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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina, her eyes filled with anguish, glanced up from Helena's body as she heard Ryan's voice. Max had begun to perform the CPR, and hopefully the process would result in Helena's revival. The group could not afford a loss, especially not one of a demigod this powerful. The image of the monstrous skeleton of a roaring, fiery bear surfaced in Adelina's mind, and a slight shudder shot through her. Helena was capable of inflicting absolute devastation on the scientists, though she appeared to be wrecked by cardiac arrest, or something briefly after the use of her extreme abilities . . . but if Helena had cardiac arrest, then why was her heart beating, although drastically slowly? Regardless of this contradiction, something had to be done, and other than the slight pulse in her carotid artery, she satisfied all of its symptoms. There was something about this in her memory, and no matter with how much effort she attempted to pry it away from the back of her mind, another thought, another concern would push it back into its initial position as it claimed her brain's spotlight. She quickly responded to Ryan's offer for assistance as she desperately tried to calm her mind although the thought of the death of one of the members of their group overwhelmed her. "N- nectar . . ." There was an inadequate amount of it in her backpack, mostly expended by Helena last night, and Adelina was reluctant to risk sabotaging her laptop in exchange for a poor chance that it would help Helena.
"Oh my god... Oh gods of Olympus, why now, why her, ohgodohgodohgodohgod..." Alec could be heard whimpering and pacing around the car, looking at Helena's body, looking near panic. "What are we gonna do... What are we going to do!?" He shouted, starting to panic and hyperventilate. This intense grief for his friend was swelling inside of him, it threatened to bubble over and make him bawl like a child.
Ryan ran with normal human speed back to the SUV to get the nectar out from Noah's medicine bag. He dug through the bag and took out the nectar. Ryan quickly made his way to Adelina, Max, and Helena and held out the nectar.
Mason was getting worse with the coughing fits becoming more frequent and the red stains starting to drip into the platform held by Jason. He found some pause between the fits and was able to breathe. He looked over to Jason and gave him a full forced shove on the 'not so orthodox' platform. "You big idiot. You're causing Righty and Lefty to almost kill all of us. Oogh Oogh, they belong to mi padre. So si no quieres que te pongo otra madraso, me dejes en paz." Mason said after smearing the blood off his lips and jumping off the platform. Righty lifted his hand and caught Mason and saw to his placement on his shoulder strap. Lefty got close and looked over the little master, "Hes bloodied. Takes him back inside, Righty. I speaks to the half-bloods, alone." He led them over the where the willow trees were beginning to arch for the Cyclops's height. Mason sat down and pointed at Lefty, "No one is to be hurt. NO ONE." Mason laid back on the strap and grimaced as he felt the pain in his hip shoot through his body. He felt for what it was and had his hand over a large portion of wood impaling him into his waist.

Righty carried Mason off into Wakulla, the willow branch archway dissipating in front of the others. They couldn't see past the fog that clouded the interior of the passageway and the beauty held behind it. Lefty stood at the entrance and stared at all the half-bloods as they kept their distance. He saw a vehicle where a mass was forming around it and the lone vehicle with one half-blood inside. He say a sphinx and the pegasus flying high in the sky. He looked over to where the boy was on the platform of water and sneered.

"I wonts touch you, hurts you, or eats you. Little masters word. You all..." He pointed at Jason and traced his big giant finger over at the SUV, "... sents Ripgauge to Tartarus... Ands now little masters is not happy. Sons of Zeus, Hades, and Poseidons. You are no friends. You not welcome heres. Leave." He thrust his hammer down into the earth sending the springs crashing and the steam to rise around him. The rain poured around him and he watched with his giant eye. After the echos died down, He held up a finger. "One cans come in. Helps little master. He's bloodied and we's too big. Who goes as little masters friend?" He said keeping an eye out over them and would sniff out the halfbloods to be sure they aren't lying about their lineage to the Big Three.
With a frown, Evelynn looked around at the current demigods. The restriction on who could go within Wakulla limited the options to only a few. Alec likely wouldn't leave Helena, so that left Ashlynn, who she hadn't seen in a bit, Adelina, and herself. Given her current condition, she would be the better to go. Adelina would be needed to keep the others safe. "Make sure everyone gets back safely. I'll get Mason patched up and bring him back as soon as possible . . ." She still wasn't sure she was the best choice for this, as her medical skills were rather nonexistent. Neosporin and a Band-Aid solved pretty much everything when she was growing up. Somehow, she doubted that would be the case here.

