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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason heard the rain and groggily inched his way off the seat and out of the van, he stood shakily on his feet then took a more confident step forward. His foot was steady and he leaned forward. The rain fell on his head and slid off bringing with it a little strength, his steps became stronger until he seemed perfectly fine. "Much better." He turned to the group befor heading back to his spot in the van, "Soooo, what's the plan." He perfectly dry now, after forcing the water off of him before sitting. He was staring at a Nautilus who had steam coming off him constantly.

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"Sh*t, Alec watch it!"

"I'm sorry, there's a bear trap on your leg! I'm trying to get it off of your leg, calm down and sit still!"

"You're going to rip my foot off!"

The Hades girl had woken up soon after Jason, and Alec had been trying to pry the bear trap from her ankle so he could look at the damage.

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Ashlynn walked over to the group and leaned against the van. "Well I lost the cyclops after a while." She lied casually hoping Evelynn wouldn't mention it. She rather not think more importantly speak about what had happened in the forest.

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Adelina sighed with consolation at the sight of Ashlynn returning to the group. One person departing the group to pursue something else - whether it be safety, a friend, or a Cyclops - was, as they all had now ascertained, a recipe for catastrophe. She glanced at Evelynn as she pulled open the unlocked door to the sports car and slid into the seat, cushioned with black leather, pondering. "I believe that we're trying to get to wherever the volcano would be. So . . ." She scrutinized their surroundings through the windows of the car, ignoring the drops of rain that hammered against the glass. The only elevated ground there was occupied the positions of hills rather than large mountains, but crystal clear water and lush vegetation stretched over their surroundings. A dirt road lay in the distance ahead, though they would have to make their way through an abundance of forest and tall grass to approach it. "Perhaps we'll just have to search for clues to where Mason is, or anything that has to do with volcanoes, or Greek gods." It wasn't much of a lead, and for a moment she questioned her original skepticism that the Cyclops would lead them to Mason. The faith in her own judgment returned shortly, however, when she noticed, squinting, that some of the grass matted slightly on the other side of the dirt path, beside a wooden sign bearing indistinguishable white words.
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Ashlynn had known that it was foolish to go after the cyclops. She wasn't an idiot. Following the cyclops was just an excuse to talk with her godmom the Amazon Queen. Which hadn't even been worth the trip anyway.

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Evelynn cast her gaze on Ashlynn as the lie spilled forth. While a casual lie was hardly something to take note of, Ashlynn's particular demeanor and way about it caused her to come to the conclusion something more was up. Ashlynn seemed it worth chasing after the cyclops, but returned empty handed. And how did one lose a bleeding, half disabled Cyclops anyways? There were a few inconsistencies that Evelynn couldn't ignore. She wouldn't call her out in front of the others, but she did plan on having a few words with the girl when she found the chance.

She smiled at Ashlynn promisingly and then turned back to Adelina, expressing her thoughts on the Mason situation. "I'm not sure there is much we can do currently. There's a gate of some sort, but I don't think any if us have a means of opening it. Not unless you happen to be capable of inter-planar travel at will." She gave a joking smirk, though somewhere she hoped Adelina would confess that she was quite capable of doing so. "Oh yeah, um, thanks." Her voice lowered considerably as she spoke within the luxurious interior of the Corvette, her hand fiddling with the stick shift. She always felt awkward expressing gratitude. She didn't have issues feeling thankful, just telling others she did. She always thought it was something that should simply be shown, but her chance to give any semblance of gratitude had passed when she went into her coughing fit. "I know most demigods like to keep what they are capable of hidden, so um, yeah, thanks." She gave the girl who currently shared the comfort of the sports car a crooked smile, hoping she got her point across well enough with her words, or lack there of.
Helena was clearly in pain, it showed in her expression. She had lost all feeling in her ankle down, but if she moved even an inch, it flared up again like one of those trick candles that won't go out. "Ughhhh, somebody find Mason, quickly... I get the feeling he's the only one who can get it off.."

"D-don-don't worry, okay, I'll uhh, I'll just, wrap that up, and uhh... Something.." Alec stammered, looking around the SUV and finding an old towel, them slowly and carefully wrapped it around the bleeding lacerations, not without Helena's pained screams following it, then toning down to a low whimper.

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Cupid sat back down in the driver's seat in the SUV. Ryan sat in the front seat once again. Cupid said, "Just going to follow the Corvette." He turned around and looked at the injured people in the SUV, "You all better put your seatbelts on."

