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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Are you effing kidding me?!" Amaya almost roared when she found out about the seating arrangement. Somehow she sat inside the stupid piece of trashed can. More like cramped herself into it, with someone's head on her lap and herself almost sitting on someone else.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you Helena," she said, her temper rising. Even Evelyn was sporting a similar reaction. At least someone was on her team.

She clenched her fists, so that she doesn't bolt and display her wrath. It was going to be a very long ride.
"....Well s*** man, first you threaten me then your all nice to me? Ohhh, you just LOVE your car, well-" The car hit a bump in the road and Helena squealed and grabbed onto the nearest thing, that being the seat in front of her, and clinging to it for dear life. She looked around, squeaking in terror at every bump in the road. "I. HATE. CARS."
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"I'm sorry . . . I just get really stressed driving . . . Get the **** out of my ******* way you ****** *** hugger!" She shouted at the vehicle next to hers almost immediately after apologizing. She held the steering wheel with a white knuckled grip. "I hate this stupid car, actually . . . I want my Corvette back . . ." She started to sob silently again. "Us girls could had the nice fancy ride and left the boys to deal with SUV. She looked daze, recalling her favorite car fondly. There was a honk and she was back to shouting out her window at the passing cars. "Mason! Make this car fly! Mason?" She looked at the mess of body parts around her. Ah well, he's probably in there somewhere. She thought. Her hand found the knob for the radio and pressed it, turning on some soothing rock to calm her frazzled nerves.
Max sat with his eyes closed the pain in his legs has disappearing, but Evelynn's road rage made it impossible to get any form of rest. Max opened his eyes to see where he was. He had made the biggest mistake getting in first, he was shoved up against the trunk door with at least three people on him in some way or another. He decided to try to see if Jason was anywhere around him, because Max had remembered that Jason had something to tell him. "Hey J you anywhere close to me?" The lack of sleep was finally taking its toll, but he stayed awake to listen for Jason's reply and because he kind wondered how many curse words Evelynn knew.
Helena stared at Evelynn, eyes wide. Then she shook her head and looked out the window, refusing to think she was in a car again. "Not again..." She murmured. She could remember the day so well... She didn't want to remember.... She practically see the blood spattered on he windows, hear the snap of her mother's neck, the cracks in the window, her own terrified screams.... Soon she was inexplicably shaking like a leaf, her teeth chattering horribly.
The car bumped making Amaya's head hit the steel of the car above. "Evelyn!" she all but roared at her. Soon there was a shower of profanities within the car. Half coming from her sister in the front, while the rest from herself from the back.

She was in the middle of a huge chain, when she noticed Helena shaking terribly. She sat beside her, squashed between the door and her. Her profanities came to a sudden stop as she tried talking to her, "Helena? What's with you?"
Jason adjusted himself so that he was much more comfortable than the others appeared to be. Luckily he had a good view of the outside since he had the window seat he heard Max right behind him and turned his head. "Right here bro, what's up??" He wriggled a bit to give whoever was next to him some more space. He look towards Evelynn a little concerned, "Hey Eve, if I can call you Eve. How 'bout taking a pit stop at the next rest stop. We can reorganize there and if we're lucky there'll be a food court there. Possibly figure out a better way to get everyone seated." He also suggested this after noticing Helena's trembling, he figured it would be good to get her outside before something really bad happens.

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Max winced as he realized Jason was in front of him and that he was the one on top of his legs. "What have you been up too. The last time i saw you was right before i changed schools?" He was glad to see his friend, but with the situation they were in it made the reunion bittersweet. Max lifted his head up and another wave of profanities hit the car. "Well thats all the Vulgar language I know… plus more… a lot more…" He thought to himself before he gave his full attention to Jason, "I wonder if thats a natural born power that Ares kids have?"
The stars were beautiful. As if they were dancing with each other like the God's were watching them. The ground shook and Mason opened his eyes again. His goggles were over his eyes and he couldn't really see anything again. He turned and saw red lights moving away from him at an increasing speed. He sensed the area again and the flames were alight and still active. He lifted his goggles and made sure his bracers were working. "Where'd everyone go...." He paced a bit and felt a heat source moving closer to him. He picked his pack up, fixing it on his back and began walking towards it.

