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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason nodded, it was a better idea than his. He looked at Alec then the closet and smiled, "She's trapped in the closet." He couldn't help but laugh hysterically at that having

watched that episode of the Boondocks one too many times. "Sorry Helena it's just so funny."

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Noah heard exclamations and looked towards where it came from. Noah began walking towards the area but saw Ryan walk out looking rather stressed. Noah followed behind him and saw him walk out to the SUV. Strumming a simple chord on his lyre before speaking out "uh....hello?" Noah walks a bit closer to Ryan and notices hims carrying someone's items. "Erm...are you OK? Your wrist looks red. Have you been burned?"
Alec looked at Mason, then sighed and threw some pants at the boy, "Put those on. Okay?" He grabbed a blanket, threw open the closet and threw the blanket on Helena's head, covering most of her body in fancy silken fabric.

"...I really hate you sometimes..." That said, she shuffled across the room with her arms out in front of her, ran into the door frame and shouted, "F***!" In a less then dignified way, then disappeared out the door into the hallway, grumbling.
Ryan looked at Noah, "Yeah I'm fine. It's a little burnt, but Mason needs you right now...he's kind of broken."

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Hearing shouts Vitus had tried to find his way to them and ended up doing exactly what he thought would end up happening. He got hopelessly lost. "And this is why big houses are stupid." Him grumbled quietly to himself. It was too quiet here in this giant house, there weren't even very many spirit's voices drifting about. "Pox on whoever built this place. And I hope whoever invented mansions died a horrid death." His scowl deepening as he can to his third dead end. Stomping him foot a bit childishly he plopped himself right down on the floor. He'd tried to ask the dead for help but they ignored his question, moaning on endlessly about their deaths instead. So crossing his arms over his chest he opted to wait right there until someone found him, or he died forgotten in the hallway. In which case he decided he would make sure to go haunt the designer of the mansion.
His bones and skin melted around their tears and breaks, forming another fierce bond as before they were broken and scraped. But the pain wasn't numbed and he felt the process. Mason grabbed at the pants and hurried to put them on before Helena saw him... If she hadn't already seen his naked flesh. . . He hurried out the door and ran into a door close by and ran through. He shut the door and locked it. He began banging his head on the door, embarrassed that everyone had seen him naked. 'Stupid, Stupid,Stupid,Stupid,Stupid,Stupid,Stupid,Stupid......' he muttered rather loudly and heard snoring after he paused from smashing his face in the door.

He slowly looked back and saw the girl he gave a waffle to, just so she could smash it over his head. Mason froze and watched with wide eyes as she laid there, 'Please tell me she didn't hear all that... ' he mumbled. He looked down and saw that all he wore was a pair of loose fitting pants... this was looking very bad...
There was a brief silence in the lavishly decorated study. She was holding a pen in her mouth as she planned her next move. She had Jay at her fingertips... but she knew Alec was the son of a goddess, Aphrodite. And if he brought friends back home... that means Jay had royally botched the plan. But she was going to fix it. Like she always did.

"Good.... that's good. Now, how many are there? Do you recognize any of them?" She said in her silky voice.

"I don't know any of them but I'm sure they are demigods. I saw 6... maybe seven? If you want... I could go and see them to learn more." her daughter replied. Bold at first then showing a bit of hesitation at the end. She noticed her daughter's timid finish but didn't address it.

"Go ahead, Jerika. But like before, be careful when talking with Alec. He won't remember you... Don't make a mess of this." She agreed with her daughter's suggestion. She could make friends and see who would be the one she wanted...
Noah's eyebrow raised hearing Ryan. Someone was broken? Perhaps they tripped or something. "Well.....I'll go check up on him as well then." Noah said as he searched through his bag. "First, rub this on your burns though. It'll help." Noah says while holding out a small vial of a deep blue cream before waling going back to the mansion and wandering amongst rooms to find Mason. Noah saw him run into a room and hear the lock engage. Someone else must have gave him ambrosia already and he certainly didn't seem broken.
Jason was surprised at the way Mason bounced out, he had a quizzical look on his face. "So that's it huh, well whatever, hey Bishop, let's find a spot to spar, maybe in the foyer, since it's freakin massive."

