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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

With a blanket over him, he felt a bit better but that still didn't make him happy bout not having his gear. He poked Ryan in the chest, "My gear. Who has my gear? I WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL I HAVE MY GEAR! I WILL BURN THIS DAMN PLACE TO THE GROUND IF I DON'T GET MY GEAR!" He roared and the ground gave a slight shake underneath them. His hands under the blanket started to turn a dark red, giving the blanket a glow underneath.
Quickly running to Mason Max said in a low voice "Hey there are people watching, we don't need you shouting out to everyone here that we aren't normal. So calm down and get inside ill help you find your stuff." Max turned Mason around and pushed him into the house so he wouldn't make another big scene outside. "your stuffs probably in Ryan's room, come on." Max said to Mason gesturing for him to follow.
Reaching over, Evelynn smacked the back of Mason's head. "Quit that. We're in company. They don't need you yelling around the neighbor hood." She gave him a serious look, but it was only a playful smack to try and make him keep himself in check. "I'll help you look for them later, or I'm sure Helena would be glad to. Just manage for a bit without, 'kay?" She gave his head a pat, minus the waffles. "Keep your cool, or we'll throw you in the pool. Those are the rules. Yeah! I'm rhyming!" Noting Max's presence, she let the boy cart him off back towards the manor.

Her attention turned to Vitus who spoke a few moments before Mason's shouting and nodded, almost imperceptibly. "Rather what I was thinking anyways . . . This is why I dislike new people." She looked off back at the mansion as she spoke so it wouldn't seem like they were mumbling about things under their breath.
His hands slowly faded. And he sighed heavily. "All I wanted was my stuff... I don't like being naked...." He mumbled softly as he followed Max inside. He rubbed his head where Evelynn smacked him and kept walking. He looked up at Max, "So, we haven't met yet. I'm Mason and I like waffles. And I enjoy HAVING MY STUFF WITH ME!" He said as he kicked away a pillow in his way, smoldering it into ash. He looked up to see one of the maids staring at him with a little hate in her eyes.

"Soorryy.... I was um... kicking... um... dust off my feet... I got no shoes.. Um.. poor people can't afford them... Like me! um... " He stammered and just shoved his face into his palm, "I fail..."
Vitus was glad that Evelynn had had a feeling like that. He wasn't sure how trustworthy the spirits around here were, though he had over heard them talking to each other not him. This made him feel both better and worse.
Jason's hand practically flew up to Bishop's ear and yanked down. "You know my type, she's attractive but whether or not she's my type remains to be seen." He whispered harshly into his ear over his yelping. Jason released Max and looked back at Jerika.

She looked at them all, "what a disorderly group" she thought she looked at Vitus "How exactly do the dead speak, and that boy threatening to burn down the house. Is he a pyromaniac?" He looked to Ryan to have these questions answered. She stepped forward until she was right in front of him, "So since your the one I initially invited, I'm cobsidering you my date, don't let me down." She said this with a playful tone but needed to get him alone. Knowing everyone else would probably back off of them. She looked at Jason who was watching Max shove Mason inside after the half naked boy was smacked upside the head.

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"Don't mind him" Max said to the Maid "He's a little mad because the had his stuff taken from him as a prank. So we'll just get out of your way." Max grabbed Mason and pulled him past the maid and turned to him. "Im Max, now I think this is Ryan's room." Max opened the door and saw Mason's stuff on a chair. Picking it up he handed it to Mason. "Im pretty sure these are yours. Now where your room ill help you get ready for the party." Max said to Mason smiling "Your a weird kid aren't you? I mean the first time I saw you, you were crawling out of a cabin mumbling about waffles. Anyways come on." Max said walking to the door. "Party is in a few minutes you gotta be ready." Max though about Jason as he stepped into the hallway to wait for Mason. "Your so fun to mess with. Man I miss the old days." Max whispered to himself while rubbing his ear.
Vitus swallowed a bit hard and decided to play the usual image most people got of him, the crazy occultist. He pulled a deck of cards from his pocket spreading them out in his hand. "Though the cards." He answered the question though it wasn't directed at him really. "Would you like me to prove by contacting someone for you?" His voice held an unnerrving sort of tone as if he felt challanged by her question.
Jerika smiled and walked over to the boy. "Ok show me what you got. I want to contact my great aunt Mary." Think you can handle that?"

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At last, Nutmeg arrived at the airport. Adelina felt a pang of disappointment that she would have to depart from her dear companion after such a short time together. "Goodbye, Nutmeg," she said softly to the pegasus, and Nutmeg whinnied in response. "Hopefully you will get the chance to come with us to Florida. I'll miss you." The words were gentle and quiet, too quiet for David to hear from where he was standing a few feet away. After a moment of hesitation, she quickly kissed the top of Nutmeg's snout, right above the spot between the eyes, and thanked her again for helping them.