Turning back to face the cyclops, she swallowed hard and stepped forward. The hammer in his hand worried her. She could likely avoid it once, but more than that would be somewhat difficult without exhausting herself more and becoming even easier prey. Still, he had given his word, and they seemed to respect Mason enough to keep it. "I will go to aid Mason. I'm a daughter of Ares. No relation to Hades, Zeus, or Poseidon." She held up her hands briefly to show she meant no harm and stopped a bit away from him so she didn't fall over while trying to look up at him.
Ashlynn heard a sound she knew all too well and turned around in surprise to see her god mom standing at the edge of the forest watching her with crossed arms and a cocked hip. "You never told me you had friends Ashy." Ashlynn mentally scolded herself. She knew she had forgotten something, and now she'd never hear the end of it. "I guess I forgot...."

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Adelina clasped the flask of nectar in Ryan's hand and, not bothering to thank him because of Helena's urgency for help, she wrestled with the cap of the flask with aggravation before at last remembering how to unscrew a cap from its container. Briskly, she hunched over Helena, tilting up Helena's head with her left hand and letting nectar trickle into her ajar mouth, cautious that it would not be too much. As she angled the opening of the flask into the cap, which she had anxiously been clutching the whole time, she heard Mason's voice along with the thundering, deep tones of the Cyclopes radiating from the direction of the SUV. The beasts had presumably agreed to obey Mason . . . What did he have to accomplish in order to earn their obedience? Her head lifted as Evelynn's voice joined the conversation. Wait - what? Evelynn was leaving the group? For how long? And why couldn't Cupid go instead? Adelina was positive that the entire group would welcome a break from Cupid's antics. Adelina was tempted to volunteer him to assist Mason rather than Evelynn, startled to find herself unwilling to let her new friend - new friend? A part of her brain burst into laughter, ridiculing the other part, even though the two were indistinguishable. It occurred to her that perhaps Evelynn could utilize some alone time with Mason; maybe their time together would strengthen a currently invisible bond. But, as she looked warily at Helena lying on the ground beside her, with Max executing CPR, Adelina wasn't sure how Helena would react to this if she was revived - no, when she was revived. She had heard her passionate shrieks of Mason's name and remembered how much effort she had put into finding him; Helena's feelings for him were evident. Although the invigorated bond between Evelynn and Mason was likely to only be friendly, Helena was apt to feel envious.

It was then that she was able to yank the knowledge from the depths of her mind, the information that had been buried there despite her struggle to wrench it free. A death trance, that was it - when a child of Hades or Pluto was able to conserve oxygen by not breathing, and the heartbeat slowed down to a rate much more delayed than natural. But wouldn't Helena require the special pomegranate seeds necessary to engage in a death trance? Her gaze directed back to Max, continuing to perform the CPR for Helena, though she did not appear to be awakening. "Wait!" Adelina blurted. "I think she's in a death trance."
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Max stopped. "Of course!" He thought. "That would explain the lowered heart rate and the lack of breathing." Max fell backwards out of breath. "I think I might need some of that nectar." He said "now we just need to wait."

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Ashlynn looked at the two. "But how long will Helena be in the death trance?" Ashlynn asked trying to ignore her approaching godmother. She really wasn't in the mood for a scolding on keeping secrets. She loved her god mom, but sometimes the Queen of the Amazons could be too much

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"So... I'm dead?"

Helena had woken in the palace of Hades, confused and weak. Now she sat crosslegged on the bed she had woken in, Hades sitting in a chair in front of her.

"Not quite."

"What do you mean, not quite? There's no such thing as half dead-"

"I mean, I brought you here to recover from your injuries. Even as we speak your physical body is healing."

"You... You helped me?"

"Yes. Why not? Your survival is vital."

"Awwwwww, secret fatherly love."

"Shut up and eat your pomegranate."

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He sniffed and smelled the differences of each of their bloodlines. He felt convinced that the small one before him was not of the three forbidden from entering. He lifted his hammer and pointed to the willow trees behind him. The archway grew and distorted the light around it. The branches become longer and the distance fogged from vision. He looked down at her, "Go, daughters of Ares. Helps little masters. I takes you." He shifted to let her pass and waited for her to walk through the archway.

