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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"I'm pretty sure it is, but then again that car ride may have given all of us brain trauma." He said to Vitus. "Who's your godly parent and how long have you been at camp? Your face looks familiar but i can't place it."
Cupid checked out all the angles around the mansion, "I can shoot an arrow through here, here, here, HERE, and Here! Oh I love this place!" He ran around and quickly entered a random room.

Ryan left Mason on the couch for awhile and walked around, "Dang this place is huge"

Ace quickly got onto a bed in a room and slept.
Vitus cracked a small smile. "Maybe that's part of the reason my had feels like somebody smacked it with a frying pan." Vitus was surprised Max thought he recognized him. He always thought he was pretty forgettable. Even some of the Hermes kids wouldn't recognize him sometimes. "My mom is Hecate, and I'd been at camp for almost a year. How 'bout you?"
" Thats why i recognize you! I was here last year I remember you from the dinning hall" Max said " And Im a son of Zeus. And you can blame either Evelynn or Ace for the pain in your head seeing as they were driving." Max finally got done looking at room they had entered. It was so huge and it made Max wonder exactly how big this place really was.
"Peachy." She answered, remembering none of her sister glomping. "What do you want, Romeo?"

((That's what his name was, wasn't it?))
Vitus stared even more amazed that Max remembered him from something like the dinning hall, rather then a game of capture the flag or something. "Zeus eh, that's cool. Well, I'll remember to thank them both for the headache." Vitus said, though he doubted he would actually do it. "I swear how do people not get lost living in these houses?" Vitus asked looking up at the high ceiling.

Cupid laughed, "To recall the car incident." He kept laughing then heard footsteps down the hall. Cupid poked his head outside and saw Ryan, "Hey Ryan remember that car incident with Eve?"

Ryan took a step in the room then thought for a moment. He started to laugh along with Cupid. It was probably one of the last times he would do that.
Romeo was rather lucky Evelynn's good mood returned or he would have had a black eye or a broken nose . . . Maybe both. She gave the two of them a lost look. "What the hell are you two on about, giggling like little school girls together . . . Didn't realize you two were so chummy. What happened in the car?"
Alec walked up behind Romeo, grabbed him by the shoulder with his knife spinning in other hand idly, fixed Cupid with a glare. "If you try any of your love magic in this house, I will personally chop you up into little pieces and feed you to the guard dogs. I don't care if we have the same mom." He smiled innocently and dug his nails into Romeo's shoulder, " 'Kay? Now be a good boy." He lost the smile and walked off. "Alright girls, go find some rooms. You've got your pick."

"Well I think I'll drag this guy to a men's room, so, lead the way, Alec." Helena, having hauled Mason onto her shoulder and not struggling with him, walked up to Evelynn and muttered, "I'll explain later.." Then walked off.
Ryan responded, "You kept hugging someone and trying to flirt with that person." Ryan smiled and Cupid kept laughing after Helena and Alec passed by.
Helena followed Alec down the many hallways, then dropped Mason in the designated "MALES" room (I mean it was obvious- it was clearly marked with a "BOYS" sign) plopping him on one of the queen sized beds. When she again passed by Ryan and Romeo, she smacked the Aphrodite boy and grabbed onto Evelynn, dragging her away from the two laughing boys. "Ignore them, it was another Cupid prank."

(I'm off for tonight. Don't have too much fun without me. Byyyye)
Evelynn looked even more confused at the situation, but was content that she was simply getting an answer, even if she had to wait. She shot Ryan a glare and turned away, going back to exploring the room. Or was about to, as Helena grabbed onto her and hauled her away with surprising strength. The girl's explanation did little for her confusion though. "Uhh, okay . . . So why bring it up to me? And why were they laughing? Don't people usually get pissed off at Romeo's BS?"
Ryan cleared his throat, "Last time I'm laughing with you." He started walking away.

Cupid commented, "Eh whatever lover boy...we'll see about that."

Ryan went to Mason to see how he was doing.
Jason followed the others grabbing his bag as he did. He walked in and found a room near the back of the house, he set his stuff down and got out his Ipod and Ihome setting them up and his favorite song (New demons: by I see stars. Punk rock) He set his things near a corner taking a dresser for himself. The music reverberated through his room and out into the hall. He sat on the bed wondering how with eleven other kids could he feel so out of place, demigods belonged here right, this was the one place they should be able to be comfortable. But so far his only solace was Max, Jaycee, and Helena well kinda she still seemed pretty cold towards everyone. He just hoped he could get through this.