"Come on, David," she said, grabbing his wrist. "We have to hurry." She knew that it was he that was waiting for her, but at that moment, she didn't care. Adelina led him into the airport. Her only luggage was her backpack, which seemed small but was actually very capacious, adjusted using magic. Her dagger and many other suspicious items she carried would not go through security, she knew. They would have to find someone that knew what they were talking about when she said that they were friends with Jericho Anderson before the luggage examination. She wasn't sure whom to ask. If she asked someone that didn't know whom she was talking about, the security guards might get suspicious. She turned to David. "David, do you have any ideas? We're supposed to tell them that we're a friend of Jericho Anderson, but I'm not sure whom to tell . . ."
Vitus smirked confidently, though he was a little less confident then he looked. He usually stuck to speaking with the spirits already around, not finding specific ones. Hopefully she dower near by that will make it much easier, and if not I can play the sham. Sitting down cross legged he shuffled the cards and held then out again. "Pick three sets of three cards." He instructed. Someday I really must look into getting actual tarot cards, and learning more than simply fortune telling. All the time thinking hard trying to contact the girls Great Aunt Mary. "Then sit down and tell me your full name to me."
Ryan gulped when he heard Jerika's comment about him being her date. Thankfully Vitus started to entertain her with his card thing. Ryan thought back to Adelina "Hey how are you? Where are you?"

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Helena stared at Evelynn, not at all eager to get shoved into a party. "Uhhhh, Evelynn, I don't like parties," she stammered, blue eyes wide.

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"Then tonight, we bake!" Evelynn gave a wave to the rest of the group. She didn't really like the idea of leaving the sleeping Amaya alike anyways. "To the secret lab!" She tugged on Helena again, though this time towards the manor. She loosened her grip and gave her a friendly smile.
Grabbing his pack, Mason went to his room and started rummaging around for a shirt and some shoes. He looked in all the dressers and the big closet but still couldn't find anything to fit him. He looked in his pack and grabbed his bracers and goggles.

He could see that his bracers were fried and the magnetic strips lining the inside were practically disintegrated. 'Ughhh what the hell caused this.....' he muttered. He would have to get to it later or on the way. He put his goggles on the bed and kept looking for a shirt. He finally found a long sleeve in the wardrobe that fit him loosely and a set of boots that were half a size too big. He put them on and just went with it. He grabbed his goggles and put them on his head and grabbed his pack,looking inside making sure his war hammer was in it along with his tools. He found a waffle he stuffed in there and shoved it in his mouth then strapped his pack on his back. He walked out and found Max waiting outside for him.

"I'mph ready thu go." He told Max while munching on the waffle.
Noah walked around his room getting ready for the oncoming party. He dressed in clothes that weren't too casual. He has never been to too many parties in his life. Much too shy. However, it would be rude not to join and his mother taught him better. Noah picked up his lyre and went out to find Alec. If anything, Noah could provide musical background for the party, but would rather play it on a different instrument than a lyre. Perhaps Alec knows where any instruments are if any.
"Ok then. Come on let's hurry back down to everyone. Jason will kill me if I'm late." Max said starting to move in the direction of the exit "Umm you got another waffle I'm a little hungry?" Max said scratching the back of his head and smiling "I haven't eaten anything but junk food since before camp."

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"Why is there so much talk about a party?! We are not supposed to GO to any party! We are trying to lie low!" Alec was furious; someone had agreed to going to the dumb the girl was talking about, and now everyone was in a buzz about it. "This is what we should be avoiding!"

Helena, meanwhile, was being dragged by her wrist around the house, with a pouty face, not too happy. "But, but, I don't bake... I don't do social events, because nobody likes meeeee...."

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Ryan didn't receive a response from from Adelina and he started to get worried. He walked back inside and thought to her again, "Adelina where are you? Are you okay?...If you need help then just send me a mental image of your location."

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Without waiting for a reply, Adelina noticed something odd about one of the security guards. Was it just her, or was there fur sticking out from under his uniform slacks - like that of a satyr? The scientists could arrive here any minute now, she reminded herself, and scolded herself for her hesitation. It was a risk she would have to take. She walked up to the security guard that appeared to be showing some strange ankle hair.

"Excuse me, sir," she said hurriedly, pulling David along with her. "We need a flight to Florida. We're friends of Jericho Anderson."

The security guard laughed as if he didn't know what she was talking about. "Where is your passport, young lady?"

Frustrated, Adelina abruptly stuck out her arm and probed the security guard's head, which was teeming with thick, curly chestnut hair. Something sharp pierced her index finger - a horn. Although small, it was definitely a horn. She felt another horn sticking out a couple inches away from it just before the man pulled away from her hand angrily.

"You're a satyr," she said in a hushed voice. "And, if I must repeat it, we are friends of Jericho Anderson. Where is our flight?"

"Follow me," the security guard responded quietly. As he led Adelina and David through the airport, he asked, "And what are your names?"

"I am Adelina Cohen, and this is my half brother, David Switch."

"Very well. And I assume you are taking refuge in Florida, in the hideout mansion of demigods."

"Yes. The scientists will be here any moment now. So please hurry, sir."

