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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Holo: *sits up and is taller than bishop is standing. * oh look you're the same height as my toe. The big one too.
Holo: *growls* I'm no dog. Mutt.

Anthony: *Walks over to Helena and lays next to her. Is still a black lab but there are scars on 75% of his body making him look a bit like a zombie dog. Is shaking.*
Holo: that's what good said when he made corgis. He was looking at a picture of a rat and a wolf.
Bishop: eh.... You only say that cause your experiencing older brother syndrome.... *sleeping*

Max: *is licking Alec the Chinchilla*

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Anthony: I went to look again and it all came back. *Shakes a little harder and is clearly terrified and nearly insane.*
Anthony: I'm sure you only said that to calm me down. *Lays down trying to imagine how wonderful it would be if she was being honest to him.*
Anthony: *lays on his side so Helena had more choice of where to put her head.* I'll do anything for you.

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