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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

He was snug in the blanket and had no idea what in the blazes was going on. Mason dodged the door frame just slightly and all he saw were breasts and hair. But more importantly, breasts almost close to touching his face. He looked to his left to see Helena's face and almost went pale. 'These are her breasts... Hades is gonna eat me alive... right after she does...' he thought to himself. then a moment after thought it might not be such a bad thing if she... yeahhhhhh.... He looked down and thats when he asked, "Hey... um... how are you able to carry me? I'm kinda heavy... and you're not superwoman like Ryan. And... nice bra." He smiled wide hoping she'd smile back. . .
Immediately she came to stop. Her head turned slowly to look at him, eyebrows raised, jaw dropped. "The f*** did you just say to me?" She looked at him, eyes wide. Then she set her jaw and kept walking, she intentionally ran Mason's feet into a corner, "You do not know how to talk to girls, do you?" She looked at him and whacked his feet on the wall again, then quit once more. "You have got to learn to flirt better." Nevermind that she was blushing kinda for no reason.
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Cupid was about to take a nap when he looked through the window in the room (on the second floor) and saw Jerika "Oh look a nice neighbor!" (Only loud enough for Ace to hear)

Ace quickly sat up and looked at Cupid, "Did you shoot someone again?!"

Cupid responded, "No go back to sleep!"

Ace turned away groggily and fell back to sleep. Cupid lied down on the bed and tried to take a nap.
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Vitus sat scowling at the empty hallway with his arms over his chest. But with out the constant whispers of the dead or ruccuss of the other campers his eye lids began to feel heavy. "Just take a little nap." He mumbled sleepily and closing his eyes fell asleep right there, on the hallway floor.
Cupid couldn't take a nap so he got up and walked out of the room. He decided to check out the other half of the mansion he had not seen yet. Walking around, Cupid found a figure at a distance as if it was sleeping or maybe even dead. He walked to the figure and poked his shoulder, "Um...are you dead?"
Jason only nodded as Max left, He was glad to have a roommate he agreed with but was restless, thisplace was seriously starting to get to him. he missed his school friends, he missed hi mom, and he came to a conclusion that this place thoroughly sucked, he only got along with Max, and everyone else seemed to barely tolerate his presence IF he was acknowledged at all. he sighed setting his childish thoughts aside, he just needed to meditat, and franklyhe didn't give a rat's a** who saw he was gonna chill in the water. He went out to the pool ignoring everyone else, he didn't bother taking off his clothes, knowing by not that he couldn't get wet. He walked on top of the water, by willing a strong enough current under him to keep him up, with minimum bobbing. He sat out in the middle folding his legs like he saw monks do in pictures. He took a few breaths, the simple presence of water soothing him.
She looked at Mason again, then hauled him over her shoulders and sucked a breathe in, before stepping forward into the nearest shadows, and disappearing with Mason in tow. When she emerged, she was miles away, in an abandoned camp area. A simply campfire was in the middle of the clear area. Slowly Helena sighed and stepped to the firepit, then snapped the blanket, freeing Mason from the fabric and wrapping it around herself and promptly sitting down. "Alright..." She muttered, rubbing her eyes, "Start the fire, cmon."
After they exited the darkness, Mason was on the ground in front of the campfire. He looked around and rubbed his hands and his chest. Mason was still only wearing pants and nothing else, so it was becoming really chilly. "So... start the fire just like that?" He said as he pointing his finger at it. A stream of flames burst from his red hand and ignited the fire. He closed his hand and calmed himself a bit. He felt the warmth of the fire in his core.

"Ok. . . so. . . is there a reason why I'm out here... alone... with you... and not wearing anything.... and near a fire?" He asked, trying to keep himself warm with the fire.
Ryan just looked at Jerika. He suddenly noticed her leaning on the fence and his eyes moved down and saw her cl-, "Eh...so" Ryan quickly looked back up at her face, "Umm...you se- have really nice eyes." His eyes widened and he looked away, "Uh Would you like to meet everyone else?"