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"How the f*** am I supposed to be able to do that, Cupid. And I swear if you move this car ONE INCH, I will personally see you to Tartarus!" Helena shouted from the back.

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Cupid replied, "Well how are we supposed to find Mason then? Mason will know how to take that trap out!"

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"We could always walk." Max said finishing wrapping a bandage around his head. "I meant it's better than cutting off her leg... Or dying by her hands."

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Adelina nodded, acknowledging the awkwardness with which Evelynn thanked her and leaned forward so that she was peering directly at the disturbed area of grass on the other side of the dirt road ahead. She was quite baffled as to why Evelynn was voicing gratitude for informing her of Adelina's power. How would that knowledge aid Evelynn, other than help form a plan, which she would most likely be incapable of doing without the others becoming aware of it as well? She squinted as she gazed ahead, struggling to detect more clues as to Mason's whereabouts. The grass certainly appeared to have been tromped on by someone as bulky and muscular as the son of Hephaestus, but it could have been anyone. "Maybe we can try over there?" she suggested as she pointed vaguely towards the dirt road, coming up with no better strategy. Her body twisted to view the SUV from the rear window, curious to the reason why Alec had retrieved an old towel when Adelina had handed him a spool of clean bandaging specifically for the purpose of wrapping Helena's ankle. She tilted her head, puzzled, and turned forward again, only now realizing that Evelynn had been expressing her appreciation for Adelina's trust. Her lips parted as she was about to say "You're welcome," or "It's no problem," but she was reluctant to regenerate the discomfort that she had just neutralized when she changed the subject to the search for Mason, so she let her mouth return to its regular position as she considered Evelynn's opinions on the matter.
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"Yeah? From what I've heard, you drive almost as bad as Ace." She hissed between her teeth, looking at Cupid with narrowed eyes.

"Alright fine, I'll drive." Alec got out of the car and shoved Romeo out of the drivers seat, climbing in himself.

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Ashlynn climbed back onto Isis mouthing something to Gray. He nodded and she gave him a thumbs up. That's the plus of having a best friend who was a great lip reader.

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Cupid got back in the SUV, "Be happy you're my brother Alec...or else." He folded his arms and looked at the Corvette near them.
"Says the boy who won't leave the SUV to go tail a Cyclops. And who carries no honestly usable weapon." Alec started driving after the Corvette, his eyes trained on the road, probably the best driver in the bunch...

Helen squeaked from the back, "AHHH, watch the potholes!"

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Cupid thought for awhile. What if he prayed to his mother to give him a real weapon? "Unlimited arrows sound cool. Oh and cool arrows! Like fire arrows and those arrows that shoot through windows like in the movies which have that line attached at the end of them so I could swing around. SWEET! I mean...It's the least I can have so I can actually help out this group in someway" He thought in his head.
The floor shaking and hearing grunts and heavy breathing, Mason looked on the side where the willow trees swamped. He felt another huge heat source, that of another Cyclops, and walked over to greet it. With a rush, the Cyclops had trampled the tree trunk in his path and splattered its ichor over the remains of the willow tree. It stopped immediately after noticing Mason in his path. "A-another halfbloods." It stammered, holding what looked like a bleeding hole where it's forearm used to be. It's ankle was gashed and staining the west path to the doors with a dark ichor. It limped to where the doors were and the doors opened for him. 'Guess it... uh... how... um...' Mason thought to himself before following it down into the volcano where they lived.

"RIGHTY! LEFTY! HELP! HALFBLOOD!" It said as it limped down the path using the walls as support. The pings and dings stopped with a crash and the earth shook as the ran up the path. They met once the inner wall diminished and there the two brothers roared in fury.

Righty hurried to the Cyclops and helped support him, "Whats does thish? Why are you bloodied?" He roared out. His arms covered in the ichor leaving the Cyclops wounds.

"Half-bloods. Ambush. Followed mes here." He began coughing up the black red goo from it's lips as he pointed to Mason.

Lefty was trying to stop the bleedy, "Ripgauge... How half-bloods attack you? You don't eat them, dids you?" He asked. He knew that one half-blood wouldn't have attacked without provocation.

"Not at time." He replied. "Kill him!" He roared again. He slumped losing his strength against the wall knocking Righty down against it. The magma below rumbled and threatened the disruptors of it's slumber with a growl.

