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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid looked at Jerika. He noticed a few minutes ago that her words made her supposed "interest" in the group calm down a little. Cupid also noticed Jerika's tone of voice whenever she talked to him. Cupid thought to himself "Don't think I haven't forgotten your "discovery"".
Jerika wanted to bolt themamd there, but she figured if she wanted to be part of the group it would be best for her to give them some information. She sighed, "I don't know how ese to say this, my mother is working with the scientists. I was sent over here to learn what you could do." He head slumped down in shame knowing she wasn't about to recieve a warm welcome.

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Grayson walked out into the backyard and held back a jump of surprise as Ashlynn's sphinx Isis flew down in front of him. Isis had the body of a lion, chest and wings of a giant eagle, and -the weirdest and most unnerving part- the head of a woman. "**** don't do that Isis!" "Why not?" She said smirking as she sat on her haunches.

Ashlynn nodded giving a small smile. "Well at least you were honest, that's always a good way to start."

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Ryan heard Jerika and quickly looked at her. He would question her later, but for now it was time to stick to serious business, "What do you know about the scientists."

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Isis stalked lazily around Gray inspecting him. "A man is dying and another man went to the hospital where the dying man is... a doctor asked the second man, "Who are you?" and the man said brothers and sisters I have none... That man's father is my father's son... Who is he?" "The visitor is the dying man's father." Gray responded without hesitation as he crossed his arms. "Very good, I guess you can live... For now." Grayson rolled his eyes and huffed as Isis flew back to wherever she came from.

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Jerika looked up at Ryan, a little surprised, so far no one had made a harsh remark, it made her feel less guilty and a little bit welcome. "I only know they have had their theories about you all amd have very skilled people to help track you down and....subdue you. I dont know anything slse though, I was just a tool."

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Ryan gave Jerika a confused look, "A tool? How could they use you? You're a normal teenage girl."

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Alec looked at the Sphinx as it flew off, then groaned and rubbed his eyes, "I hate sphinxes... " he muttered, grumbling as he looked around..."wait... Has anyone seen Helena!"

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Ashlynn left the kitchen and walked outside to be greeted by Isis. But right as she opened her mouth Ash raised her hand cutting her off. "No riddles please." Isis rolled her eyes flicking her tail irritatedly. "I wasn't planning to give one." "Oh, in that case, what's up." "I went from a palace and a room of my own to a burnt mansion's backyard. Oh, and the sky." Ashlynn grinned. "Hey only a few places are burnt, and your Perky personality never ceases to amaze me."

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The light was getting brighter and he was starting to lose focus with how heavily he walked to his destination. Mason saw the sign a few yards away. He was tired of all this walking. He had taken a bus up to the last stop and from there he had to walk another couple miles. He was exhausted and the lack of sleep didn't help him at all.

Wakalla Springs

Mason strained his eyes to read the sign as the shine from the sun's rays beamed into the white letters. He struggled to comprehend it... springs not a volcano... He looked past the sign and saw picnic tables and the big wooden shelters over them. He slouched heavily and placed his palm onto his forehead... 'I'm an idiot... I should've looked at the pictures on the map.' he muttered lowly. He adjusted the weight of the pack on his shoulders and walked to sit on the benches and stared at the water flowing slowly underneath what looked like willow trees. He smiled and he pulled out a water bottle from his pack. He sat against the thick pine tabletop and continued to stare. The willows swayed but the breeze wasn't there. He stared closer and saw the shimmer that occurred between the willows. The willows bent and left an arch with their flowing branches. The water seemed to harden as bridge emerged from it. A volcanic rock bridge with a dark crust to it allowed access to the entrance to whatever it was, knowing it wasn't a mortals domain. He walked towards it and crossed the bridge to the other side. He lifted the goggles over his eyes as he gasped at the beautiful image in front of his eyes. His smile reached both ears and he dropped his water before the willows closed behind him.
Isis stared at Ashlynn expectantly. "What?" "Aren't you going to take ne inside?" Ash stared at Isis like she was crazy. "Now why would I do that?" Isis sighed and put on the puppy dog eyes. "Please, I want to meet your dear friends." Ash groaned and stamped her foot. "Fine, but after you meet everyone it's right back outside. "Of course Miss Dearborn." Isis said sarcastically as she and Ashlynn walked inside the house to where Ash's friends were.

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Ryan looked at Jerika for awhile and waited for an answer.

