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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ace pushed the door open and ran to the delicious smell. On his way to the food he tripped on a dent in the ground, then got up again and resumed his sprint. Ryan looked at Alec, "I can...if no one else wants to." He opened the car door and put the seat down so the people in the back row could climb out of the SUV.
"That would help a lot, Ryan. Thanks. Ace be careful, for god's sake!" Alec shouted and ran after Ace.

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Ryan gently lifted Helena out of the back row. He acted like he struggled a little and he carried her into the mansion.

Cupid got out of the car and laughed as he saw Ace fall. He kept a mental note that one of Ace's weaknesses was being hungry.
At the mention of lunch, Adelina felt an indescribable sense of void within the depths of her stomach. She had a sudden tremendous desire to eat, and although she had no intention of complaining, she felt almost as starving as Ace had seemed, though she would not as clearly display her hunger. Not nearly as ravenous as she was last night, after hours of stress without food - when she had devoured half of a package of Oreos. Looking back on the action, she had probably appeared rather ridiculous - gulping down one after another scrumptious cookie. Her stomach growled deeply, signaling for her to escape her thoughts and move as fast as she could to the dining room. With an exhalation, she stood, pushing the car door open and, after stepping out, closed the door behind her. As she made her way around the SUV in the direction of the front door of the mansion, she halted as she was about to offer to assist in carrying Helena upstairs, but her stomach, in a loud and humiliating grumble, insisted that she proceed to the location of food, that the situation was already taken care of. She had only consumed a few pieces of kiwi for breakfast, although the fruit had been absolutely delicious, and did not, though she wanted to, blame her stomach for its complaints. With a quicker velocity, she strode towards the doors of the mansion and, grabbing the handles, pulled them ajar as she entered the building.
Max slide out of the car quickly and walked around the car so he could talk to Cupid. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" He asked remembering that Jerika had… 'asked' him to do so earlier.
Ryan walked up the stairs and entered the hallway. He made sure not to accidentally hit any part of Helena on anything. Which room was it again? Ryan opened the door and looked inside the room. A memory of the time he rushed up to Helena when she screamed her father's name rushed back into his head as he saw the familiar room. Ryan walked in and put Helena on the bed. He fixed some pillows around to make sure nothing was in her way. 
Cupid looked at Max, "Yes younger son of Zeus? What do you need to talk to me about?...will it really take a second?"
"Don't be such a jerk to her. She's already kinda part of our group now, so you gotta trust her." Max said to him "Plus you to have more in common than you think Mr S.A." Max turned and walked inside the Mansion and made his way to his room. He grabbed his back pack and made sure everything was still there. "Water… Check, Junk foods… Check, IPod… Check." Max said to himself going through his stuff. He put the backpack on and made his way back down towards the kitchen.
Cupid glared at Max as he walked away. "What if I shot Max?" He thought for a moment and remembered Ash's functioning brain comment "Better yet, what if I shoot Ash and make her fall in love with Max? OH WHAT A GREAT IDEA!" Cupid walked inside the mansion and smelled his way to the food.
Ashlynn hopped off of Isis praying to the gods that Evette hadn't followed them. She followed the smell of food to the dining room, and frowned at the sight of steak. Ash wasn't a vegetarian, but she was a picky meat eater. After requesting to one of the maids if she could have some lasagna she sat down in a seat at the dining table.

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Max walked into the kitchen and saw Ash sitting at the table. He walked over to her and pulled up a chair. "So I'm guessing your Amazon friend didn't want to come visit." He said to her while he was looking in his bag for something.
Ashlynn shot Max a look. "Guys really need to learn how to read body language." She muttered pushing her hair out of her face and turning away from him. Ash began making illusions of fireballs in her hands and sat them on the table.

