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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"How do you know? You don't! Besides, if someone doesn't go GET HIM, he'll destroy THE CITY!" Helena wouldn't say it, but she was worried about that stupid goofball. She shoved her way out of the car, running for the nearest patch of shadow, then jumped into it, disappearing from the group.

"DON'T GO ANYWHERE, I'LL BE BAC-" She manged to shout before she disappeared.

Now somewhere she had no idea where it was, she tumbled out of the nearest pool of shadow by Mason, rolling to a rest on her back, breathing heavy. She immediately felt drained and tired, as shadow travel normally did to her...
On what looked like an obsidian altar, Mason laid bare and unconscious. His hair a slight dark red, his skin free of any burns, and his gear laying beside him. The volcano had lifted him 50 ft up in the air bringing the earth up at a slope. His bracers were still smoking from within and his goggles still on his face. "wa...ffle....gimme..." he muttered coarsely...
Ace facepalmed, "Does no one understand sacrasm?"

The scientists started to notice the lava and everything that Mason caused. They searched the area.

Ryan saw the people staring at the lava and thought it would be a great opportunity to use his power now that they were distracted. He quickly used his super speed and got out of the car. Ryan ran toward the volcano.

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"...oh hell no. I am not climbing a f***ing cliff. I did not just shadow travel all the way here to climb a F***ING 50 FOOT CLIFF!" The daughter of Hades groaned in frustration, then after a minute of muttering profanity she started to crawl upwards, scrabbling on the slope with her hands and knees, grimacing the entire way up. When she finally managed to get to Mason, she was seeing black spots in her vision; She should not be moving this much after shadow travelling this distance...
The scientists neared the volcano and started climbing upwards at a fast pace.

Ryan found Mason and Helena. He had seen the scientists making their way up the volcano and heard their plan. Ryan quickly swooped Mason and Helena onto his shoulders and used his super speed and strength to run back to the car. He arrived at the car and gently put Mason and Helena down next to it. Ryan quickly got in with his super speed as to seem like he has been there the whole time.

By that time the scientists reached the top and saw the obsidian.
Evelynn was oblivious to any volcanoes or any sort, only having eyes for Amaya at the moment. "Aww, you're so cute when you're angry." Evelynn grinned, snuggling Amaya further. "Snuggle, snuggle, snu-" She blinked and fell silent as the spell wore off. She was slightly confused, the last thing she really recalled being pumping the gas. She didn't recall putting any pillows in the stupid SUV. Her head lifted and turned to find Amaya beneath her. "You know . . . You have beautiful eyes." She spoke, oblivious to the fact that she had just said them a few moments before. She sat up straight. "Why are you so red, sis?"
Ace noticed Mason and Helena next to the car, "Get in!"

Jay told the scientists, "This must have happened recently unless...Search the city! Block the roads! Tell them!" They all quickly got on their bikes and split ways into groups of 8.
By then, Helena was extremely weak after that trip to find Mason. She did none the less grab the Hephaestus boy and drag him to the back of the car next to her and squished on top of someone as near as she could to the window, then started to shake Mason violently.

"Wake up, you sack of flesh, there are no waffles, STOP DREAMING ABOUT WAFFLES, GET BACK TO REAL LIFE!"
Ace quickly drove to the mansion and finally arrived ___ minutes later after almost crashing and making the wrong turns 3 times. How can he resist? He's an Ares child!

Ryan got out of the car and stared at the mansion, "Cool!" He quickly turned to Alec, "Do we need to share rooms or will we have our own?"

Cupid fell out of the car and kissed the ground, "Sweet gods! I'M ALIVE! Ace you...!"

Ace glared at Cupid and Cupid said, "...are a great driver..."
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"Are you kidding me?" Amaya looked at Evelyn incredulously. At that the car came to a sharp halt and everyone leaned forward. In a flash everyone tumbled out and she fell on her butt. Again. Damn, that had to stop. Was Ace driving? She looked around right in time to catch Cupid's not so happy compliment towards Ace. She noticed that Mason was now a part of the group too, though he was bruised. Amaya let in a deep breath finally able to breath, making the trip without killing anyone.
Evelynn shrugged. "Sure, sis." She gave her a quizzical look. "Stays gotten into you?" She asked, rising from the ground. "And this is why you let the present of the SUV drive . . ." Evelynn mumbled. "Ace failed his test three times before bribing them." She looked over the state of her car and saw the missing mirror. "Damn it Ace! Don't touch my car again!" She'd have to get waffle boy to fix it later. "Ya wanna share one?" She asked Amaya after Ryan asked about rooms.
"LAND! SWEET LAND! YOU, ACE, ARE THE WORST F***ING CHAUFFEUR EVER!" Helena shouted, shoving out of the car and rolling in the grass, unbelieveably happy to be out of that car. "Tin can of death.... With Ace driving... It's like my worst nightmare..." She sighed with her face in the dirt, not even caring if Ace was glaring at her.

