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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jerika flipped off of Isis and let herself fall for a bit concentrating only of her wings, she soon felt them grow, and rip through her shirt. She spread them and looked down the length of her right wing, she smiled at her auburn wings, that sometimes reflected gold before swooping down next to the green corvette. "There's fighting up ahead, Jason and Max appear to be fighting a Cyclops, it has something strapped to it's back, I dunno I couldn't see that much."

Jason and Nautilus avoided the Cyclops' swats and Jason slashed it's hand in multiple places but figured they were only papercuts to him. "Dammit I need reach!" He rattled his sword in frustration and as his grip shifted he left himself click a button that he hadn't noticed earlier, right before his eyes the sword folded into the bracelet before seemingly popping out into a celestial bronze spear. Jason grinned, "That's more like it." He noticed Nautilus swooping low and stabbed at the Cyclops' thigh hitting his mark and pulling away, the beast's blood dripping off the tip, he swung with it and cut it's forearm as Nautilus rose again. "Come on Max your totally failing right now." Honestly he felt exhilirated by the fight, swooping around this Cyclops on Nautilus made him feel invincible, but he couldn't forget that Helena was still in trouble. "Nautilus get me in striking distance of that chain I might be able to cut her loose." Nautilus complied and Jason stabbed at the chain forcing a link apart and causing it to break. "Bullseye!"

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"Failing! You Try Holding This Drill Straight While Your Being Flung Around!" Max shouted at Jason still ramming the drill into the Cyclops arm. Max then felt something give. The drill was close to the bone of the Cyclops arm.
Ryan saw Jerika flying next to the Corvette, "She has wings? She can fly? How many secrets does this girl have?" With his enhanced abilities Ryan was able to clearly hear Jerika's words. He turned around, "Guys Jason and Max are fighting a Cyclops". Cupid quickly pulled over and turned off the engine. He folded his arms as he shook his head, "Nuh uh I am not going near that thing. You guys go. Walk! I'm staying here with this SUV. Besides anymore damage to this thing would probably result in us having no ride at all! Just go it's a short distance anyway."
Helena was falling, arms pinwheeling in the air, she tried to cry out, but it was ripped away from her before she could make a sound. And VERY GRACEFULLY, she landed on her broken ankle and wailed some more, holding her leg and gritting her teeth. "OHHHH THAT HURT LIKE A B****!"

The cyclops roared and swung its fist, trying to hold its various injuries with t spare arm, and managed to smack Jason off his mount, and grabbed the boy as he fell, out of mere luck. "Huh? I got something!"

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The Cyclops had got Jason, but had made a big mistake doing so. He had to grab with his good arm, so the arm holding Max weighed him down. As the Cyclops' arm fell toward the ground Max repositioned the drill, so that the other end would make contact with the ground. The staff hit the ground and sent the drill through the Cyclops' arm. Max hit the ground and jumped back, away from the Cyclops and out if it's range.

Sam came out of a neighboring house by the mansion and walked over to the one the group was staying at. They had left in a hurry and the door was left open. She moseyed on into the Mansion, and headed up to the bedrooms. Finding the room labeled Max, she walked in a smiled. Max had left his backpack in the room, and knowing him would be back for it eventually. Sam pulled out a tracking chip along with a tiny voice recorder, and attached them to the pack in a way so that nobody could tell they were there. Sam smiled as she walked downstairs towards the exit. "It's too easy." She said to herself "Max is so predictable. It's like he wants to help me... Oh wait he has too!" She laughed as she exited the mansion. Once outside Sam revealed her wings a flew off. "See yah were ever you decide to go. Maxey." Sam said to herself grinning as she flew away

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As Evelynn regained control of the sports car, Adelina felt as if a burdensome weight had been lifted off of her chest. With the back of her hand, she wiped beads of sweat from her brow. She found it intriguing that the management of a common mortal device had been the source of so much tumult and anxiety. "It's no problem. It should be that stupid love boy apologizing, in fact, distracting you from your driving like that. Just . . . try not to yell, or use too much of your energy." She peeked out of Evelynn's window, where the sphinx had hovered earlier. She could only imagine what the Mist had disguised Isis as. Ashlynn certainly possessed quite a powerful pet, and Adelina hoped that the humans that rode in the vehicles beside Evelynn's Corvette remained unsuspecting.

