Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Today this guy at my school ment to say if you wanna bump we can bump, but instead he said if you wanna bang we can bang

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It was the end of the day and he wad right next to my locker. It was the laugh I needed

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He was talking to this guy named Jaden -The boy who talks way too much- because they bumped into each other. And Jaden kept telling him that he walked into him. It was a pretty pointless conversation.

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Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome, do I have to still ignore your post
Well I'm not being exactly technical with the Cyclops but it says Hephaestus has his 3 Cyclops that aid him personally. They are of a certain breed of Cyclops. So I used the breed for flavor and created the forge under the volcanos of the world

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