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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Holo: Oh be real you don't like him. That's why I'm gonna eat him again.

Anthony: *shivers.*
Holo: I'll be waiting. *goes back to his den.*

Anthony: *kisses her cheek gently.* thank you so much.
Anthony: do you want me to get you anything. Some advil, or aspirin. You know for the discomfort and breathing trouble you're having? I can do that and hold you at the same time.
Anthony: are you ok? *looks a little worried.* I don't want anything happening to my hero.
Anthony: *startled up onto his feet again checking on Helena* you're gonna be fine just stay awake and stay with me. *goes back to trying to heal any internal would that may be there.*
Anthony: Why are you trying to leave me already? *starting to freak out.* I don't want to lose you. I'll give anything and everything else I promise just not you!

Holo: it draws near your time again boy. *slowly creeping forwards.*
Anthony: *hands her the stuffed animal and then starts freaking out.* why why why why why?
Anthony: are you choking? *starts trying to clear her airway with magic but also tries to turn Kovu's head.*
Helena: *moans in frustration*

??????: *appears standing in the middle of the room, back turned to the two of them* I see someone called FINALLY- and guess what? I brought Campbell's souuuup- *turns to look at Anthony, looks confused, then looks at Helena* .... *frowns at Anthony* .... WHAT THE F*** DID YOU TO MY LITTLE HELLBELL, HUH?!
Anthony: I haven't done anything yet. I don't do well at charades. Helena do you know sign language?
??????: *big burly man with a studded leather motorcycle jacket, tattoos, sunglasses, a nose piercing, a big long beard. This guy is the picture of intimidation* *he growls and stomped over to Anthony, grabs him by his shirt collar and lifts him up* YOU HAVE UPSET THE DADDY IMUUNO. I SUGGEST YOU SAY YOUR PRAYERS NOW, FOOLISH BO-

Helena: *weakly* dad... A little help

?????: *panicked noise, drops Anthony and several cans of soup* oh gods! I FORGOT! *rushes over to Helena*
Anthony: lands on his feet and watches him. "Hades or Pluto? Who am I going to have to survive here?" *grabs watch with his hand just in case things get dicey.*
????: What? No! Do you think Hades carries around cans of Campbell's soup? Honestly! God kids these days. If anything I look more like Ares, minus the beard... *scratches his beard and goes back to hovering hands over Helena, his hands emitting a low glow*

Helena: .... *some color returning to her skin, not that she wasn't pale already* Anthony, this is my.... Adopted father, Gordon... He's a son of Apollo...

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