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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Helena: *throws a roll of duct tape at JARPY* SHUT THE F*** UP *points at Tom* You have far more then me STOP COMPLAINING *hides under blanket again*
Kitsune: *closes camcorder* America's funniest home videos here I come!!!

Max: you have such a sick sense of humor.

Kitsune: Really?! I'll get it a flu shot on my way home. *walks away*

Max: ... I guess I walked into that one... Where's the dog?

Bishop: *still sleeping*

(P.S God dammit Jarpy! Now I'm hungry!)

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Thomas: then stop yelling at me. Gods, it's like just because I'm not one of you demigods you guys think I'm just around to take your cr*p and do what you say.
Bishop: *wakes up* what?

Max: are you guys just gonna keep ar-.... Kit stop filming!!!!

Kit: I'm not filming anything

Kitsune: *closes camcorder* ugh!!! Fine!!!!

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Owen: You could always jump off the ship.

Max: The F*ck Owen!

Owen: Hey I've been frozen in a battle for like 2 weeks. I think I deserve to be a little pissy

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explosiveKitten said:
Helena: Because for whatever reason you don't want me to slot my throat?
Thomas: damn right I don't want you to open a casino in your throat.
Helena: GOD F***ING DAMNIT TOM YOU KNOW WHAT I MENT AND Owen, that won't work, we're in the ocean right now, if I jump, then Jason could just pluck me out of the ocean again.

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