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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Grayson focused his powers on the bear and helped her control it. He didn't understand why it was so powerdful though, or why it had absorbed the fire.

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With the thundering roar and crashes of the whirlwind occuring beside him, Mason looked off to what it was. The bones forming within the cyclone sucking in some of his flames. It grew and a large dead bear was standing in front of him. Mason backpedaled and tried to separate himself far from the skeletal bear. It wasn't the flames that scared him... The massive canines in it's jaws were plenty frightening. He dispersed his flames as he began to run from the bear. A guttural roar came from behind him as he reached the picnic shelter. "Death not hurt MASTER! Righty was the one yelling out. Mason turned his head and saw the form of the skeleton running after him. Mason shot bolts a blue plasma searing the skeletal bear's path and scorching it's bones black but not slowing it down. Mason hopped over the small wall and continued forward trying to pry off his warhammer from his belt loop. The giants Righty and Lefty chased after the bear with surprising agility for cyclops.

Their arms holding their hammers tightly, they both swung with tremendous force. The bear had torn its way into the picnic shelter, tossing the pine tables across as it prodded through. The hammers came down in arcs towards each other with hopes of smashing the bear before Mason was torn apart. With a crunch and a shockwave, hammers met and sent everything in its radius sprawling away. Mason was close enough to be launched forward with enough force to knock him into the trunk of a willow by the spring. He ricocheted off the trunk into the lake bed and tumbled into the water.
Max watched everything unfold in front of him and saw Mason fall into the water. "D***** Mason." He said as he lifted himself up off the ground a zipped over to the water. He reached the area where Mason had fallen in and jumped in to get him. Grabbing him Max pushed to the surface and pulled him out of the water. He nudged Mason "you in there? And can you stand?"

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"Releash hims, SHUN OF ZEUSH!" Righty roared as he recovered from the attack on the bear. Righty was headed towards where Max was hovering over Mason's body. Mason coughed and felt the air rush back into his lungs with a fury. He grabbed a hold of Max still laboring over his coughs. "Oogh Oogh Oogh, Max... Run. They are mad. You've helped kill one of their own." Mason had a coughing fit as the water was escaping his lungs. He shoved Max away from him towards the open space where Righty and Lefty were opposite of. Lefty was occupied with what remained of the bear. The thunderous steps got closer as Righty neared, hammer beginning to arc for a strike.

"GO NOW! TELL EVERYONE TO STAY AWAY!" Mason struggled to get up, feeling a pain in his hip. He ignored it and thrust his hand up in the air releasing a flare of flame to stop Righty. "Don't harm them. Stay still! Please..."
Helena gasped and clutched at her heart; something was wrong. This bear was seizing control, this had never happened before, why did it hurt! It was like a hand was squeezing her heart, crushing it painfully. She continued to gasp and try to gain control again, but only to be lashed again. She could see black spots in her vision, and suddenly she seized up, back straightening suddenly, and falling over. The bear fell apart as it lunged at Max and Mason, falling apart, and the flames went out. The leftover bones burned immediately, leaving nothing but ash.

(Just saying, Grayson should feel the pain as well.)

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Recovering from being shove away, Max got the message and quickly made his way back to the cars. "They're pissed at us... Well mainly Helena, Jason, and Me" Max said to everyone "We should keep our distance. Mason... Should be able to keep them from hurting us." Max then said to Helena without looking at her. "You need to stop using your abilities. Your not in top condition and like now you might not be able to control what you create." Max then noticed Helena slump forward. "S*** Helena, anyone have ambrosia or nectar. She needs it... If she can take anymore."

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Cupid didn't get out of the SUV. He just watched everyone move around and the dead fiery creature rise then fall to ashes.