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Ryan arrived at Mason's room and shook his arm again, "....ARISE CHILD! We need you to fix stuff...and help us finish the stock of waffles in this mansion." He looked around the massive room, "Wow...."
Noah heard Alec call everyone into the house. He was glad and w as eager to look around. The mansion was very expansive and probably bound to have a piano somewhere in the house. Mason was carried off into a room and the others went about finding theirs or socializing. Noah walked through the mansion wandering from room to room in search of something to entertain himself.
Through all the movements and the constant yammering, Mason had yet to awaken from his ordeal. He stayed in his slumber, dreaming of Olympus. He was laying beside Aphrodite and he sat there being fed waffles. She coaxed him and he was content with spending his days like this. 'Hmm I believe I should stop feeding you waffles, I think your getting a bit plump.' she said with a concerned look. Mason shook his head, "I'm not fat. I think I'm a decent build. I may not look like father but give me a couple hundred years and maybe I might look just like him... kinda." He said. He moved around and felt himself fall backwards from the clouds. He kept reaching for Olympus but it was getting farther and farther. . .

"--Aphrodite. . . My waffles. . . Gimme. . ." He mumbled as his hands reached out grabbing Ryan's arm and pulling it. His hands starting to slowly get hot and deep red.
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Jason cut the music and pulled his Ipod off the dock slipping it into his pocket. He had decided to go find Max and see what he was up to maybe a little sparring would take his mind off things. Jason pushed open the door and stepped out into the hallway. He came out to the entryway and saw them gazing around. "Pretty nice huh?" He didn't bother take the stairs, he just hopped over the railing, making sure to dip into a roll as he landed. He had recently gotten into freerunning and was kinda used to jumps like that. he popped up and walked towards them grining. "Hey Max, once you get all cozy, what do you think about a little sparring match?"
Through the window, the kids ran around and yelled in the courtyard. What the hell is this? Someone new moving in? No, I'm pretty sure he still owns the house. Maybe Alec came back! But who are all these people? she thought to herself. She moved the curtain to the side to take a closer look. There's a.... wait is that... she noticed a guy laying on the floor naked, Oh my, must have been some party. I'll have to-- she stopped when she saw the boy, a dork wearing a highlighter colored sweater, pull something out and a giant stick materialized out of no where. She moved away from the window and ran over to the stairs. Gotta tell mom about this...

She was up the stairs and she fixed her wavy hazelnut hair up in a loose bun. She adjusted her glasses over her caramel eyes and dusted off her blouse before reaching the door to her mother's study. She stopped, took a deep breath and was about to knock. She held her hand away from the door as she heard the conversation her mother was having.

"Yes, I know about the children. However, there's been no sign of them in Florida. I've heard reports of a couple found in New York and Delaware. I'll keep an eye out, Jay. Also... you owe me." She heard the phone softly rest in the holder. She then knocked and walker in. "Mom, Alec is back. And he's brought friends."
Helena sighed and flopped on one of the queen sized bed in the designated girls room and immediately sank 2 inches. All these rich people, affording the most comfy beds.. Pretty soon, Helena was drifting off to sleep. Shadow travel takes it out of you, and it takes time to get back up to speed... Soon she was snoring.

Alec looked out a window in the large family room, which had several couches around a large projector screen, showing whatever a single man in a big house watches. He stared out the window, then walked out of the house and onto the back porch, where he sat on the steps to the lush backyard, and sighed...
Ryan saw Mason's hands turning red, "Oh...no". He quickly picked Mason up over his shoulder and with his enhanced physical abilities, ran down the stairs. Ryan made his way to the pool, but didn't dump Mason in yet.

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Evelynn stared blankly as Helena just walked off. "What the hell . . . How hard is it to get some answers from people . . ." She shook her head and headed back to her room, several times more grumpy than before. She wondered where Amaya was, she hadn't heard back from her after their arrival. She sighed and decided to sleep on it. She laid on the bed and promptly passed out.
Ryan quickly turned around to make sure no one in the mansion saw or felt him zoom by. He looked back at Mason and his glowing red hands, "So...you don't plan on setting your whole body on fire at the moment do you?"

Cupid fell onto the bed in his room and put his arrows away, "What a day!"

Ace turned around on the bed, "Shut up Cupid"
His eyes opened and nothing but the blue shimmering water awaiting him. Mason began to wriggle and cause a ruckus. "Hey hey hey hey hey, let me down!!! " He yelled. He was in the middle of trying to free himself when he saw his hands get brighter and was wrapped around Ryan's wrist. 'Uhhhhh oh....' he mumbled softly...

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