ai's body was set a blaze his eyes instantly clouding over with lust. "What the fuck is happening?!" He thought to himself as his breathing sped up and his hips involuntarily grinded against Rais'. Ai knew now wasn't the time for this so he held back,but it was so disappointing. He finally got Rais to himself and this happens. When Rais thanked him for bringing him here Ai happily nodded. "Of course,and just so you know you're the first guy to actually make it to my bed" he told the son of Ares which was something to be proud of because Ai usually conducted his "business" anywhere but his place.

Ai listened to Rais explain what had happened to him back there. When Rais momentarily snapped Ai's eyes widened in slight surprise,but he seemed to calm down instantly when he touched him.
"I didn't use amokinesis,so what gives?" He thought to himself again. It was like Ai had this strange power over Rais. Ai could feel Rais' gigantic hand trace it's way up his chest,he watched the boy's face knowing that he was searching for his heart. Ai smiled sweetly and swiftly discarding his shirt as well as Rais' and laid the two of them back down on the bed. The rest of Ai's brother's and sister's hadn't returned from the campfire et and Adele's 25 album was playing softly in the background So they had the cabin all to themselves. "If you know she's you're little sister,then we'll go meet her tomorrow. I'm sure I'd like her,because I like you." He chuckled as he rubbed small circles on Rais large back. Good thing this was a king sized bed or else the two of them would never fit,Ai idly thought of how Rais fit into his own twin sized bed back in his cabin. "However tonight..." Ai moved the two of them so that Rais was laying in the middle of his legs' and Rais' head was placed delicately over Ai's heart. "I saw you searching for my heart earlier" Ai pressed Rais ear harder onto his skin. "Do you hear that?.. As long as this heart beats steady and strong you'll always have someone to turn to. No matter what happens I'll be here. If you're hungry I'll cook.if you're hurt I'll nurse you back to health,if your sad I'll make you laugh. If you're horny,ill give you some real good lovin'" at that he smirked. "And right here,right now all that matters is the two of us. We're in our own little bubble and we'll leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's us." Ai wrapped his arms around the younger but much larger boy feeding off of each other's body heat. "Spend the night,you can go back tomorrow." He said with finality as he lazily continued running the small circles in Rais' back listening to the rest of the camp in the background.
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MOOD : Relieved / Confused

LOCATION : Campfire, transition to Wandering Around

WITH : /shrug- Whoever's left???

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

As soon as Vincent announced the Prophecy, hushed buzzing permeated through the air. The demigods left at the site of the campfire began discussing within themselves what the Prophecy may mean, and that sort of relieved Vincent. The attention was diverted away from him by the need to know and understand, to make sense of things, and that allowed him to slip away as soon as Chiron told him that it was okay for him to go back to his seat. Thank the gods, too, because standing near an open flame was becoming more and more unbearable for Vincent - he even day think he was starting to get some sort of hyperthermia. Hyperthermia brought about just by being near his natural opposite.

As soon as he took his seat, the Hermes children found themselves complaining loudly due to Vincent emitting a colder atmosphere around him to counteract the burning feeling that remained in his skin. He literally needed to keep cool or else he'd probably be out cold.

While he was doing so, a tap to his shoulder brought him out of his awful feeling. A piece of Ambrosia was immediately in his visual field, and in the haze of him trying to get himself back on normal temperature ( or what passes for his normal temperature anyway ), he could only take the object futilely and stare at the giver with grateful but distracted eyes. The mystical food of the gods was quickly in his system, which he really needed to completely restore himself to proper countenance.

Afterwards, he looked back at where his mysterious helper was standing a moment ago, but they were gone. It confused the young lad at first, until one of the Hermes children tapped him on his knee.

" I didn't know you and Arlo were close! "

That was all he needed to know. Vincent excused himself from the campfire ( and he was more than glad to do so ) and started treading his way through the grounds of the Camp - trying to sift through the people that were also wandering about to find the head full of locks that shame the Golden Fleece, trying to convince himself that this was just out of duty of expressing his gratitude, like his mother so often taught him to do.

And yet he knew he was curious. He knew he never depended on anyone and that he was fine on his own. He knew that he has the tendency to push people off his path when they try to insinuate that he was helpless enough to help. But Arlo came for him during the rare times that he really did need help and no one seemed to notice. Okay maybe then again it was just only a few occurences in the first day that they met, but that was what was more curious about it. How is it that Vincent was so open to accept Arlo's help?

" A-Arlo! " He tentatively called out, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his apprehensive voice.

Wait a minute - why was he doing this? He could just go to Hypnos' Cabin. That would be the most obvious place to go to when looking for someone like Arlo! With a pounding heart ( of nerves, he tells himself ) and unsure steps, Vincent trekked the path to his first destination, continuing his little calling-out just in case he was wrong.

