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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Helena: BULLSHIT! You think just because you have a f***ton of scars means you deserve hell?! I am a broken girl with a broken mind! You deserve better then to have to deal with my bullshit! You are a decent guy trying to set yourself up with a bitch like me! All I have ever done is hurt people! .... I don't, want, to hurt, you. You are a decent guy. It doesn't matter what you've done in your life to earn your scars. It matters what you do in the future... And I am not about to change... So for the last time... Leave. Me. Alone. *turns and runs off, jumps off the side of the ship*
Helena: BULLSHIT! You think just because you have a f***ton of scars means you deserve hell?! I am a broken girl with a broken mind! You deserve better then to have to deal with my bullshit! You are a decent guy trying to set yourself up with a bitch like me! All I have ever done is hurt people! .... I don't, want, to hurt, you. You are a decent guy. It doesn't matter what you've done in your life to earn your scars. It matters what you do in the future... And I am not about to change... So for the last time... Leave. Me. Alone. *turns and runs off, jumps off the side of the ship*
Anthony: how terribly foolish. *Catches Helena with his magic and carefully brings her back.* I understand your reluctance but I just can't leave you alone. If I'd gotten to you first you wouldn't be thinking like this right now. In fact you and I would most likely be dancing or nights away while others watched jealous. But alas he got to you first and had ruined your ability to accept what can't be changed about me. I don't want to change you.
Helena: *screeches and slaps Anthony, grabs him by the throat and tosses him across the ship* LEAVE ME ALONE YOU IDIOT! *hisses and jumps off the side of the ship*
Anthony: *follows obviously not giving up.* you are being stubborn and you're not giving me a chance is what hurts.
Anthony: *Grabs onto her leg tightly refusing to let go for anything so he can follow even if she shadow travels.*
Owen: *lassos Anthony with wires and pulls him off Helena* Dude. Chill. Let her go... If it's meant to be she'll come back to you. If not... Then you're out of luck.

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Anthony: *Cuts the rope and glares at Owen.* You damned fool I've tried everything else she's just being stubborn and yard on herself if only I could prove to her Mason didn't die because of her.
Anthony: *Holds his head in his hands.* I can't do anything right. I'm going to die cold and alone as I always predicted. Death will have no mercy on me or my miserable pathetic soul. I can't find out how to win her over and she doesn't even show a slight sign of giving in.
Owen: *grabs Anthony by his collar and slams him against the wall* then that's her problem to fix. We all have something, a moment in our lives, that we take the blame for. That thing can only be fixed by the person. You need to let her learn to realize that his death wasn't her fault. And you need to fix yours. *lets go of Anthony* think in it. *disappears*

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Anthony: like I haven't thought it's all I think about. I can't stop it this will drive me mad if I can't solve the riddle of her heart soon.
Alec: Anthony, she's not a puzzle to solve, she's a human being! And you're only making her upset! Just accept that you've been friendzoned and be happy with the relationship you have now! If you keep trying to win her over, that friendship will crumble and give way to hatred. And the worst thing you'll ever feel is knowing someone you care about so deeply hates you.... *looks at Max* trust me... I know... *vanishes*
Anthony: *Goes to the crows nest.* my life will remain one torture session after another. Hopefully it will come to an end soon so the pain can stop.
Anthony: *notices Thomas doing something odd to the ship.* what are you doing.

Thomas: Nothing serious just trying to see if I can give us extra defenses in case we're boarded.
Old lady spirit: you really shouldn't be doing that, should you, dear?"

Helena: oh, please, spare me the lecture, mrs.... Olivier. I can deal with my problems by myself.

Olivier: by buying a pack of razors and slicing your arms to ribbons?

Helena: *growls and swipes another cut* yes.
Anthony: Whatever I need a drink.

Thomas: you've never drank before in your life!

Anthony: despair creates first times for everything.

Thomas: I suppose so. *hands Anthony a bottle of vodka.*

Anthony: *starts drinking slowly.* that's actually pretty good.
Owen: *appears near Helena* In my opinion sharp wires work better. *sits down across from Helena* Penny for your thoughts?

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Anthony: *Tips empty bottle over.* Thomas is this enough for alcohol poisoning?

Thomas: nope. *Hands him a box of bottles.* that should work.

Anthony: good. *gets started.*

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