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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Haha, those possibilities you were talking about.... look kinda nice. Ha." He said as she helped him sit up. He looked down and watched the lights flow around the room. He felt like he was watching a dance of brilliant ballerinas twirling around the colorful background. He looked down at his hands and smiled wide. 'Guess it isn't always a bad thing to have this..' he mumbled lowly.
"Well, clearly. It's... beautiful, Mason. Really." She looked around them, the glow on her face lighting up the smallest of smiles. "It's beautiful. I didn't think you could do that... All I can do is raise the dead. You know, reanimate skeletons, summon ghosts. Talk to the dead. Ya know, nothing of beauty. Kind of like me, huh?" She laughed at that and laid down on the glass, running her hands over the surface.
Jerika just looked Jason up and, down stopping at hie eyes, she'd never even heard of a black boy with green eyes, was that seriously possible? She got over her curiosity then looked at him plainly. "Yeah, party, there's gonna be one at the other end of the neighborhood, you wanna go. It's at eight o'clock, and goes until who knows when. "Bring some of your friends along too, Ryan said he'd introduce me." She was relieved, after Alec butting in she was afraid she'd lost her chance, she began walking away waving to Jason as she did, putting on a cutesy smile.

Jason nodded, "Sounds cool, see you there." As she walked away he smiled waving a little too, he turned and went back into the house grabbing Max and Ryan forcibly, "c'mon we have a party to go to and we need to get cleaned up." He was holding Max by his ear, knowing it made him follow easily, though he setteled for Ryan's arm not knowing his "Weak Spot"

(Been given controll of Jerika, for a while, for those who may be a bit confused.)
" OW OW OW OW OW!!!" Max said as his ear was pulled by Jason " Ill follow stop with the pain PLEASE!" Max said begging Jason to let go. "Why does he remember EVERYTHING." Max thought as he was being pulled away.
Jason, let go of them both. "Remember, party tonight at eight, be ready. I know how you like to be late Bishop." He went towards their room, somewhat wanting to impress Jerika, he figure his eyes were a good start, but he should be careful in case of drawing suspicion. "Oh and bring and enchanted, or concealable weapons you've got, I'm calling t now, there's definintely gonna be a monster fight." He flexed his wrists, the presence of the bracelets, being enough to steady him.
"Convenient my weapon looks like a glow stick. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go ice my ear." Max said as he walked off towards the kitchen.

Max sat with an ice bag on the side of his head. "Well at least it wasn't Ryan pulling my ear." Max said to himself "I guess Jason was right about fighting. I mean we were lucky not to be attacked earlier, so it would make sense that we'd be attacked now." Looking out the window at the area around the mansion, Max thought about the camp and missed all the times he had at it. All the Ctf games, all the training he'd done, and all the friends he'd made who now could be in danger or lost out In the world.

"I miss camp" Max said to himself before putting the ice pack down at standing up and walking to the window to stare out it.

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Ryan took a quick shower and got dressed. He had a weird feeling, but he didn't really know what it was. No, it wasn't about Jerika for sure. Suddenly the light in his room went out and he heard a whisper behind his shoulder, "I know where you all are....MWAHAHA" It sounded like a man's voice. Ryan turned around and saw no one in the dark. A punch landed on his face and he tried to punch back, but nothing was there. Someone tackled him and pinned him to the ground. Ryan gripped the person's wrists and flipped them over. He ended up ontop of the figure, but the figure suddenly dissolved through his grip and faded into the darkness. Ryan felt the floor and a stab at his side, "Ah!"

The shadowy figure in the dark room stood next to Ryan and leaned at his level, "What if it was the gods?" Ryan felt a kick at his side and he rolled to the wall. A bright light flashed and Ryan quickly sat up finding himself on his bed, "...what?" He looked around and felt his side, "No stab? That was weird. I don't even remember going to sleep." Ryan noticed he was in the party clothes and he turned on the lights. He stood up and walked to a mirror. He looked like he was just about to walk out the door. His hair was fixed and everything about his attire was in place. He even felt the minty flavor in his mouth from when he brushed his teeth a few minutes ago.

