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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason frowned, "Heyyy I'm alright too!" He dropped his fake anger when the waiter came ordering a steack with macan cheese instead of ribs. "Oh and Dr. Pepper please." he added. "Anyways yeah those are the guys you need."
Meanwhile at the scientists HQ in Curitiba, Brazil...

The head of the Curitiba, Brazil HQ went into the room where the scientists put Ryan on a metal table with metal cuffs around his wrists and ankles.

Ryan opened his eyes and noticed a familiar figure standing in front of him. The figure was turned away from Ryan, but the shape reminded him of that of his brother’s. “Jethro?”

“Hello” the figure responded.

“Jet is that you?” Ryan asked.

“Yes it’s me! And I am here to do you well” Jet turned toward Ryan and Ryan saw an unfamiliar face.

Ryan’s eyes widened, “…wh what happened to you?”

"What happened to me? I was sure that I had constructed the perfect machine to recreate our faces the way they were truly supposed to look today without being burnt years ago BUT I WAS WRONG! And it just made my face worse…BUT YOU! EVEN THOUGH YOUR BURN PRACTICALLY DESTROYED YOUR WHOLE FACE 120% MORE THAN MINE..You got a face that worked! From an operation given to you by my father.....I can remember the day so clearly.I should have just not gone back in the apartment after you. Thank the universe that that demigod didn’t see me peeking at the both of you as I got my “minor burn”. You see! When we were burnt by a kid with powers..similar to yourself in a way I suppose, I wanted to find a way to get our faces back and take your powers away for the sake of mankind! You can’t run around with your abilities Ryan! YOU’LL KILL SOMEONE!!" Jethro explained. 
"Well I mean everyone can fight...but preferably learn from those who are super skilled at it. Don't you want to have a good teacher?" Cupid clarified as he finished his meal. "For example I can fight too! I'm just bad at fighting" Cupid gave a silly smile then drank the remainder of his water.
Raylene walked into the restaurant with Ashlynn and Erin giving a wave to the newbies. "Hello, lovely to meet you. And to answer you guys' obvious question we're not cousins or anything because gods don't have DNA duh. Didn't you guys pay attention in our lessons?" She asked sitting down in a booth across from the others with Ash and Erin.
"Cupid the last time you fought you made a Manticore want to love me up" Max said eating his steak that had arrived "albeit He's still friendly it wasn't something i wanted to experience."

Ryan responded, "Look Jet I didn’t hurt anyone!"

Jethro quickly said, "YET! But I doubt that you haven’t. You see, the girl..Jerika? Yes she told me you threw a Hephaestus boy at a chair and practically broke his body!"

Ryan attempted to clarify, "..I"

Jethro persisted, "OOOh! You didn’t hurt anyone…right? Not even..your own kind?" Jet raised an eyebrow.

Ryan grew impatient and attempted to break out of the wrist and ankle restraints with his ability. The funny thing was that it felt as if Ryan's power was suddenly weakening, "JET!"

"Shut up! Look here brother…"Jet grabbed Ryan’s face and turned him toward him.

Ryan stayed silent, "…" He tried to figure out why he could not break the metal.

"I’m just going to skip this friendly stage and get straight to the point! This face of yours? I HATE IT! It’s not my brother’s…It’s my ENEMY’S! This is a face of a demigod! One that I will hate MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! It was practically created by the demigod who burnt you!" Jethro yelled. He really used to be a "sweet" kid, but the burning incident turned him somewhat bitter and...crazy?

"Wait what? Created by the demigod who burnt me?" Ryan stopped attempting to break the metal because it was only at that moment that he noticed that the restraints had injection needles sticking inside them and piercing his wrists and ankles, and inserting a fluid that weakened him.

"I mean…If it were not for your burn, then you would have your normal face, THE FACE YOU WERE BORN WITH!" Jethro attempted to clarify, but was so excited at the current moment because he had been waiting most of his life for this moment. 
Cupid responded, " Look if you know how to fight in anyway....THEN FIGHT IN ANYWAY RIGHT? Did you want Manny to eat you right then and there?" He looked at Violet, "Actually Manny is pretty nice".
Harry woke up late, when had he gone to sleep ? Did it really matter? When he found out that the others from his old group had arrived he got up out of his bed and let out a huge yawn. He opened his balcony door and stepped outside , not changing out of his blue footie pajamas . he pulled down the zipper on his back let his wings out and gave them a good flex. He had no idea where the others were so he flew around until he spotted Jack in a Diner getting messy with some Ribs. He swooped down to meet him and flew through what he thought was a large open window but in his daze he slammed into a closed window cracking the glass and sliding down it. For a second he laid on the ground still, then he got up . Harry walked into the restaurant picked up a napkin and wiped the blood of his nose. He turned over to the table that everyone was sitting at and said, "Hey".
"You can't fight, Cupid..."