The howl of wind against Adelina's cheeks was beginning to bother her, and she hooked her finger under the window switch as to raise it just as she noticed Jerika dive down to flank the dark green sports car, informing Adelina and Evelynn of Jason's and Max's situation. She had the wings of the vulture, the wings of her Siren form - yet all except her arms were still humanoid. There was no more skepticism about her identity as a Siren. She shuddered as she recognized the dirty black plumage, the image of the Sirens in her dream looming in her mind. However, she began to doubt herself about this Siren. Did Jerika sincerely desire to help them? She shook her misgivings away; she knew that Sirens were excellent at manipulating people and gaining their trust. Tentatively, she nodded, then turned to Evelynn. As she had glimpsed the SUV skid to a halt at the side of the road, she perceived that Jason and Max would have a sufficient amount of assistance against the Cyclops. "I would say we should continue to Wakulla Springs - if we're really so sure that's where Mason is. There's the risk that he may be in a worse danger than Jason and Max are, but they might need more help. What do you think?"
As Evelynn nodded her head, she turned to the site and gave a final cough before clearing her throat and speaking. "Yes. I believe you're right. Those three should be plenty to back them up and I'm not sure how good in a fight I'll be right now . . ." She mentally questioned why they were bothering to fight a Cyclops, but ignored it for the time being, figuring they had their reasons. The GPS dined with a left and then a right, Evelynn taking each with smooth turns. When the final turn came up though, she ignore it and turned the opposite direction. "Don't need the mortals questioning us forcing our way in." As much as it pained her to do, she cut into the grass and onto the park, driving further into the currently deserted park. "Uhh, if the others were dealing with the Cyclops . . . What exactly is that?!" She pointed towards the large Cyclops, currently looking at its hand like it held something. She hit the breaks, skidding slightly on the dew slicked grass before e came to a stop.

With a growl she unbuckled herself and climbed out of the car. "What are the others doing if the Cyclops is here?" She doubted Adelina had any more of an idea than she, but she still needed to add last express her displeasure. "I hope you've got some fight in you. They look to be having some trouble . . . How strong is your . . ." She gestured to her head, knowing that the other demigods liked to keep their abilities secret. it was for this reason that she had chosen to keep from seeing them through her own ability as well. "Can you disable it that way?" She asked hopefully as she strode towards it, hiding the slight limp in her step. Cyclops weren't known for their mental prowess, so she remained hopeful.

((Since I can't ooc on my phone I'll do it this way. From my understanding, the Cyclops is at the springs, and cupid is just being dumb and swerving to the site of the road. Let me know if that's wrong and I'll edit.))
"Whatev-uhn!!" As he was trying to reply the Cyclops got him from behind smacking him over Nautilus' head and caught him before he crashed painfully on the floor, pain flaring through his body. Jason gasped trying to get the air back into his lungs and realized he had dropped his spear, seeing it glinting a little ways away, "Max, spear." He squirmed to get his hand on his sword, though he couldn't draw it he desperately wanted to. "Lemme go you lumbering idiot!"

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Helena's vision was starting to fade out. She knew she couldn't maintain consciousness, she was seeing double, her leg was throbbing. She could see the sheen of her blade not too far away... She reached for it, felt the cold grip in her palm. Everything moved in slow motion for her, everything hurt, even just moving her arms hurt. But she sat up and her eyes locked on the nearest piece if cyclops flesh- the ankle. With effort, she lifted the sword up and slashed straight through he monster's flesh, sending it tumbling down to one knee and releasing Jason and Max.

"An eye for an eye... Motherf***er..." She managed to murmur before everything went black as she passed out...

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Ace yelled, "Cupid drive or else!" Cupid turned the engine back on and drove to wherever the others were, "I'm staying in here!" He turned the engine back off and Ace got out of the car.

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While her head was turned to unbuckle her seatbelt and hoist up her backpack, Adelina was a bit perplexed by what Evelynn meant by disabling it in a way, wondering if she was referring to Adelina's powers of telepathy that she had mentioned just before Cupid had diverted Evelynn's attention. Her confusion was annulled when her neck rotated back to look at Evelynn, signaling to her head. She pondered about it; she had only known this ability for less than a day. Telepathy was not synonymous to mind control, but if Adelina could grasp something about the Cyclops that meant much to it, the knowledge could perhaps be useful when sending telepathic messages. However, whether or not the receiver of the message would be aware that it was from her was still undiscovered. Her eyes drifted to the Cyclops, watching, alarmed, as two figures were released from his grip and were sent plummeting to the ground. Neither of them were close enough to be seen clearly, but she noticed that the one whose body was not nearly as shadowed by the Cyclops was wearing a black shirt. The Cyclops had collapsed to his knees, just barely avoiding the bodies of those that had plunged to the earth. Adelina saw yet another figure, lying supine in the grass and dirt.

