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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max had followed Cupid into the house, even though he wanted to see Vitus's trick. "No sorry Cupid." Max came up behind him and put him into a full nelson "Lets not have you go around and screw with peoples hearts right now." Max lifted Cupid up and went to leave the Kitchen "Sorry about this" Max said to Ryan " I'll just let you get her in a place where she can't go love crazy. Now your coming with me." Max carried Cupid back onto the porch. Dropping him and standing in front of the door Max said "You just have to had everything go your way don't you?"
Cupid yelled, "GRR I NEED TO SAY SOMETHING IMPORTANT!" He ran back into the kitchen. Cupid continued, "Okay this will actually help...blah. You think blocking her sight would eventually make her not go all lovey on someone? Wrong! It's the first person she sees no matter how long anyone blocks her sight! Might as well get over with it." He looked at Evelynn, "I remember when I did this to you." He laughed, "Anyway, I casted the KIND OF the same shot that Evelynn received so...the love will be short yet super intense. Adelina welcome to the group!" Cupid left the kitchen and went back to Max, "Yes." He smiled.
Opening the door Max shouted to Ryan. "Blindfold her and save the love spell for after the party!… Or I could hold Cupid down and have him be the first person she looks at!" Max then turn and looked devilishly at Cupid
Cupid smiled, "My spells never go against me silly Max!"

Ryan just shook his head, "...forget this Max where's the nearest room?"
Evelynn stared blankly at Romeo as he said something about hitting her with some love arrow or something. She was confused, but simply shrugged and went back to her baking, mixing the butter and sugar together before mixing it in with the other ingredients. She'd been feeling that way a lot recently, so it was nothing too surprising. She spooned the completed dough out onto several stones and slid them into the heated oven. "Did you need something, Ryan? Oh, nice to meet you, Adelina . . . I don't think I know you. Sorry, I'm bad with names." She looked to Ryan expectantly for his response, tapping in time on a timer she slickly pulled from her vault.
"whatever" Max said ignoring Cupid. "Third door to your right I don't know who's room it is but it'll do until we get back." Max turned back towards Cupid "You scared of heights?'
At every word that left Cupid's mouth, Adelina's anger rose. With a surge of rage, she thought, How dare you, Cupid. So selfish, so low. Why don't you shoot yourself with one of those pathetic excuses for arrows and go fall in love with a hamburger. She didn't realize when the thought was unintentionally sent to his mind. Oh well, she thought indignantly. He deserves any insult he gets. Her heart pounded and her mind became clouded with panic. She would not be able to go to the party unscathed. She would either be there, crazy in love with someone, or be there without the ability to see. Which was worse? Probably the former. Resisting the urge to squirm violently, she did her best to calm her breathing. Cupid promised it wouldn't last forever. Did the rules go against falling in love with a plant? That would not be as bad as falling in love with one of the demigods she now encountered at the mansion - no, that would be much more embarrassing. She would rather fall in love with a plant, yes, but although her heritage prized her with the capacity of knowledge, she was not sure if that was part of Cupid's power. She heard Evelynn's voice as well, and could do nothing but nod. Adelina had already revealed her ability of telepathy to too many people already. She would introduce herself to Evelynn later, when her face was free and she was able to speak without sounding muffled.
Ryan looked at Evelynn, "Nevermind Max answered my question." He spoke to Adelina, "So this whole thing is going to take about...15 to 20 minutes-"

Cupid interrupted, "Actually 30 minutes to an hour and a hal-"

Ryan quickly said, "What?! You said it was like Evelynn's!" Cupid responded, "KIND OF like her's!"

Ryan spoke to Adelina again, "Anyway so we're just going to get over all of this right now okay?"
Adelina felt like she was about to throw up. She wanted to shake her head that no, she was never going to let herself be exposed in this way - no, not for an hour and a half! Embrace yourself for the most embarrassing hour and a half of your life, she told herself. She reminded herself that it may last as short as a half hour. A daughter of Athena. Foolish. A daughter of Athena would keep herself calm. Adelina could not; no, not even in such a foolish circumstance. For a moment she found humor in the fact that she could always keep herself composed in a dangerous situation in which she could actually get hurt, but she completely panicked when it came to the exposure of emotions and love. No. I can't do this. But she was brave, and would not let herself show any sign of cowardice, so slowly she nodded and waited for a catastrophe to take place.
Ryan gulped and gently took her head and put it right in front of his, "Oh gods I hope my plan works....open your eyes please."

