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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max had slipped away from the group a little bit ago and made his way upstairs. He thought he'd make sure that he had everything he needed in order before they ended up leaving. As he got upstairs he noticed Cupids head sticking out of the floor. "Kick me, I deserve it" Max read aloud "oh Cupid as tempting as this is... I won't kick you... Yet." Max walked around him and into his room.

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Whimpering from outside woke up Helena. "Ohhhh! Freddddyyy!" She ran to the nearest window and threw it open. The hellhound shoved his head in the window and began to bark as Helena squealed happily and hugged her hellhound's head, and smiling as he licked her face. "Oh, I missed you too buddy!" She made plenty of cooing sounds towards the hellhound.

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Ashlynn left her sister in their room and made her way to the bathroom. "Whatcha doing?" "I'm about to dye my hair. Well, dip-dyed it to be exact." Ash replied grabbing a towel and walking into the bathroom.

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Jin woke with a jolt. Sitting up, he panicked for a second before the recent memories came rushing to him. The mansion..the other demigods. The scientists in Brazil.. He rose and began making his bed, making sure the blanket was perfectly straight. He then sat on the floor in front of the bed, crossed his legs, then closed his eyes. His body automatically relaxed in familiarity of the position.

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Evelynn pursed her lips in a half pout and put her hands on her hips. "Now I know my pats aren't the gentlest, by any extent if the word, but I'm quite sure there was no smashing of waffles that I partook in." She reached out for a moment, going to playfully push him, but it dawned on her that might be a foolish action, considering his condition. She didn't want to redo any stitches. Instead, her hand trailed up to her head and brushed a few loose strands from in front of her face, locking them temporarily behind her left ear.

"You're not all that surprised by that, are you? Even Romeo mentioned something about being immune to love magic, right?" Her memory seemed to say so, but she didn't always believe it, and even if had said that, it certainly didn't make it automatically true. "I mean, I'm even immune to eye magic!" It was a lie, obviously, but she was simply trying to get him to relax. People around her acting awkward started to make her do the same; she wanted to avoid any unpleasent silences. "But hey, it's fine now and that's all that matters. Though fine is relative . . . Anyways, to answer your earlier question, I came because your cyclops, uh, friends . . . Are rather protective of you. They didn't let any of those from the big three through. Also, Helena was probably unconscious or she would have tried anyways." She found herself smiling at the though of Helena and quote came to mind. "At this point, I don't know whether to be impressed by your tenacity, or amazed by your stupidity." The Hades girl was far from stupid of course, but Evelynn didn't think pushing yourself to the verge of death was what could be called a great plan. Admirrable, but not great.
Helena, after being covered in a proper amount of slobber, decided to go upstairs and take a shower, however, before she even got in, she noticed something in the misty air; a rainbow. With barely even a thought, she first put her clothes back on, then pulled out her coin pouch of golden drachmas and tossed one into the rainbow. Instead of plinking against the wall, the coin disappeared. Helena stared, then said, "oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering! Show me Evelynn, in the volcano of Wakulla!"

Right at that moment, the picture of Helena appeared in front of Evelynn, surrounded by misty fog. "Hello?" She said, looking at Evelynn.

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"I-Itadakimasu! . . . I mean, Helena? You . . . Look a lot better than you did last time I saw you." Evelynn was quite surprised to get an Iris call, especially from Helena of all people. "Is something up?" She asked with a twinge of worry. Though as she considered the possibility it seemed less than likely that it was something bad, considering how well Helena looked and the fact there was no urgency in her voice. Evelynn settled back against the stone as the initial surprise wrote off. She couldn't remember the last time she received an Iris call.
"I was in the neighborhood. Obviously. Actually, I'm sitting in a bathroom with the shower running, but uhh, yeah. I was just wondering how it was going over there." She said, blinking at Evelynn, with eyes narrowed through the steam.

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"Well, it's going well I guess." She answered slowly. He was pretty busted up, but I got him patched up as well as I can with normal means." She decided not to question exactly why Helena chose to talk with her in the bathroom, let alone with the shower running. "I'm surprise you didn't try and call him instead since you're worried about him." She wasn't sure if the Hades girl was glaring at her suspiciously or if she was simply trying to see her. It was slightly unsettling either way.
Ashlynn skipped out of the bathroom and flipped her newly dyed hair. "So whatcha think?" She asked her sister. Raylene shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, it's not.... Bad..." "Oh shut up." Ashlynn grinned throwing a pillow at Ray, and once again it went through her. "You know, why can't you just let something hit you for once?" Ashlynn scowled walking out of the bedroom as Raylene followed. "Well that's not any fun." Ray teased jogging after her.

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"What? Pffft, no. Just curious... You look unsettled. Is everything okay?" She widened her eyes, then waved at the picture, trying to clear the steam away. "By the way, are those cyclops nearby? Them seemed upset before I kind of went-" She stuck out her tongue and closed her eyes, then returning to looking at Evelynn.