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Making his way back to his room Max couldn't stop thinking about home. It wasn't like him but he felt homesick for once. Walking into the room Max pulled a bag out of his pack that held all his cloths. He changed into a pair of green cargo pants and a beige T-Shirt. Noticing his dark purple jacket in his bag he smiled. It was a gift from his mother and it was his favorite jacket. He pulled it out and put it on enjoying how good it felt on him. Pulling the sleeves off the jacket, by pulling the zippers that held them, Max placed them back in the bag. Pulling a small box out of his bag he smiled. Opening the box he pulled out its contents. A black bishop with a purple ring on it. He put the piece on and held it. His mother had given it to him when he'd won the national chess tournament. She said it held some sort of power, but he'd never been able to figure out what it was. Standing up Max decided he's go back to the kitchen, the view from the window was beautiful. Pulling a pack of glow sticks out of the bag, so his singular one would look normal, and out them in one of his pockets. Max then walked out the door and headed towards the kitchen

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Ryan exited the room and walked down stairs. He saw Max in the kitchen and walked to him, "Remember whatever happens don't show your powers and weapons. If something or someone comes out...then run like everyone else until we have an empty field with only us on it." Ryan looked at Max then looked around, "By the way have you seen Helena and Mason?"

Ace heard something about a party and shrugged his shoulders, "We won't be teenagers forever." He had already decided that he'd keep a good eye on his sisters at the normal human event. Then Ace thought for awhile, would he fight someone? Ace didn't even answer that question and just kept looking for his sisters.

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Ryan smiled a little, "Thanks bro you too. Once, but it wasn't really homesickness because I missed the people at home rather than the actual home itself. Why, are you home sick?"

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"Kinda. I mean my mother is a pilot, so she took me everywhere she went so I never really had a set home, but I miss her more than anything right now." Max said turning around "The jacket and this" he said grabbing the Chess piece he had around his neck "were gifts from her. I guess they made me think of her and it made me worry about her." Turning back towards the window Max said "You know in all my time at camp I've never had a roommate and I'm an only child, so I've never had a brother before. I wish we could've had a year at camp together before this whole thing happened. So Before the party goes to hell we need should enjoy ourselves. Ok."

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Ryan nodded, "Okay." He thought of the camp and said, "Hey Max I know you're smart so do you think..." He thought about the figure and how it came to him in his "dream". Maybe he shouldn't tell him because it might happen to him too. Ryan continued, "That Jerika is a nice person? Because Alec said that she used to be mean."

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Ryan hesitated so Max knew he was hiding something. He thought to himself "my brother is a terrible lier." Max turn around to look at Ryan "If they're hearts in the right place people can change, even if it hurts others they do." Max at that moment looked to the ground and had a flashback to a moment that haunted him.

*two years ago*

Max had been on a date with his girlfriend Sam at the time. They had just finished watching a movie at the local theater when he and his girlfriend were attacked by two cyclops. Max had fought them back and that's when he turned around to see Sam there holding a knife that was covered in blood. Max fell to his knees with a pain in his side and looked up at her. Her last words to him before he blacked out were "people only get close to others to use them, and you have served your purpose."

*end flashback*

Max without realizing it let out a sob, and put a hand to his face. That moment was what caused Him to have to leave him home behind, to leave his friends behind, to leave Jason behind, and escape. Max put his back to the window and let out another sob.

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Ryan's eyes widened when he saw his brother start sobbing. He patted Max's back and tried to make him feel better.

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"Sorry about this I usually never break down like that." Max said wiping away some tears "your not the only person who keeps secrets. Everyone here probably has at least one." Max turned towards the window "But some of us carry secrets that go against our very nature... And I'm one of them." Max opened the window "If only there weren't so many people around, then I could relax by flying around..." Max pulled out a case and took of his glasses and put them inside." These things blur my vision, but they help me feel normal" putting the case back in his pocket he turned to Ryan. "Sorry for making a big scene out of your question. And thanks for trying to cheer me up."

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Ace finally saw Evelynn and said, "Hey want some fruit? Oh and I guess we're going to a party."

Ryan repsonded "It's okay. You're welcome." He moved his hand through his hair and looked around.

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Adelina was running. They saw her. She had only left Camp Half-Blood for a small amount of time, but they saw her. They were studying everyone.


