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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina continued to run and gradually felt the muscles of her legs begin to resign to exhaustion. No, she told herself. I will not let myself give up. I never give up. I never do. After a few moments of no response from Ryan, Adelina concluded that she would experiment with the new ability she discovered once more. Perhaps she was just imagining things. Yes; in the heat of the situation, she probably just overestimated herself. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she didn't communicate with anyone after all.

The concentration she spent on the following message to Ryan nearly drained her energy. Her brain formed the thought "It's I, Adelina. The scientists are chasing me and my brother, David." Quickly she looked over her shoulder at David, who was following her. After a moment, Adelina decided to add to her message, "Just think about what you want to say and respond." She wasn't sure how to explain the use of telepathy. That was the best she could describe it at the current moment. Half expecting for it to all be an illusion, she forced the message into Ryan's mind.
"Ry. Listen. I didn't say anything" Max said as he stopped pushing Ryan "Please tell me your just messing with me? I mean i know i just broke down in front of you, but I don't need help… You don't think… that you may have heard someone else ask for help. I mean we are demigods, abnormalities are kind of our thing." Max crossed his arms "Anyways you need to clear your head. Come on your going outside to get some fresh air." Max said pushing Ryan out of the kitchen and outside. Max stopped pushing Ryan when they were outside and saw Jason and walked over to him. "You like her don't you?" Max whispered in Jason's ear "Just admit it i can see it in your eyes."
Ryan received the message and blinked a couple of times then looked at Jason, Jerika, and Max, "I'll be right back". He went into the living room and thought back, "We're in a mansion in Florida right now...go to the nearest airport and tell them you are Jericho Anderson's friend. I'll send you our address right now."

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"Ha, our powers aren't that bad. Your power is useful. There's always beauty in death and destruction... I should know. I practically burn everything to the ground. Ha...ha..." He tried dusting himself off but the tightness of the shirt made it difficult. He crawled over to her over the glass and patted her on the head. "It's alright though. Maybe we could teach other how to see everything differently in our own eyes." He smiled and felt the sun's heat fading away. He turned around and noticed the light fading around them.

"Hey, we should do this again some other time. It's getting kinda late. And I want to wear some more....FITTING clothes..." He laughed at the end and looked at Helena. "Mind poofing us back to the mansion?"
Ace said, "I don't know." He saw Jerika at a distance, "I think we should just be casually dressed up." He started walking back inside.

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"Well, uhh... Maybe we should get back, yeah... Nawwww, that shirt looks fabulous on you, clearly!" She laughed some more, looking him up and down, then laughed some more. "Oh my gods, I can't get over it, you look like one of those kids that's trying to look cool by wearing a too tight shirt, oh gooods." She laughed gathered up the blanket, and grabbed Mason's hand, heading for the pool of darkness by a tree, her smile fading as she stepped through and back into Alec's house. Almost immediately she coughed and knelt down, her nose now trickling red blood.. "Daah, sh*t.."
His eyes had a hard time transitioning from darkness to light without his goggles. 'Damn it all. WHERE'S MY STUFF!' Mason mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. He felt Helena slacken her grip from his hand and he looked down. "Woah, you alright? Better slow down there, Turbo." He took her shirt off and gave it back to her, "Here, wipe that off."