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"Geez! was it that personal? If so i regret asking." Max said as he was rummaging through his bag. "Oh come on its gotta be in here somewhere." Max continued looking through his bag. "Oh here it is!" Max said pulling a small dagger from his bag. "Here." Max said to her "this is why i asked about the Amazon lady." He showed the Amazonian Dagger to Ash out of view of the maids.
Ryan stopped fixing the pillows and looked at Helena. The pillow arrangement should be okay. Ryan's stomach growled and he rubbed the back of his neck. He hoped Helena would be okay as well. He started to walk out of the room when the time seemingly paused once again. Ryan felt a force hit him in his stomach and he flew back against the wall. The figure was a different shape and was light instead of dark, "So you think it was the gods?" The light figure grabbed Ryan and threw him to the ground. He pinned Ryan down and took out a blade, "You can't fight me demigod..." He cut Ryan's left Pectoral and disappeared into thin air. Ryan yelled in pain and found himself standing near the door again where he had been before the force hit him. "What? Who was that?" He mumbled as he placed his hand where the figure cut him. Ryan was bleeding again. He turned around, glanced at Helena, turned back around, left the room, closed the door, and went down stairs wit his right hand hanging on his left shoulder so he could cover the blood. He needed to get Noah's bag from the SUV.
Ashlynn stared at the dagger, all frustrations towards Max forgotten as she stroked the blade in amazement. "Where did you get this?" She asked quietly so the maids wouldn't overhear.

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"I got it from an Amazon during one of my... Better trips." Max said to Ash "the person who owned it said I should give this to someone named Evette. She said that it was important. I've tried I find her everytime I go out on any sort of trip. I've found a few Amazons. Some more friendly than others, but none if them named Evette." Max set his bag down "I thought since you knew an Amazon you would have better luck finding her." Max smiled at Ash as she held the dagger looking at it in amazement.

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Ashlynn picked up the blade staring at the intricate carvings that she recognized almost immediately. This blade belonged to Evette's second in command, and best friend Felice. Felice had been sent on a mission to investigate some scientists destroying Amazon territory. "What happened to her?" Ash asked staring at the blade, as if to remember every part of it.

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"I don't know." Max said remembering the trip " I got lost in the woods and I was almost eaten alive by a group of Laestrygonians when she saved me." Max pulled into a Native American sitting position on the chair, like he normally did when he started talking. "We camped out and made our way through the forest together. It took three days to get out. When we got out of the woods she said that she had to go a different way then she gave me the dagger. Said to give it to Evette, because she forgot to give it back to her. I told her that she should give it to Evette herself, but she insisted I find and give Evette the dagger." Max looked at Ash. It looked like she knew the blades owner. "What was her name right? She never told me, she said that since she was an Amazon and that she saved me I should call her Ma'am. She was nice to me. One of the nicest Amazons I've met. Did you know her?"

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Ryan walked out of the mansion and returned to the SUV. He started to see a blood stain go through his shirt. Ryan picked up the medicine bag and carried it into the mansion while he still hung his right hand over his left shoulder.
"Her name is Felice, she was the second in command of the Amazons and one of the rare few who actually didn't mind males. And Evette is my godmother -the woman that you saw- she's Queen of the Amazons and had sent Felice on a solitary mission to investigate some scientist destroying their territory." She picked up the blade and twirled it with her fingers. "So you almost got eaten Laestrygonians?"

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"Really!" Max said realizing that he had been near Evette all that time."S***! Well I'm glad you have that dagger now. And I didn't expect Evette to be the queen." Max was happy that he would be able to help Felice by getting Evette that dagger. "And yeah. Zeus kid stew. I apparently taste good when paired with potatoes, leeks, and a wide assortment of spices." Max said with a smile.

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Ashlynn smirked setting the dagger down. At that exact moment Evette strolled into the room and Ash sighed. She grabbed Evette's arm and held out the Amazon dagger. "Felice wanted this to be given to you." Instead of taking it, Evette whispered something to the dagger and frowned as she started at it. "What? Aren't you going to take it? It's Felice's." Ash asked thrusting the dagger at her godmother. "I know it's Felice's." Evette snapped in her powerful voice. "But the daggers already given me what I needed from it." "What do you mean?" Ash asked in confusion. "The dagger held a message from Felice that only I could retrieve. She said that she's surrendered herself to the scientists so that she can investigate more about them. The fool, always going above and beyond her assignment."

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"What!" Max said in surprise "So that's why she gave it to me." Max though about the Amazon who had saved him in the woods. "She'll be ok right?" Max asked Evette "She's well trained? She won't go down without a fight if she's attacked, is what i guess I'm saying."

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Evette looked at Ashlynn in annoyance her distaste for the male species showing plainly on her face. "Does your little 'friend' always talk so much?" She asked as if Max wasn't right next to her. "And yes, Felice is one of my best trained warriors and should be fine." Evette pressed the dagger down in Ashlynn's hands. "The dagger is yours. I have no use for it."

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