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Realizing that Ryan was going to show the mysterious girl in Max decided he needed to get inside, but he didn't want to get lost by going back the way he came. So his only option as to go through the front door and reveal himself. He walked around the corner and put on a surprised face as he saw Ryan notice him. "Hey Ry!" Max said running up to him "I kinda got lost and found my way to the back door, and it locked behind me." Pretending to notice the girl at that moment Max said "Oh and who might you be. Do you live around here." Max kept a false smile on his face and hoped the girl would believe that he hadn't been listening. "You have very Pretty eyes" Max said noticing how attractive the girl was "Im Max, what might your name be?"
Jason, calmed down a bit and noticed the water swirling around him. Surprised he lost concentration, and fell into the water, only to come out dry. He walked inside, heading to the foyer, where the only set of stairs he knew of were. He paused once he got there, noticing a girl at the gates, He peered through the window and noticed Ryan there, aswell. He stepped forward curiously. "Hmm who could that be?"
"Sh*t, thats right, you don't have clothes..." She looked around, then looked down at herself. "Hmmmm..." Not a moment later, she stripped off her shirt- Thankfully she had a tank top underneath it- then shoved the shirt at him and sat by the fire, only shivering slightly. "You said you wanted help with your firey powers, so help is what your going to get. If theres anyone you should be talking to about this, it's a Big Three kid. We have powers far beyond imagination, and we have to learn to control them. Even now, after years of practicing, I have trouble keeping control." She looked at him, then looked at the ground next to her. A skeletal hand was crawling out of the ground, and she promptly whacked it back into the earth.
"Thanks. Um..." he muttered and looked at the shirt. 'I don't know if it'll fit....' he though as he tried to put it on. He struggled with it and finally got it over his chest and it fit tightly. Mason looked like one of those guys wearing a smaller size to look bigger. He sighed and agreed with Helena, though didn't understand how she knew. He gave her a puzzled look then shook his head.

"So then... I can cast it on my hands and I can shoot it out as a plume. What else is there? If I used my imagination... the possibilities are endless. But. . ." He paused shortly looking at his hands with a serious look of his face. His palms glowed in a pulsating effect of different shades of red. "I don't know if I can control my emotions to keep the fire from going wild." 
"Well now, isn't someone a bit butt hurt." She added after his childish remark. She noticed his eyes wander and she grinned, "I believe my eyes were up here and not on my chest last I checked." she grinned devilishly as she stared at him. "I'd be delighted to meet the rest of the--" The dork came out of the corner and introduced himself. He also had an interest in her 'eyes'. Men... ugh disgusting pigs...

"Yeah, I live next door actually. Are you all renting here? Oh... and I'm Jerika." She added glaring at the dork in his retarded colored sweater. Who wears that... like seriously... dork... She adjusted her shirt with a shrug to hide her attempt. Jerika moved her hair from her face and placed it behind her ears. She played with her pearl earring and waited shortly before getting annoyed.

"So are you going to keep me waiting at the gate or are you going to show me around? Or at the very least introduce me to your friends? Pretty sure you all still have some energy to go to a party or two, tonight." She added thinking of a way to get them out and about to learn more about them.
Ryan looked at Jerika, "I'm sorry. Yeah we're renting" He looked around and thought of just entering the house. Ryan opened the gate and said, "Let's go in? We have a pretty interesting household." He smiled a little.

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"Uh- Ryan, don't go inviting strangers into MY house, okay?" Alec came up behind Ryan, shaking his shoulder violently to shake him out of his daze, then looked up at Jerika, his eyes narrowed. "...Who are you? ...Weren't that chick that was a total b**** to me in 6th grade?" He leaned back on and crossed his arms, eyes narrowed skeptically. "Ryan, can I talk to you, INSIDE? Hmmm?" He grabbed all the surrounding boys and dragged them inside. "Are you crazy? People are LOOKING for us! Don't invite people into the house!"