Righty had already placed Mason on the stone slab and left. Mason grimaced as the piece of wood still stayed in his hip. He wanted to pull it out but didn't think he'd live long after without the wound being sealed. He laid there coughing and spitting some blood onto the marble floor. He laid back and thought of what was going on. He didn't want to go back. Not after all this. He felt safer in a volcano than outside where the world was looking for them and wanting to kill them. He laid there and began breathing harder, trying to avoid coughing up more blood.
Jason, stood on the water and just watched as Mason leapt towards the cyclops after having the balls to shove him, and left with one while the other barred the path, not letting any of the big three kids in. "I'm gonna hurt that kid. Seriously!? I don't even get a thank you?" Jason growled, and walked towards the shore he realized that if he didn't stop controlling the water he would be worn out when he got to shore. So he let himself sink and swam to shore, loitering in the shallows to gain surplus energy before stepping out. Nautilus lande next to hm and he hopped on riding him towards the van. He noticed a woman approaching Ash, but the others seemed aware of it and weren't acting while Ash just watched her approach. Jason noticed a bit of a resemblance and calmed his nerves. He looked towards the group and the passed out Helena, "How's everyone doing, well besides exhuasted."
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Evette slung her arm around Ash and walked her over to the group nodding in acknowledgment at Jason. Ashlynn sighed as her god mother slung her arm over Ash's shoulder making her feel even worse about her height. I mean Di Immortales why did Amazons have to be so d*** tall!

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"When can I go back?"

"When your body is fully recovered."

"What do pomegranates have to do with anything?"

"Pomegranates. Sacred food of Hades. Seeds can be used as emergency life sources to a Hades child."

"Okay.. So, I'm NOT supposed to scoop the seeds and eat only the fruit?"


"I'm supposed to be eating the SEEDS."

"Yes." Hades was starting to look irritated.

"Alright fine, gimme more pomegranates... If it gets me out of here faster...."

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Alec was hyperventilating, but suddenly he looked at Helena, and then at Adelina. "Use that telepathy of yours to tell Evelynn to come collect her Corvette, we need to get Helena home, and out of the rain. Tell her were going home, please? If she's in a death trance, theres nothing we can do for her."

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Jason slid off of Nautilus thinking aboutgetting him a saddle. "Maybe Mason could help." He muttered to himself, then was reminded of how annoyed he was with him.
"What can Mason do other than take that trap off-" a sound of metal scrapping on metal screeched as the trap began to crack and fall apart- Helena body was forcing the trap out as it healed. All bruises, cuts and scraps closed up, and the trap popped off in a mangled mess. Alec stared at the trap, then looked at the others, "is... Is that normal?"

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Ashlynn looked at Jason in confusion. "But Alex just said we couldn't do anything for her?" Evette patted Ashlynn's head whispering patronizingly. "There's just some things you wouldn't understand Ashy." Ash huffed in irritation pulling Evette's arm from around her shoulder and slapping her hand away from her head.

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Grayson stared at the trap in shock as it broke from Helena's leg. "Woah, Gods that's amazing."

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Adelina hesitated as she looked at Helena's body. Her clothing seemed to be soaking more and more by the minute. The sudden downpour of precipitation was not a welcome event, at least to Adelina. Something didn't add up about the death trance; death trances were used for the demigod to conserve oxygen, such as in a possible situation of being trapped in a place with very limited oxygen. So how would the death trance assist Helena? And from where would she be receiving Persephone's pomegranate seeds? Each pomegranate seed provided one day of being in the death trance, and Adelina did not see Helena consume one. Hopefully, she would be fine when she awakened from whatever sort of coma she was in. Adelina glanced up at Ashlynn to respond to her inquiry. "For as long as she chooses." It was odd to see her with the tall woman beside her. Who was she? A friend? Adelina's gaze turned to Alec as she heard the mention of her ability. Her stomach churned, uncertain of whether or not he had been talking to her, and unsure of how in the world he knew that. The dislike for him that she had acquired when he had been completely ignorant of the spool of bandaging she had bestowed to him to use for Helena's ankle deepened as he referred to something that she had evidently been uncomfortable with sharing, and that she was positive she had never told him. "Um? Are you talking to me?" She stared blankly and expressionlessly at him. Perhaps one of his powers was to sense the abilities of another demigod? He possibly had a power similar to the one that Evelynn had described at the meeting that morning. Through the ongoing sheets of rain, she discerned Evelynn in the distance, near the wooden brown sign, as an archway of willow tree branches was formed for her to enter. The Cyclopes would do her no harm. Deciding that it would be of too much surplus risk, time, and energy to give her the request by running to her or her sports car, her mind generated the words Evelynn, if you would convince that Cyclops to let you retrieve your Corvette. She concentrated the thought on a mental image of Evelynn - a task that would have definitely been more difficult before their trip to Wakulla Springs. As Adelina felt her brain become cleared of the thought, she was aware that it had been sent, but she would not yet give the rest of the group this knowledge. She hoped that whatever power Alec presumably possessed that allowed him to know of Adelina's telepathic abilities would not detect lies.
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Evelynn's shoulders relaxed as the cyclops spoke, her eyes widening slightly as the willows formed the archway to Wakulla. She had seen something of the like when Mason was taken through, but being so much closer to it left an impression previously not there as the trees shifted and bent into a pristine archway. A haze formed within the archway, a rift between the realms, similar to her own armory, but with a completely different feel. She was comfortable in her armory. It was perhaps the last place she truly felt at home anymore. The portal she was faced with now gave off a wave of heat and glowed slightly, reminding her of lava. The thought of aerial lava did not sit well with her.

