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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan saw the van and ran to it. He quickly slid the door open and smiled, "Hey glad to see you guys. Quick we have a human visitor so yeah..just act like regular people."

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Adelina smiled slightly. "Sure." She stepped out of the minivan, pulling David along with her, where he would proceed to do whatever he wishes to, without Adelina pulling him along everywhere she went (as she had done in the previous couple of hours).

She was tempted to ask who this human visitor was, but she was not accustomed to speaking to people, and she found that it might be a source of entertainment to try to figure out who he/she was herself. She walked casually towards the mansion.
Cupid ran out of the house and a question about the party suddenly popped up into his head. He started running toward Ryan, "Ryan! Hey Ryan!"

Ryan caught up to Adelina, "By the way some of us are going to a party...want to come?" He looked around and saw Cupid running toward them then his eyes widened.
Adelina glanced sideways at Ryan. No, she thought determinedly. No, I absolutely do not want to go to a party where I am forced to socialize with others and it will be all too obvious that I am not worth befriending, that I am only a studious daughter of Athena that buries her heads in books all day. But her lips betrayed her. "Sure," she blurted, and when her response was out, it was too late to change her mind.

She turned to the figure that she saw charging toward her and Ryan, and she stepped out of the way with slight contempt, wondering who he was. She never saw him before in Camp Half-Blood.
Cupid saw a familiar looking girl, "Hello person!" He looked back at Ryan, "So...am I allowed to use MY powers at the party? It's not harmful! I mean you should know because you are a common target of mine."

Ryan kind of relaxed, "No because...just no Cupid."

Cupid's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Adelina, "I'm Romeo "Cupid" Lovett Son of Aphrodite by the way."
Adelina hesitated as she examined Cupid's appearance. "Hello . . ." she replied with caution. She was about to ask whether they had seen each other before, in Camp Half-Blood, but decided against it. She would figure it out herself. "I am Adelina Cohen, and my mother is Athena." She was reluctant to share her heritage, but she knew that she would have to become accustomed to sharing her personal information if she were to last a day in the mansion with all of these demigods. "What do you mean by your 'powers?'" she inquired, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
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Cupid created a wide smile on his face then looked at Ryan, "You know Ryan...it's been a while since you've-"

Ryan quickly said, "No Cupid! No!" Cupid just kept looking at Ryan, "Relax...who said I would aim at you? Maybe someone else might do that for me though" Cupid looked at Adelina, "They call me Cupid because I have the same powers as him...brace yourself child of Athena HA!" Cupid shot Adelina and quickly ran away, "Got to have this in exchange for the 'No' Ryan! Sorry I'm having power withdrawals...if that's a thing!"

Ryan quickly grabbed her shoulders and turned her around with one hand while putting his other hand over her eyes.
Walking out of the house Max saw Ryan with a strange girl. Hurrying over Max shouted to Ryan "Hey whose the new girl! And why are you covering her eyes!?" Stopping in front of them Max caught his breath and looked up at the two of them.

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Ryan turned her back around toward him, removed his hand from her eyes, and put her face to his chest, "Athena girl and Cupid shot her...do me a favor and hit Cupid eh bro?" He started to walk inside, "I'm going to keep you in a room for awhile okay Adelina?"
Max upon hearing this smiled "I'd be glad to. Now don't get crazy you two" He said jokingly before finding Cupid laughing his *** off over what he'd done. Max then back handed Cupid off his feet " You really are an *** you know" he said crossing his arms

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Ryan walked into the mansion, "She didn't even see me...Anyway, where is the closest room?" He looked around and kept her eyes closed and her face against his chest just in case they tried to open. 
Cupid got up and glared at Max, "Don't make me shoot!" He continued walking and got in the van, "So when are we leaving?!"

"But, but, but-" She couldn't come up with an excuse to slip away, so she pouted, and looked around, searching for escape routes, shadows, anything...