Alec started to chuckle at Helena's shout, then it quieted down again when he looked at her. The dark haired girl was picking at a plate of ribs and fries, not really try to eat any. She stared forlornly at the food in front of her. She looked far more then lonely... He sighed.
Jason perked up, "Speaking of pets, I need to check on Nautilus." Jason closed his eyes imgining the pegasus' fiery body and snarky attitude. "Come on buddy." "Don't call me buddy." Jason jumped as Nautilus' voice rang in his head. "Whoa how close are you?" "Closer than you think look outside." Jason whirled around to see Nautilus dip low into the street long enough to turn some heads, before zipping back up a short flame trail behind him. "Show off." He said with a smile turning as his food arrived, "Ooh tasty." He dug in eyeing the kid who flew in for a moment before waving hello.
Ashlynn furrowed her eyebrows at Jason's comment. "Pets, I haven't heard from Isis in quite a while hopefully she's not ripping people's throats out for answering her riddles incorrectly." She voiced out loud worriedly.
Cupid said, "Guys we're in public. If you want to talk about that stuff and reveal wings then save it for the hotel and/or Max's airplane". Ace stood up and stretched, "So what's the plan after you all finish eating?"
Raylene shrugged. "Let her have some fun Ashy." Ray teased ordering her food making Erin snort. "You are true evil Ray, even I'm not that cruel." 
Ashlynn rolled her eyes turning to Violet with a smile. "Hi, I'm Ashlynn Dearborn daughter of someone you would not know. This girl right here is Erin daughter of Nemesis and this doofus who looks like me is Raylene, my twin." "I'm the older one." Ray boasted proudly.
Alec continued to stare at Helena, his first real friend, and he sighed. He never understood her need to be alone. He was sure if just opened up, people would flock to her. His facial expression showed him as being lost in thought as he stared ahead of him.

"So…you like my old face? But I was born a demigod. You’re confusing me" Ryan responded.

"SHUT UP!" Jet let go of Ryan’s face and clenched his fists. "Before I continue any further, let me tell you.....If it weren’t for Zeus, then my father and MY mother would have still been together. Now what? You know, my father was severely harmed by a demigod because that demigod accidentally lashed out at him with his powers. Gods, demigods, all alike! I HATE THEM!" Jet put his face closer to Ryan’s. "I hate you…" Jet backed his face away from Ryan’s. "…anyway..I have come to the conclusion that it was because of your operation that you got your powers…Why didn’t my operation how many years ago around the same time as you got yours work for my face? Simply because it was a “minor burn”… A MINOR BURN THAT LEFT A HUGE SCAR ON MY FACE?! That ISN’T MINOR! And even MY father helped YOU regain another face even if it wasn’t your own real face because he knew that you were a demigod. On the bright side, it was because of you that my father was able to continue the scientist program when it was about to be discontinued" Jethro said.

"What do you mean?" Ryan questioned.
Max finished eating his food and took a deep breath. "Im gonna go get some air." Max got up and went to leave. When he reached the door he was stopped by a waiter. Before the waiter could say anything Max said "Im with them they'll pay for the food." and he left the restaurant. He started walking around the block. "*sigh* Where the hell did you even go Ryan… I mean how do you lose a guy who has freaking super abilities." Max mumbled to himself. Max looked around and noticed something. A weird guy had been following him since he left the restaurant. "Whats his problem." Max picked up the pace. As he did so he noticed the overwhelming amount of people near the restaurant. "Are we being monitored?" He mumbled to himself "What the hell is going on here?"
The commander of surveillance noticed Max's reaction, "Alright team loosen up a bit disperse naturally! We got eyes for 20 miles of flight either way so just make your way to the closest mode of transportation to follow that kid. Everyone change skins! The rest of you stay with the others!"
Max reached into his pocket. "Adelina may have taken my phone, but i still have my Mp3." He put in his earbuds and began to flip through songs. "No, No, No… ugh thats the last time i let my mother use this… where is my Video Game Battle Music Playlist… ah here we go." Max put his Mp3 back into his pocket as Cannonball began to play. He turned his head around to see if the guy was still following him, but he didn't see him… just a guy who looked a bit like him. "Something weird is going on here." he though as he rounded a corner. He saw a lonely skateboard lying by a stop sign. He snapped and the board spun so he could get on it. 'Guess thievery will never leave me." He thought as he kicked of and went down the street on the board.