Without a word, the satyr found the door through which they were supposed to exit. "I have arranged private jets for the purpose of flying your kind to the south," he explained. "We have to be careful, though. The mortals will be suspicious if we remain careless."

Silently, Adelina nodded. The satyr led her and David outside and it was a few minutes' walk to the private jet that they were supposed to ride to Florida. "Step in," he commanded, and Adelina climbed the stairs to the entrance of the plane, urging David to follow. The satyr hoisted himself into the pilot's seat. "Normally it would take about three hours to fly from New York to Florida, but this jet is triggered with some Apollo magic. We should arrive at the mansion in about an hour."

"Okay," Adelina replied. The plane, although with only six seats in the back, was quite spacious. In the luxurious compartment, she was finally able to relax her muscles, which had become unbearably sore after her long run from the scientists. With no intent to socialize with her brother, she gazed out of the window as the plane charged down the runway and lifted into the air. She wondered if the mortals would notice that the private jet was taking off carrying unidentified passengers, or if the plane had been disguised with Mist. Probably the latter. Letting her mind become clear, she observed the landscape of the ground below, watching everything become smaller and smaller, decreasing in size until the cars were no more than ants. Soon she would be among other demigods, people that could empathize with her struggles, people that would be worth defending. Soon.

With a sudden jolt, she woke. She hadn't realized she had dozed off. Words from Ryan filled her mind. With more comfort and ease, she sent him a thought in return: "I'm on the private jet to Florida with David. A satyr is piloting. Not sure whether to trust him as a pilot, heh. But I'm alright. We'll be there in a half hour," she added, checking her watch. "David and I should be far ahead of the scientists by now." The last part she wasn't so sure of, and the thought of the scientists made her heart sink. But she sent the thought to him anyway and felt her vision begin to fade into sleep once more.
Jason looked over to Alec, then walked over to him briskly he muttered harshly but quietly, not wanting to gather attention. "Alec, lower your voice, there are mortals around, and secondly dispite the risk on our part think about it this way, it would be foolhearty for a bunch of scientists and their presumably armed friends to enter a party looking for some super-powered kids. And even more difficult for them to find us. As opposed to I dunno staying in a single house where they could just use the excuse of an FBI raid. Besides we could all do with a bit of fun, we've been stressed out since leaving camp. And what are the odds they'd find us the first day in a state thats this far away from our first location. It's not too bad and besides. In case of monsters we have weapons, and powers. We'll be fine, I promise I'll handle any issues myself. Ok?" He kew that was a risky promise, with demi-gods anything could happen, but if a fight broke out best believe he would give his all to fulfill his promise. He looked at Alec a confident and happy smile on his face. "Just trust me."

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Evelynn scoffed. "Nobody likes you my eye!" She said, pointing at her own for emphasis. She tugged Helena down several hallways. "Wait, haven't we been here? Ugh, no. That one only had three doors . . ." She mumbled. "There's nothing to not like about you. Houses, cabins, parents, whatever you want to call them, don't matter. Especially not now. It's true, you got the short end of the stick at camp, but wasn't in control back at camp. Here though, in this moment, I am, and I like you! You're just too stubborn to see it." She kicked open the door in front of her. "Oh, lookie. The kitchen." She released Helena from her grasp, but gave her a look to hopefully keep her here. She cleared her throat and spoke. "Now, you may either suggest something else, or we will bake! And it will be delicious because . . ." She mumbled through the last bit of her sentence and looked expectantly to Helena, waiting for her to run, disappear, make a suggest, or flee. Though since those were the options she was expecting, she figured those were the least likely to happen.
Alec narrowed his eyes at the other boy, then groaned and slapped his forehead,"Oh, whatever! I'm not going anyway, so have at your little "party", which I have a really bad feeling about." That said, Alec whipped around and walked off, muttering, "The reflections are all wrong... Doesn't bode well..."

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Adelina's eyes opened to a very frustrated-looking satyr shaking her shoulders violently, a little too violently for comfort. "We're here!" he was shouting, and the words seemed to be swimming through Adelina's mind. She was still half asleep. Full of exhaustion from the events of the day, she pushed herself out of her seat, her muscles sore. Now becoming fully awake, she once again checked her watch, noticing that she had only been asleep for a half hour, although it felt like forever. When she stepped out of the jet, pulling David along with her, she found herself in a wide, open space of concrete surrounded by very distant vegetation. There was a black minivan awaiting her and David, and she could only imagine who the driver might be. Perhaps a water nymph?

But when she and David climbed into the back seat of the car, the driver remained mysterious. The only clue to his/her appearance that she could make out was the glint of dark sunglasses in the rearview mirror. She made idle chat in an attempt to reveal the unknown driver's identity. The driver would never respond. But Adelina knew she could trust him, right? Of course she could trust the satyr, who was the one that had brought her and David here and instructed them into this minivan.

It was only five or ten minutes before the vehicle arrived at the mansion. It was perhaps the most beautiful mansion Adelina had ever seen. Admiring the architecture and taking note of the architectural advances in her brain, she cautiously opened the door and stepped outside. For the first time in far too long, she felt safe. This could be her home.

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