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Max turned and walked towards the Mansion. He hoped Ryan had the whole new girl love arrow thing under control. "Hopefully things start getting better." He thought to himself as he walked onto the porch where he leaned on the railing.
Watching the nonsense in front of him, Mason grew really bored of it and looked at his bracers. 'There must be a garage or something where I can set up shop...' He mumbled as he walked back inside the entrance. He passed the foyer and decided to make a left. He took another bite of his waffle and looked around for the garage door inside the giant house. He walked past the kitchen and the dining room and thought of making another right down this hallway he came to. He looked and found the door leading to the garage. It was a lot bigger than he was expecting it to be.

The cavernous room was big enough to fit 5 SUVs with 5 ft of space in between them. 'Perfect....' he mumbled almost dropping the waffle out his mouth. He looked around and found some things that looked like parts for a motorcycle and a workbench with photography equipment. Mason quickly ran over there and looked for some cardboard lying around the floor. He found a small box and emptied its contents all over the floor. He ripped it apart and pulled a permanent marker out of his pocket.





He then ran to the door excited for was next to come and he slapped it to the front of the door with a piece of metal holding it there. He shut the door and slapped his goggles over his eyes. 'Time to weld these shut... and make this into my terminal like I used to have.... won't need the Forge anymore... hehehehehe...' he muttered as he walked around thinking of the things he wanted to establish in his newly founded workshop. He went to the garage doors and didn't bother with worrying bout the others outside who could see, he heated his fingers up to the point they turned white and came into contact with the steel garage door and the floor. He crystallized the concrete and sealed the steel into it with blinding arc welds. He ran his fingers along the edges of the large doors on the bottom. He reached the end and went vertical along the concrete walls. Where he couldn't reach, he tried using Helena's idea of a "flamethrower" and shot out a fine stream of whit hot plasma welding the sides and the top of the garage doors.

He felt his head starting to spin and he didn't feel like stopping. He wanted to impress the group, so he remembered the scene he left for Helena and wanted to recreate it. He got onto his knees and held his hands on the concrete. He exerted his energy and heat into the foundation. He was sure there was no gas lines or water pipes under this section of the house.
I hope... He continued and the concrete gave off a different sheen as it crystallized. It turned a clear blue and the floor under neath was too solid for him to incinerate. So he put all his energy into melting 4 ft of concrete underneath the glass. It went from a dark red to a purple then transitioned to a light blue liquid as it melted down.His head was rushing as he did this and there was red spots splattering on the clear blue glass. He pushed harder and tried his best to keep the molten crystal contained as he swirled his lava around the floor making a swirl design of blues, purples, and reds. His work was finally solidifying as he blasted pulses igniting the dust underneath creating blue embers that swirled slowly as he created a flash fire through the empty space. The entire room gave off a light glow of ... green? His head was spinning faster and he shoved his goggles and blinked to see the blue aurora his masterpiece gave off along the ceiling. He looked down and saw a pool of blood growing bigger. He reached up to his nose and his hands were covered in it. The front of his shirt had splatters and the knees of his pants were soaked. He tried standing and fell onto the wall nearest the door leading to the kitchen.

Streaks of blood lined the walls as Mason tried to make his way to the door. He smiled faintly and thought of how foolish the whole idea was to impress these kids that didn't really understand him. But that was the point. He wanted them to know him for who he was... He was fading in and out of consciousness as he reached the door. His bloody hands had reached the door knob and he grabbed it firmly... then he fell backward hitting the glass with a loud crack. He laid there staring at the ceiling, watching the blue lights dance their beautiful ballet and he faded into unconsciousness...
"Escape routes are sixty paces to the left, fifteen past me, and thirty back past you. Or if you prefer, there's windows at both three and nine. I'm not going to keep you here, Helena . . ." She milled about the kitchen, pulling out utensils and bowls and such before pulling on an apron. "You can hide in here until the others leave and then you're free to go. Just . . ." Evelynn gave a sigh and shook her head, leaving her sentence unfinished as she changed her focus to the preparations and let Helena be.
Helena looked up then walked out. "I don't do baking... But when your done with this... I'll be watching Frozen in my bedroom..." She walked off, hand in her pockets. As she wandered the halls, she nearly ran into a half open door. When she again looked down, she saw a pool of blood coming out from under the door. "Ohhh, god..." She looked up. "Mason's Workshop... MASON!" She threw the door open and immediately started to panic. She grabbed onto his arms and started dragging him down the hall, into her bedroom, and onto a blanket she had left on the floor earlier. "Oh god, oh god, Mason! You're such an idiot!" She grabbed her bag and started digging through her things for her thermos of nectar. When she finally found it, she had trouble opening the thermos, her hands were shaking so badly.
Ryan opened the kitchen door and walked in with Adelina's face still on his chest, "Okay this is not a room...Hey Evelynn what's up?"
Jason just watched as Alec walked away then shrugged, it wasn't a bad idea in theory but of course danger is danger and they had to be careful. He walked over to Max his voice just above a murmur , "Got your glowstick, we may need it. Also if there is trouble how will we alert each other?" He watched Jerika, still puzzling over what Vitus intended to do.