"Maybe you don’t remember this Ryan, but…Jay is my father. Jay the head scientist of this whole demigod experimenting, torturing, and maybe even killing facility!" Jet said as he waved his arms around their location. He stopped waving his arms around, "But who knows? My dad won’t let me near the torturing and killing part because he knows I’ll kill every single demigod off…with a press of a button. I won’t kill you like some other scientists are planning to do, or experiment on you. I will make you suffer! After this complete…operation or whatever you want to call it, then you will temporarily lose your sight. Yes this time YOU will be the first one in! I am sure that my machine will work and not kill you…ofcourse I have not tested my machine, but it will work. And if it doesn’t and you die, well..then you die".

"How does my face relate to my powers? I’ve been fighting with my enhanced combat ever-" Ryan said but got interrupted.

"Eversince I KNOW! But I noticed your physical abilities..maybe you didn’t, but I was very observant. So that must mean that if I change your face back, then your powers will weaken?" Jet backed away from the table. "Jay was not able to generate your real face, only the face of a random person. And now here I am serving justice to both you and the people. Ryan I’m going to give you back your real face, and I will give me back mine. Anyway, it’s time you turn normal with your true face..don’t you agree?" Jet pulled a lever and the table Ryan was on started to move into a vertical human sized tube. "Don’t worry brother, it will only hurt…like hell" Jethro reassured with a smirk on his messed up face. 
The commander said, "Follow off. Round the corner, we've update to 25 miles of coverage. Take a rest Lan, we can make him go wherever he likes...and if he has the random urge to appear here, then we'll be more than happy to take him in". Lan stopped following Max and rested at the closest bench he could find.
With a shrug Jason said,"I think she knows to stay out of trouble." Jason watched the windows as a group of people dispersed, he saw a man and gasped as he appeared to change his face. "I'm not going nuts am I?" Jason took a sip of his soda washing down the rest of his meal. "Anyone else see that, some guys face completely changed." His amazment shifted to suspicion and his tone changed. "Time to go, I think we've overstayed our welcome."

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Raynard, a scientist watching the surveillance cameras in the HQ reported to the commander, "Detection sir. McCaunhey failed to change in hiding". The commander slammed a table at the HQ, "Away with you agents! Come back to HQ! Our surveillance team was able to upgrade our surveillance range to the same range we cover our radar area here in Brazil anyway!"
Ashlynn nodded, she had noticed the guy too. She looked away from him uncomfortably. "I'm all up for leaving. I've been feeling off ever since we got here." She said quietly shifting nervously in her seat.
Max sighed as he road down the street. "I can't believe I'm gonna try this." Max closed his eyes and sensed the air around him as to not hit anyone and sniffed the air. "If scent lingers in air all i need to do is look for it." He opened his eyes. "That was stupid! I can't find him." He noticed the weird guy stop following him. "Where the hell is this damn base!" He said reaching the outside of the city. "Ok Max think! If you were a Scientist group where would you hide your base?" Max looked around and noticed a forest. "Either in a normal building or a forest… Whelp here we go…" Max walked into the forest.
Ryan yelled, "JETHRO NO!" Jet yelled back at him, "Calm down brother I'm going to bring your original face back! As if it were never burnt! AKA the way it was supposed to be at this time if it had not been burnt years ago! YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME!"

Ryan responded, "Not at the expense of my powers and life!" Jethro gave an evil smile and shrugged, "Eh..whatever". The iron table made it's way into the tube and the tube closed. Jethro moved to a keyboard and started typing confirmation codes then hit the enter button. He looked at a button then at his brother, "Here it goes..." Jethro smacked the button and backed away from the machine that contained his brother.
"Max, where the f*** are you going?" Helena said from above Max. She was lounging leisurely on a branch over Max's head, looking at him curiously.
Max pulled out his Mp3 thinking his mother had put something weird on it. Then he saw Helena. "The hell did you come from?" Max said stopping. "Anyways, You know were the d*** base is… I wasn't listening to Adelina when she told us the location." Then he looked at the girl strangely "Wait… How long have you been following me?"
Jason stood up hurrying out of the restaurant and joining a crowd of tourists walking down the street, his eyes locked on the man he saw change his face. He followed but made sure to stay somewhat undetected, borrowing some skills from a game he liked. Jason waited until th eg were about a block away and close to an alley before rushing the guy shoving him roughly into the alley activating his sword and pinning the guy against a wall the tip pointed up to go under the man's ribcage if needed. "I'll keep this simple, Who. Is. Your. Boss." The tone of Jason's voice was more serious and intimidating than even he realized, but he needed answers and was going to get them.

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