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Alexander James Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Francisco_Lachowski_2011.jpg.1b08cfbcefc4dcdf025fd15f0f519396.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Francisco_Lachowski_2011.jpg.1b08cfbcefc4dcdf025fd15f0f519396.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Near campfire | Mentions: @Clementine @Federoff @Quiet Is Violent | Interactions: @Starchan

Alex felt his mind wander to Ila, remembering his little friend had also suffered some injuries. Zeke had told him she would be fine, though it didn't stop Alex from worrying a bit until he saw her up and throwing shoes again. He smiled though, even through Ilabelle's injuries she was still worrying about him. She truly did care, and he loved it.
"How is she doing though?" Alex asked Ember as Vyseria sped off in the distance. He'd catch her later.

Alex smiled a bit at her yawn, even that was cute. He gave her a little bounce in his arms
"Don't fall asleep on me now." He said before he proceeded to guffaw at the mention of Derrick and him saving the newly claimed girl. "Claimed by two gods huh? I don't even know who that is. Is she pretty at least?" He said thinking on the girl that made Derrick fling himself nearly to his death. It made him laugh more at the thought of his best friend finding a girl that made him feel the way Ember made him feel. Alex knew just how flirty his friend was too.

He felt her giggle into his shoulder causing him to laugh at the maybe.
"It better be a definite." He said leaning his head to hers as he carried her, their cheeks pressing against each others. "I mean who can give you a better time then me." He joked giving her head a nudge with his. "And by the way... Thanks for the Chimera.. You had me worried for a second that you wouldn't wake up though."



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Arlo Blumenthal ~ Outside the Hypnos Cabin ~ With: Vincent Jeon


Arlo made his way to the Hypnos cabin as he began to go down his own subtle spiral of depression taht he was occasionally prone to. He made s low trudge after he gave the Ambrosia to Vincent because he cared, and then immediately left after, making hi way as quick as possible to the Hypnos cabin, where there was comfort in at least the mild and relaxing the nature everyone enjoyed about the cabin's feel. It always felt like home, and taht was what he felt like he needed right now, away from his own stupidity and pining after Vincent and how he awkwardly felt about it. He understood these feelings and di not reject them, but he knew that it was a very idea, one that could not be reciprocated by anyone else, or at least in the thoughts of Arlo.

He looked over at Vincent as he called his name, and the boy with Golden hair's eyes lit up to see the head of black roam through the dimmed camp. He saw Vincent and stopped as he approached the Hypnos cabin and he held up a hand in a small waving gesture, accompanied with a smile as he tried to compose himself in front of Vincent, mind racing with thoughts as he was obviously surprised to see Vincent go out of his way to find him. "V-Vincent? Uh, h-hello....Is something the matter? Are we being attacked again?"
Clarissa Greene

Mood: Lost/Shocked | Location: The Campfire/Some distance away | With: Whoever?

Once the prophecy was delivered Clarissa took her seat again, this time a little further off, collapsing against a tree with a grunt. She was at a loss at what to do, though the beginnings of a plan were beginning to formulate in her mind. These monsters were controlled by someone, she knew it. Their attack had been too coordinated to steal the fleece in the first place and now they've taken prisoners. The prophecy meant that there would be a quest and Clarrisa was intent on going, it was perhaps the only way to find Jasmine.

As she pondered these thoughts one of her younger siblings approached her, offering her a small segment of ambrosia. After the recent battle the supply of the divine food had been dwindling and Clarissa had refused to have any what so ever. She could heal herself when the sun came up, it would be a waste on her. Regardless her sibling persisted, refusing to take no for an answer. Clarissa was getting frustrated. "
Listen I don't need it, want it or even want to see it so just get out of my face!" She snapped angrily, her tone flooded with a sickly rage. The young girl stood there for a moment longer before tears began to well up in her eyes and she turned tail and ran. Guilt immediately flooded Clarissa's mind and left her boiling in her own self hatred, though it was short lived as a familiar voice jumped in to taunt the girl.

Shit, you always did have had a way with people Clarence."

Jason Greene

Mood: amused/confused | Location: The Campfire/Some distance away | With: Clarissa

They journey had probably been the easiest part of the last year of Jason's life, a simple matter of remembering directions and then following them... Really quickly. In fact finding the place was infinitely easier than deciding how to approach it. Frankly Jason was a little disappointed there was no welcoming party but he did arrive after sun down so perhaps he simply missed it, he reasoned to himself. Still the question remained how to approach this camp full of strangers. The scattered sentries along the Camp border were easy to evade, simply waiting for them to look the other way before whizzing past. It was approaching the main camp itself that was most daunting, I mean most of those kids were armed! It wasn't until he spotted his cousin, a year further down the line than he remembered her but his cousin none the less. He watched as she took a seat off by herself before silently waiting behind the tree she took as her perch. He listened in on the brief exchange taking place, curious to hear about this "ambrosia", was it some kind of drug? Jason nodded to himself smugly. "So it's that kind of camp" He whispered to himself. Though by the sounds of it Clarissa had already had enough. As the girl stormed off Jason decided to make his move and took a seat against the tree besides Clarissa, using his speed and silence to do so undetected. That was until he decided to talk.