Taking a step forward, she paused as a voice echoed within the confines of her mind. It took her a few moments to actually comprehend what it was from the suddenness. She remembered Adelina's talk with her and what she said she could do. Umm, okay. That was all she could really come up with at the moment as she wasn't sure if Adelina's ability went as far as receiving messages or was purely for sending. She'd have to ask once she and Mason returned to the others. She turned back to the cyclops and held up a finger. "One, um, minute . . . Gotta get my Corvette." She hurried back to where she left it and her previous passenger. With a look around, she wasn't sure she should take it. She adressed Adelina again. "Are you sure you don't want to take it? The SUV looks like it'll be kinda cramped, and I feel you wouldn't get it trashed." She held up the skeleton key in a gesture of offering. The demigod girl across from her hardly seemed at ease when she was forced to briefly take control of the car on the drive here. "Just, maybe avoid riding home with Cupid . . . He's been antsy, and it's only a matter of time . . ." She cast her glance sideways to the SUV briefly before returning it to the girl before her.
Cupid spoke up, "Guys I agree with Alec! Let's go. Anymore time under this rain and eventually one of us is going to end up sick".

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Adelina cast a glance upwards as thoughts from Evelynn were transmitted to her mind, though quickly looked around, as though she was not eyeing anything in particular. Evelynn was by the Corvette. Thanks for the offer, but if I do, then how will you and Mason return to the mansion? Adelina transferred the words to everything about her memory of Evelynn; it was almost as if her brain kept a file cabinet containing folders of her total knowledge of each being she had ever encountered. Those with files that were more packed would be easier to send telepathic messages to; however, the distance between her and the being that she was trying to reach, as well as the length of time between now and the last time she had seen him/her, were also taken into account. It was remarkably easier to contact Evelynn than it had been to communicate with Ryan or Mason - assuming Mason had even received the message, though it was improbable that it would have affected him greatly anyway. It was considerate of Evelynn to offer the temporary use of her sports car to Adelina, but that would strand Evelynn and Mason in Wakulla Springs with no method of transportation that could be used to escape the Cyclopes when their task had been completed, unless someone was to come back to Wakulla Springs and bring them to the mansion, or if they traveled by foot, like Mason had. Adelina gritted her teeth at the sound of Cupid's voice. Another person that she detested. "Some of us already are sick."
"I don't like pomegranates.."

"Gods, your irritating."

Father and child sat as she stuffed more pomegranate into her mouth, when she looked up and said," So.. What am I capable of?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that bear? Why is my survival so vital? What can I do that'll make any difference, I could barely control that bear! It just absorbed that fire and began the fire breathing hell bear!"

"Hell bear?"

"Don't question how I say things..."

Hades looked down at the floor for a while, then stood from his chair and walked away, saying, "I can't answer that." And disappearing out the door.

"Hey! HADES!"

* * * * * *

"Good, for once Romeo makes sense! Lets just pile in the car and let's to!" Alec looked at Helena and lifted her up with some effort and carried to he SUV, setting her in the back, then plucking the keys from his pocket and sitting in the drivers seat.

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Cupid and Ace got into the SUV and sat in the middle row. Cupid glanced at Jerika sitting at the back, "So you see what we can do? Don't pull anything on us."

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