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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina twisted her neck to spot Ashlynn leaving the table. "Would you and Grayson mind watching Jerika at the same time, just make sure she doesn't leave the mansion? I have earplugs upstairs if you don't have any." Her head once again claimed its normal position as she examining the rest of the individuals that were seated around the dining table. "Wakulla Volcano was never found before, according to my knowledge. We can aim for Wakulla Springs."

She recalled her use of telepathy from yesterday, curious if she was able to communicate with someone telepathically without his/her awareness that it was she that had produced the thoughts. Regardless, she would try to establish thoughts for Mason that would encourage his return to the mansion. She pictured his appearance, his distinct features, the way he had stormed off into the garage when she had attempted to transfer Helena's gratitude to him and Evelynn. You should go back to the mansion. You're needed there. The words formed in Adelina's mind and she focused them on her memory of Mason, sending the thought to him telepathically. It was a start, but unfortunately, there was no way of knowing his reaction to her words unless he knew it was from her and replied back. She struggled a little as she stood from her chair and pushed it so that the cushioned seat was beneath the table. She had yet to become used to her ability.
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Alec looked at Evelynn as she stalked off and sighed. "Seriously, we need to go, if we're going to go! Helena and Mason could be in serious trouble!" Alec was severely worried about his friend, knowing she was a little too fearless...

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The battle continued until Gray got a relatively good hit on Ash's forearm. "Ah, ****!" Grayson just smirked and shook his head as he held his own wound on his thigh. "Come Missy. Let's go get ourselves fixed up before we leave." The two went inside and ate a tiny piece of ambrosia and patched up each others wounds. "I think it's time to go." "Yep, time to go find Mason." Gray walked out front, but Ashlynn stayed behind and went to Jerika. "Come on Jerika, you're riding with me."
Ryan heard a car engine outside the mansion. He looked through the window and saw a Corvette, "Wow that's-" His eyes adjusted and he saw Evelynn, "-Evelynn?"

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Ace approached Ryan, "What did you-" Ryan quickly stopped him and said, "I was talking about the car then I saw her in it! Relax! Gah." They both walked outside the mansion.

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Jerika nodded and stood up, sliding the chair back where it belonged. She followed Ash out, "Why are you so nice to me, everyone else either dislikes me or just doesn't care."

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Ashlynn smiled at Jerika's question. "Well I like be different than everybody else, and you just seem like an awesome girl Jerika." Ashlynn walked out front and called Isis, climbing on her back. "Plus, you know how they say there's always that one person who has something you can't put your finger on what it is, but it makes you want to trust them? That's how I feel about you." She said grinning as she put her hair in a ponytail.
Evelynn gave Ryan a wave and put a finger to her lips. "We've all got our secrets, now don't we? Y'all can count the SUV as a gift for at least giving me some nectar before I bleed out. Whoever that may have been. Adelina, you want to ride with me? Only two seats, so . . ." Her invitation was two fold. She was curious about the girl, and she thought some level headed company would be the best in this case.
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Adelina, uncertain of whether or not Ashlynn had heeded her request, left the dining room, passing through the kitchen and pulling open the door of the mansion to follow her outside. If Ashlynn had heard her, she presumably would rather embark on the pursuit of Mason than train with Grayson while watching Jerika. "Make sure she doesn't run off," Adelina advised. "I have earplugs if you want." She turned to peer at the SUV as she heard her name. Why would Evelynn want Adelina to join her in the front seat? The only occasion from which Adelina knew Evelynn was when Helena had asked Adelina to tell Evelynn thanks, for Helena, while Evelynn was unconscious. Nevertheless, Adelina would have liked to get to know Evelynn better, and sitting in the car was an alright opportunity. "Sure."
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Evelynn smiled and reached across the car, tossing the door of the Corvette open for the other girl. She waited for her to get in, coughing several times into her arm. Offering her hand to the girl, she introduced herself. "Evelynn Monroe, daughter of Ares, ace driver, tactician, and hoarder." She shifted into first as she waited for the others to load into the SUV. "So, you seem better than I remember you. Though I guess the same could probably be said of me . . ." Evelynn shrugged her shoulders and gripped the steering wheel to stop her hand from shaking. "Please keep all appendages within the vehicle at all times." She gave a crooked smile to the girl.
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Max hadn't been flying very long when he heard the scream. Looking around Max tried to find where the scream had come from. Max spotted a black spot, Fred, and a few feet away Helena. "Is that Helena?" Max said to himself. Then he noticed the cyclops heading towards her. "S***!" Max flew down and summoned his weapon. Landing behind it Max shouted "Hey One Eye! Stay Away From Her!" Then he charged the Cyclops.
The lumbering cyclops looked at the demigod charging him, then promptly kicked in into the air like a soccer ball. "More half-bloods! I bring doggy bag for Babycakes!" It shouted, grabbing onto Max and starting to crush him in it's fist.