Shit, you always did have a way with people Clarence." He smiled, using his favourite nickname for his beloved cousin. Her reaction was priceless, a look of complete shock, twisted by anger came across her face. She went to speak before stuttering over her words, only a few managing to escape.

Ho-... How did... H-"

How did I get here?" Jason offered, smirking as he drew a cigarette from his pocket, placing it in his lips.

And why!?" Clarissa continued, a look of utter confusion across her face.

Well, dear Clarence, it seems that our mums do indeed have one thing in common" Jason paused, lighting his cigarette and taking a few short tokes before continuing. "A divine taste in one night stands." Clarissa couldn't remain seated much longer and tried to climb to her feet, though struggled against the pain in her ribs. Before she could blink, Jason was standing in front of her offering her his hand. This simply stumped Clarissa further who paused in shock before taking his gracious offer.

Wait, why now though? What's happened? Is mum okay?" Clarissa began to panic. She knew how often the parents of demi-gods were their first taste of death.

You're mother's fine, unfortunately so is my mother and for the love of god!" Jason started before raising one finger to stop himself. "Oops sorry gods." He corrected himself, looking up to the sky. "My step father is still breathing, barely I think, I didn't stop to check." Clarissa stared at him open mouthed at the last part, much to Jason's amusement. "I'll explain later."

...Whatever" Clarissa sighed after a brief pause of disbelief, the immediate shock of seeing her cousin wearing off, only to be replaced with a deep depression that had invaded her mind since the close of the battle.

Geez what's wrong with you, someone die?" Jason joked, taking the cigarette from his lips and offering it to Clarissa, a sure fire way to cheer her up if he remembered correctly. Clarissa's face went blank and she snatched the dwindling cylinder from his hand, placing it between her own lips and turning away, sitting back down against the tree. The realisation hit Jason like a ton of bricks. "Holy shit someone died..." He said quietly to himself, his tone changing completely for his next remark. "What the fuck kind of place is this!" Jason half shouted, drawing the attention of several nearby campers. Clarissa savoured the cigarette, the first one she's had since arriving at the camp.

Sit down, I'll fill you in." She said grabbing Jason's sleeve and pulling him to the floor as she began to explain the basics of the camp and the day's events to her Cousin. Where possible Jason explained his own situation, updating Clarissa on the last year. As his cousin went on, Jason listened intently and couldn't help but feel at home with the girl, a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time.
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Mood: Neutral|Location: Campfire-->Infirmary |With: Ila @Quiet Is Violent

Tav chuckled as Ila tried to pronounce his Father's name, finding it rather amusing and cute. "Metal god works" he agreed with a slight nod. Throwing out his legs in front of him, he leaned over some to stretch a bit, a yawn escaping his lips as he sat there in quiet thought. Glancing over at Ila as she amused herself with his name, he only raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit. No one had really thought about his name to rhyme with it before, only focusing on the fact that he was named after some famous old dead dude.

Sitting up and look at Ila, he tipped his head slightly as she asked him to shrink down a bit. Blinking, he looked at the younger girl a bit puzzled but caught on to what she was trying to say a few moments later. Laughing, he shook his head slightly.
"I can't sorry. Don't worry though, you'll grow to be taller soon enough." he said patting her head lightly. Glancing up as someone shouted, Tav glanced around for a moment, making sure everything was alright. It seemed people were both coming and going from the campfire.

Tav offered a soft smile as he notice Ila starting to doze off a bit but that turned to a frown as he felt heat radiating off of her. Adjusting his position slightly as not to disturb her, he lifted a hand and lightly pressed it against the girls forehead only to find it burning hot.
"I'm doing alright, I think I should be asking how you are though." he responded half distracted. Tav was no expert in medicines and he wasn't sure who had treated her earlier. Letting out a low sigh, he figured just taking her to the infirmary would be best.

Gently slipping his arms under Ila, he lifted her carefully and turned to head off towards the Big House.
"I think, we outta see a doctor for you little one. You're burning up and it isn't that cold out here." Tav remarked heading away from the fire. Moving swiftly, Tav held her close against him as he made his way to the infirmary. As he arrived, he kicked the door with his foot as lightly as one could with a foot in a sort of awkward way to knock. Pushing the door open, he entered "Hello? Anyone here?" he called before glancing down at Ila worriedly.
Elijah Emerson

Mood: Thoughtful -> Hungry|Location: Campfire -> Hades Cabin | Mentions: @Clementine @Starchan

His face was haunted at the revealing of the prophecy. The monster attacks and the mysterious figures, it was clear to him now, their whole world was being threatened and he realized it was Nyx that was behind it. The line "When Magic Steals the Golden Gift" must be about Hecate stealing the fleece. "Fog will lift and powers will shift" must mean that they were not protected by the barrier and mist anymore. He couldn't for the life of him figure out the rest. Well he wasn't the oracle anyhow, those answers have always shown themselves in due time.