Ryan heard Max and got out of the car. He opened the SUV trunk and pretended to search. Without anyone looking, Ryan used his super speed and ran back to the mansion to get Noah's bag filled with all the remedies...and other healthy stuff. Ryan ran back to the SUV and acted as if he just pulled out Noah's bag from the trunk. He closed the trunk and took out nectar and ambrosia from Noah's bag.
"No! Don't just- f-fff***ing leave him there, I'm fffine..." She hissed, trying to get up, but her foot wouldn't allow that, instead she shrieked and fell to her knees, panting and biting her lip, trying not to scream more... "GO... HELP MMMASON..."

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"HELENA WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!" Max nearly shouted at her. "I get dizzy everytime I try to fly or even float. I nearly hit the tree GETTING him!" Max noticed Ryan with ambrosia and nectar. "Just relax for now. If things go south I'll speed over and protect him." Max let his feet hit the ground and he was immediately hit with a dizzy spell and slammed into the car. Trying to regain his sense of balance Max slid down to sit on the ground. "Ryan.... I-I might need some if that too." He said trying to catch his breath, now realizing how much his ability use had taken out of him.

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There was too much yelling going on. Ryan clenched his fists at the irritating volume that Helena's "go help Mason" words reached. Everything was starting to get too loud for him to handle. He took a deep breath, nodded his head, and gave nectar and ambrosia to both Max and Helena.
Jason was thoroughly freaked out and then angered at what he had seen,when the bear showed up he figured it was Helena's due to the bones, but wondered why it had flames, at the sight of it Nautilus whinnied nervously, "Not good flames bro not good." Jason had activated his weapons and was about to charge, so angry that the water in nearby lakes started to swirl and the tide rose in his direction. When Max said they had to stay out of it Jason looked at him, incredulously. He bit his tongue and dug in his pockets then remembered he had forgotten to stock up on Ambrosia, "S***!" He growled and hopped on Nutilus, his Shield and spear ready. "I got it, you guys rest up. It's about time I became useful." He rode Nutilus towards the cyclops, focussing and bending the water to his will. As he got closer a massive wave had reared up, only Jason's will keeping it up, the sweat streaked down his forehead. He deactivated his spear and grabbed Mason as he passed slinging him onto the pegasus and letting the wave smash into the cyclopses.
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"JASO-" Max's voice gave out trying to tell his friend not to over there. Purposely hitting his head on the car door, denting it slightly, he said "Why are you so stubborn J?" Before standing back up. The piece of ambrosia he had eaten helped him be able to stand, but he didn't risk moving. He just leaned against the door and watched his friend ignore the warning he had just delivered.

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With his feet off the ground, Mason stared as the floor was getting a bit farther away. Mason wiggled and shouted, "DOWN! DOWN! HEIGHTS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" His arms flailed as he tried prying himself out of Jason's hands. He slipped and began sliding down the pegasus and he shouted louder. "I'M GONNNNAA DIE!!!!" He stopped shouting when he coughed harder, smearing blood across the side of the pegasus. He was slowly losing his grip and the pain in his hip was sharper now.

When the water hit Righty and Lefty, they stumbled and were distracted as Mason was snatched from their reach. They roared and Lefty reached for one of the broken tables and threw it at the flaming pegasus. Righty shoved Lefty, "Don't throw things. Masters will have heads ifs littles master ish broken." Lefty sighed loudly and grabbed his hammer and began following the pegasus.

Seeing the little master falling down the side of the pegasus, Righty yelled out, "Don't drops him, Shun of Fish. You wills regrets it. Put littles master, DOWN!" He began to swing his hammer in an attempt to knock out the pegasus from the sky, ignoring his previous comment of not hurting Mason in the process.
"Jesus!" He directed Nautilus over the water, before sliding off the pegasus and wrapping a defensive barrier of water around them, it was like they were standing on water but Jason was really just creatin a sort of current that had aneough force to keep them out. It was odd though, Jason felt he should be exhausted by this but by having constant contact with water, it was like, he was expending as much energy as he was getting thus being relatively unaffected. "You want him, come get him. But first let's talk about why we're in this mess, yeah?" Jason made sure to stay close to Mason to make sure he was keeping them both afloat. He turned his head slightly, looking at him through the corners of his eyes. "Dtay close step off this...platform and you'll sink like a rock." He refocussed on the two cyclopses, Nautilus circling overhead.

