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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ashlynn noticed her tied shoelaces and instantly came up with a plan. She left an illusion of herself cursing at Max in Greek on the floor and untied her shoes sneaking away and getting a pie from the fridge. She slowly crept uo behind Max and shoved the pie into his face from behind as the illusion shattered.

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"Pleck!" That was all max could say when Ash suddenly pied him from behind. "Aw man really! Who wastes perfectly good pie!" Max said tasting the pie "you've definitely started a prank war with the wrong person." Max stood up "I think we need to clean ourselves up?"Max suggested then He noticed Cupid sitting down at the table. " umm yeah clean up time.... Umm Bye!" Max said quickly grabbing Ash and running towards the showers leaving Cupid to clean up the mess.

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Ashlynn laughed as they ran down the hallway. "Cupid's probably going to get us back for that you know?" She breathed shaking more flour out of her hair.

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"Well I'm already on Cupids bad side, and he's gonna get everyone here with his arrows at least once." Max said as he turned down the hallway were everyone's room were. "Might as well have it happen now and not when everything is going to hell." Max stopped in front of Ash's room. "Here you are" Max said pretending to be a butler and bowed waving his hand toward Ash's room. "I'll see you downstairs once were all cleaned up." He said still covered in the pie from earlier.

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Ashlynn did a mock curtsy. "This isn't over just yet Max." She said walking into her room. Ashlynn closed the door and immediately made a B Line for the shower after getting some clothes.

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Max turned and walked into his own room. He pulled out an extra pair of cloths and hopped into the shower. "I wouldn't expect it to be over." Max said to himself as he turned on the shower.

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Ashlynn quickly washed up then spent a long time cleaning all the flour in her hair. Afterwards she got dressed and sat Indian Style in the center of her bed not willing to got downstairs and face the Wrath of Cupid just yet. She looked around at her colorful room and smiling at the sight. It was almost a mirror image of her room back in New Orleans, including all the fangirl posters and autographs plastered along her walls.

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A relieved smile eased onto her face as she relaxed, worry fading as Mason responded in the affirmative. "Good . . . That's really good." Taking a half seat on the edge of the stone on which he lay, she wiped start from her face. Only now that the immediate rush we gone did she feel the heart of the volcano on her skin. She clicked her tongue in a slight pang of jealousy. He certainly didn't seem to be bothered by it. The cold likely was a non-issue as well, given what she saw him do against the Cyclops and manticore. "But hey, that's what friends are for, right?" She offered kindly. She considered everyone she met a friend rather quickly, regardless of how they felt, until they have her some reason to label then differently. Mason, though she would now label him hard headed and reckless, had been a source of amusement and companionship for most of her time at Camp Halfblood, and especially recently. "Uhh, sorry about the rough treatment." She shrugged apologetically. "I kinda went battlefield vet on you. Didn't think growing up on a farm would ever help me." Her mind drifted to home and her mother, wondering how she faired. She friend, a crease forming in her brow as she thought. Would the scientists go after her? Had they already? Would it be safe to go to her? These questions and more shield through her mind as she sat within the blue glow of the serpentine fires.
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Helena woke up... Finally, Hades had let her go. She woke up in her bedroom at the mansion, and looked around, confused. Then things began to connect. She groaned as she made her way down the hallways and down the stairs, looking around with a hand to her head.

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Ryan turned around noticed Helena near the stairs, "Hey are you okay? Do you need anything? How are you feeling?" He saw her hand on her head, "Tylenol?"

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"Nah, I'm fine... Honestly never felt better." She shook her head and let her hand drop. She looked at Ryan, then shook her head again. "Is everyone okay? ... Did Mason get back with us?"

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Ryan responded, "Everyone's fine...Mason is still at the volcano and Evy is there with him. Don't worry they'll be here soon." He gestured toward the direction of the dining room, "So...you hungry?"

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Ryan's stomach growled and his eyes met Helena's eyes. He narrowed his eyes as he thought for awhile, "Did you know that Mason is the master of that Cyclops that you were fighting? They wanted to protect him from us. He is in no great danger, so all we need to do is sit tight and wait for him and Evy to return."
Ashlynn climbed off her bed after a few minutes and walked into the kitchen. "Cupid what did you do?" Ashlynn said loudly as she picked up the Amazonian dagger from the dining table and slid it into the waistline of her jeans. "Ryan, Romeo destroyed the kitchen!" Ashlynn called out.

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Ryan clenched his fists, "Cupid!" Cupid made his way to Ryan, "Why are you mad now?" Ryan responded, "Can't you save your pranks from some other time?! Clean that mess up!" Cupid glared at Ryan, "Why are you so stressed?" Ryan said, "We just got back. Can't we be in a prank free zone for once? Plus, there's a busy schedule ahead of us..or at least some of us. The people with the hectic schedule need to start their plans!!" Cupid turned away and quickly made his way to the kitchen, "Grrrrrr I'll shoot you soon..."
Ashlynn smirked at Cupid twiddling her fingers at him.

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Max hurried down the stairs, his hair still wet from the shower. "I heard Ryan yelling did he find 'Cupids' mess?" He asked Ash noticing her smirk.
Ashlynn grinned nodding. "Yep, and Ryan wasn't very happy with Romeo." She replied crossing her arms.

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"Payback Achieved." Max said to her. "He definitely dissevered what he got." Max held out his hand so Ash couldn't see the Joy buzzer in his hand. "High Five?"
Ashlynn shook her hand raising an eyebrow. "Oh no buddy, We're still on a prank war. And I most definitely do not shake hands during or outside of a prank war." Ash replied taking a cautious step back from Max. "I will not trust any friendly gesture from you until this is over."

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Cupid cleaned the mess up and thought to himself "OOOooooh I shall update the customized spell for that Zeus Boy! NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO! Grrrrrr. I will make him become embarrassed! His actual way of courting shall be enhanced in a moment of this spell, and he will feel even crazier than he did before! REVENGE ZEUS BOY....SWEET REVENGE!" Cupid sat down and started to eat his meal.
Ashlynn noddes sitting in a chair away from the mess. As if hearing Max's comment, all the maids brought out the food and set on the table, after some unfriendly words to Cupid for ruining the kitchen after they had worked so hard cleaning it up. With Ash's permission each maid gave Romeo a hard slap on the back of the head before leaving.

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Max quickly went and took the seat next to Ash, so he was a little ways away from the mess. "Finally foods served." Max said sitting down "Oh wait… HEY EVERYONE FOODS READY!" Max shouted before he started eating.

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