His stomach rumbled and he snapped out of hs thoughts, he had not eaten since lunch. Whatever was left at the mess hall was probably scraps and cold something or other. He remembered he had snacks stashed under his bed in the Hades cabin. Standing up from the now cold bench he made a beeline for the cabins.

He noticed Derrick and some other people in the infirmary and he sent a prayer to his father to make sure his brother was okay. He made it to his cabin and got on his knees in front of his bed and dug out the cola and other junk food. He grabbed a packet of cookies and threw them in the green fire in the fire place. "To Hades." he smiled and went back to his bed and heard a small mewl. Fang crawled out of the covers and stretched. "Hey girl." he smiled and pet the hellcat.

He started stuffing cookies into his mouth and if anyone was to walk in, they would see the youngest Hades child with his face in a bag of cheezits.
Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-11_19-58-52.png.075318dbb8b0a5c2946516f016f212e7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-11_19-58-52.png.075318dbb8b0a5c2946516f016f212e7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Campfire --> Infirmary l With: Tav @9forgotten l Mentions: Tav, Alex @Kingly

Ilabelle rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to grow. Someone thought it would be hilarious to give me short genes. Thanks, mom." Ilabelle joked bitterly, her eyes closing as she settled in against Tav. She was shivering a bit in the cold of the night. "Probably would have helped in that fight... I wasn't much a help, was I? I just created more problems, huh? I shouldn't have fought."

When Ilabelle came to this conclusion her voice became very soft. She was ashamed of her performance. She's a demigod, is she not? She was easily beaten by a hellhound that she should have been able to kill. Alex must be so embarrassed to be her friend. That must be why he hasn't talked to her since the battle. Ilabelle doesn't deserve his friendship if she can't hold her own against an easy monster like a hellhound.

She's taken from her thoughts when Tav picked her up. It was dizzying and disorienting to have the ground disappear from underneath her. Not to mention the excruciating pain that came with Tav's arm brushing against her injuries. The girl could barely bite back the cry that threatened to leave her. "No, I'm fine. Don't need a doctor. I promise." She lied easily, even though her words were becoming strained and panicked.

Her hand reaches to hold onto his shirt, really anything that would keep her grounded in the present and not doze off. She starts to chew on her lip, her eyes squeeze tightly together. "Octavian, please... it hurts..." She whispers, admitting this as though it were a sin to be injured.



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MOOD : Relieved / Embarrassed / ?????

LOCATION : Outside Hypnos' Cabin

WITH : Arlo

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

Ah, he was right - it was a good idea to go to the most obvious place right now. The blonde really was there, or, well, at least he was outside, and there was few a soul outside of its vicinity. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked forward, his hands in his coat pockets fidgeting. Every step seemed to reverbrate the loud pounding of his heart, though he guessed that it was just due to running around earlier. Well, more like jogging. Any other reason than that was quickly dismissed in his mental trashcan.

He obviously thought that Arlo standing there, in the blanket of the night, was like staring at the brightest street lamp he's ever seen - not just because of his hair but because of his... whole atmosphere - but Vincent shook those thoughts away. He didn't want to believe that he was having these thoughts, not because he didn't like Arlo or anything ( he knew he did ), but he felt like he was just going too fast and that might freak Arlo out. Vincent knew that his father was just like that - he was impatient when he loved someone and wanted things to progress a whole lot quicker - but he resolved that he'd be much calmer than Boreas. People loved the calm and soothing snow, after all, and not the temperamental blizzard.

Standing at a considerably civil distance from Arlo, he breathed out a cold air ( well, it was normal anyway ) to calm himself down. He was just thanking Arlo for the Ambrosia, and maybe apologize if his fingers got a bit of freeze due to the winter-ish air he was emitting earlier. That's it. That's --

" Thanks for the Ambrosia again. That helped with chasing out the effects of standing near a fire for me. And umm sorry if you got cold standing next to me when you gave me the Ambrosia during the campfire - I was kind of trying to normalize my temperature. And umm thanks for helping me out with the battle earlier. I mean I think I had it, but thanks anyway. B-But I didn't mean that you shouldn't have helped! I-I just -- I just kind of didn't really think of asking for help. I mean I'm kind of used to taking care of things on my own. And would it be okay if you forgot about the whole Disney quotes thing? I mean it's kind of -- "

He immediately slammed his hands to his mouth to clamp them uo, immediately realizing that he was blurting out things out of his own accord just because he was nervous as heck. His whole face, up to the tips of his ears, lit up a bright red, and he looked away. Why the heck was he trying to justify himself to this guy???

" U-Umm... just thanks and sorry. Forget I said anything else. " he mumbled, though it was a bit garbled by his hands. With his embarassment showing on his face, he started to turn and walk away with legs frozen with metaphoric ice.

What the hell just happened.