He saw foot prints and looked out and veered from the path he was going. There were flames over cabins and he was frightened, 'I hope everyone is alright... I hope I didn't kill them....' he thought to himself, thinking of waffles. He kept walking and saw lights driving by him to the center of the camp, 130 feet away. He shrugged and kept walking where the footprints and tire tracks led to.
A scientist reported to head quarters and they reported to the seven other head quarters in Brazil, Australia, Philippines, Japan, Spain, Egypt, and India. Each leader said, "Go to your stations!"

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Jason laughed, "It probably is." Jason noticed he was on Max's legs and adjusted so that he wasn't crushing his friends legs. "It really has been two years huh? Well we have some catching up to do. Wait were you at camp these past two years.?"

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"No the first year I was traveling around the world with my mom in her plane, I've only at the camp for a year. Regardless I went to places like Paris, Moscow, Cairo, and in each place I got to explore around and visit places if never dreamed of, even if i wasn't allowed to be in there." It felt nice to talk to Jason again especially cause it reminded him of all the fun times they had together
"Is it just me or is this place getting smaller?" The daughter of Hades muttered, eyes darting around in frantic motions.

Alec from being squished underneath Amaya muttered, "Helena was in a serious car crash when she was young, about 3 years old. That's the crash that killed her mother. She's never liked cars or enclosed spaces ever since... She's claustrophobic."
Amaya's curses only brought further from Evelynn as she began yelling at her sister and every other driver on the road whether they did something or not. The horn was almost always pressed, that is until she hit it too hard one too many times and broke the thing, which only made her volume rise. "We'll pull over when I ******* feel like ******* pulling ****** ******* over!" She roared. The low fuel light came on with a ding and she fell silent. "Which happens to be right now . . ." She swerved through three lanes of traffic to take the exit. She didn't slow down as she neared the gas station, instead, hitting the hand brake and swerving sidewards, coming to rest carefully beside the pump that someone was just about to pull into. "Everyone out!" She dug in her armory and pulled out a wad of cash, handing it to whoever was least crushed. "Snacks! A lot of them. And don't come back without any fruit!" She got out and slammed her door, starting to pump the gas into the poor SUV.
"OH THANK GOD!" Screamed Max as he opened the trunk door and then flopped to the ground. "Wow I never noticed losing feeling in my legs!" He said as he shook his legs to try to put feeling back into them.

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Helenda shoved past everyone else and clambered out onto the pavement, almost ready to kiss the dirt she was so happy to get out of there, and she promptly flipped the bird to the SUV, breathing hard, before running into the store fora Brisk pink lemonade.
Cupid was under everyone. He lifted his head and someone elbowed him on the face.

Cupid pushed Ryan to the window and accidentally shot Evelynn with one of his arrows.

Ryan looked at Cupid, "What?!l

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Finally regaining the ability to stand Max realized he cut Jason off in the middle of there conversation. we would pick it up when Jason got out of the car. Max bent to crack his back and noticed something. We'd lost our right side mirror. He shouted "HEY EV YOU REALIZE WE DONT HAVE A RIGHT SIDE MIRROR! YOU MIGHT WANT TO PAY MORE ATTENTION WHEN YOUR DRIVING!" He put his back on the car and waited for Jason to get out.
As Max flopped out Jason tumbled out a few moments later. Landing right on his head the hood of his hoodie covering his face. "Ouch!" Jason righted himself then stretched as he stood up, he looked at Max and nodded towards the store, "Walk with me." Jason noticed some people staring at them as twelve kids piled out of a seven-seater. He just smiled and waved diggin into his pocket and pulling out the fifty his mom gave him. "How does she always know??" He walked into the store after recieving even more weird looks for Helena's actions. He looked at Max, "Lets hurry."

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Walking into the store Max instantly walked to the back of the store and pulled a Dr. Pepper out of the cooler and made his way to where Jason was. "My god it took forever to get out of that Metal Death Trap. Hey you got something on your mind you look tense?" Max asked Jason. He then reached into his pocket for his wallet so he could pay for his drink.
Alec looked at Romeo, then rolled his eyes and climbed out. He walked off to make sure Helena was okay, and found her in the cooler section, sticking her head in the beer corner. "What are you doing?"

"Cooling off."

"With your head in the beer cooler."

"It's not like I'm drinking any of it. Though after that trip, I could use some alcohol..."

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