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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan nodded, "We should keep our guard up. Maybe once Mason wakes up we can have him upgrade the mansion and stuff for security...maybe make it our own head quarters or find another one ourselves." Ryan turned to Max, "By the way...brother what can you do? Like your powers?"
"Well I can bend the air to my will, which means i can fly. I can also turn them into shockwaves so i can attack from a distance." Max said " Its really helpful when it comes to fighting enemies that don't allow me to get up close." Max then wondered something "So what about you what can you do?" Max asked Ryan, noticing how he was constantly slouching and un-slouching his shoulders. "And do you need to set Mason down? It looks like he's weighing you down. Hey maybe we should put him on a waffle free diet so he can lose a few pounds." Max said with a laugh.
"Ah so he lives. Now we need to wake him up…. Hey Ryan what kind of waffles do you like?" Max said thinking it might help wake up Mason.
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Ryan said, "Hmm all of them! From plain buttermilk to blueberry to chocolate chip..." He looked at Mason on his shoulder.

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Ryan made a straight face, "Yes Max." He started to actually smell some waffles. Maybe it was coming from inside the mansion? Or maybe from a neighbor...OR from the car that just drove by.

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"I've got waffles on my brain now. great!" Max thought " Im even smelling them now… wait!" Max turned around to look to see were the smell was coming from. Noticing the car that just drove past them. "Why did it pass by so slowly?" Max thought turning back to Ryan. "Am I going crazy cause all this talk of waffles has made me start smelling them. Please tell me I'm not crazy!"
Ryan said, "Nope those were really waffles! Good smelling waffles."

Cupid gave Max and Ryan a confused look, "When can we go in the mansion?"

Ace shrugged then suddenly remembered, "So..." Ace grabbed Cupid's collar and lifted him up, "About the sister love earlier"
Hearing Max and Ryan's conversation made Jason wonder what Jaycee coud do, he made a mental note to ask her about it later. For now he laughed at Max and Ryan all talking about waffles, then got a confused look on hos face as he smelled them. "We gotta stop talkig about waffles. Jason stood and walked over to Max and Ryan. "So.. what exactly does that glowstick do, besides make raves all the more awesome."

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Max had completely forgot Jason was there. "Oh this? It works kind your bracelets. Here" Max cracked the glow stick, and it elongated into a cross staff. Reaching for the horizontal bar to detach it he said to Jason "it's my own personal weapon, I was never good with swords so i went with this and I was amazing with it." Max say before realizing he'd revealed his weapon in place sight "Oh ****" He said realizing what he'd done and quickly twisted the shaft so the staff returned to being a glow stick.
Ryan quickly said, "You should save that stuff for later...dad might get mad if a regular human discovered who we are." He put his hand through his hair and looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Ace put Cupid down and Cupid ran back next to the car.
"Yeah stupid idea" Max said putting the glow stick back in his pocket, and then reached into his backpack for something. "you want me to record Cupids beating I have a camera." He said to Ryan and Jason pulling out the camera from his bag.
Ryan looked up at a window and saw someone move away from it. He looked at Ace, "Ace not now. Later. We can't have you turning into the hulk in this rich area."

Ace was going to yell at Ryan, but nodded knowing that he was right.

Ryan looked back at the window he saw a figure move from.

Cupid complained, "How long does it take to get in a mansion?"
Jason flinched when he saw the staf activate. "Cool! Think it could act like a lightning rod? That would be awesome. Wait how did you know about my bracelets?" Jason ignored the goings on of the other kids.

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"About this long!" Evelynn shouted, past feed up with waiting. She walked up to the house and simply walked in. "The fun had arrived!" She announced, holding her arms out. So where are we staying?" She looked around, not waiting for an answer. "Oh, that room looks good." She said and wandered off to what she thought might be a guest bedroom, trying several doors before actually finding one. "Come on, sis! I've conquered our first stronghold in this new land!" She called down to Amaya from the second story.
"You stay at Camp a year and you learn to recognize magical artifacts." Max said noticing Ryan staring at a window of one of the mansions. "Did that curtain just move?" Max thought to himself before shrugging it off when he heard Evelynn shout out a window in the mansion. "Does she always have to shout EVERYTHING." Max said before putting the camera back in his pack.
Ryan quickly went inside and put Mason on a couch.

Cupid ran in and went straight to a room.

Ace started wandering around the house.
Noah watched everyone wander off to find rooms or explore the mansion. Noah decided to explore the mansion himself. He wondered if there was any rooms with any musical instruments in it that he could play with. Noah pulls out his lyre and slings his satchel around him before wandering around, plucking notes from his instrument.
Alec came plodding out of the mansion finally, looking around at the others. "Alright," He clasped his hands when he came to a stop near them, "Grab your things, lets get inside, but there is a condition; The rooms have to be all boy, all girl. No girls sleeping in the same room with the guys, and vice versa."

"Awwww we can't sleep together?" The sarcasm dripped from her voice, but a playful sort of sarcasm.

"I know, I'm SO SAD. Grab your things and get inside, lets go."

(At least I assume everyone is outside still.)
Vitus opened his eyes, vision fuzzy and head throbbing. What had happened and why was he crammed in an SUV? He could remember going to sleep and then he'd had a disturbing dream. The dead had told him that the camp was destroyed and that something had hit his head. But the dead told him all kinds of odd things. But with sudden horror as he became a little more aware of himself, he wasn't so sure that this was just crazy rantings, or pittible stories. It had really happened.

Sitting up quickly he got a bit dizzy and had to go slower. Climbing out of the vehicle he looked around. He was at some kind of appartment complex, like he'd never seen before. Except looking a bit harder told him he was wrong. "It's a mansion." He whispered in complete awe. He'd never seen one before let alone been so close to one, he traveled to much to have ever think about going inside one. Though Alec from the camp said that was just what was going to be done. "Wait, can someone please explain things to me? Is the camp okay, or where the spirits telling me the truth, and it's destoryed?" He asked the question directed at anyone who might answer.
"Um… the Camp was destroyed… but everyone to our knowledge escaped." Max said to the Guy who got out of the SUV. "Have we met before. Anyway Im Max come on we can go inside."
"I don't think we have. My name is Vitus." Vitus replied following Max inside staring open awe simply at the sheer size of the mansion. Then looking back at Max a moment and asked, "Who's house is this, Alec's? It's huge."

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