Jerika was hiding in the back seat, all this violence was not her thing, she was a talker, a temptress even but she could hardly fight with only basic skills with weapons and really disliked having to use her talons. She watched surpriseed by the way the team had pulled itself together even though they were still a wreck, it was much better than before.

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Grayson gasped at the hard jolt of pain that shot through his body and lost his grip on the bear. Okay, he knew for sure that isn't supposed to happen, so what the Hell was going on? He groaned as his sight was overcome with black dots and felt himself getting light-headed, but he shook it off and leaned against the car for support.

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Opening her mouth to respond, Evelynn ended up closing it a moment later when Helena claimed the bear as her own. She had figured as much. There were only two children of Hades within their group currently, and given the ridicuflousness of it, along with the cry of pain, it was rather clear as to whom it belonged.

She silently cursed herself for standing here as a flurry if activities went on before her. She simply wasn't sure where to even start. Attacking the cyclopses still didn't seem like the best idea, Mason was being 'handled' and she had no way to help Helena and her foolish activities. As she watched the girl straighten with pain and her constant insistence that people pay attention to Mason, though she wished she could. The cyclops seemed even stronger than the one they had previously engaged, and even then she stayed out of the fight. "Keep your wits about you." She said this, but seriously doubted she needed to tell the daughter of Athena anything of the sort. Evelynn closed the distance between the Corvette and the pool of water and then called out. "Mason, tell the things to br gone or were going to be forced to option B." Though she wasn't sure why, she listend to Mason's previous request not to harm the cyclopses. She remained out of the water, keeping the two boys between her and the cyclops. She had a plan, though it was far from what she would immediately call good and was rather high risk. It in turn was high reward as well and promised them long enough time to save Mason and get out of here. IF it worked that was. It probably would put her back cilollapsed in a bed, but such details as that mattered little to a daughter of Ares.
Helena stared up into the sky, looking for Nautillus- She could see the steam coming from him rising up, but other than that trees obscured the view, she cursed and slid to the ground, using the SUV as a backrest. She glanced down at the trap STILL STUCK to her ankle. Her vision was starting to get fuzzy, and it honestly terrified her. Am I... Am I dying? Is this how I'm going to die? Because of a bear trap wound that won't stop bleeding? She stared up into the sky some more. Things were getting black now.. She sucked one huge breathe and exhaled slowly. After that, she did not breathe. She did not move. Only slumped against the car, eyes glossy as she stared at the bear trap on her ankle.

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Adelina absorbed the commotion that took place around her. The skeleton had crumpled to the ground, igniting instantly as it came in contact with the earth and leaving only heaps of ash as the downpour of rain doused the flames. The scene was truly overwhelming; Adelina kept alternating her line of vision between the pond, where Jason had apparently encompassed himself and Mason in a barrier of water while they . . . stood on it while the two Cyclopes were shouting at them, and the SUV, although quite far away now, where Grayson began to turn pale and used the vehicle as support for his body weight while Helena collapsed against the door of the SUV, seemingly unconscious . . . Unconscious, again? She possessed a tendency for getting herself harmed, even when she was conspicuously weak and in no condition for risking her life. Adelina dashed back to the right side of Evelynn's Corvette, briskly grasping the handle to the door and, with her luck that it had remained unlocked, pulled it open to snatch her backpack from where she had left it on the seat of the car. Not bothering to shove the door closed, she sprinted towards the SUV. The distance was lengthy, as Evelynn had driven rather far from it in exchange for being nearer to Mason and the Cyclopes, and Adelina, who had made no effort to conserve her breath by moderating her pace, in the concern for the health of Helena and Grayson, was gasping for air by the time she approached the SUV. Once she had arrived, she quickly placed two fingers on the carotid artery in Helena's neck. There was no pulse. "Oh my gods!" Adelina whispered, her eyes wide with terror as she glanced up at Grayson, who had been leaning against the car beside them. "Do you know CPR?!"
Grayson shook his head sweating as he panted tiredly. "No."