"AGH! Rifgauge... You going to Thartharush...? So mush bloods..." Righty said. He was covered in Ripgauge's blood. And the color in Ripgauge's eyes were paling. Mason looked at all this and didn't understand. In his mind he couldn't figure out what the thought he brushed away was. It nagged at him. 'You should go back to the mansion. You're needed there.' A womanly voice said. He looked around and saw no one other than the three Cyclopes. He thought hard of what that could've been but nothing helped him. He knew the demigods would have searched for him... but he knew they would harm the cyclops if provoked.... he gave a concerned look to Ripgauge and had a question. "Was there a girl... Black hair, dark eyes, and has fancy sword?"

". . .yesss. Girl fell in trap. She cut leg. . . Smelled. . . likes dead. Boys cut arm. . . smelled of Zeus and fishes. . . Why you no... eat him.." He mumbled as his ichor poured ceaselessly across the path. Righty was holding his arm in vain, the strength waining from Ripgauge's body.

"Oh no... those were my friends out there... I'm sorry! It's my fault... They followed me. . ." Mason yelled out. He felt responsible for Ripgauge's coming death. His powers caused death no matter where he was... directly or indirectly. He thought of Helena briefly. Then he tried to think of who were Zeus' kids and Fish... Poseidon's kids. He sat against Lefty and got filthy with Ripgauge's blood. Ryan and Max were brothers and Ryan, he knew was Zeus' kid. Then there was a girl and the black kid who he had accidentally torched, he knew were children of Poseidon. Helena fell in the trap. . . "Oh no. . . " he muttered. He hurried as he lifted himself and ran towards the exit.

"I.. hate... Halfbloo--" Ripgauge had begun to fade away from his pale state into a fine white dust. His appendages first decayed then the rest swept away into the pool of magma. Righty and Lefty roared in grief as one of their kind left them to the oblivion of Tartarus.

Mason heard the roar as he left the entrance to Wakulla. He dashed across the path and statues of gods, that now looked as if mourning the loss of Ripgauge. He glanced at the statues for a brief moment, watching what looked like a tear falling from the faces of the statues simultaneously. He looked to the end of the path and the archway of willow branches begin to materialize. The stone bridge emerged from the water before the willows gave way to Mason's arrival to the mortal plane. He stopped in the middle of the bridge and looked out. Raindrops hit his face and his shoulders. 'The gods are weeping for him. . . ' he mumbled as he cast a sorrowful glance away towards the spring. He heard the sounds of cars and looked over to where he thought they were. He began running out to the general direction and stopped in the dirt road looking in circles to see where his friends were.

A thundering roar and crashing emerged from where Wakulla was. Covered in black red ichor and wielding massive hammers, Lefty and Righty emerged from the willow branch archways in a frenzy. "HALF-BLOODS! I'LL DRINKS THEIR BLOODS!" Roared Lefty. Mason turned to see the giants thundering to him. He waved his hands and yelled out "STOP STOP STOP! MY FRIENDS ARE NOT GOING TO DIE! YOU STOP OR I'LL TURN YOU TO ASH!" His arms in flames, a deep blue with the ends of the flames reaching a white. The Cyclopes came to a crashing halt as the slammed their hammers into the earth. They stood breathing heavily and glaring the young man with their eyes. They didn't budge and Mason was sizzling from the raindrops evaporating as they got near the flames. Mason was losing his cool but if he was the son of their master, he was going to obeyed or he would follow through with his threat.
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Ryan just sat back and waited for them to arrive at the destination. He looked at the rain and started to get a bad memory. He turned away and started to think about his Hades encounters instead.
Evelynn's nod to Adelina ended up being largely hidden as the Stingray lurched forward and she shifted gears. While a single trodden spot of grass wasn't much to go on, she knew something was going on. She could see the various effects from the connecting of realms. Something was certainly happening, she just hoped that it was the good sort of something.