He stood after handing her the shirt and looked around for the others and found their heat traces. He looked over at Helena, "Hey... um.... what we did and said stays between us right? Don't think the others understand me that much. This wouldn't help. All they think is waffles..." He stopped and felt his stomach shortly. 'Waffles sound really good right now...' He walked off looking for his bag of stuff, forgetting about his conversation with Helena.
"Yeah, everything is confidential with me anyway. I don't talk to other people anyway." She looked at him, then took her shirt and put it back on. "Ryan already retrieved your stuff, it's in one of these rooms... Somewhere." She didn't even notice the nosebleed, it happened so commonly when she shadow traveled. She walked off, teetering around like she was drunk until finally leaning on the wall, breathing hard. "Gods, that takes it out of you..."
Evelynn grumbled about "Stupid brothers. And shook her head, heading on back as well, nomming the delicious fruit in her hands. She went to her room and wrote Amaya a note, leaving out on the bed stand before getting ready to go out. She headed out towards the others in the yard when she was done. Seeing Jericka as she approached she raised an eyebrow. "You must be the neighbor, hm?" She extended her hand in greeting. "Evelynn Monroe. Nice to meet you, c- neighbor." She offered an innocent smile that didn't match with her child, studying eyes.
RyanJXavier said:
Cupid said, "Oh great you're alive! Are you okay?" He looked around the hallway.
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"I should say not. There is a disturbing lack of dead people about here, it's unnatural. And yes I'm fine just a little tired . . .and quite lost." Vitus answered a crease appearing in his brow as he scowled at the hallway. "Cursed builders. You wouldn't happen to know where I should be do you?" He questioned the boy in front of him. He wished he could address the person by name but he could not at all remember his name.
Adelina sighed with relief as she received the telepathic message from Ryan. She wasn't hallucinating after all. However, she and David were still faced with the obstacle of finding an airport. She knew where they were; her heritage had served her well with an excellent memory, and years ago she had easily memorized a full map of New York. The nearest airport was twelve miles away, if her calculations were accurate. They would need a taxi to get there. There was no way she would be able to run another twelve miles with the little endurance that remained, and looking behind at David, she knew he wouldn't last long either.

An idea struck her as she recalled her pegasus from Camp Half-Blood, Nutmeg. However, the thought of using telepathy again, especially to a being that she wasn't even sure was alive, made her grimace. Even telepathically sending one word exhausted her. But she had to try. There was no other way.

Adelina pictured her beloved Nutmeg in her mind; her lovely brown fur that would glisten golden in the sunlight, the way she could almost smell the flavor of nutmeg and cinnamon whenever she looked at her. Adelina prayed that Nutmeg would forgive her for not thinking of Nutmeg until now, when she was in need of her help. Concentrating hard, which was growing more and more tedious by the second, she sent Nutmeg an image through her mind, an image of her running, lost, in panic. Included were pictures of the route of the road she was on, so Nutmeg could find her.

As Adelina awaited Nutmeg's arrival, or at least a response, she continued to focus on running. She was a child of Athena. She could not lose her calm. Daughters of Athena did not panic. They kept calm, even in awfully dangerous situations such as this.

Relaxing her mind, but not her legs, she was able to find peace. Her mind was calm once more, and she ignored the fact that she was being chased by menacing scientists, the fact that if she slowed down, she knew she would not live past this day. With complete ignorance of this knowledge, she continued to run, continued to wait for any sign that Nutmeg had received her message. From a glance at her watch, she noticed that seventeen minutes had passed. There was still no sign of Nutmeg. It suddenly became much harder for her to force the panic out of her brain, and the effort to breathe grew with each step.

It was two more minutes before she finally saw a glint of brown in the sky. She began to cry out in joy, but it came out more as a series of coughs and groans. Slowing down her sprint very slightly, she watched the beautiful nutmeg-colored pegasus with gorgeous, glistening wings land gently on the ground, bending her knees to lower her back so that Adelina and David could climb on. Grabbing David's wrist, Adelina climbed onto Nutmeg's back, pulling David along behind her. "Hold on tight," she told him breathily, still struggling to catch her breath.

As they lifted to the sky, Mist disguising Nutmeg as no more than an eagle, Adelina finally found her breath. She didn't look back to the ground to see if the scientists were still looking for them. Instead, she felt the rush of wind upon her face as Nutmeg soared across the sky and decided that this was the first time at all today that she felt any hint of joy.

Leaning forward, her lips just a centimeter away from Nutmeg's ear, she whispered, "Thank you."
Cupid said, "left, right, left then we should be in the living room...or we can climb out the window."

