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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason already had armfuls of snacks, and plenty of beverages by the time Max got to him. He was buying enough to keep everyone happy, including fruit for Eve. He knew that most of them were already buying food he figured having a small stockpile wouldn't hurt. Jason perked up at Max's question. "Just worried about all...this." he discreetly gestured to the group not wanting to drop anything. "We can barely survive each other, whats jappens when the scientist's or better yet when monsters, come after us. We got big three smell all over us two Poseidon kids, two Zeus kids, and a Hades kid. We got some REALLY bad juju coming at us." He turned to pay forhis items and got bags for them, before waiting for Max at the door.

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"Yeah that been on my mind throughout the entire ride. Hey you think the people who Ev cursed out on the road would come back to attack us." He said this as a joke, but for a demigod anything is possible. "Anyway we should head back to the SUV don't want Ev to get impatient. You want me to take some of those bags off your hands?"

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Amaya somehow tumbled out and fell on her butt on her way out of the car. "Damn it!" she cursed before getting up. She dusted her jacket and jeans when she found Helena crawling out of the "tin can of death." I wouldn't disagree. Also, sticking her head in the beer corner, she wasn't going to try that anytime sooner.

She turned towards her sister, "Next time you decide to make us travel in this piece of sh*t, please make sure that its big enough for the entire population!" She screamed the last part and stormed off towards Walmart. She could hear Evelyn equally screaming something at her, but she chose to ignore. She was ticking like a bomb. She didn't want it to go off. At least, not in public.

After grabbing some snacks, on the way she noticed Sleeping Beauty and Cupid looking at each other in a funny way. Cupid was smiling. Sleeping Beauty was on the verge of killing him. Maybe she'd join too.
Jason nodded, "Yeah thanks." He handed Max some bags and headed out to the van not wanting to see, Eve angrier.

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Noah got out of the car and automatically began stretching out his legs. He quickly walked into the store and quickly bought some snacks and other random items from the store. Noah put them in his satchel before walking out of the store. As he walked past the car he noticed Cupid and Evelyn, with the latter looking odd. He also noticed discarded arrow. Noah gasped on horror and briskly walked away not wanting to get in the situation of another lovebird hit with Cupid's arrow.
Setting the bags down in the car Max noticed Ryan and Cupid standing around and what made it weirder was the fact that Cupid was laughing." I'm gonna go see what they're up to." He said to Jason. "And proceeded to walk over to where Cupid and Ryan were standing."Hey what are you laughing crazily about now" he said Making sure to slap Cupid hard on the back. "You planning something evil again, I know your famous for you devilish schemes!"

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Evelynn felt a tingle go through her as she pulled the nozzle from it's place. She paused as the odd feeling passed through her and gave a shrug. She was about put the pump back in its place when Amaya started shouting at her. She turned to face the girl, readying a dozen lines of shouting, but the flurry of curses caught in her throat. She had the strangest desire to serenade the girl and express the overwhelming, forbidden love she had for the girl. She clutched her chest as Amaya disappeared into the building. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she didn't like it.

She hung the nozzle back in it's position and leaned against the vehicle with a heavy sigh as she waited. Spotting Amaya emerging from the store before too long she moved to a different area of the SUV and waited. When the girl came close she promptly pounced on her and threw her over her over her shoulder. She laughed heartily, as only a child of Ares could, and shouted, "I claim thee as my spoils of war!"
Cupid saw Eve and kept laughing. Ryan followed his gaze and his eyes widened. He went to Evelynn, "Alright you are definitely not driving"

Cupid smiled, "Eve's turn...Have fun Ryan!" He quickly got in the car. Ryan got confused and looked back at Evelynn.

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Cupid paused, "wait a minute!"

Ryan started laughing, "No way..well time to hit the road."

Ryan sat in the car and kept laughing. Cupid got a little mad, but ended up laughing as well.

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"Who's driving this time" Max asked "I'm sure I'm not the only who doesn't want her driving." Gesturing towards Evelynn.

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'Hmm.... looks like everyone bailed on me... Suits me fine...' He thought to himself kicking the rocks as he walked towards the highway near the forest. Mason looked back and saw the lights disperse and he felt their heat signatures running around and he sensed one more close by him. He looked in that direction and a flashlight was beaming at his face. "AH! BRIGHT LIGHT! BRIGHT LIGHT!" He yelled out at the light, shoving his goggles over his eyes to dim the intensity of the light and he saw a mans face behind the weapon with the flashlight.