"Um." She quickly opened the door of the car and, after closing it behind her, caught up with Evelynn. "I'll try. Don't get hurt," she added, aware of the limp in her step. "Like, seriously." She raced after the Cyclops, unsheathing her dagger, glimpsing its black gleam. Her proficiency with weapons, known to hardly anyone, might come in handy as well. It was also easy to conceal, by claiming that she practiced very frequently with her dagger, which was partly honest. She raised her arm and tensed her muscles, preparing to launch the blade into the Cyclops's neck.
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Ryan got out of the car and found Helena passed out. He quickly ran to her and picked her up. All he had to do at the moment was keep her out of danger because of the condition she was in. Ryan ran back to the SUV where Cupid stayed. "What happened to her?" Cupid asked. Ryan just shrugged and put Helena in the car. He reclined the chair and looked back at Cupid who was shaking out of fear.
Cyclops looked at Adelina, squinted and turned to walk away, more at a limp. "Me's is outnumbered! Me's go now! Me's not hungry anymore!" It started to lumber away, stepping where Helena had just been laying, and lumbering away slowly...

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Evelynn gave a mumbled "No promises . . ." As Adelina passed her by. She moved as quickly as she felt comfortable with, which was rather slow compared to her normal speed, especially during a fight. She saw the figures around and didn't need anything more, easily being able to tell who ileach was as well as how they were faring and the distance to them. Helena was the farthest away, but her health was in far worse condition than either if the boys. She headed towards her, making fair progress. Due to the urgency of the situation she pushed herself, trying to get to Helena. A quick glance sideways at how the others were faring and suddenly her goal was gone. It didn't take her long to note the rush of air and stamped grass, first past her, and then back the other way. She looked to the SUV to see Ryan depositing Helena within so she turned back to the Cyclops, ready to aid the others. She frowned and paused as it started to walk off. "Uhh, should we chase it or just leave it?"
Cupid said with joy, "Oh thank the Gods. Let's leave the Cyclops and just search for Mason already!" Cupid looked around, "On second thought maybe you guys can look for him. I'll just stay here and watch Helena...and just in case anything else pops up." Ryan knew Cupid was easily frightened. Ryan nodded and began to walk to the other injured demigods.
Alec laughed and crawled into the SUV, and sat next to Helena. "You think you can hold off anything? Romeo, all you can do is accidentally shoot love arrows and make people temporarily cuddly. I'll stay here, if something shows up."

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Cupid responded, "No I don't think so. I'm staying here because I don't want to run into another Cyclops. My powers are obviously not meant for fighting. Why would I put myself in danger?!" He sat back in the driver's seat, "I wonder where that Cyclops is going now anyway...what if it's a cave filled with more Cyclopseseses! That part of our group could barely take down one!" Cupid folded his arms.
Ashlynn crossed her arms watching Cupid in amusement as she leaned on Isis. "So where do you plan on looking for Mason first?"

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Cupid responded, "Is there an area here which looks suspicious?" He continued sarcastically, "Oh I know how about you follow the Cyclops because Mason probably befriended them anyway. Watch that creature be Mason's minion...just watch! Yep follow the Cyclops and it will lead you all to Mason. Everything's better when you trust a creature that can't speak English correctly".
"Oh please, don't start getting all snippy with me Cupid. Having that kind of attitude is bad for your health." Ashlynn scolded teasingly.

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"Oh but it's true" Cupid continued with sarcasm then paused for a moment. "Wait it's true!" He got out of the car and made his way closer to the group, "Didn't Hephaestus have a connection with Cyclops things?...I mean I could be wrong." Ace gave a confused look at Cupid, "You sir are a crazy dude."
Ashlynn nodded. "Isn't Hephaestus the Lord of Cyclops or something like that?"

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Cupid replied, "I don't know...I really don't know. Truth is I was reading a Greek Mythology book back in elementary school and I didn't bother...reading it. I mean I only remember the name Hephaestus and the word Cyclops being on the same page." Ace looked at Cupid, "You would."
"Well we've got a lead on where Mason could be, might as well follow it." Ashlynn said flicking Cupid's forehead. "Who would've guess there's a functioning brain in there."

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Cupid responded, "Someone with a functioning brain." Ace smiled a little at Cupid's remark and started to follow the Cyclops.

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