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Viella Nyman

M:Coy/Flirty/Concered|L:Infirmary-Hades Cabin?|W:Derrick|M:

Viella smiled at Derrick's remarks, her arms still gently wrapped around him, so she didn't hurt his ribs. She enjoyed the ride on Phantom, and felt special to be doing this. She suspected that despite his coy and flirty nature, he didn't have much experience with dating, which she could relate to. The daughter of Aphrodite and she couldn't get a date, not even once?

As they got to the infirmary, Viella and Derrick noticed that there was not even one person around. The girl felt sorry for Derrick and how wounded he was, that she couldn't offer any help other than basically breaking his ribs. She didn't want to do that on the first date.
"Your turn for what? Do Hades kids just get hurt often?" The girl questioned, placing her hand on Derrick's bicep. She glanced in, and turned back to look at the boy. "Nothing but cobwebs and dirt, love. We sho-" She was cut off by a blush and a smile. The child of Hades invited her to his cabin, which was very thoughtful, since her parents were bickering. "I would love to. And, the bulls roam during the night, it's best not to be a midnight snack." She winked, delicately nudging him.

Rais Nyman

M:Loving/Tired as all hell|L:In bed with an angel|W:Ai|M:
@Angel Evans

As Ai grinded against him, Rais leaned his head back in lust, imagining what he would do with that man. But, was he ready? Rais smiled up at him, knowing that he was the only boy to be in his bed, before momentarily snapping. The boy instantly regretted it, and placed a hand on his partner's chest to help him calm down. Ever since he was a baby, his mother's heartbeat would calm him down and put him to sleep. Once Rais had a fit, his mother would pull him into her lap and placed his head on her chest. The soft beating of the human heart was all he needed to come back down to earth. When he felt the older males', it put him into a quiet state, which was rare.

Once the older boy removed his shirt, they switched positions, laying there together, Rais propped up against Ai. He heard the other's heartbeat, the beat and his words bringing a tear to his eye. "I don't know what love is, but I think this is it. I'll be here for you through anything, I swear on the gods. And I hope you like her too. Cause she will love you, but not as much as I do, my angel. You are divine. Anything you need, and It's yours." He said, wrapping his huge arms around Ai's waist. He rubbed the boy's lower back gently, nodding slowly after his every word. "I'd be happy to stay here.." He said, before dozing off.

Ember Moreau

M:Drowsy/Loving|L:Near campfire|W:Alex|M: @Kingly

Ember felt relaxed as she was carried by Alex, occasionally kissing the soft parts of his neck, as she listened to him talk. His voice was melodious, and soothing, lulling the girl to sleep.
"Ila is okay, Zeke brought us to the campfire. Hes a miracle worker, that one. Anyways, I left Ila at the campfire, so I don't know how she currently is. Sorry if I'm rambling, Seaweed Head." She spoke softly, yawning as they moved ahead. The boy bounced her in his arms, causing her to laugh. "Hey! I won't, I promise. And the girl is really pretty. And smart too.." Her eyes began to close, but fluttered back open for a second. "The chimera was easy. You, you devilish boy, were the ultimate challenge. Looks like I won. My prize, will be sleeping in your bed snuggling with you." She said, moving even closer to the boy.

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Mood: Light|Location: infirmary|With: Ila @Quiet Is Violent

A slight smile crossed his face Ila complained about short genes and only shrugged a bit.
"You never know, you'd be surprised if you keep your options open little one." he responded. Moving around the room, he set her down gently on one of the empty beds, knowing he was probably jarring some of her injuries. Having to gently pry her hands away from his shirt, he made sure she was comfortable before standing up and sitting next to the bed for a few moments. "I didn't see you fight much but I think any kind of help is always appreciated. You're young, you've plenty of time to learn new things." he answered, assuring Ila that what she'd done was okay.

Looking up, Tav wondered who he could call to look over the girl. Scrunching up his nose slightly in thought, he tapped his finger lightly against the bed in slight agitation. Looking back at Ila, he addressed her earlier remarks.
"You need a doctor. Your fever is high, to high and you're in pain. I know kinda seems like you aren't supposed to show pain or whatever, I'm not sure what you think, but showing pain isn't bad. Don't lie about it, you'll just get hurt even more and then people will worry more. Just kinda how that goes. We're strong definitely but we also have to admit when we are defeated so that we can retreat and live to fight another day. Surprisingly, I learned that from Rei." he lectured lightly ruffling Ila's hair a bit in light affection.

Tav being the youngest of all his siblings never really knew what it was like to look after someone else and found it to be something he kinda liked. Of course he wasn't going to baby Ila, she was thirteen not three but all the same, it was different. He liked being on the other end of caring for someone.

Getting up, he offered a small smile towards Ila.
"Don't worry, t'll stop hurting soon, I'll be right back okay? Don't go anywhere." he said before he went to find some random person that was around to take a look at Ila. Half pushing them to look at her and fix her up, he hung around feeling slightly anxious about this who situation. Once they'd done whatever it was, he resumed his seat next to the bed. "How do you feel now?"

