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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

With no protection or any skill in lessening the blows, Mason nailed the chair with full force and broke through the wooden back. He tumbled across the concrete and fell into the pool. His body scraped and thrashed, he floated on the surface with the pool steaming up. A stream cloud raised off the area where Mason floated on his back stunned, covering the entire rear of the mansion.
Ryan quickly thought to himself "Please tell me I used human strength...". He gripped his wrist and went to Mason, "Sorry! Are you okay? We can get a first aid kit."
His face went pale and his body felt broken, ' Why..... why can't I... just... stay healthy... he thought to himself ignoring the pain. He groaned and refused to speak. His jaw felt like it popped out. His back was on fire... and why was he naked?!
Ryan didn't really know what to do, "....eh Noah should know what to do I guess. Can you stand up?" He looked around and glanced at the neighboring mansions windows.
"Ughhhh... " He gurgled out. 'No speaking... hurts... ughh. Another day in paradise... ' he thought to himself. He stayed in the pool thankful that his hands died down and the cloud of steam hung close to the pool.
Ryan stayed silent and thought "Well this is awkward...can something just randomly happen now?" He looked at Mason, "Um nevermind then."

Ryan pulled Mason out of the pool.
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Jason turned at the sound of someone yelling "Hold that thought" he said and ran out to the back. he saw the pool, then the limpish body floating in it, and then the broken chair, steam and Ryan looking guilty. "Gods, what happened here, did you do that? He noted the shattered chair, then the body again. "oh s***!" Jason concentrated and turned the steam back into water droplets and forced them to fall into the pool, "Now what exactly happened Hercules." He had put it together, all the times when Ryan tried to act inconspicuous, and much to weak for a guy his build, he was definitely stronger than he acted.
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Going to respond to Jason Max felt a shift in the air in the house, which was quickly followed by crashing noises. "HOLY **** What was that!" Max screamed as he heard the noises. "Jason come on" He said then realizing Jason was already heading that way and ran towards where the noise had come from. Entering the pool area he saw Ryan pulling Mason out of the pool and also the broken chair. "What the **** happened in here! You practicing Judo or something with Masons body!" Max asked Ryan in a partially worried partially joking voice.
Ryan looked at Max and Jason. His eyes then shifted back to Mason. Ryan thought to himself "Well...no use in lying". He responded, "I threw him onto a chair...somewhat accidentally after he burned his grip on my wrist." Ryan quickly added, "And the bolt on the chair must have been loose cause it broke".
"I'm sorry Ry I'm with Jason on this one." Max said "You've been hiding something form all of us. Plus this is a mansion I would think everything would be in the best shape it could possibly be. You might as well tell us now, I'm technically your brother ill keep it a secret." Looking at Ryan knowing that he was lying, because of his rapid intake of air. "Ry please just tell us."
"Yeah...I can totally smell the B.S." Jason had an unimpressed look on his face. "You could at least have come up with something better than that."
Ryan said, "Okay I have enhanced physical abilities. Does that make you feel better? Now what? Can we please focus on Mason here? How am I going to fix him?" He couldn't really lie. It was ibvious he was horrible at it, especially since it was true.
"Thanks Ry. And we should probably take him to Noah, he'd probably be the best one to fix him." Max said "I think I saw him wandering around here somewhere." He turned around and then he realized something. "Umm… does anyone know their way around this place?" He said turning back to face everyone whilst scratching the back of his head.
Alec, who had been staring at the scene the entire scene, with an eyebrow raised, then stood up straight and threw a fresh towel at Mason, "Wrap around him and get him inside, I'll see if Helena has anymore ambrosia, or nectar." That said, he turns and walks away, inside and down the halls, to find the sleeping Helena..
Jason was surprised by the towel but nodded, "You heard the man, let's get this kid inside. I got the arms Max you get the legs." He looked at Ryan. "No hard feelings I just don't want you to get burned again, or have Mason here thrown." He scooped up the boy's arms and looked at Max. "Easy now."
Bleeding and broken, Mason laid there with a towel on his body, finally. He looked at the sky again and tried to put the pain in the back of his mind... then he realized... "Grrrrh.. bag... berrrace... goggllllz..." He tried speaking, working through the pain in his jaw. Hopefully someone had grabbed his things. He couldn't remember where he left them.
Ryan sighed and followed them inside. He heard Mason and said, "They should be in the car." Ryan looked at the others, "Just don't tell the other half of the group okay?" He looked away and mumbled, "Stupid Zeus kid stereotypes"
Alec directed the boys to a room and helped Mason into bed, then stuffed a small square of Ambrosia into his mouth. "Chew that slowly. Then swallow, if you feel like you need more, tell me."

"Dude, can I come out of the closet?"

"No, he doesn't have any pants on."

"Ohhhh, well then take your time, please."

Helena, when she refused to leave the room, was stuffed into the closet when Mason was being carried into the room.
Setting Mason down on the bed Max asked Alec "Is there a reason Helena's in the closet?" Hearing Ryan's worried tone as he asked us to keep quite about this. "Ry we're technically brothers; I'll keep it a secret, and truthfully if we we're to tell anyone we'd probably be thrown all the way to China!" He said laughing. He was trying to cheer Ryan up, but he didn't know if he could. After they'd just met and he didn't know what might've happened to Ryan in the past that made him want to hide his abilities.
Ryan attempted to smile a little, but ended up just reverting his attention to the window "Great now I literally broke a friend..." He looked at them and said, "I'm going to go outside for a while. I'll be back in a minute, trust me I'm fast." Ryan walked out of the room and went outside the house. He sat on the front porch and looked at the street.
"I need to relieve some stress. Hey J you said something about sparring?" Max asked Jason hoping to get what just happened of his mind. "Are we using are personal weapons or did you find some sort of training weapon cache?"
Ryan took a deep breath and looked around at all the other mansions. A breeze blew and he rubbed his hands together. Taking another deep breath, he stood up and walked to the SUV. Ryan easily lifted out Mason's goggles and bracers, and closed the SUV door.
Jason looked at Max, " Personal weapons should be fine, as long as we don't go too far." Jason was itching to get more practice with his sword and shield. " shall wetake this out back? We should probably activate them on the way so no one sees weapons pop outta nowhere."

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"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If we walk outside with random weapons in our hands we may make everyone around here suspicious of us." Max said to Jason "We should fine a place inside to spar." Max then looked to Alec " Is there a room in here that we could use?"

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