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Max was caught off guard at how fast the Cyclops moved, and before he knew it he was in its grip. " Son of a" He said before the Cyclops started crushing him. "There's… gotta… be… a… way… out." Max though to himself. Max then remembered his staff could come apart and that after the cyclops attacked he still managed to hold onto it. He quickly aim the Horizontal bar up, so it was pointed at the Cyclops eye. Max released the horizontal bar from the staff using his feet and, using his abilities over the air, launched it towards the Cyclops eye like a speeding missile.
A barely detectable smile appeared on Adelina's face as she climbed into the sports car. It was designed impressively designed, and the seats were extremely comfortable. "Okay. I'm Adelina, but I suppose you already know that." She referred to Evelynn's powers that Adelina had just been informed of today. What does she mean by my seeming better than she remembers? Where does she remember me from? Camp Half-Blood? Oh, crap. They were about to go on a trip to find Mason, and Adelina's backpack was still in her room. She constantly relied on it - and she did not even remember her laptop, which she remained on the dining room table. "I . . I'll be right back." The door clicked open and Adelina leaped out of the car, sprinting around it and back into the mansion. She had evaluated that her room was nearer to the right staircase, and she raced up the stairs, turning left. It was the second door on the left. She observed that she had left the door ajar this morning when she went downstairs. She entered the room, grabbing her backpack from next to her bed, then proceeded to the hallway, ensuring that the door was shut behind her. She hurried downstairs and into the dining room to retrieve her laptop, shoving it into her backpack, and she unzipped one of the small pockets as she left the mansion, extracting her Ziploc bag full of earplugs. She unsealed the bag, yanking two tangled pairs from it, and handed them to Ashlynn on her way out.
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Ryan got into the SUV and Ace sat in the driver seat. Ryan quickly looked at Ace, "How about-" Cupid interrupted as he ran out the mansion, "I drive!" Ace got out and slid into one of the backseats.

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Ashlynn took the plugs from Adelina and shoved them into her pocket helping Jerika onto Isis. Isis rose up in the air and hovered over the two cars. "I'll scope out above." She called down to the group.

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Ace lowered the window and stuck his head out of the car, "Alec let's go! Cupid's driving so it won't be "bad"".

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Alec climbed into the SUV, tentatively, and sat next to Ace. He looked out the window and sighed. "Don't worry Helena... We're coming.."

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Meanwhile the Cyclops roared and dropped Max, growling at the boy, pulling the staff out of it eye with a sickening POP! It blinked several times, before snapping the staff in half like a toothpick. "You's feisty! Makes for spicy meat!" It shouted, swiping at the son of Zeus.

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Adelina once again stepped into the sports car, swinging her backpack onto her lap and pulling the door closed. "Sorry. Forgot my backpack inside." She realized that she was still holding the plastic bag bursting with earplugs, although two pairs had recently departed from their many companions. Hopefully, Jerika would not aim to entice Ashlynn into a trap, and hopefully, Mason would conform with the thoughts that Adelina had sent to him telepathically. She reached for the seatbelt and strapped herself into the seat, buckling it at the corner. And hopefully this would be a safe ride.
Grayson started his motorcycle and took off. Ashlynn patted Isis' side and she took of flying. This was the first time Ash had rode on Isis and it was exhilarating. "You know where we're going right Isis!" Ashlynn yelled over the roar of the wind. "Yeah!" A barely heard reply came from Isis as she smiled contentedly.

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"You little B****! That was a gift!" Max said rolling out of the way of the cyclops strike. Max created a shockwave of air in front of him, and using the piece of his staff that he still had, launched it towards the Cyclops. "The Cyclops won't be able to see now" He thought "If I stay at a distance I can win this."
Evelynn opened her mouth to respond to her passenger but started coughing again and by the time her breath returned, the other girl was already gone. With a small sigh she simply positioned the car at a slightly better angle to leave and then waited for Adelina to return. Leaning back against the seat, an idea hit her, and she immediately sat back up. A moment passed and then she was rifling through the contents of the glove box. "Gun, check. Aspirin, check. Manuals, registration, napkin, peppermint, straw . . ." She grumbled through the list of increasingly trivial things in the compartment before slamming it shut. "Stupid mortals and their ridiculousness . . ." She rubbed her temples and then pulled two pairs of sunglasses from within her armory, putting on one and leaving the other for Adelina when she returned.

When she was back in the car, she wasted no time in taking off, pulling out of the drive way and down towards the road. "Uhh, do you know where this imaginary volcano is?" She asked the girl hopefully. Needless to say, she wasn't as current on theoretical volcanoes as some of the others were. "Don't worry, whatever you've heard about my driving is all slander . . ." Her driving was much 'improved' though she felt like she was going at a snails pace comparatively. She wanted to punch the gas down and hear the roar of the beast she was within. She managed to resist and responded to the girl's earlier words. "It's all right. We'll be ahead of them anyways." She glanced at the bag, slightly curious. "Why's it so important though? Seems most everyone carries whatever they deem important in some miniature form."
The Cyclops faced the shockwave head on and swiped straight at Max, sending him smashing into the ground. "Haha! Silly half-blood! You think you's smarter then Ripgauge (I don't know, sounds like a Cyclops name)! Well, you's is wrong! I's smart!" The cyclops laughed and grabbed Max by his leg, lifting him up into the air.

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"You sure about that!" Max said forming a drill made of air at the end of his staff. "By the way it's not I's it I'm! Dumba**!" Max said ramming the air drill into the Cyclops arm.

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