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"Your face scares me . . ." She answered her teasingly and then shook her head. "No. I just, well, let's just say Iris calls have never been good calls for me, so I'm always nervous when I get one." She admitted. So far, Iris calls just seemed like a way of avoiding physical interaction with the person. Given the impossibleness of the situation, Ushe doubted that was Helena's intentions though. Evelyn land side to side a couple of times, wondering if the apparent bad image was due to her location. "Maybe bathrooms have bad reception . . . But I guess you could say: things are getting pretty . . . Steamy over there." Before Helena could protest at her lame humor, she held up her hands. "Sorry. I like land humor. Helps with the nervousness."
In his mind he was back in the white space. He was in deep concentration, when suddenly, he heard sounds. Someone...was calling him. It was a female voice. It sounded slightly familiar..it was his mother. Ignore it, he told himself. Don't lose concentration. The calling got louder, and louder, suddenly it went from a call, to a scream. He opened his eyes and he was in a forest. It was dark and foggy, but somehow there was enough light to see.

"Mom?!" He looked around frantically. "Remember what I told you.." he heard her voice say. "Mom!? Where are you?!" This couldn't be real.. He was just meditating. Right? He heard her scream again. "Mom!!!" He bolted in the direction of the voice. As he ran through the woods he felt his heart racing. He sprinted through the brush, occasionally hoping roots or small plants. He saw a house in the distance through the fog. As he drew closer he realized it was his old house. The door was open...half off of its hinges. "Mom! Where are you?! He yelled as he rushed into the house.
"Oh my god that was horrible." Helena laughed. "Well, no bad news this time, sorry to disappoint." She smiled and laughed some more. "Seriously though, are those cyclops watching us? I don't like them. Meh..."

Alec stood in his room, and looking off into the distance. He could make out a shape on the horizon... Something big. Bigger then a Cyclops.

"GUYS! WE'VE GOT COMPANY!" He shouted, then started to run downstairs, frantic to grab his knife.

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"Jin!?" He heard from his room. He rushed into the room and ran into her. "Mom! Is everything alright!? The door!" "I know," she exclaimed. "I just got home and saw the door like it was, I ran into your room to see if you were okay, and when I didn't notice you.." They heard footsteps upstairs... My mom rushed into the living room and grabbed a katana off its mount over the fireplace. She rushed back into Jin's room. "They are coming downstairs!Jin get inside the closet" she said. "What? No! I can help!" Suddenly an unknown force shoved him into the closet and the door shut in front of him. He banged on the door while screaming "Mom! No! Run! Get out!!" His vision started to fade as he watched his mom unsheathe the katana. "MOM!" He heard the sound of metal hitting metal, a man yell.. Then a gunshot.

Jin violently jolted out of meditation breathing heavily. He looked around realizing again where he was. He stood up and heard Alec yell. He quickly grabbed his holstered weapon leaning against the wall and fastened it over his back. He opened the door and walked out of the room listening for any replies.
Ashlynn smile was wiped off her face at Alec's call. Raylene quickly grabbed Ashlynn's wrist and ran down stairs, cutting through walls to get to the front of the mansion quicker. The two sisters peered out the front door gasped. "What is that?"

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"Alec Pipe Down Im Trying to Sle-" Max said opening the door to shout at Alec, but he was cut off by the door which was slammed back into him by Alec running past. "OW! WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Max yelled reopening the door. Max gave up on his attempt at stopping Alec, after all he was armed. "Armed" Max thought to himself "Oh Come ON!" Max said realizing what was happening. He went to get the broken glow stick that was his weapon, but instead his Bishop necklace was sitting there. "What the?" Max said wondering his weapon was missing. He saw a note on the table. It said 'Hey. I saw you broke your weapon. Blah blah blah. Heres a better one. You look like you need a weapon upgrade anyway. -Your Dad Zeus'. "Well then" Max said picking up his Necklace. He gripped it and the Chess piece turned into a staff with an unusual tip. It had several rings connected to one big ring on the tip, with a decently long spike at the end. "This looks odd, but hey you never know." Max said spinning it around. It was lighter than his old one, and the rings clanged together and made a nice calming ringing noise as they clanged together. "This could actually work." Max said before he went out the door to follow Alec down the stairs


(New Staff head)
Jin walked outside his room and noticed Max rushing downstairs after Alec. He walked downstairs to the foyer and seeing they were armed, he quickly reached back and drew out his gunblade. He peered past them out the window and noticed the towering figure in the distance. "..." His body tensed.
"Is that a Hydra?" Raylene gasped pulling her twin sai from her boots. "No it's a Calydonian Boar." Ashlynn replied sarcastically pulling out her scythe and lengthening it.

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Max hurried outside and heard Jin's comment. "Hold on" He said as he grabbed Jin and flew up into the air dropping him on the roof of the house. Landing on the roof, right behind Jin, Max took in the sight of the monster that was on its way. "A hydra… S***. Mason's not back yet." Max thought to himself looking at the beast and Jin whom he had set in front of him.
Raylene put her hands up. "Hey, don't ask me. I got here when you got here." Ashlynn smiled sheepishly as Raylene turned to her. "I haven't been here very long." "Di Immortales! Some help you are!" Raylene groaned.

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Gade woke up grumpily. He looked out the window and saw a hydra. "..." He teleported with Cupid outside and pulled out his cards.
The huge five headed Hydra roared with all five heads, flames pouring out of a single one of its jaws. The flame head blew fire out into the open air, seemingly just to intimidate.

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Raylene and Ashlynn ran out the front door. "Isis!" Ashlynn's sphinx flew down in front of the twins with an irritated flick of her tail as they climbed on her back. "I was doing something." "I don't care Isis! This is more important!" Ashlynn replied coaxing the sassy sphinx into the air.

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