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Helena, wandering through the halls with a blanket on her head, found herself in a lone room. It was a beautiful room, with stained glass windows of... Oh. It was probably that "Glass room" Alec had always talked about. It was a mystifying place where Darren, Alec's dad, had told him about who he was. This room was enchanting, that was for sure.

"Please don't spar in my house. There is mortals everywhere, maids and such. You know."
"Your such a buzzkill Alec." Max said to him with a smile "Whatever. It can wait. I need to learn my way around this maze of a home anyway. J do you know your way around?"
"Meh I can get to my room, foyer, and pool. Anywhere in between I can figure out. Besides that not much." He shrugged as he said this. "Maybe we should get familiar with the place if we get attacked we need to be able to defend effectively, let's roll."

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Walking out of the room Max then realized something. "You remembered my nickname. You of all people would be the first person to forget that name." Max said "And you mind if I bunk with you I don't have a room yet."
Jason smirked, "I have a talent for surprising people. Honestly I don't mind, I'll show you the room, it's this way." He turned and walked, once he has been somewhere it's easy for him to retrace his steps, and has a wonderful sense of direction.

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Ryan sat in the front porch and placed Mason's goggles and bracers next to him. He rubbed the blue cream on his burn and it instantly felt better.

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Evelynn grumbled unhappily as some fool decided to disturb her sleep. For once she slept better than she had since knowing she was Ares' child, though it was no less light. Blankets lay half strewn over her and she snuggled one pillow while her head rested on another. Her right eye cracked open as she heard the door click locked and she attempted to focus on the figure without bothering to move much. It didn't take long to figure out who it was as Mason began insulting and assaulting the poor door.

The room feel silent as she rose up on her hands and rubbed a bit of the dreariness from her eyes. "Mason? What the hell are you doing on my room?" She asked before lowering her hands. When she had, her sleepy gaze turned to a hard star and she asked again, Mason, what in the **** ******* **** are you doing in my ******* room?!" Her voice rose quickly until she was shooting at him by the end of it.
Halfway in the middle of the shouting, Mason looked down and looked at his hands. His entire body was burning up. His hands were close to their glowing red and he had to close his eyes to stop from catching fire. Evelynn's shouting didn't help him calm down. He mumbled to himself, 'She's not like the bullies... she's nicer... she gave me back the waffle.... she's a nice person.... say SOMETHING....' He opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile, "Ryan broke me because I burned him. Then Alec healed me with some ambrosia. And he gave me pants. And... I.... " He slumped to the ground with his back against the door. He looked at his palm, concentrated on control and his flames swirled outward from his palm. It grew to life, first with grace then flickered and became wild. He shut his hand into a fist. "I need help at not being a freak... and I need to control this before I hurt someone else. And you seem indestructible... so unintentionally, I ended up in your room to ask a favor. "