Jerika watched the cards amd picked three sets of three. "My name is Jerka Mortier Franz. Now find my aunt." She had looked up to the woman, she was kind and caring unlike her mother who seemed controlling and power hungry. But of course it was none of these...kids business.

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"Ive got it, plus extra so it does't look like I'm weird for only bringing one glow stick." Max said to Jason "Now shush i kinda want to see where this goes." Noticing Vitus pretending to be a medium. He remembered that he could talk to the spirits, so he wanted to see how he could amaze Jerika.
"I'm baking." She tossed over her shoulder without looking to Ryan, whom she knew by the sound of his voice. She dug a whisk out of back if the cabinet, standing on he goes to reach it. "There we go!" She returned to a neutral stance and turned around. "Wha- Why are you smothering a girl in your chest?" She changed her question once she properly saw him and this new girl. "Also, is everything all right? I thought I heard Helena yelling for Mason."
Adelina had no idea what had just happened. She noticed a tingling feeling in her arm right before her vision blackened and she let her eyes close. She felt a hand covering her eyes. Whose hand? She did her best to absorb as much information as she could from what she could hear. Cupid shot me?! Before she could begin to plan terrible revenge on the demigod she had met only a few minutes ago, she was turned and felt her face being pressed into what seemed like a chest, clothed in a cotton shirt. Adelina cringed; she had no idea what was going on, which was usually the main source of discomfort for her. At least it wasn't a rough jacket, which would bring much displeasure to her face, but it felt strange to be so close to someone she didn't know well. However, something told her it would be a bad idea to pull away from whomever this was to discover the person's identity, no matter how strong of an urge she had to escape this moment of discomfort and awkwardness.

Adelina then heard Ryan's voice, coming from just above. There was someone else here too - Evelynn, a girl she had seen at Camp Half-Blood but never talked to. Knowing any effort to speak would be muffled by cloth, she nodded, although her stomach churned when she thought of how the situation must look to Evelynn. But she couldn't look away. She knew of Cupid's abilities. If this demigod named after Cupid really did have the power that Cupid had . . . She didn't want to think about it. All she could do was trust Ryan to guide her out of the situation, no matter how much she grimaced at the thought of being dependent of others.
Ryan responded, "Oh Cupid shot her...by the way this is Adelina and she's the daughter of Athena. Adelina I can't really show you who Evelynn is yet so...we'll save proper introductions for later. I didn't see Mason or Helena yet."

Cupid got out of the car, "Hm I wonder who my shot has effected." He looked around for that new girl and found them in the kitchen. Cupid saw Ryan covering Adelina's face and thought "This Zeus kid...ugh I always have to do this myself." Cupid said, "That won't work wonder boy!"
With care, the poor daughter of Hades, who recently become a medic apparently, ladled healing nectar into Mason's now open jaws. With a sigh, she pressed whatever spare fabric on the blanket she could to his body to help stop bleeding (wherever he was bleeding from) before dragging him onto one side of the huge queen sized bed in her bedroom. With that, and now thoroughly exhausted after shadow traveling twice and dragging an unconscious Mason across the floor for several yards and onto a bed, she laid down next to him and sighed, starring at the ceiling.

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