Cupid smiled watching, "Pure entertainment."
Adelina took a deep breath. It would be okay. Within two hours, everyone would have forgotten about it. No matter whom I see once I open my eyes, it will all be okay. What plan exactly was Ryan talking about? But it was too late for any further pondering - her eyes had already flown open.

She gasped and a feeling of love and affection grew in her heart as her eyes opened to see Ryan's face until she felt like she would explode. Her face broke into a foolish grin as she gazed into those gorgeous brown eyes . . Wow . . She wasn't sure what exactly she was doing here; all she could think about was Ryan, how perfect he is, how handsome, how kind . . She felt like he was the only guy in the world. No one else existed, just her and Ryan. Heat rose to her cheeks and she felt herself blushing. She was overcome by an irresistible urge to kiss him or hug him or show some flirtation or affection but was paralyzed, staring into those eyes, never wanting him to leave her vision . . .
Ryan quickly picked her up and gently through her onto the bed in the closest room. He quickly left the room and closed the door behind him, "Please work!"

Cupid shook his head and laughed.

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Smacking Cupid in the back of his head Max said to him "Your a complete sadist aren't you?" Turning to Ryan Max said "You might want to barricade the door so she won't bust out and come after you."
Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "It can't be that bad."

Cupid laughed, "Oh it's bad bye!" He quickly left.

Ryan just held the door himself.

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Ashlynn just watched silently not knowing how to approach the predicament.
Evelyn frowned as the ruckus about her took place. She lost track of what was going on, but she knew little of it could really be considered good if the new girl. had ended up locked in a room. She took br time and went to Helena's door, softly knocking. "Helena? Everything all right? I heard you yelling earlier and just wanted to check." The room was silent and still, and Evelynn hope she hasn't woken her up or anything.
"So let me get this straight. Cupid shot Adelina and now she's gonna go love crazy?" Ash blurted out incrediously.
Ryan responded, "Yep exactly the point. Though I do feel kind of guilty for keeping her in a room..." He thought or a moment, "Then again I guess it's better. There's a window in there so some air will go in. It won't kill her to stay tere for an hour and a half."

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Ash nodded and sat back in her seat. "Well atleast she's alright. Or as alright as you can be in a situation like that."
Adelina panicked. Ryan was not here. No, she had to find him. A wavering scream escaped her throat: "RYAN!" She pounded on the door. "RYAN, SAVE ME!" Wait, he was right outside the door. She could feel his presence, hear the sound of his breathing, and although she sighed at the sound of his breathing, there was nothing but a door between the love of her life, and she had to somehow break this door. "IT'S OKAY, RYAN! I'M COMING BACK FOR YOU, AND WE CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER!" She had broken numerous boards in training before. Breaking a door couldn't be too hard.
Ashlynn flinched as the boards on the door began to splinter from the impact.

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Jason heard the rukus inside and went in, looked around searching for the source. He heard screaming and ran towards it. He skidded to a halt when he saw Ryan holding a door shut. He was about to ask ebbed he remembered seeing Cupid snickering on the way here. "Cupid? Remind me to teach him a lesson." He looked at the fractured door "Whoa who did that?"

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Adelina continued to strike the door with her pounding and kicking, sometimes slamming her whole body against it. She wanted nothing more than to be with Ryan right now, and she couldn't get the image of him out of her head. No, this would be too slow, and she remembered something - something sharp she possessed. Her hand went to her belt. Ah, yes! Her dagger! The door that served as a barrier between her and the boy she loved far over anyone else would stand no chance against her blade of Stygian iron, though she was quite appalled that she would ever have a single possession that wasn't smothered with Ryan's name, encircled by hearts. A dreamy sigh escaped her lips, then was replaced by excited screaming. "RYAN, I'M COMING! DON'T MOVE A BIT!"

She lifted her dagger. Although she was crazily in love, she still had her intelligence to ensure that her greatest fear never occurred. Adelina shuddered violently at the thought of her love being hurt in any way. She decided that she could not stab the dagger just anywhere on the door if Ryan was leaning against it. He was shorter than the door, so she concluded that the safest place to put the dagger would be at the top of the door, above where his head would be - she assured herself that she had every detail of his appearance memorized, and once again she sighed dreamily when she thought of how utterly handsome he was. A door would not keep them apart. With her utmost energy, she let her dagger pierce the door.
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Jason staggered back a little freaked out at the screaming. "I'm gonna whoop that Cupid." He activated his shield, and hefted it up. "Ryan,I'll brace the door, get me some water maybe a couple splashes to the face will calm her if not I can use it to hold her at bay."

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