"Well, there are about... four guest bedrooms in there... Each room has two queen sized beds... I think we'll have about four people sleeping on the floor. But hey, you guys stay out here, so I can talk to my dad... Okay? Okay." He looked at everyone, then walked briskly to the mansion door.
Jason, shurgged as they pulled over, not his plan but it worked, he was relieved that Mason was safe. It was a while before they reached the mansion but by the time they did everyone practically flew out of the van. Jason streched again feeling and hearing his back crack along with a fewother joints "Well we're here, finally." He shoulderedhis bag and waited for the others to be ready.

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Ryan shook Mason's shoulder, "You okay?"

Cupid looked around, "Well...at least we're ALL here now."

Ace just ignored their comments about his driving and waited for Alec to finish talking with his dad. 
Ryan looked at the mansion then back at Mason, "Ah forget this...Anyone have a jacket that can cover Mason's other side while I carry him in?"

Ace yelled, "Hey Alec are you almost done talking to your dad?!"

Cupid gave Ryan his jacket and Ryan tied it around Mason's other side. Ryan lifted Mason onto his shoulder with ease. He suddenly remembered to act like he was kind of heavy, so Ryan slouched just a little as if he still had normal strength.
Max woke up in the car with nobody else in it. He had passed out after getting back in the car and was a little worried that there wasn't anyone in the car. "Had I missed a pit stop" Max thought to himself. Then he heard voices coming from outside the SUV. "Oh thank god they didn't leave me." he said to himself and got out of the car, and to his surprise we were there. "Staring at the mansion he thought "I'm so glad we didn't go to the Farm" before going to catch up to the group. Max noticed Mason in Ryan's shoulder and wondered when he got here, and more importantly why he was naked... well covered up, but still naked. He called to Ryan "Hey can you fill me in on what happened i might've drifted off after the first pit stop."

(Sorry about the late post was out of the house a lot today, and up until now i couldn't post when i was due to my computer temporarily craping out.)
Noah was glad to get out of the super cramped SUV. Not just because it was uncomfortable, but because whoever was driving drove worse and made the experience worse than the previous driver and her road rage. Noah stretched out his legs as he saw Ryan and Cupid carrying the unconscious Mason. Noah walked up to them pulling out his first aid kit. Seeing Mason bare and nearly without clothes, Noah nearly dropped his kit.

"Oh my. Um...." Noah said awkwardly before pulling out some ambrosia and and a yellow elixir. "The ambrosia will heal Mason from any injuries, but he seems just tired." Noah says as he holds up a vial of ambrosia. "The yellow solution should give him some energy." Noah slightly grimaces as he approaches Mason and pours a few ounces of ambrosia down Mason's throat, then some of the yellow elixir.
Ryan faced Max, "I-...Helena rescued Mason. And we are here waiting for the go signal to enter the mansion."

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Cupid looked around, "So....I'M SLEEPING ON A BED." Ace quickly looked at Cupid, "Me too...."

Ryan shrugged, "I guess I'll just take the floor, or the couch if possible." He looked at Mason on his shoulder, "Hope he gets better soon...I haven't heard some waffle talk in a while."
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Jason was glad to see everyone ok, his worry melted away and his thoughts weren't centered on mad scientists. He just enjoyed the awkward but peaceful moment. "Think there's a pool here?" He said to no one in particular but the idea was nice, he could get more practice and such.

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Ryan looked at Jason, "Probably. Have you had much practice with your water ability yet?"

Cupid could not resist the temptation so he ran to a window and attempted to peek through it.
Jason chuckled remembering how he shot himself out of the water like a rocket, "Yeah, a little bit. He turned to Max, "Oh yeah J dunno if you've picked up on this but I'm a son of Poseidon."

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"You know that would explain why i could never could beat you in the water, and because of that your victory over me in the last competition doesn't count." Max said to Jason while trying to hold in a laugh. "Your gonna need to return the trophy now! Anyways I'm at least glad we got Mason back, speaking of why is he naked?"
Ryan was going to say what he saw when he got Mason and Helena, but he stopped himself and shrugged his shoulders, "He probably turned his whole body to fire." Ryan looked around at the area while he still had Mason over his shoulder. He glanced back at the mansion then at the other mansions next to it.
Jason laughed along with Max, "Meh, I think I woulda beat you anyway." He teased, "Maybe we should get Mason some fireproof clothes or have him make some himself." He sighed, "Whatever at least he's okay." He opened the van's door and sat on the edge setting his bags down, he didn't want to jinx it but we was bery curious. "Isn't it odd that we haven't been attacked yet? I thought we attracted monsters like crazy by ourselves, let alone twelve of us. Shouldn't we keep our guard up?"

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"Let's just say we're lucky and who's to say we don't have our guard up." Max said and reached into his pocket and pulled out the glow stick he had kept there. "I at least have had a weapon on me this entire time." He said showing the Glow stick to Jason. "But as you said it's pretty odd considering we have like five kids here who are children of the Big Three. Until we're attacked I'm planning on relaxing."

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