*Meanwhile, the rest of the group is at the gas station filling up, Mason is assaulted by a strange man (DUN DUN DUNNNNN!)

"Hey you! Hold it, don't move. What are you doing in this forest? It's a restricted area." He said in a deep gruff voice.

"I was playing hide'n'seek but I think my friends left me in the trees. So now I'm walking home. By the way, what's with the tin suit?!" Mason said pointing at the man's heavily armored gear.

"I don't believe you. Turn around, or I'll electrocute you." He said pointing his rifle at Mason's chest.

"You know, electrocution would mean that you would kill me by use of electricity and the process in doing so would take 1 Amp to stop the hear---" A bolt hit his chest launching him backwards and making him jump and jolt on the ground.

"This kids got a hearing problem. I wonder what that is on his pants... and his arms... and what's this?" The man was searching Mason visually while he twitched. He saw small gold and green hammer clipped to his cargo pants. He reached for it and recoiled quickly pointing his rifle back at Mason.

"Zzorrokk... ajogd... Faaaaakk... AHHHHH!!!!" Mason gurgled as his body convulsed and turned a low deep red. His temperature rose higher as the volts circulated his nervous system and activated his bracers magnetic coils, creating a circuit that revolved the current continuously through his body. Mason grew hotter and hotter, becoming a deep bright red as the magma flowing in the earth's crust. He shouted loudly and the earth underneath him shook violently. The man, a Lieutenant Harris, fired his rifle again at the boy turning redder than he's ever seen. The charges intensified his screams and everything he wore was beginning to catch fire. His cargo pants were ablaze, his shirt was burning from the center opening outward, his boots were melting around his feet. Lt. Harris looked as the bracers were unfazed, still acting as the conduit for the circuit. He took notice as the gold and green hammer fell on the ground beside the boy, still intact regardless of the immense heat emanating from the boy. His goggles and pack were fire-retardant with the cloth blessed by Athena for the children of Hephaestus to not burn from the fires of the earth.

Lt. Harris walked back several feet, unable to withstand the vibrations and heat coming from the epicenter of the child in front of him. He tried to call his squad over the comms but the static electricity was jamming the frequencies around the area. "GOD DAMN IT! ANSWER YOUR RADIOS! DELTA, WE HAVE A INHUMAN CHILD CREATING FLAMES! WHY DON'T--- FU**." He threw his radio at the kid on the floor and covered his ears when the rumbling occured. The earth underneath Mason began to split and ooze lava from the cracks. Mason's screams went from high pitched to a deep roar as if the God of the Volcano himself possessed him. The ground rose around Mason, creating a concave in the earth pouring out the lava from its sides. Lt. Harris ran as fast as he could to avoid the overflow of lava already setting the trees on fire.

"THE HELL!!! AHHHH----" His screams cut short as the earth broke under his feet and he fell into the pits filling with lava. His body incinerating and disintegrating into the earth's fury.

"Son.... son... calm down... You will call the fury of the volcano like Pompeii and ruin this state... calm yourself.... " The voice of Hephaestus thundered in Mason's chaotic mind. "For the love of Aphrodite, will you stop screaming! My ears are close to bursting. Think of Aphrodite if you must." he paused and continued with a sly tone in his voice, "Yes, I've been watching your dreams you vile cretin. And yes, I'll be skinning your hide when the time comes... but for now calm yourself." Mason's body was engulfed in the lava inside the small volcano. It was spitting it's fury out in a 2 mile radius. The crashes of the bubbling magma reaching the surface. The crackling of the nearby trees and Mason screams stopped. His bracers shorting and burning out the magnetic strips, opening the current and bleeding the electricity to the earth. He began to get back to his deep red as before. He was brought to the top of the small volcano, laying naked with his belongings and the lava hardening under him. The fires remained burning and the rivers of lava became obsidian and hellstone. He laid there with nothing on his body and no one around him....
Ace looked at them, "I'll drive. Everyone get in! CUPID when we arrive...you WILL DIE."

Cupid stopped laughing and gulped.

Ace said, "That's messed up! My two sisters?! Ew!"

