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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Anthony: yep poetry competition of the gods over here with Boreas. *Glares at Kit.* kit you're invited too I'll just grab some refreshments. *walks by and teleports Owen and Elizabeth to camp.*
Owen: Don't tou- *gets teleported*

Apollo: why would you do that? *teleports them back*

Owen: -me.... The hell just happened.

Apollo: Yep. That's my boy... Not good with poetry... Or music... Or to an extent arch-

Owen: DAD!

Apollo: Sorry!... Anyways. Why are you here?

Kitsune: ZOMG!!! Apollo!!! Boreas!!! I haven't seen you guys since our last poker night in November!!!!

Apollo: I see your still here Kitsune.

Kitsune: yeppers!!

Bishop: *still playing with Holo*

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Hades: *pops in playing a saxophone*

Helena: What happened to the trombone!?

Hades: you bent it. Remember.

Helena: oh... Yeah...

Hades: *saxophone playing*
BishopOfKings said:
Owen: Don't tou- *gets teleported*
Apollo: why would you do that? *teleports them back*

Owen: -me.... The hell just happened.

Apollo: Yep. That's my boy... Not good with poetry... Or music... Or to an extent arch-

Owen: DAD!

Apollo: Sorry!... Anyways. Why are you here?

Kitsune: ZOMG!!! Apollo!!! Boreas!!! I haven't seen you guys since our last poker night in November!!!!

Apollo: I see your still here Kitsune.

Kitsune: yeppers!!

Bishop: *still playing with Holo*

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Elizabeth: *rubbing her temples*.... *annoyed*

Boreas: Kistune! Hello! And i think we need to have a serious talk... the four of us~

Elizabeth:....Oh no...

Boreas: Oh yes~!

Olivia: *Eating popcorn*...Glad my dad is an irresponsible lazy asshole...
Apollo: A talk?... *notices Elizabeth* wait... No... Are you-

Owen: YES! Ok! We are dating ok!!

Apollo: aw my little boy is growing up! Alright let go!

Kitsune: next poker night is on the 12th of January! Hades you're invited too!

Apollo: Got it! *teleports away*

Owen: Why m- *gets teleported*

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BishopOfKings said:
Apollo: A talk?... *notices Elizabeth* wait... No... Are you-
Owen: YES! Ok! We are dating ok!!

Apollo: aw my little boy is growing up! Alright let go!

Kitsune: next poker night is on the 12th of January! Hades you're invited too!

Apollo: Got it! *teleports away*

Owen: Why m- *gets teleported*

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Boreas: *Does a self fist pump.* Yes! *Teleports away*

Elizabeth: Fuck me-*gets teleported*

Lia and Olivia: *Snort*
Max: The talk just happened.

Kit: so Olivia... Since your dad is lazy and my Dad is always busy... I guess that means we won't get lec- *gets hit in head with a letter* the hell? *opens letter*

Hologram Hermes: Hey son. Just gonna tell you right here. Just don't be too protective and try not to get the girl Preg-

Kit: *tears letter apart viciously* ... *face starts turning red*

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BishopOfKings said:
Max: The talk just happened.
Kit: so Olivia... Since your dad is lazy and my Dad is always busy... I guess that means we won't get lec- *gets hit in head with a letter* the hell? *opens letter*

Hologram Hermes: Hey son. Just gonna tell you right here. Just don't be too protective and try not to get the girl Preg-

Kit: *tears letter apart viciously* ... *face starts turning red*

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Olivia: *Turns bright red and hides in her hood*.... Uhm...
Kit: I am so sorry... Dads a little... To straightforward.

Max: ... *hiding laughter* well that was interesting.

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BishopOfKings said:
Kit: I am so sorry... Dads a little... To straightforward.
Max: ... *hiding laughter* well that was interesting.

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Olivia: *Playing with her hoodie drawstrings* U-Uhm... I-It's fine... I have a feeling... my dad might try and say something when i go to sleep...
Kit: at least he won't be pulled iiiiii...... The dream stone doesn't affect him... Dammit. *another letter falls from the sky*

Max: *picks it up and opens it*

Hologram Hermes: Pregnant! There I said it first so you'd hear. I saw you tear up the first letter. So to recap. Don't be over protective and no pregnancy... At least not until your older. Ok? Chao!!! *letter vanishes*

Kit: *face is bright red* I'm uh... Gonna go... Be over here... Embarrassed *sprints to room*

Max: *laughing* wow... I'm pretty sure my dad knows I get this stuff and won't have problems.

Wind carrying Zeus's message: Your actually gay....

Max: *eyes widen* wait what!?

Wind carrying Zeus's message: ... Nothing....

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BishopOfKings said:
Kit: at least he won't be pulled iiiiii...... The dream stone doesn't affect him... Dammit. *another letter falls from the sky*
Max: *picks it up and opens it*

Hologram Hermes: Pregnant! There I said it first so you'd hear. I saw you tear up the first letter. So to recap. Don't be over protective and no pregnancy... At least not until your older. Ok? Chao!!! *letter vanishes*

Kit: *face is bright red* I'm uh... Gonna go... Be over here... Embarrassed *sprints to room*

Max: *laughing* wow... I'm pretty sure my dad knows I get this stuff and won't have problems.

Wind carrying Zeus's message: Your actually gay....

Max: *eyes widen* wait what!?

Wind carrying Zeus's message: ... Nothing....

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Olivia: *Squeaks and pulls her drawstrings to hide her face even more in her hoodie, bright bright red*
Kitsune: that is private business. I would never eavesdrop... I place cameras! *turns on tv


Apollo: You got that Owen. I'm don't want you and her going at it. You aren't old enough and you shouldn't commit adultery. It's holy law.

Owen: *face is bright red* 10 commandments aren't Greek

Apollo: They will be respected!!!! So... Boreas. Do you have anything to say.

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Elizabeth: *Blushing* *head turned away, has a scarf on to hide her blush with*...

Boreas:...Treat her right.. and if you get her pregnant.... GOOD JOB!

Elizabeth: *makes a shit ton of snow fall on them like a blanket*...

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