Cupid saw Isis and said, "Ah! What's that? Gods this is officially the zoo for all types of mythical creatures! I...I need a unicorn is there a unicorn? I'll name it Freddy or JUAN! Because it has Juan horn get it?...Oh but if it's a girl then I'll name it Ladasha or even Uniquisha."

Ryan glanced at Cupid, "You bizarre child".
Helena had fallen asleep a long time ago. When she finally woke up, Fred had stopped in front of a hot spring, lapping up the water. "Whoa... Fred, stop it... You don't know what's in there..." She got off the massive hellhound's back, and pulled him away from the water. "Hey.... The shaking is going down... That's good... Still lightheaded..." She ran a hand through her hair. She soon sank to her knees, breathing hard. "Okay, Fred, gotta keep tracking- Hey!" The hellhound moved away from her, making her fall over, "Fred!" The hellhound seemed to be glued to his spot. "What's with you?"

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Alec looked at the sphinx and threw his hands up. "Oh HELL NO! No sphinxes in this house, out! Out, woman lion bird! Out, off the furniture, NO! I don't care if you ARE friendly!" He shooed the sphinx away, and outside.

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Max was in deep thought when the sphinx came in with Ash. "Oh my god you were serious." Max said looking at Ash dumbfounded. "Nevermind. Ryan I should go start the search for Mason, and considering I can fly I'd be able to spot him from the air." Max put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Plus your a better leader than me." Max smiled at his brother. "Also" he whispered "If you go in trouble out there we wouldn't be able to catch up to you." Max was hinting towards Ryan's powers when he said that. Max wanted to keep Ryan safe. "Anyways I'll have Manny with me" Max said. Manny, hearing his name, poked his head into the kitchen. "His wings are healed, so we can both move in the air." Max said to his brother.

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Jerika turned slightly red his gaze was different from most boys even if he did look at her chest more than her face. "Actually.... I'm a siren." She didn't cringe this time, just hoped the others kept their tolerance.

Jason listened so he caught about half of it. "A spy and a siren, well I guess if you meant us harm you wouldn't have disclosed this to us... so you're cool with me." Jason nodded towards Jerika, his thoughts returning to the present and his voice losing the hollow quality it had.

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Ryan looked down, "Max you got to be careful. What if the scientists have jets or something?...Daughter of Athena, what do you think we should do?" He looked at Adelina, "Should we go to a volcano and look for Mason?"
Evelynn's breathing was becoming ragged and shallow as the oppressive weight bearing down on her seemed to increase. Her body writhed in an attempt to free itself from the uncomfortable feeling of the bed and Alec removing the sheet from over her only helped moderately. His voice boomed inside of her mind, sounding demonic and threatening rather than concerned and friendly. She grew several hasty breaths, gulping in air as part of the weight was alleviated. The relief was temporary, as a white hot bolt of pain shot through the base of her neck. The pain intensified as a faint, red glow came from the spot on her neck, a red symbol forming.

As the symbol traced out its last edge, connecting the beginning and end of the mark together, the pain hit its highest point. Evelynn bolted upright with a scream of pain, clutching the back of her neck. The glow faded and died, leaving in its place a scar in the shape the red symbol had been. Evelynn broke into a fit of bloody coughs that left her body shaking. Eventually, the coughs died down and Evelynn rotated, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, eager to get off of the bed. She stood, and immediately collapsed into a pile on the floor. Struggling, she gripped the near by chair and forced her legs up under her. She stood shakily, pouring sweat. She felt both as if she were on fire and freezing at the same time. Her eyes were blurry, constantly squinting against the light of anything. The taste of blood and metal hung in her mouth as she staggered towards the small bathroom connected to her room.

A turn of the faucet handle resulted in a loud rush of water that made the sickly girl jump, cranking it down to a trickle. She let it slowly fill her hands before splashing some on her face several times. Peering into the mirror, she was greeted by an unwelcome sight. She looked terrible. Her skin was pale and clammy, her hair a mess, tear streaks down her cheeks, and flecks of blood on her lips. But something else held her attention at that moment. Her normally green eyes were colored a striking red while the sclera were pitch black. She gasped as a voice sounded within her mind. "I'm not done with you yet, my dear. Seven days . . . You have seven days . . ." The voice crumbled away as the blackness in her eyes drained away and their original color returned. She stood staring at the mirror for several more moments before shaking her head. She washed her face, feeling slightly better than she had when she first awoke and staggered her way down stairs and into the room where the other demi-gods sat. She looked around, trying to focus on faces. 'Strange.' she thought, 'Since when did they have a a fuzzy buffalo in the house? What else did I miss?' With a dry swallow she spoke up, not really wanting to interrupt anything. "Uhh, what's g-going on?" She asked, coughing during her second word.