Samantha Rei

Mood: bored|Location: wandering around|With: herself

After the whole ordeal at the campfire, Rei just slipped away and wandered off on her own. She wasn't a big fan at trying to start up conversations, it jut wasn't her thing and social skills were
not her forte. If she ran into anyone she'd chat with them but most of the campers seemed to be milling around the campfire a bit longer. She was tired and was considering heading off to bed so she made a deadline towards the cabins with no real intentions on sleeping yet.

An idea popped into her head suddenly and she dashed off towards her cabin. Flying through the door, she glanced around and grabbed a couple things from under her bed before exiting the cabin as fast as she'd entered it. Clutching a worn notebook and a pencil, she headed back near the campfire, staying well out of peoples line of sight but close enough so that she could see. Finding a comfortable spot on a low tree branch near campfire, the blue eyed teen flipped to a new page in the book.

Right away she started to draw quick lines both bold and light alike as she redrew the two gods claiming the one new girl and the fight that occurred after. Although she knew exactly what the campfire scene looked like, Rei preferred to jut be near the location since it helped her brain remember what happened better in detail. Sitting there silently, the only sound coming from her being the light scratching sound of her pencil moving across paper, Rei just sat there sketching away until it really was time for people to head off to bed.

Arlo Blumenthal ~ Outside the Hypnos Cabin ~ With Vincent Jeon


Arlo looked at him walk up and begin fumbling around with his hands. He thanked him, and began to mutter about as he blushed and freaked out as a dawnung realization came upon Arlo's mind. Vincent looked at him and talked about how grateful he was for the amborsia and the help during the battle at the camp border and Arlo smirked at him, eyes looking up at him in their sky blue coloration which met his own Royal.blues yet again, this time much more relaxed yet simultaneously filled with a Sense of awe and joy, a sense of great hope that had either increased or just appeared since it first arrived. Arlo smiled at him, a warming, calming smile.filled with his own blinding sense of optimism and joy and presented in the best way possible. He walked forward, closing the gap between the two and patted Vincent's shoulder.

"Well, the thing is, I gave you that Ambrosia because I was afraid you wouldnt heal all that great without it on your chest. That Harpy got you pretty good.....and, well," he said, staring at him with a grin which expa ded into a NEARLY silent chuckle. "I just wanted to thank you too. For helping out with those Hellhounds, and really helping out with getting the prophecy memorized. On....well on your phone. And I know this might sound really forward, and invasive, but I'd really like to ask you something that's been on my mind ever since I saw you there make that speech about the prophecy at the Campfire." He said, a shuttering exhale following. "Does that thing play music? If you wouldnt mind, ID like to listen to some....with you of course.... Maybe on the beach?"
Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-11_22-38-24.png.8876bc38b25e750460c1f966fb52e281.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-11_22-38-24.png.8876bc38b25e750460c1f966fb52e281.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Infirmary l With: Tav @9forgotten l Mentions: Alex @Kingly

Ilabelle felt something beneath her and then the jarring feeling of her injuries shifting. A pained tear falls down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away. Don't ever show pain. Tav addresses her as little one and she gives a strained laugh. "Little one, huh? I'm not that little. I mean, I'm not big, but I'm not little." She decided to focus on this petulant point as though that would stop her pain. It didn't. Then he tried to make her feel better about her performance in battle. Ilabelle didn't believe him. She did extremely poorly. She's stubborn, and nothing anyone could say would change her opinion. Except maybe if Alex said it. He was almost an acting older brother to her.

Then Tav mentioned her needing a doctor. "I'm fine! I'm fine, damn it! I'm just a little cold!" She knew she was lying. Her fever had reached a dangerous 105.7 fahrenheit and was still climbing. Her wounds were stinging. "I'm not hurt, I'm okay, I'm fine." Lies. So many pointless and obvious lies. She's too hurt and dizzy and cold to think straight. Someone tries to help her and she digs her teeth into them, terrified and starting to feel helpless.

"I... I need Alex... Octopus, find Alex, please find Alex, he can fix this, he can fix everything." She starts to babble. 106.1 fahrenheit. She starts to experience vertigo. Tunnel vision. Dizziness. She's pre-seizure. "Alex.. need... Alex..."



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Alexander James Fuller


Location: Nearby Campfire | Mentions: @Clementine @Quiet Is Violent | Interactions: @Starchan

Alex bit down on his lips at her word, feeling her snuggle closer to his neck. He felt her soft lips kiss along his neck, causing him to crane his head to the side slightly to expose it more for her lips. He stopped walking nuzzling his head into hers as he spoke "Is that so? Should we even go to the campfire then?" He asked, already anxious to be alone with the girl again. The heat of her body against his was enough to make him go crazy already, and the thought of being alone with her for the night sent a hot feeling streaking down his body, and his heart to pick up pace.