A thundering roar split through the air and Evelynn cast a silent, wary glance to Adelina. Two figures appeared, she frowned as she identified them as cyclops, followed shortly there after by a third. Mason. She pressed her foot on the pedal and accelerated. She noted the difference she felt about Mason and for a moment she considered just stopping and taking a nap while Mason handled the cyclops, though eventually decided against it. Throwing the wheel to the right, the sports car skidded to a halt some yards back from Mason. She noticed they weren't actually attacking Mason and decided not to piss them off quite yet. Though part of it was admittedly also that she didn't want her new Corvette getting wrecked. Throwing open the door and stepping out, she quickly surveyed the situation, tossing a wave Mason's way while remaining cautiously wary of anything the cyclopses might try. She spoke to Adelina without risking turning away from the cyclopses. "Our group is in a rather lack luster situation . . . If things go south, as they often do with cyclopses, I'll be counting on you." Still painfully aware her own abilities were not up to snuff, she had seen the grace and talent in Adelina's combat style when she went to engage the other cyclops. Mentally scolding herself, she grimaced. Asking someone she just met to cover her ass was disgraceful for an Ares child. She kept her ground, not bothering with armor or any of that such, for as well as it had done against the manticore. A hit from the cyclopses' hammer would spell death for her in her current condition. She just hoped whatever reason Mason had for standing there was a good one.
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Helena looked at the ceiling, unable to move. She could only listen to the enraged roaring of monsters, and someone shouting that they wouldn't hurt his friends... Mason.


She jerked up and ignored the intense pain that shot up her leg, looking out the window of the SUV. She could see Mason... Barely. She could see two angry looking Cyclops standing in front of him. She stared, then closed her eyes.

Slowly, with a horrifying clattering sounds, bones sprung from the ground, spinning in a twister and collecting fire that poured from Mason in its skeleton. It spun some more then turned in a massive bear, the bones stained fiery red, flames gathered in the ribcage, pouring out the jaws as it roared at the two Cyclops, its eyes black and void as it stared.

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Ashlynn perked up alert on Isis as she noticed the Cyclops standing in front of Mason and stared at a large skeleton bear that rose out from the ground and roared at them. It was a terrifying yet fascinating sight for the daughter of Baubo.

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Adelina's breath was knocked out of her as the Corvette jerked forward and three figures came into sight. Two of the humanoid creatures were three or four times the size of the one in front, whose arms were . . . blazing with white-hot flames? Mason? Adelina had known that he was the source of the craters in the walls of the mansion, but was unaware that he had been able to, in a way, become fire. As the identities of the beasts that faced Mason became evident, Adelina registered them to be Cyclopes. Mason, confronting two bellowing Cyclopes independently - while more than three demigods were required to intimidate one Cyclops? Mason was obviously in need of support; there was absolutely no way he would be capable of facing two of the monsters single-handedly. She doubted that the flames on Mason's arms would terrorize creatures who were immune to fire.

As she emerged from the sports car to respond to Evelynn and aid Mason, thrusting the door shut behind her, the earth beneath Adelina's feet began to tremble, and she swayed, staggering backwards. She regained balance and gazed in the direction of Mason and the two Cyclopes, but between her and them rose a tornado of grimy, fractured bones amidst flames that it seemed to be sucked from Mason's arms. It was accompanied by an eerie, dire sound that filled the area. The whirling of bones and fire faded to reveal the skeleton of a colossal fiery bear, and his/her roar thundered in Adelina's ears, causing her to stumble back a step or two. The sight was mesmerizing, and she could only wonder for what reason the bear had appeared.

She steadied herself and, her brain still as if it was being shocked with electricity by plans, ideas, thoughts, joined Evelynn on the opposite side of the dark green Corvette as she remembered what Evelynn had said to her. Adelina was quite startled that a demigod as headstrong as Evelynn would rely on someone else, but found herself admiring that she would be comfortable with depending on another individual - something Adelina could never do. Hopefully, this meant Evelynn had concluded that it would be wiser to avoid any risk of being injured further. More wounds to treat would not be what this group currently needed. "Yeah. But you better not overestimate your strength. And . . . what exactly is that?"
Helena leaned out the window of the SUV. "That's me..." She murmured, breathing hard,. Her nose was trickling blood, and she looked pain. This intense concentration was leaving her in agony. "I don't know how it absorbed that fire... I can barely control it..." She was breathing hard, her eyes narrowed at the bear.

The bear meanwhile towered over Mason, claws up, flames pouring from its jaws, the skull parted showing which red teeth. "It's supposed to be enough of a deterrent to get them to leave him alone..."

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Max opened the door. "If you can barely control it it might attack Mason." Max stepped out of the car. "If they stack Mason I'll try to protect him" Max summoned what remained of his staff and readied himself to move in case the bear attacked

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