"Controlling emotions? I've dealt with bullying for 6 plus years. I know how to hold things in. But I think you just need someone you can talk to. You're probably used to being alone, right?" She looked at him, seeing how tight the shirt was on him, and it made her giggle like a little girl.
Jason saw the commotion and walked past them respondinh to Alec's curious look, "Someone's got to keep her busy." His green eyes were filled with mischeif as he walked out the door and sat on the front step nonchalantly. He made and maintained eye contact with her, not forcibly but kinda naturally. His mother always taught him to meet everyone's eyes especially girls. He brushed a stray dreadlock from his face and smiled. "I'm Jason, sorry for my friends. Alec is, well I guess you already know. You said something about a party?"

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Ryan suddenly snapped out of what felt like a spell, "Sorry! I...I know." He looked down, "So how should we get her away then? I mean it seems like she's pretty interested in getting to meet us."

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Ace woke up from his nap and made his way to the kitchen. He got a bowl and put a bunch of fruits in it, "Time to get some grub grub." Ace looked around and furrowed his brows, "Where are my sisters?"

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RyanJXavier said:
Cupid couldn't take a nap so he got up and walked out of the room. He decided to check out the other half of the mansion he had not seen yet. Walking around, Cupid found a figure at a distance as if it was sleeping or maybe even dead. He walked to the figure and poked his shoulder, "Um...are you dead?"
Vitus looked up as someone poked his shoulder. He wasn't a particularly heavy sleeper and he'd been having a disturbing dream. He yawned propping himself up on his elbows but didn't bother really sitting up. It took him a moment to sort through things. He'd gotten lost and fell asleep in the hall of death. He squinted at the boy who'd woken him he looked really familier, but those were usually the people Vitus didn't remember, the popular ones. "Can I help you?" He questioned eyes still halfway closed as he peered at the boy.
Cupid said, "Oh great you're alive! Are you okay?" He looked around the hallway.

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His hands went back to normal and he felt a little naked without his goggles. He ran his fingers through his now reddish hair and sighed, "It's not like I don't like being alone, but it's kinda a thing I've had to deal with. I don't mind talking. I just feel different around... certain people... or genders... I mean I'm fine but I hardly ever talked to any of the other demigods. Not even my own family." He said as he played with the fires a bit. He ran his hand through the flame and tried to make the flame dance around his arm like a serpent.

"So, since I can't look through the Encyclopedia Mythica that's in my bracers. Which I don't know whether they were grabbed or not. What else can I do with this?" Mason said letting the snake erupt around his arm to embers.
"I don't know! Tell her your not interested, just, do something!" Alec turned to walk away, then turned on Ryan again, "And, don't invite strangers into my house, okay?" With that he turned and walked off, in a hurry.

"Weaponize it. Turn THAT fire, into a flamethrower. Or, you use it for defensive purposes, hold enemies with a wall of fire, like you said, the possibilities are near endless. You just have to learn to control them, and know who to use it against." She looked at him, then stood up and cracked her neck, and knuckles. "Alright. You can summon your fire, right?"
"Mhm... I see..... Yeah I've been able to keep it in my palms as of right now." Mason said as he brought his palms up and fire swirled in a spiral sphere. He thought of something and a devilish grin flashed across his face. He dropped to his knees thrusting his hands into the ground and put his energy into bending his fire inside the ground. He felt the heat radiate within himself and saw the line he was drawing with the fire and he started to see the heat rise from deep in the ground. The earth was getting red, then smoothed out the floor. Creating a glassed look to the surface. He put more energy into his fire, intensifying the heat, incinerating anything under the glass. He laughed a bit and felt really light headed. "... Look down, Helena. . ." He fell backwards and landed on the thick glass and laid there not wanting to move. 'I think I over did it this time. . .' he mumbled softly.

Underneath Helena was a 2 ft layer of think glass and 10 ft of space. The floor looked like swirls of molten glass that was colored with whatever was in the dirt and rock. Slight greens and reds with a streak of white behind black mass. Inside the glass the embers were floating around like bright red fireflies and shimmering light underneath Helena, making her glow.
"What...." She looked down, and gasped a really loud and obvious gasp. The ground was mystifying, the glass- How did he get glass with normal soil?- was emitting a beautiful, beautiful glow. She could watch the lights dance inside, she felt she could practically reach out and touch it... When she looked up, Mason had collapsed. "Oh... Mason!" She rushed over, and helped him up.

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