His mind shifted to Ila, she was probably okay right now, she had to be if both Zeke and Ember confirmed it. The only thing he would be missing out on is the prophecy, which Derrick would probably tell him about later. Of course Derrick was also probably busy with his own girl, so what was stopping Alex from being busy with his. He felt a slight laugh come from his lips as he made up his mind, turning his head to place a soft kiss on her cheek.
"Fuck a camp fire, what cabin are we spending the night in?"



MOOD : Relaxed

LOCATION : Outside Hypnos' Cabin

WITH : Arlo

MENTIONS : @Elision of Ecritures

Arlo chuckling almost escaped Vincent's ears, but somehow, he was glad he got to see and hear the boy doing so - the grin on his face gave him a boyish charm that had Vincent blushing again - though he was ready any time to pass it off as the embarrassment from before. He really couldn't deny that Arlo was kind of handsome and cute, and him smiling like that seemed to just light up his whole existence. How ironic, considering he was the son of Hypnos and they were associated with... well, hypnotism and sleep. A small smile found its way on his face, softening his features considerably. At least things seemed relaxed, and it was an infectious atmosphere. He almost forgot about the whole weirdness from before, which he probably would be grateful for later on.
" Umm, it's nothing, I guess. " he replied with a hesitant smile.

As he was asked about his phone, his face showed mild curiosity. Without much thought about it, he slipped the phone out of his pocket and looked at it. Well, of course it played music - the thing his phone was useful for was only to be his personal MP3 player, since sending messages with it just allowed his demigod scent to be transmitted and tracked down by monsters. That, and maybe to pass the time with games and such. Well right now he was also glad he had it with him, because the prophecy was jotted down in it easily, and that made things easier for when Chiron asked them to announce the prophecy from earlier at the campfire.

As Arlo prepared to ask him a question, Vincent wasn't even aware that he was hoping. Hoping for something... but what, exactly? And then the question came, and he only looked sort of the same.

" Yeah, it does. But... I don't think rock music fits very well with the beach, you know? " Nevermind the fact that he completely missed the implication of Arlo's words. It was odd, but Vincent was starting to get comfortable with talking to Arlo, enough to show his more vulnerable side, which he hasn't even realized yet.

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Dianne Percival

Location: Campfire / Mentions: Alexander @Kingly , Ilabelle @Quiet Is Violent, Ember @Starchan , Octavian @9forgotten

Dianne was told by one of the demigods treating her shoulder to check with the infirmary for any infection, after she had payed her respects to her father.

"For Hephaestus." She muttered, tipping a large slice of meat into the fire. She watched it burn for a moment before putting a way her plate and head towards the Infirmary. On her way, she caught sight of Alexander and Ember having a moment. He gave her a small peck on the cheek. Gods, it's like they're only here to make me feel bad about my lack of love life. Brushing off the feeling, she continued on to the infirmary.

Upon walking through the entrance, she was pleasantly surprised to see Tav.

"Hey Tav, hey Ilab- oh my gods, is she okay?" Dianne exclaimed. Her eyes widen as she noticed Ilabelle mumbling and sweating, she looked as if she were about to pass out. Which she probably was. Dianne dashed to the bed and put her hand on Ila's head. It was burning furiously. Dianne let out a muffled sigh of worry. Oh Gods it's at least 105 Fahrenheit... Does she need water or...or ice?... I can fix machines of all kinds but for the love of the gods, I cannot fix a human being... She's in pain. She needs a doctor, but, everyone's outside. Oh gods what do we do?

When her thoughts stopped pouring through, Dianne could here what Ila was saying. Alex, over and over again. Dianne never really understood what she had with Alex. This is hardly the time Dianne. Find a freaking doctor for the poor girl.

"Tav, I'll get someone to help her. You stay here 'kay?" She told him. Not waiting for a response, she ran out the infirmary.

Dianne could immediately see anyone with medical expertise so she resorted to an announcement.

"WE HAVE A CAMPER IN THE INFIRMARY WHO REQUIRES MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW!" She shouted. Heads turn towards her, campers begin scuttling around to find help. She was going to head back when she remembered Alex, he would probably want to see Ila.

Dianne ran back to the Campfire where she saw them earlier. Slightly out of breath she called to the pair of love-birds.

"Alex, Alex...Ila... High fever. She's in the uh... infirmary. Wanted to see you." She told him, still out of breath. Though coming to her senses, Dianne realized she had ruined a perfectly good moment.
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Owen Rydian

Location: Infirmary

Mentions: Dianne @Garnet , Ilabelle @Quiet Is Violent

Ever since he dropped out of that tree in front of her Owen had been worrying about that girl. After the hellhound had jumped them, the girl had ran off like someone she knew was about to die.