He looked up and saw the mirror behind her and noticed his hair had turned dark red. He ran his fingers through it to make sure he wasn't imagining things and sat there baffled. Leaving a silly grin on his face as he stared into the mirror behind Evelynn.
As he rubbed the cream on his wrist, Ryan looked around and thought to himself "I wonder who destroyed the camp in the first place...it can't be any mortal because they can't see it. The only guys with that kind of power are the demigods and the gods. But it's the first time I've ever seen the Hermes kids act so confused about the situation..so it could have not been any of them. No Poseidon child can create earthquakes and I don't think that any Hades child can summon darkness." 
Ryan closed the cream and placed it next to him as he quietly said, "So the gods did it?"
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"The gods did what? I thought there was only one God. . . Unless your one of those weirdos..." she said as she walked up to the front lawn. She leaned on the gate, letting her revealing blouse show a bit of cleavage. A devilish grin flashed across her face for a split second before being molded to a passive expression. She ran her fingers through her hair as she played with her bangs. She stared at him for a couple seconds and sighed, rolling her eyes, "Ughhhh, you're boring. Well I'm the neighbor who lives next door. I noticed you all had quite a party. Yelling matches, drunk naked guys, and breaking stuff in the backyard. What exciting people live here. " she said playfully. She gestured as she spoke. Then she looked in the windows and saw some movement. "Oh and by the way since you're too busy being a crying girl on that bench, my name is Jerika."
Alec looked up and outside, seeing a girl approaching Ryan. When he looked at her, the hairs ion the back of his neck stood on end. He had a horrible feeling about that girl. He could only stare, and slowly his mind began to fabricate something...

Helena, picking the lock to the room with Mason, and wrapped her given blanket around him without giving him a chance to protest. The blanket securely wrapped around his arms, with only his head and feet sticking out, Helena grabbed him around his stomach and hauled him up onto her shoulders, ducking into the doorway in a way so that Mason wouldn't be whacked by the door frame, and walked off with him.
Evelynn, feeling grumpy at being up with no fruit, was ready to launch into a further tirade against his presence but fell silent as she noticed him starting to glow and the change in his hair. She listened silently as he rushed out his words, ending in a sad voice. A feeling of guilt rose up in her, but she pushed it to the side. It wasn't her fault he woke her up half naked, though it wasn't his either.

Rising up, she ran a hand through her hair at the same time he did, attempting to slightly tame the mess. She got off the bed and paused as the lock clicked open. She saw Helena enter, quickly draping a blanket over Mason and then hauling him off before she could really process what was going on. Evelynn gave a shrug and flopped back down on the bed, withdrawing her book . . . Her book that she left at the camp. A flurry of curses of every sort erupted from her as she let her anger be known through out the house. She was at the climax and who knows when she'd manage to find another copy. With a sigh, she rubbed her head and got up, exiting the mansion and wandering off across the wide acreage to a shady spot amongst the trees, the cool winds helping ease her mind.
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Ryan jumped up at the girl's sudden appearance, "Well maybe I am one of those weirdos." He heard the girl say that he was boring, but he didn't care since he didn't have his mind set on impressing the girl at the moment, "Anyway my name is Ryan" Ryan smiled a little then looked over at Jerika's house. He continued, "So I guess I'm one of your new neighbors now...fun". Ryan was gripping a little too hard on the bench he was on and heard a little crack. He cleared his throat.

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Noah heard shouting from the room Mason went to. Deciding not to hang around that room, Noah began walking around the mansion to find a room. He found an unclaimed one and unpacked. While settling down Noah admired the vastness of the room and cleanliness. His cabin was filled other Apollo kids so it wasn't as clean as this room. Noah walked out and began wondering around the mansion some more when he saw a girl standing outside. He walked outside, and stood outside the shade of the tree the girl sat under. "Erm....Hello...." Noah said. They were all going to live together so it would be best to socialize. He wasn't familiar with the camper and so introduced himself. "...I'm Noah. A son of Apollo."
Setting his stuff down in Jason room Max though he wonder around a bit. "Hey J I'm gonna explore a bit" Max said before exiting the room and proceeding to turn down a hallway.

He had gotten himself lost. He was walking around and lost track of where he was. Sighing Max thought he could find him way around if he got outside, so he opened the window next to him and climbed out. Stepping on the ground Max made his way around towards the front of the house when he heard someone talking. Sprinting boards the front of the house Max stopped short and peeked around the corner to see what was going on. He saw Ryan talking to a weird girl, and it made Max suspicious. This girl didn't seem like she could cause harm, but he knew that looks can be deceiving so he stayed cautious. Max decided to stay hidden and observe their conversation.

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