((The mark))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf2051905_EvyMark.png.e65d5275f6d16bb8d5c49be25f4f1a80.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf2051905_EvyMark.png.e65d5275f6d16bb8d5c49be25f4f1a80.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Ryan responded, "We're going to find Mason and Helena, and take down the scientists' headquarters." He approached Evy, "Are you okay? Were you the one who just screamed?...Want water or something?"

Cupid looked at Ryan again and asked, "Ryan are you hearing things? I'm pretty sure I didn't hear anything come from upstairs."

Ryan just gave a concerned look at Evy and awaited her reply.
"You underestimate my flying skill dear brother." Max said to Ryan "Ill head off then." Max turned around and went out the door. "Ready to go Manny?" He asked the Manticore as it walked out after him. Manny nodded his head and unfurled his wings. "Lets get going" He said lifting himself up into the air. Max kicked off a tree nearby and flew off at his top speed of 590 mph with Manny right behind him.
Adelina's face had been creased with suspicion, her head tilted, as her habit was, as she heard Ryan seemingly respond to her comment, then hastily claim that he had just thought of Helena at the moment, when Ace questioned his words. Adelina had been correct yesterday afternoon as she had pondered while attempting desperately to contact him and his group. She remembered the dark stain of blood red on the back of his T-shirt, connecting it with the unconvincing remark he had just made. There genuinely was some sort of secret, or secrets, that he was hiding, and he was doing an awful job of obscuring it.

She perked up as she heard Jerika's admittance to being a Siren. Rage and incredulity boiled up inside her, the image of the Sirens from her dream last night returning to her mind. "Excuse me?" she hissed, her eyes set in a piercing glare upon Jerika, temporarily ignoring Ryan's question, though for only a moment she glanced at Evelynn and a wave of relief hit her that she was now conscious, although she didn't show it. She would inform her of Helena's thanks after the meeting was over.
Ryan had heard Jerika's confession, but he dismissed it due to the fact that it was not as important as finding Mason at the moment. He saw Adelina's facial expression and reaction to Jerika's confession and grew curious. Why was she mad? Jerika did not do anything to Adelina, but why was she mad? Ryan's head started ache, all the different situations were occurring at the same.

Cupid raised an eyebrow when he heard Adelina. It was as if she was still under his spell and had a hatred for Jerika. Everyone else either attempted to make Jerika feel at home, or just didn't seem to feel that her confession was as important as the other current situations. Why was Adelina acting up?
Isis rolled her eyes at the group. "You people are so rude and such drama queens." Ashlynn groaned and covered her face. "Really Isis, not the time." Isis puffed her cheeks and let out an aggrivated breath. "Well its not my fault that it's not the 'Right' time." Ashlynn sighed rubbing her hand down her face tiredly. "Isis, please...." "Fine." Isis sauntered out of the room and back outside flying back to her secret perch overlooking the house.

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"Fred, come on, we have to go find Mason!" Helena was shouting no, trying to shove her hellhound into action, but he did not budge. "Oh fine! I'll go on my own then..." She grumbled and stumbled off, rubbing her arms. "Mason! Maaaaaaason?" She shouted, she voice cracking several times just saying his name. "God, I've been shouting for hours... Mason!" When glanced on some willow trees, she turned and stared. Something was odd about this place. But as she moved closer to investigate, then was a snap of a trap closing. Pain shot up her leg, and she screamed the pain, falling over and wailing for a few seconds, "AHHHH, Gods of Olympus, you f***ing son of a b**** who would leave something that could hurt people in a ***** **** ***** public f***ing park!" Taking in a hissing breath through gritted teeth, she looked at what has caused this.

"Is that a f***ing bear trap?" She reached and tried to pry it off, but it didn't have a release mechanism. "Huh?" She tried to get closer, but her leg wailed the pain back at her, "AHHH gods, that's a broken bone," she muttered, settling down again. When she looked again, she noticed an old gleam to the metal. "Hey wait... Is that Celestial bronze? What would mortals be using Celestial bronze for?" That was when she heard the thumping. Like footsteps.

Something was coming. Something big.

".... Well, SH*T."

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Jerika heard Adelina and looked at her, she felt like she would be seeing the girls weapon very soon and readied herself for it, though if a fight did break out she doubted anyone would keep her from being killed.

Jason heard Ryan and nodded, " yeah we'll reconvene after we have him." He got up and head out, hopping on Nautilus as they exitesd the house and took off spiraling over the mansion.

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