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"I need space." Max said quickly swallowing the last piece of ambrosia he had been given. "I know CPR."

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Falling. Again.


Unfortunately, the poor girl wasn't conscious to realize she was falling. She hit the floor with a thump and didn't get up. Hades was standing to the side of the room, and when she fell, he walked over slowly and picked her up in his arms, like a baby. And with that, he walked away, down a dark hallway. A pomegranate popped out if the air and fell into Hades's open and waiting hand. With a quick motion, he snapped it in half and plucked a seed out of it. The gangly man passed Persephone in the hallway, who stared, but he paid her no attention. He then opened a door to a surprisingly brightly lit bedroom and laid the girl down on the large bed in the center of the room. He stood and looked her over. "This poor girl is too brave for her own good. Running herself into the ground trying to protect her friends..." Hades sighed and put the pomegranate seed into his daughters mouth and practically had to shove it down her throat before it went down. He stared at her a little while longer before exiting the room and disappearing.

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After a moment of her fingers being fixed on the artery in Helena's neck, Adelina finally felt the blood vessel swell slightly under her touch. She didn't notice that she had been holding her breath until she exhaled deeply, overcome with relief. Helena was alive. No one in their group was dead. However, the rise and fall in Helena's chest was not existent. She wasn't breathing, and the feeling of dread returned to Adelina. Looking up at Max, she realized that she hadn't spotted him leaning against the SUV as well; Grayson's body, although slim, had, for the most part, concealed him. Hastily, Adelina lifted Helena's calves from the ground with one arm while hoisting up her upper back and head with the other, carrying her away from the car and depositing her gently in the sodden grass of Wakulla Springs, where Adelina found the spool of fresh bandaging that she had attempted to supply to Alec earlier. He allegedly had not even been aware that it had been provided for him to bind Helena's ankle. "Hurry," she advised Max anxiously. Adelina was uncertain of why Helena still possessed a pulse, but was not breathing . . . it brought a memory to her mind, something she had read about back in Camp Half-Blood. Although her memory was impeccable, it was difficult to focus on one thought at once with the panic and pandemonium occurring around her. Her knuckles were pale when she clenched the fabric of her backpack, about to unzip it as she took into consideration the deluge of rain that consistently poured water from all over, almost blinding Adelina's vision. It was fortunate that her bag was waterproof.
Ryan felt the breeze and the rain drop on his skin. He ran his hand through his hair. What was their next move? Why couldn't Mason and Jason just talk to Righty and Lefty already to convey the fact that we didn't mean to harm the "little master"? As Ryan watched Jason, Mason, Righty, and Lefty, his hands started to create sparks of electricity. He close his eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath. Nothing bad will happen. He just needed to focus on aiding the rest of the injured people. Ryan opened his eyes again and the electricity vanished. He saw Adelina carry Helena. The rain dropped harder onto Ryan. Helena must feel horrible especially in this rain. He walked to Adelina and Helena, "Um need any help?"

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Max immediately went to work. He placed his hands in the proper position. He couldn't feel her heart moving, but she had a pulse. "Two breaths every 30." Max though as he started. "27-28-29-30" he whispered. Then he tilted Helena's head and put his mouth onto Helena's. He gave the breaths and continued to push on Helena's chest.

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Honestly, Ryan wasn't surprised that Max knew CPR. Max seemed to be a somekind of genius. Ryan looked at the bear trap still attached to Helena's ankle. Maybe he could take it out. He would just need Max to distract Adelina for a bit. Ryan stayed silent and waited for Max to finish performing CPR so that he could get his help to distract the other demigod.

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