Owen let out a quick chuckle. No one ever would do that for him... Except maybe Kit. He sighed and continued walking around the camp. After the one Hellhound, Owen didn't see a single monster. He was kinda disapointed, but he was glad that the camp had only lost the Fleece... Well also the Mist but that's beside the point. He heard the prophecy from the edge of the fire and immediately left to find something to occupy his time. "Is there anything around here to do..." Owen said quietly to himself when he suddenly heard shouting from one of the Hephaestus Kids. "Thanks universe... I was kidding..." Owen said with a sigh as he hurried over to the infirmary hoping the person didn't need an actual healer.

Owen hurried through the door and found his way to the sick camper, the same girl who had been with him in the forest. He quickly looked over her and rushed over to one of the medicine cabinets for supplies. He grabbed what he needed and hurried over to her. He checked her forehead "Burning up.... Untreated wounds... Delirious..." Owen though as he went to work. He looked down at the girl and slipped a painkiller into her mouth as she continued babbling, hopefully that would ease what he was going to do. He looked down at the first minor wound and put his hand near it. Shortly after three insects scurried out from under his jacket and crawled into the wound. "There... They should help re-energize you... As well as help boost your immune system..." He said as he watched the insects crawl for a little bit, before Owen felt them die and dissolve into her bloodstream. He then quickly stitched up the entry wound and moved on to the more serious ones, disinfecting them, cutting away small bits of bad skin and stitch her wounds closed.

Ilabelle Amora Darren

Location: Infirmary | With: Tav, Owen @9forgotten @Bishop The Corgi | Temperature: 106.3 --> 105.9​

Someone is touching her. Ilabelle moans in pain. Why are they touching her? There's something in her mouth. A pill? She swallows it. Then she felt a shock and jerked. She can't breathe. Her eyes are stuck open. She's being shocked.

Ilabelle was experiencing something more terrifying than any monster on the planet. She was trapped. She couldn't move, couldn't speak. Something was shocking her. She couldn't move. Was she shaking? She was shocked again and she tries to whine in pain. No. Can't. Can't breathe. Another shock. She's jerking uncontrollably. Seizing. The word occurs to her just before it stops. A febrile seizure. Seizure caused by high fever.

When she came back to her senses she was exhausted. There's bugs? She tried to swat at them but she's too weak. "Stop... Bugs... I don't..." Ilabelle looks up. The boy from the tree. "You? Okay? I left... Oh gods oh gods, I left you alone are you okay I shouldn't have abandoned you!" Ilabelle was shaking badly. Every breathe felt like fire reaching her lungs. Her wounds stung worse and worse despite the painkillers. Tav was there. Tav was there and he wouldn't let anyone hurt her, would he? He wasn't Alex. He wasn't. But he was a friend. Of course he was. He wouldn't-

"AhhhHHH!" Ilabelle screamed as the bug-boy started to stitch up her wounds again. How can it hurt so badly? It's awful. The painkillers aren't helping enough. Tears stream freely down her face at this point and she's trying everything within her power to get away. She's trying to bite at the boy, hit him, anything to make him stop.

Location: Infirmary |Mood: very worried| With: Ila, Owen, Dianne @Garnet @Bishop The Corgi @Quiet Is Violent Mentions Alexander @Kingly

When he was told to go find someone, he jumped up and turned to run out only to nearly run into his sister. He gave a surprised look, wondering why she was here but that thought disappeared when she dashed to the bed where Ila lay. Following her anxious, he peer over her shoulder.
"She said to get Alex but I didn't wanna leave her...do you know anything to help?" he questioned anxiously as Ila mumbled for Alex once again.

Tav relaxed slightly as Dianne took hold of the situation and dashed off to go find someone. Sitting down again, he peered down at Ila worriedly. He was absolutely useless in these situation and was freaking out a bit. He dislikes feeling rather useless and wished he could help but hadn't the clue how. Next thing on his list was to learn basic medical aid for Ila and everyone in general. Fiddling with a small device from his pocket, he tried to calm his nerves while keeping a watchful eye on the girl.

While Dianne was out, someone else came in to try and help the girl. Looking up, Tav recognized Owen and shifted to the side, not saying anything as he watched to see what he'd do. A slight look of grossed out-ness crossed his face as he watched bugs crawl out from under his clothes and onto the girl. What that would do he had absolutely no idea what so ever. When the sticking started, he nearly fell off his seat, not at all expecting the scream which was probably heard through out the camp. Grabbing Ila's weak hand he pulled them away from Owen who was trying to stitch the wounds shut.

"Ila! Ila, shh it's okay. He's trying to help...my sister, Dianne is going to find Alex. You're okay. Don't think about the pain, Alex will come soon. Don't bite Owen, he's trying to help...squeeze my hand instead of trying to hit him?" Tav babbled, trying to get the girl to calm down. Giving Owen a worried and slightly apologetic look, he kept Ila from flailing around to much, not that she could due to being so weak. "I don't think the pain stuff is helping...maybe you should stop for a moment or give her something else?" he asked. Maybe it was better to just knock the little girl out before sticking her with anything...Octavian had absolutely no clue and hoped his sister could find Alex soon.
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