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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Oh so your a show off." Max said watching Gade's power display. "Im Max. Im technically Ryan's half-brother." Max took a step onto the roof realizing he was still flying.
"You have good control of your teleportation ability." Ryan sat down on a chair and began to eat his food, "What happened to your group? Did they get captured?" He drank from his cup and continued to eat.
"Holy S***!" Max said as they were suddenly teleported inside and on top of the table. Max then fell off and landed on Cupid. "At least the landing was soft" Max said without realizing who he'd landed on.

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Ashlynn walked into the kitchen and burst out laughing as Max landed on Cupid.

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Adelina, a bit jostled by the two other demigods rushing outside, in the opposite direction of her intended route, strolled into the mansion. She was curious as to the reason of their sudden rush into the open; there didn't happen to be a danger in the kitchen, did there? She instantly thought of Jerika, who apparently had miraculously earned most of the group's trust . . . How was it possible? Did no one find it suspicious that their neighbor was coincidentally a Siren, who claimed had been working for the scientists - the exact reason that they were at this mansion rather than Camp Half-Blood, their home, their safe haven? Did no one realize how risky it was to invite a Siren, of all creatures, who had not even begun to cease attempting to manipulate individuals of the group to fulfilling her, for now, minor desires, on their journey to destroy the headquarters of the precise community that Jerika had been spying on them for? Adelina felt as though the demigods in their group trusted others too easily; it was as if knowledge of the being was not even required. A fatal flaw. She concluded that this kind of confidence in strangers could indeed be perilous if not treated with caution.

She was indecisive of whether or not to turn and ask what the dilemma seemed to be that was causing their urge to hurry into the outdoors. The constant pouring of rain that they were currently experiencing was not ideal weather for a pleasant amble in the mansion garden, or frolicking in the grass. Her stomach, however, which seemed to be in perpetual disagreement with her brain, convinced her to proceed to the dining room. A wonderful aroma filled her scent glands as she inhaled, and quickly, she walked through the kitchen and into the dining room, where she found Cupid, Jason, and Jerika feasting on pieces of delicious-looking steak, steamed vegetables, and mashed potatoes sprinkled in ground pepper and garlic.

As a maid with caramel brown hair pinned up in a bun underneath a clear plastic cap, along with cold, icy blue eyes, guided her to the table with a plate of absolutely delectable food resting on her finger tips, the air particles above the table were suddenly replaced by three bodies - Ryan, Max, and . . . someone else? Adelina recognized the new individual, but very distantly. Who exactly was he and why in the world was he standing on their dining table? Taken aback, she sank into the elegant chair that the maid had pulled from the table as she placed the dish delicately on the table in front of Adelina, vaguely hearing the sound of uncontrollable laughter behind her. It was not suited to her comfort for a boy with rather dirty, grimy shoes to be standing on the table that she was attempting to eat on.
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"HEY DONTCHU CALL ME DORK!" Max shouted at Cupid before standing up "What happened to the other guy you were with?"

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"I donut understand you two." Ashlynn said with a cheeky grin sitting back down in her chair and resuming eating.

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"I don't know...we got seperated." He paused. "Anyways! For those who don't know me, Gade Avorent, son of Hermes!" He gave a slight bow. "Now who is missing their underwear?" He said while pointing to the frilly thing on the far side of the room.
Ashlynn turned to where Gade was pointing and stared at a frilly pair of underwear. "Okay then...."

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"Who's are those?" She asked looking around at the group.

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Ryan looked around at the girls' facial expressions. Who was there, but not there? He looked at Jerika off to the side a little.
With his head against the stone slab, Mason looked over at Evelynn and his grin faded, "Um... so... Why are you... uh... here again?" He wasn't comfortable with any of the girls that weren't Helena. He kinda shifted a bit further towards the opposite side without making it too noticeable. He cleared his throat before continuing, "I mean... last time we kinda... uh talked... you smashed my waffle on my head..." He was terrible with girls. Especially the crazy one of the Ares sisters. He felt the the heat sources in Wakulla, Righty and Lefty were preoccupying themselves with the forge. The pings and dings echoing in the background through the halls and walls of the volcano.

Mason stared at his wound for a while and before Evelynn could respond to his shaky questions, "I tried... burning my wound and nothing happened to me. I can't do what I did with you." He said putting his fingers on the light scar left from the manticore wound he cauterized. He recoiled after realizing he touched her without her permission.
"Oh. Hermes. Explains the stealing. Always a fan of Hermes. Nice guy, really." Helena, who was leaning on the wall now, stared at the antics as they passed, her white tank top still bloodstained from the earlier fight, and she had not bothered to change. The skull tattoos going from her shoulder to her arm was exposed. 24 skulls could be counted. "Met Hermes on a quest once. Didn't even know it was him without the winged helmet from pictures."

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Jin walked up the pavement leading to the mansion doorway.. He gazed upon the building and closed his eyes. He felt a familiar hum within himself. He has to be here... He took a few steps to the door and raised his hand, hesitated, then knocked three times, waited a second then knocked once more, hoping if Gade was indeed in there, he would recognize the familiar sound. He shoved his hands into his coat pockets and turned around.
Ashlynn hopped out of her seat quick to get away from the awkwardness and opened the mansion door. "Hi!"

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"Oh boy, more people... Just what Death girl wants.." She sighed, scratching her head idly, not particularly caring if there were more people.

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Jin quickly turned around. "Hello...Is..have you seen a boy..named Gade. He's average height, tanned, with short hair."
Ashlynn nodded. "You came just on time, your friend just pulled out the underwear." Ash replied letting the guy inside.

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"Son of Hermes? I think he's either on the roof or the dining room table. I can't keep track of the teleporting maniac."

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"Under..-wear?" Jin cautiously stepped inside quickly glancing around the house and examining his surroundings. It was second nature to him now.
"Unless you carry frilly women's underwear, don't worry buddy, it's not yours." Helena blew a piece of hair out of her face idly.

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Raylene smirked as she watched Ashlynn from a distance. After Ash had let the guy in and closed the door. Raylene used her telekinesis to throw a rock at the door and made her way over to the wall that was apart of the kitchen and walked through it grinning at the demigods.

Ashlynn sighed and opened the door again to find no one there. "What the Hades?" She muttered as she closed the door back.

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