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Laughing at Aces threat towards Cupids life he made sure everyone was here before they left. "9,10,11.....11... MASON! Get i.... Oh ****! GUYS WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM MASON ISNT HERE!!!" Max racked his brain trying to remember the last time he saw the waffle kid. "DID HE EVER GET IN THE SUV!?"

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Cupid tried to defend himself, "It was actually an accidental shot...it happened when I pushed Ryan out of the car."

Ace's eyes narrowed, "Some how Ryan is always involved in things I hate."

Cupid quickly changed the subject as he heard Max, "Oh no Mason!"

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(After you guys get it the car you should feel the effects of the volcano and see it blazing over the trees)
Ace started the car and looked around. Ryan looked at Max, "Do you think we should keep Amaya and Evelynn next to each other? Or on completely opposite sides?"

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"You dare to try and keep me from my treasure?!" She gave Ryan a glare that could turn lesser men to whimpering dogs. "Do not betray me, comrade." She warned him, snuggling the held Amaya. "We shall resign to the back seat and if any of you deign to separate us, I will destroy my chariot and we shall walk the whole way! Except my love. I will carry her." She added as an aside. She climbed into the car along with the others, protecting Amaya from being crushed amongst the bodies.
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Amaya was a little shocked at the sudden burst of love Evelyn showed by jumping on her. What the..?! She gave weird looks at her, trying to figure what the hell was happening. Then she noticed Cupid laughing his butt off. Oh no, he didn't. She took one step towards him, as his smile faded. "What did I say about using voodoo on me?" her eyes were almost red from the rage she was feeling. Cupid opened his mouth to say something and took a step back, but she cut him off. "When we reach Florida, I will make sure that you stay immovable for the next six months," she threatened, as he gulped.

In the meantime, everyone piled back into the crappy piece of tin and Amaya was stuck with a lovestruck half sister. And she doubted if it was sister love. Evelyn wrapped her hands around her, trying to "protect" her from others. She didn't know what about the current situation made Evy think that she was in danger.

Okay, so she had two choices. Knock her out, or kill her. Ace would be mad if she killed her. Knocking out was a better option. But being crammed, she wouldn't be able to pull her hand back for a mere little punch, forget about a blow.

"Whoever the eff is driving, make this damn thing fly!" she shouted to everybody, hoping the driver would listen.
"You heard her, chop chop!" She called out to the driver. She turned back to Amaya, gazing lovingly at her. "You have . . . Such beautiful eyes." She softly stroked the girl's cheek.

The SUV hit another bump and Evelynn bounced further onto Amaya. What normally would have issued a strong of violent curses from her mouth only made her giggle and snuggle against Amaya.
"What the f***?!" Amaya screamed at Evelyn's over-affection. "Ace, can I please kill her?" she pleaded to her brother, who was sitting somewhere. She was disgusted. Soon she let out another warning, "I swear to god I will kill you Cupid! And then dump your body in the middle of the ocean in a coffin! Do you f***ing hear me? I will kill you as soon as we get out of this bloody piece of sh*t!" She said to Evelyn, "And you, stop snuggling! Stay away from me. And don't you even dare to giggle!"

Amaya was afraid, angry and disgusted. Can somebody please let her drive?
Jason got annoyed at all the screaming and swearing and utter madnes. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUT. UP!!!!" He glared at Amaya, "Complainig about the snuggling wont make it stop since it's magic! Just deal with it until we get back...to....camp?" Jason's anger changed into utter confusion as he saw the volcano in the approximate location of camp he turned to Ace his voice full of concern. "We need to get there now! Max anyway you could give us a lift maybe fly, glide, whatever can you get us off the highway and onto the roads?" He was worried about Mason. The voice in his head filling him with awful thoughts but mainly, "What if he died because we left him." the guilt he wasfeeling nowwas intense but would only get worse if he was actually hurt.

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"Oh my god, would you shut up with the lovey sh*t? I'm getting sick back here, and your making this worse! OH WAIT, I'M IN A CAR! THATS AS BAD AS It can... get..." Helena was smashed against the window, so all she could see was the outside. And she could see a volcano.

"Ace, pull the car into the shade! ACE, THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO IGNORE ME, GO!"
Cupid said to Amaya, "By the way I didn't use the spell on you. I used the spell on your sister. And it was an ACCIDENT!" Since it was an accidental hit, the spell would only last for about fifteen minutes.

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