Even as the thought - the prospect that she would ever need help in her life - entered her mind, she was appalled. Never before had she thought of relying on someone else to help solve her problems. She had to survive this chase, and although she wanted to survive with no help, she knew it would be impossible. The scientists would discover what demigods were. To be caught would not only put her own life at risk, but all of the other demigods; though she could not say she was comfortable with any of them, a part of her knew she cared about everyone in the camp and would not let the source of the world's heroes be at risk.

For her to escape, although she cringed as she admitted it to herself, she would need help from someone, anyone. The first person to come to her mind was Ryan Anderson, the son of Zeus, the one who was always willing to help. He is too perfect, she thought. But her thoughts of disdain could not cloud her brain right now - no, not at this moment at time, not when she was in need.

But how was it ever possible that she could obtain his assistance? He was nowhere to be found. No one was anywhere to be found.

Suddenly, she felt a deep surge of power from inside her, a feeling in her gut that was indescribable, indefinable. Her brain told her that it was impossible to communicate anyone from so far away. No one would hear her. She was doomed. But even though she was the child of Athena, sometimes her brain couldn't be trusted. Sometimes her brain was wrong, and she had to trust something else - her heart.

As cheesy as it was, she knew it was true. Somehow, she knew what to do. She somehow knew what her heart was trying to tell her. Athena was speaking to her, through the depths of her existence, telling her she was capable of more than she thought she was. With all her energy, Adelina concentrated - a practice that was remarkably easy for her - and thought of what she would want to tell Ryan, if only she could. She focused her mind on the word "Help." Concentrating her energy to all she knew of Ryan - his helpful, humorous personality, and doing her best to ignore how awfully perfect he seemed on the outside that she knew there must be something dark under that kind, brave, selfless shell he had as a personality.

She didn't know how she knew, but she knew when she was successful. She had communicated with another demigod miles away. Just one word: "Help."
Ryan quickly looked at Max as he received the message, "Why do you need help? And why does your voice sound like that?" He didn't know yet that it was a message sent from another demigod.

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Evelynn watched Ace wander the area in search of her. She evaded him for a while, but grew bored of the game and allowed him to catch up. Her eyes lit up for a moment at the mention of fruit, but before she could even respond he was on so another subject. She flagged at him, slightly annoyed at his lack of attention on the important things, like fruit.

The glare she gave him softened. She went in the mood to stay annoyed for long. The pleasant outdoors and cool breeze soothed her in these rather trying times. "What sort of a party . . . With who? We just got here. Is it a house party? And most importantly, will there be fruit?"
"Sound like what?" Max said to Ryan "Don't tell me your going crazy." Max walked up to Ryan and shook his shoulder. "Come on just because I'm having a crazy moment doesn't mean your can too." Max grabbed Ryan's shoulder and spun him around " Come on you need to get outside. Fresh air always helps me calm down. Lets go" Max said as he started pushing Ryan towards the exit.
Ace responded, "Apparently our negihbor invited us. I have no idea as to what kind of party it is though." He handed his sister the fruit bowl, "But we might as well go since he hardly go to "normal human" parties."

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Ryan looked at Max, "You just said help! Don't play around with me Max..." He looked around, "No one else is around us".

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After happily taking the fruit bowl from Ace, it was several minutes before she responded. "A human party?" She inquired in a curious manner. Growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere didn't exactly offer her many party opportunities. She was curious, but also cautious. Friendly neighbors were rarely just friendly. Nine times out of ten they had an ulterior motive.

"All right I guess." She responded, crunching into an apple. "Do I have to dress up?" Given that this was rich people land, she figured that they might not take too kindly to her showing up to their party in jeans and a t-shirt. Upper class people always seemed so stuffy and uptight. "And when is it?" She added as an afterthought to her previous question.
Jason emerged from his room wearing his american eagle shirt and jeans. He went downstairs and on his way to the pool when he heard Max and Ryan's voices. He followed the sound and saw Max against the wall and Ryan consoling him. He walked away, feeling like he saw something he shouldn't he continued to the water looking over from his spot both feet in the water. He got bored, and spun his finger over the water causing a small whirlpool. He was ready, and niticed it was about time to head out. He left the pool and sat on the front porch, seeing everyone's favorite neighbor walking over in a skirt, and t-shirt that while the same style as before was much nicer. He waved and so did she. He looked back as he noticed Max and Ryan approaching. "Look who's here."

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