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Vitus considered a moment and mentally smacked himself. "Why didn't I think of the window? Outside sounds much better than the living room." Picking himself up and dusting himself off Vitus walked to the nearest window pulling it open. Stepping back a bit he looked over at the boy motioning out the window. "Coming?"
Ryan thought back to Adelina "Um make sure your entrance isn't really... Demigod-ish cause a human is near us." He sent her the address.

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'Rooms... so many... rooommmssss' Mason mumbled as he pushed doors open and checked to see if his bag was in there with his stuff. He kept going until finally giving up and walking to where he felt the heat traces. He walked to where Ryan was and stopped, "Hey, where's my stuff? I need my stuff. Like... now." He said. Unaware that all he had on were a pair of pants, AGAIN. He stood in front of so many people with just a pair of pants. At least it was an upgrade from being naked. . .
Cupid hopped through the window and ran back in the house once he heard he had to get dressed for a party.

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Vitus followed the boy out the window tumbling a bit, but looking up the boy was gone and he heard something about a party. Vitus shook his head refusing to go back in the mansion unless nessisary. Besides he didn't have anything to change into and he figured that no one would notice either way. He walked around to the side of the house where he could hear a conversation between to spirits. They seemed quite talkitive now and he wondered what they were talking about.
"Mason..." Helena walked over, throwing the blanket on him, then walking off. She could hear talk of a party, but nobody ran up to her to ask her if she was going. Not being invited to the fun, as usual. She didn't mind; She was used to being ignored. She was never invited to parties. Instead, she wandered to her bedroom, and flopped on her back in bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about that glass show Mason had produced... I could paint that. Oh, it would be SO pretty..
Cupid ran through the halls and knocked on every door, "PARTY!! YEE!" He ran into his room and changed.

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Evelynn noted Helena come up and then begin to leave and grabbed hold of the girl. "Nuh-uh!" She tugged the girl back over with the rest of the group and draped an arm around her shoulders. "No way in hell I'm going to be the only girl going to this thing. You're coming along whether you like it or not." She gave Helena a friendly, but serious smile. "Don't make me braid your hair . . ." Taking a look around, she noticed Vitus in the distance and waved him over as well.
The spirits seemed to be discussing the party he'd heard about. Saying something about how funny it would be when all the people at the party got into such trouble. "What trouble?" Soon as he posed the question though, the spirits snickered and disappeared. "That's incredibly rude you know." He scolded, but there was no answer Vitus suddenly was glad more spirits weren't about for the ones around here were very inconciderate. The dead were usually happy to talk with people who could hold a conversation. And anyway he deffinately did not like the sound of this party. He made sure to keep a sharp eye out at The party.
"...braid my hair...?" She raised an eyebrow at Evelynn, then starting tugging to get away from Evelynn, "N-No, I... I don't do parties..." She murmured, wiggling her hand around, trying to free herself from from Evelynn's immaculately strong grip. She didn't social events in general.. Too many people, so little space...
It took a moment for Vitus to realize that he'd been waved at, but when he did he jogged over. "Hey, the dead said something." Vitus began deciding to confide the vague information to the girls. Both of which he actually recognized, Evelynn and Helena. "They said something about trouble at the party. At least I believe that's what they meant, they're not very clear . . . or polite." He added quietly as an after thought.
"Braid. Your. Hair." Evelynn replied with dramatic emphasis on each word. "You know I will." She kept her grip on the girl tight. She knew first hand that Helena was no push over and slacking in something would be unlikely to win her any battles. "Come on, Helena. It'll be fun!" She said, though she mumbled in an aside to the girl where only she could hear. "Plus I'd feel better with you there at me back." She smiled again at the girl. "Or we can stay here and talk about boys or whatever Hades kids do for fun. I'm up to suggestions." Her offer was quite sincere. While Evelynn had little interest in the party itself, if they were to deal with these people, the more they knew, the better.

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